The Bastard Daughter [[DISCON...

By Puddles3535

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[A SUPERNATURAL FANFIC] Ever since Nova Books could remember she has been on the run. Always looking over he... More

The Bastard Daughter : A Supernatural FanFiction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Four

163 5 0
By Puddles3535

I peeked my head out the door to see Dean talking to a man. He looked mad about something and was talking about God. He spun around and saw me peeking out. When our eye made contact, I knew what he was. The bastard was an angel. Without thinking I pulled my gun out and he cocked his head. Dean looked at me and his eyes shot out of himself.

“What the hell are you doing?” Dean yelled.

“He is a fucking angle!”

“So?!” Dean said confused.

“How in the hell did you find me?” I ask, not even playing attetion to Dean

“Excuse me?” The angle said. His voice was deep and his eyes pierced through me. I could not help to think he was attractive. He had dark shor hair, and one of the bluest eyes I have ever seen. His face was cleanly shaved and jaw was squire and tight. 'He is not attractive...the person he is in, is attractive' I screamed in my head. I pointed the gun at his chest but it did not seam to scare him. This did not come to as surprised to me, but I wished for once that I would not have to deal with the hard way.

“How in the hell did you find me” I spat the words out.

“I was not looking for you.” He said

“Bullshit!” I yelled.

“Okay why don't we calm down” Dean said and walked up to me. I watched him, but my gun did not move away from the angel “He is not going to hurt you”

 The angel just looked at me for a moment, I did not move nor did he.

“What is your name” He asked.

“Nova...” Dean said.

“Shut up Dean!” I yelled. “I will shot you!”

“No you won't!” They both yelled at the same time. I cocked my head to the side and looked at the angel.

"Why not?" I asked. "Because an angle said so"

“Because that is Micheal's vesicle, If you think you have angle problems now. Just wait till after they find out your with him!” He said.

“Micheal...the...the arch angel?”

“Yes” The angle said. I toned out for a moment to listen to angle radio. There was nothing about a Micheal...or well nothing about The Micheal.

“What is your name?” I asked.

“Castiel” he said to me. I listen for something that had anything to do with thing pop in my head after what felt like hours of listening. ' Now Castiel has fallen....'

“Your a fallen?”

“How do you know that?” They both asked at the same time. I looked at them not knowing what to say. What should I sat? Do I tell them the truth....all of the truth.

“What is she Dean?” Castiel asked.

“I tested her while she was out...she passes as a human.” I shot a look at Dean when he said this. In my sleep? I mean I would have done the same, but it still feel weird thinking about it. Once I looked at Dean, I think that Castiel took it as a chance. He grabbed my arm that had the gun in it and pressed on it till I hand to let go of it because of the pain. The gun fell to the ground, and Dean was about to bend down and pick it up when I kneed him in the face. I used my other hand to punch the angel in his nose, his head flew back and he let go of my hand. Dean walked up to me and I kicked him in the chest making him flying back into a bed. When I turned around to see Castiel, placed to fingers on my forehead and nothing happened. I smiled and grabbed his arm and twisted, and flipped him over. He slammed onto the floor and when I turned for the door, Dean was in front of me. He went to hit me and got me across the face. I could taste blood, and my jaw felt like I was going to fall off. He tied to hit me again but I put my arm up and block it. I spun my arm around quick and twisted it back causing him to come close to me. I then punched him hard in the fore arm, but I did not hear a crack. He screamed and I pushed him back. I grabbed my bag ,and my gun walking over to the door and looked back at Dean. He was holding his arm and had a stream of blood dripping from his hair line. I felt like a completely bitch....

“Sorry Dean....” I said. “I hope you don't take it personal”

I opened to the door to see the angle there... 'Fucking angles' I thought to my self. I was worried because I don't have the element of surprise now. I was ready to fight when there was a long silver blade placed on my chest. I have never seen a blade like this, all I know is that I did not like it and it look sharp.

“Move!” He said and I slowly backed up into the room. “Drop it!” And I dropped my bag. He then place to finger once more on my forehead.. and removed them...then tried one more time.

“It's not going to work dip shit!” I said, then everything went black.


She fell to the floor and was out. Dean dropped the lamp and said “I bet that will work”

“What is she!” Cass asked him, he sounded worried and mad.

“You guess is as good as mine” Dean said to Cass. He looked down at the girls arms. She could not be more then 120 and his arm felt like it just got ran over. “She is strong as hell though. Thought she broke my arm there for a second”

“I want to know what see is...” Cass kind of said to his self. Dean looked up at him and said

“You got a little something here” Dean said and pointed at his nose. Castiel placed his hand over his nose and blood dripped form it. He stared at it with awe and fight.

“Well as lest, we know she can be stopped” Dean said and started to lift her up.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking her to Bobby's” He said pulling her up. “Would you like to help.”

He looked at her, and then back at Dean. “No thank you. I need to go somewhere. I will meet you at Bobby's house tomorrow.”

Then he was gone, and Dean rolled his eyes. 'Thanks Cass' he thought in his head as he put the girl over his shoulder. It was about three in the afternoon and walking out with a passed out girl was not the best idea. He waited till the coast was clear and hurried to the car, hurting his arm in the proses. He looked at his car window that she had shot out, then at his arm and thought of his head ache. This bitch had caused him so much trouble. 'She better have answer!' Dean thought as he got the rest of his things. He started the car and drove straight to Bobby's.


I was in a chair, and could not move. My jaw hurt like hell and I felt like it was dislocated. I saw a desk in front of me with an old man behind a desk. He had beard and hat on to over his gray brown hair. He looked at me hard and with intense eyes.

“I take it that you are Bobby?” I asked without moving my jaw to much.

“You be right.”

“Well. Can you do me a favor?” I asked.

“And why in the world would I do that?” He said.

“My jaw, I think Dean dislocated it. If you want me to talk it be better if I could talk without wanting to shot myself” I said. He looked at me then started to move. I was surprised to see him pull out on a wheel chair. He wheeled his way over to me.

“Bobby...what are you doing?” A man from behind me asked. I looked to see a tall man with sandy brown hair that almost touched his shoulders. He had a beer in both of his hands and he walked over to give one to Bobby. He looked at me and once we made eye contact

“Sam?” I asked without my own permission.

He did a double take and looked at Bobby. “How do you know me?”

I thought of a lie. “If that's Bobby. Then you must be Sam”

“Did Dean talked about us?” Bobby asked.

“No...She knew about Sam before she knew my name...” I heard Dean from behide me. I took a deep breath.

“How's arm? Hope you did not hurt it fixing your car window” I said. Then started to laugh. I felt a gun to the back of my head, and stopped laughing. “No sense of humor?”

“What are you” Dean asked.

“Nova Books!” I said.

“Not who....What”

“What am I?” I repeated his question. “Well I am a little sleepy and I could go for a burger”

I heard the gun click. “Listen fix my jaw...and I will tell you what I am”

Bobby looked at Sam and he shrugged. He place his hand on my jaw and pain went though me. I heard a pop and scream at the pain. Then it started to feel better, and I did not feel like I had a fifty pound weight on my jaw. I took a couple deep breaths and then when I thought my eyes where safe to open...I opened them.

“So...” Sam said. I looked at him and felt mad. He sacred me and I don't know why. I rather be around Dean then him and I did not ever know Sam. He was a great looking guy, and I could tell that he was the brother of Deans'...but there was something off.

“We are waiting!” Dean said.


“Yes” Bobby said.

“I don't know...” I finally managed out. Then chills when up my back and I stated to get unconformable. A angle was near by...I have gotten this feeling before. “Where is the angle”

“What angle?” Dean asked and then I heard him jump. “Damn it Cass...knock!”

“How did you know he was here?” Sam asked. I looked at Bobby because I did not want to answer him.

“I won't talk with the angel here! I don't care how much you trust him nor do I care what you do to me” I said.

“I was never here to hurt you” Castiel said to me.

“Don't Talk To Me” I said yelled. Then he was in front of me. He had the silver blade in his had and I tried my best to keep my cool. He looked mad and it made me smile.

“I can make you talk” He said.

“Try me...I Dare YOU!” I said to him and leaned in. We where inches away and our eye conected. They where amazing blue and I could not help but look deep into them. He looked different then all of the other angels. He did not dress like the others and, he looked tired. I have never seen an angle look tired before.

“Cass...back off! Castiel!” Dean yell form behind me. The angle just looked at me squinted his eyes then walked around me. I could not longer see him nor Dean.

I looked at Bobby, “So where were we before I was interrupted...”

“You where tell us what you are” He said.

I sighed “You are not going to make him leave are you...”

“No” All four of them said at once.

“I...don't...know...” I said.

“How can you not know” Dean asked.

“Sorry when I was born, instructions did not come with me”

“Do you have any family?”

“Mother died during child bitch, father was never found. My adopted parents where murdered when I was four by demons. I went into foster care. When I was in first grade my teacher tried to kid nap me, turns out she was an angle... Been on the run ever sense”

“Why...” Sam asked.

“I could asked the same” I said back.

“What?” Sam said.

“Why are the angles always talking about you?”

“How do you know that?” Castiel asked.

“I don't know...all I do know is that. Sam opened Lucifer Cage, Castiel is a fallen, oh and that's right... Dean is Micheal’s vesicle” I said. “Am I missing anything?”

The room was silent. I sat there and looked at them, my head was started to hurt. I let the angels leek through; sometimes if I block them out for too long, it makes my head hurt. They went on with there babble and it made my head feel so much better. I took a deep breath and could not help but smile a little. It was really tiresome having to go day after day blocking them out. When I opened my eyes nobody had moved and nor body had said anything. I wiggled a little in my seat and noticed that the rope was not as tight at it should be. I could easily wiggle out and escape later when they are all sleeping. 'Okay, time to play nice girl' I thought to myself.

“Is there anything else?”

Bobby looked at Sam and then they all looked at Dean. Then all four off then left the room and went to the left of me. I started to wiggle and managed to get out off the chair. I peeked around the corner to see them all in the kitchen talking.. Thought they talked in a hushed tone, I could mange to make out everything they where saying. After I heard the word 'gank' I looked at the door and was about to walk out, but something was telling me not to. Something was telling me not to stay. I thought I was high. These people where nothing but bad news. The fucking hunters for god sake! I walked back to the room and stood there thinking what to do...'Don't trust them...but get them to trust you!' I thought to myself. I smiled and walked over to the desk and sat on the chair putting my feet up. I waited for only a couple minutes before they came back.


 “What the hell are we going to do?” Dean asked.

“I don't like her...having her around would only make it easier for Raphael and demons to find us” Cass said.

“So what are you going to do?” Dean asked Cass. “Kill her!”

Castiel stuck his nose in the air and said very 'matter or factly' “If it comes to that”

“You are not killing her...” Bobby said.

“She knows a lot.” Sam said. “But I really don't know what she did to deserve to die”

“I agree with you Sammy...but I still don't trust her.” Dean said.

“Okay Thank you Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Duh, I am glade we got that out of the way!” Bobby said. “Now what the hell are we going to do with her. She knows a lot about you three, and she knows where I live now. Who knows what else she can do”

“Who knows what she is” Castiel said form underneath his breath.

“Well then lets find out what she is...” Sam said. “Watch Dean her closely and we'll do research. She can't be the only one of her kind”

“Then what, if she is something unfriendly?” Bobby asks.

“We gank her?” asked Dean

Sam shrugged “You have a better idea?”

“” Dean said.

“Time to do some work boys” Bobby said.

“I am going to do my own....research” Castiel said and in a abrupt moment, he was gone

“Good bye to you too Cass” Dean said....

They all started to walk back to the living room. When they saw Nova siting at the desk they all pulled a gun but Bobby. She smiled and waved.

“What took you so long?”

“How in the hell did you get out” Dean asked.

“Who ever tied me up in the first place sucks.” She said and Bobby looked at Dean


Dean looked at Bobby and shrugged. Sam said “Get back in the chair”

“So what. I can get out again, you pull your guns out on me, get me back in the chair. Sounds kind of old to me.” She said. “Listen, I could have left while you where in the kitchen. Hell I could of murdered you”

Dean smiled and Sam tried to contain his smile.

“Looks like you lost your boyfriend Dean. Without your angels protection I could have ripped you apart. Oh and I have this.” She said and pulled out Bobby's gun. Bobby started to check his person and remembered that he put the gun on the desk.

“Balls” He said

"Who is the Idjit now?" Dean asked

"Still you!" He yelled and wheeled himself to Nova. He held out his hand and Nova looked at him.

“My name is Bobby Singer. It's a pleasure to met you Baby Doll” And then she took his hand.

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