Oleh Caruqa

488 3 2

A parody of many anime series! Love subtly funny, idiot humor? Read this twist on some of my favorite seri... Lebih Banyak

Soul * Star
Sosuke Stein
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas!!! part 2
♪Daily Life♪
Trail 2!
Brew Tempest
Internal Investigation
New beginnings!!!
I'm gonna be an Angel!!!♡
Mad Blood
There is Someone to Admire
Just a Simple Story About Killing People
The Battle On The Moon 1!!!!
Battle On The Moon 2!????
Battle On The Moon 3! :)
Battle On The Moon 4☆
Battle On The Moon 5 ♪
Battle On The Moon 6▼!!!
Battle Of The Moon 7♡
Battle On The Moon 8 D:
DarkSide Of The Moon
DarkSide Of The Moon 2
DarkSide Of The Moon3 D:
DarkSide Of The Moon 4 ;|
A Healthy Soul And A Healthy Mind Dwells In A Heathy Body
A Warrior From Space!?
Enemy In Common :D
A Unexpected Strength
Warrior In Hell
Deeds Of The Moon Magic
Master And Students
Warrior Down!
Hope Runs Out! :C
Yui's Return! :)
The Quiet Wrath Of Yui
Innocent VS. Maniac!
Power Of A Djinn!
Star Dama?
The Hopes Of The Planet Last Heartbeat
The Bittersweet End
Lift Off... ~;
Profiles!!! :)
Vassago's Return!
Immortal Rampage!
Yui's Return!!! Again...
Genie's Fear!
Mira Snaps!!!? :)
Grand Genie
Vassago vs Rin
Vassago's So Awesome!
Vassago murder's Rin san
Premenstrual WAR!!!
Mother Fuckin' Power Rangers!?
5 Deadly... ???
Vassago's Rampage!?
Haru Victorious!!!? =(... or... not
Yui's Rampage!!!
Surprise... :I
OMG Nooooooooo!
Fusagi VS Milky!!!?
The Final Switch :O
Girl Down
The Transformation
The 4th Warrior
Kyubi Vs Haru!
Haru's 3rd Form!
Vassago Or Haru!?
The Ultimate Battle Begins!
The Great Star Dama!!!
The Last Chance
Record 3
2 Warriors 1 Finish
Princess's Climax :O
The End!!? D:
Yui Returns?
Silver Fox: Foxy!!!
Captain Yui
Foxy Games!
Foxy Games2
Foxy Games! 3!!!
End Of The Game... then reset...
Ultimate Attack Force!
Puffing Tom
Adventure In The City Of Water :D
Mr Iceberg!
The Kami kidnapping Incident D:
It's Decided!
Yui Chan VS Zolo Sama!!!
Yui VS Franky!!!? Oh shit!!!!
Coup De Vent!!!!!
Rumors! :O
Devil! WTH?!!
Cipher Pol 9
Profiles :O
Oh Shit!!!
Rokushiki!!! WTF?!
Murderous Beatdown!!!!
Future Past!!!?
Don't Fall... Miss The Chance ect!!!!!!!!
Ebbing Tide!!!
Kokoro ROCKET MAN!!!!!!
Sea Train Battle Game!!!
Not Alone.
Ultimate Power!!!
Superhuman Struggle!!!
I Got It!!!
Damage Report
ROCKETMAN'S Arrival!!!!!!!!
Yui VS Kaoru
"Killer's" Proclamation Of War
Leap Without A Net
Soldiers VS Meanies
Franky VS Honi
Touka VS Tamaki
Mira VS Haruhi
Seirro VS Kiyoya
Zolo!!!? VS Tatsumi
Yui VS Mori!!!!!!
Fusagi VS Mifilis
Record 4
Knock On Heaven's Gate!!!
Alchemist VS Alchemist!!!
Turnabout Transmutation
Lin R2
Profiles ;[
Soldiers Come Marching Home
Combined Strength
Beyond The Flames
The 5th Human Sacrifice
Before The Gatel!!!
Center Of The World
Final Transmutation
Record 5
Colossal Assholes
The Fuck?!!
OMG! WTH!!!?
Fight! Fight! Fight!!!
Author Note
Author Note2
🌟The End🌟


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Oleh Caruqa

SEIRRO FLOATS IN A COMPLETELY PITCH BLACK SPACE... "Where am I... It's so freakin' dark, I can't see my body... it hurts...", Seirro floats downwards... "Which way's up and which ways down? Where should I go? Someone... help me...".  Seirro suddenly sees a light!!! "A light!!? A exit!!?", he then hears Yui yelling "No Stop!".  Seirro floats towards the light! "This voice, it's Yui! Yui's voice!!!", he reached for the glowing light "Wait for me!". Yui shouted "Seirro!!!". Seirro tore from under her skirt! Yui screamed in horror "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", Seirro looked up and saw what he done to her! "!!!!!!!". MEANWHILE IN THE INFIRMIRY Seirro was having a nightmare! He starts yelling "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!", Yui runs to him! "Seirro!!!", she grabs his hand. He squeezes it as he wakes up, Madoka comes in after after hearing the noise... "What's going on?", she asks trying not to laugh in joy. Yui started "Ms Madoka, Seirro is...", Seirro interrupted "I'm fine... I'm fine, I just had a bad dream, christ!!!". Madoka told him "That's a relief, But if anything is wrong just call me!". She thought to herself as Yui happily sighed, relieved "The black blood of Ragnoiroc, has fused with this moron! He'll be a great test subject!". THAT EVENING Mira was still in his room, "I have to go home for today, do you need anything? Are you thirsty?" she asked. Seirro smiled "Uh... it's okay... If I drink, I'll eventually pee. I don't feel comfortable going in the pot now...". Mira then asked "Do you want her to get anything else than, a change of clothes?", Seirro frowned "Nothing.. I can think of...". Mira then said to her friend "She's felt bad since then... the only time she came out was to visit you or buy food... She doesn't know how to deal with it yet...". Mira left the room, she then saw another avatar of Penance Sama: Sei. "Wanna come up to the roof? The sunset's really pretty!", Meanwhile Zolo was with another avatar... "Uh... what're you tellin' me to do?". Syd shouted "We gotta clean this library!", Zolo shouted "No way, it's gigantic!!!". Syd turned toward Zolo "You... you didn't catch anyone haven't you?", Zolo replied irritated "Those were just supplementrary right? I only like fighting, not dragging them back! Clean up!? Yuck!!! You do it! Isn't there another mission, like when we fought the Dr?". Syd explained "Zolo... Your strength's top level, but you can't simply bring back anyone you beaten? That'll make you look like a retard.". He then turned to leave the library "What you need is punishment! If you don't like it, change your ways! I'll be back to check up on your progress!", Zolo screamed "You should at least give me a hand!". He turned towards the shelf... "Geeez, what am I going to do with this?..." 5 MINUTES later Zolo was reading manga, while sitting on a stack of books! "Hahaha! Batman's my next favorite... to the Great Zolo! Who knew the library had manga!!? Let's skip class tomorrow and come here instead!!!", Chiba walked in.."Hey you, quiet in the library!". Zolo smiled "Sorry,"... he then noticed his friend "Chiba? what're you doing here? You skippin' class too? or you jacking...". Chiba interrupted him "I came to get a book, I want to see amazing artwork. Can you hand me one from under your ass?", Zolo reached under "These?". He gave Chiba one... he started to read it as Zolo leaned over his shoulder. "Chiba, read it to me. What does it say?", Zolo asked,. Chiba read "EXCALIBUR". "It called the legendary holy sword, You're supposed to pull it from a pedestal... whoever can pull it is called a hero, and will be admired forever. In the past, only those who were kings succeded.". Chiba smiled as he thought out loud "A perfectly wonderful symmetrical sword!", Zolo thought out loud also "A hero, king, Suit's me just fine!". Stein suddenly appeared... "Excalibur huh?". Zolo stared at him... "Hey Doc, you came to see me?", "?...what are you talking about?" he asked freaked out. Chiba then questioned "Do you know something about the Holy Sword?", Stein thought aloud "Excalibur was impossible, even for me...". Zolo freaked out! "What did you say?!!!", Chiba exclaimed!! "Even the Dr, couldn't pull it out!???". Stein glared in deep thought... as Chiba and Zolo thought aloud "Seiken Excalibur!", "I'm totally aroused!".  Later at on Pritten island, Chiba and Zolo stared up a cliff "Excalibur's up there huh...", "Hyahaha! So Excalibur's on there huh?". Chiba read as he corrected "To be more precise, it's on top. Then there's suppose to be a cave, Excalibur is in there.". Chiba suddenly flew up the side of the cliff! Zolo looked angry as he shouted at him! "Hey that's dirty!", he then jumped on the side the cliff and started climbing up! "Damn!!! He had to show off his kami power!". He climbed up, and  searced around for Chiba... "Where'd that kid go?", he then found the cave: Paradise of Faries, Cave of eternity!  "inside here? ". He walked in the cave, then heard whimpering coming from a tree... "Zolo...", Zolo turned to see Chiba hanging on a brach!?? "What the heck are you doing?" he questioned, Chiba replied in horror "There's mud down there! I can't get down, or my shoes will get dirty! Carry me!". Zolo walked away from the kami "Stuuuuupid, stay up there forever!", Chiba spoke in a trembling voice, "With this obstacle at the start, the road to Excalibur must be harsh!". Later Zolo carried Chiba on his back, as he held a umbrella! "You're useless" Zolo said, Chiba stated "I'll stop the drips above, you take care of the mud below! This is a road 1 can't walk alone!". Zolo sighed "You're so useless",  They then saw a fairy!!! Zolo exclaimed "Eh? Ooooh it's a fairy!". Chiba asked "Is Excalibur around here somewhere?", the Fairy frowned then flew away. Zolo watched her "She must've been in a bad mood", later they arrived in the Shrine of the sword. Chiba looked at the room "It seems we can't go no further than this...", Zolo looked at the sword  "Hey isn't that?!!". Chiba looked at the book "Can't be wrong...", They yelled "Seiken Excalibur!!!". The friends ran up the sword! Zolo exclaimed "The air's vibrating!", Chiba spoke "Whoever pulls out the sword will be the hero for eternity, and look the perfect ornaments on the body doesn't have a scratch! I... I... I want it...". Zolo suddenly snatched it up! "Ya-ay! I'm the hero!!! "he cheered as he waved the sword! Chiba looked in horror! "WHAT!!!?". "That's impossible!!! You're not fit to be given the compliment Hero!   Can we do it over?!". Zolo put the sword back  "What???! it doesn't count? Okay... it doesn't matter how many times you do it: I still pulled it up!", Chiba cried "Let me try it this time...". Chiba reached for the sword as Zolo taunted, laughing "No way! No way! The sword already chose a hero like me!". Chiba then took out a wet wipe!!!! "No telling what touched this...", Zolo yelled!!! "HEY! FOCKER! YOU'RE REALLY FUNNY!!!". Chiba then pulled it out!? "I pulled it out...", Zolo looked angry! "You sure it's not because I made the hole too big!???".  A voice came from the sword!!!"YOU HAVE COME FAR, YOUNG ONES!" Zolo looked surprised! "Seiken talked...?". The sword floated in the air! "SORRY FOR THE LATE INTRODUCTION... I'M THE ONE CALLED..." A blinding light flashed!  "EXCALIBUR", the light dissipated. Zolo and Chiba then saw a strange being standing there... Zolo pointed at the entity "Looks Dumb!". Meanwhile on a balcony outside Soul Hoshi Academy , Mira and Sei watched the sunsetting... Sei smiled warmly "I love the sunset, it's really beautiful, but it pales compared with someone like you...", Mira answered "Sei, I'll have to go. Everyone knows you're a creepy pedophile... I wasn't going to come here...". Sei turned around freaked "Wait!!! I'm not one! Seriously, I think you should know about the Kinshin: I was originally going to tell Yui, but she rarely comes uout now", Mira questioned "Sei, please tell me. He actually beat Seirro and Yui!!!". Sei started  the horrible  story... "Centuries ago, before Soul Hoshi Academy, all Kami and their avatars were the only one's who helped earth. Then one day, after a fight. One avater couldn't bear the fear of death... so he he stole a good soul... because eating a rare good soul, gives power beyond kami!  The avatar went into hiding, and started using Soul Star to eat more souls!  Until a kinshin was born! Soul Hoshi Academy is a school to monitor and teach Chosen people to use the Soul Star technique to save earth and stop Kinshin from being born!". Mira asked  "Then Ragnoiroc is...", "Yeah, if  left alone, it will become a Kinshin...". Sei thought to himself "It's not just him, there are others who have the ability to become... kinshin", he thought of Seirro...  Meanwhile in the library "Wow he really can do it!", Syd exclaimed excited.  Fusagi walked to him, "Ah... Syd Sense. After this one, I'm done.", Syd freaked! "Fusagi!!!!?". "That stupid brat!!! He left all the work to Fusagi!", Fusagi spoke as he fussed "No, I would shot him for even thinking that. I came across this by myself though. luckily I don't mind ...". Stein chimed after they finished "If you're looking for Zolo, he and Chiba went looking for Seiken.". "Yeah, I'm going to kil... He... Seiken you say?", Syd asked "Yeah... Excalibur...". They both thought for a while...  "You can probably guess what's going to happen..." Stein answered.  Syd walked out of the library "Yeah, let's leave it... I'll go grade those tests...". MEANWHILE Zolo laughed at Excalibur "You're Seiken?!! Looking like that? So dumb...", Chiba turned his and laughed. Excalibur pointed his can into his face! "I might ask you the same thing! who are you looking like that?!", Zolo answered "Me? I'm Zol..." "My legend started in the 12th century." he interrupted. The entity then pointed his cane again, "Where are from?", Zolo then said irritated "Don't point your cane at me like that... so annoying!". Chiba answered "We're from Soul Hos...""Oh yeah, I'll show you...". Excalibur interrupted then walked away(? )as he spoke. Zolo called him "If you're going to put some clothes on, wear some pants!", Chiba asked "What is planning on showing us?". Excalibur rushed Zolo and pointed at his face! "So do you want to hear about it?", Zolo started to shake from rage "Move the can bastard! You didn't even tel" "Where do you come from?" he interrupted once Zolo more!  He slapped the cane away! "We already  said we're from Soul Hoshi!!!!", Excalibur then asked them "What is your favorite number?". Zolo smiled "Of course Number 1! If I'm not  #1 you'll be sorry!", Chiba ansered "It's 8!! 8!". "Fools!!! You have no right to choose, my Legend starts in the 12th century!", he walked away as Zolo yelled "YOU TOLD US TO PICK OUR FAVORITE!!! WHO THE HELL WROTE THIS BOOK?!!! IT WAS A PIECE OF CRAP!!!". Chiba pointed to the author in rage! "It...", Zolo finished "IT WAS YOU!!!!" "I don't give autographs" Excalibur said as he pointed his cane again!  Later ( after they calm down) He then turned into sword form! "WELL YOU 2 WERE CHOSEN! TAKE IN YOUR HANDS VICTORY AND GLORY!", Chiba and Zolo reached at the sword! "Victory!" "Glory!". Chiba yelled ecstatically "Then let's go!", Zolo agreed "Together!". They both grabbed the sword and stuck it back in it's pedestal!!! "Stuuuupid, who wants to work with you!?", Zolo glared. Chiba frowned "Disgusting!", they both left the cave as Excalibur called after them! "Wait, please I'll let you choose a number! But you still have to read my 1000 items to complete!".  Zolo frowned as the walked out "Whoever  ends up with that guy, deserves to be called a hero for a special reason.", Chiba glared "Disgusting".  Later they ran into the fairy again, "Hmmm, Did you meet Excalibur?!". They both frowned... then walked out, "Looks like you've met him...". LATER AT SOUL HOSHI  Seirro snuck up to his friends "Yo everyone, gather around. Seems like you've been chewed up pretty bad Zolo, Chiba". "Seirro! You all healed up? It's boring without you!", Zolo said as they fist bumped. "Yeah thanks!" Seirro smiled. They all heard the civilians whispering around them... Chiba looked at Zolo then asked "Zolo, I'm Curious, What're they laughing about?". Zolo and Chiba then heard Mira, "Pssst Chiba, Zolo... Hurry up...". Zolo looked "What's up?", they all walked in "?" "?". A giant sign and flowers were sent to their rooms, the flowers spilled out into the hallway with a giant sign that read I'll be always waiting! "ARE  YOU SERIOUS!!!?" They shouted... "What is this?" Mira asked, Seirro looked irritated "Yeah... that's pretty harsh.". Zolo and Chiba frowned "SO ANNOYING!" "DISGUSTING!!!".

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