My Vampire Mate

By Thaliana12345

919K 25K 2.9K

Thousands of years ago, an oath was made by the villages surrounding a castle run by the Vampire King, that e... More

Chapter 1: The Ceremony
Chapter 2: The Journey
Chapter 3: The Arrival
Chapter 4: The Royal Family
Chapter 5: Mates!?
Chapter 6: Arguments
Chapter 7: Meeting With the King
Chapter 8: History of the Weres
Chapter 9: The Brothers
Chapter 10: Leonardo
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Murder
Chapter 13: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Xavier
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: United
Chapter 18: The Battle
Chapter 19: Happily Ever After?
Halloween Special!
Christmas Special!!

Chapter 14: Home

27.2K 882 17
By Thaliana12345

I don't actually have many belongings that are my own and that aren't gifted to me because I was the future Queen, but I still have the few objects that I brought with me here.

I look around the beautiful room that I have only had for a few days since Xavier has locked himself away, and I wish that I could stay here just a bit longer. But I can't. Because Xavier slept with another woman. Or maybe not, since I didn't witness it first hand, but no woman would be practically naked if something hadn't have happened.

I carry my suitcase through the hallways, dressed in my simple dress that I wore when I first arrived here and open the door where my carriage awaits. As the 'future Queen' I can order people to do things (such as take me back to my village) and they will do it.

"Sophia! Stop right there!" I hear a voice yell.

I turn around quickly to see Phillip, Leonardo and Sebastian running towards me with their Vampire speed.

"What do you want?" I ask tiredly. I just want to go home.

"You can't leave!" Phillip exclaims.

"You have a duty to this castle and the people living here!" Sebastian shouts.

Leonardo stays quiet.

"Leo!" Phillip hisses.

"Fine," he rolls his eyes. "I suppose that Xavier would miss you if you left. Even if you are human. "

"What Leonardo is trying to say is that Xavier needs you, you're his mate!" Sebastian says.

"You don't understand!" I say, my voice breaking. "I saw him with a half naked woman in his room. He was drunk and hasn't talked to me in days. I would try and help him but he's pushed me away too far this time!"

They stare at me in silence, not moving or attempting to defend their brother.

"Are you going to tell me that he deserves a second chance? That I should still love him and forgive him even though he lied and cheated me? Even after he stole me and countless other girls away from our homes?" I shout with tears streaming down my face.

They stay silent and look at me sadly.

I sob, "That's what I thought." And climb into the carriage.

I don't look back.

The journey is only 10 minutes, but it feels so much longer. I feel my heart break a little more with every step the horse takes. Maybe because we are 'mates'.

The driver opens the door and bows, before saying "Your Highness, we have arrived."

I step out with my bag and thank the man before I walk up to the gates and tell them to let me in.

"What the- Sophia!? What are you doing here! You have to return to the castle!" One guard stutters.

Obviously they haven't heard that me and Xavier are mates, didn't he tell my family?

I walk down the cobbled streets towards my home, ignoring people's stares and whispers of 'why was I here?', 'how is she back?' And my favourite, 'is she a witch?'.

I open the old squeaky door and face my father's back.

"I'll be with you in a second." He says, but he sounds sad.

"Father," I whisper "it's me."

He spins around and lets out a cry of joy before practically leaping over the counter and pulling me into his warm arms.

We are both sobbing and clutching eachother tightly.

"What's going on!?" My mother shouts as she runs down the stairs and I hear slightly lighter footsteps following hers, most likely my sister.

They both scream in joy and wrap their arms around me, and we are all a hugging, sobbing mess.

Yay I seem to be updating quickly! Kind of because I go back to school soon (Crying sounds) and I want to finish this quickly because when I get back to school I will be busy with homework because I'm going into Yr 10.

Sooooo next chapter will be Xavier's POV!! Yay finally! After that chapter there should only be a few more so I'm crying! Please check out the votes chapter in this book and vote for which book you would like next so that I can work on two books at once and when I can, start publishing chapters more quickly!

Please vote! Love you all!! Xxx

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