Am I Strong Now? (Creek Story)

By Rally_With_Me13

54.2K 2.5K 1.5K

"Tweek, let me put it this way," Craig started, turning towards me. I became nervous of what he would say. Wa... More

My Hero
Quick Author's Note
Kisses Can Heal
I am...Weak?
Nighttime Thoughts
Coffee Deprived
Possible Mistakes
Just Like You
From Bliss To Tears...
*A/N* Please Read
A Worried "Friend"
So That's Where It Started...
Fuck Off Cartman
Why Do I Even Bother?
Why Did I Do That...
I Promise Protection
A Plan
Don't Cry
Escaping Your Problems
"I'm done."
He Said It
The Hospital

3am Nightmares and 6am Suprises

1.8K 76 79
By Rally_With_Me13


       My apologies for missing so many days to publish a chapter, I've been going to my girls volleyball games (and just because I called them my girls doesn't mean they are really mine, they are just some girls in my class XD).

       I haven't had much time to write, but I was cooped in a car all day, so I've had lots of time today :D

        I specially made this chapter with twice the words then a normal chapter, (4000 words instead of 2000) so I'm pumped to post this! I hope 2000 more words will make up for being so late! Forgive meeeh

       Enjoy! :D

   -Craig's Pov.-

        I heard a giggle from behind me. It echoed through the cold and dark room, filling my ears. I couldn't tell who it was, all I knew is it sounded cheerful. I spun around, wanting to know who it came from.

               Nothing was there...

     I brought my hands to my face, digging the heels of my palm in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes forcefully, making myself take deep breaths. I begin to hear the giggle again.

      I tore my hands off my eyes and darted my head in every direction. I don't know where it's coming from, and it's to dark for me to tell. I growled and put my hands up, just a in case something 'funny' happened.

       "Who the fuck is there?!" I shouted, causing the room to be filled with my voice. It echoes throughout the room before it turns into complete silence. I feel more tense now then with the scary-ass giggling. What the fuck even is this shit?! The shining?!? I fucking swear, if I see twins cocking their heads and convincing me to 'play' with them I'm going to lose my shit.

       I keep myself on my toes, hopping from one to the other as I continue turning my head for any sight of.... Well, Anything!!

      "C-C-Craig...." I hear a feeble and shaky voice behind me, followed by light sobs. My heart shattered. I'd know that cry anywhere...

         "Tweek!?!" I shout in a worried tone, spinning around quickly. My eyes land on a scene that gives me chills.

        A distance away is Tweek, cowered down on his knees. His hand is pressed against his chest and his other is limp next to him with blood covering it.
        I push off and dash to him, tears brimming in my eyes. I'm determined to get to him, so I stop caring about everything else. Where was I? I didn't care. What was happening? I didn't care. Where was the giggling coming from? I don't care. I just cared about Tweek.

       As I get closer, I here his shaky sobs and sharp breaths. My heart aches and I force my legs to push on faster. Pain begins shooting through my legs, but I don't quit.

       I nearly reach him, desperate to wrap my arms around him and comfort him. Just thinking about it makes me tick up my speed. Suddenly, my foot catches onto something. I fall forward, tumbling a bit before resting on my face.

     I lay for less then a second before attempting to stand up. 'I'm so close..' I think, scrambling to get on my feet. 'Please!'

      I finally get on my feet, only to fall once again. Something grasps my foot and prevents me from standing up again. I look back, seeing a figure, smiling as it starts pulling me away. My face falls back to the floor as I am pulled away from Tweek.

      "What the fuck!?" I shout, using my free foot to kick the figures hands off me. I dig my nails in the ground to try preventing me from going any further away. I squirm and shake my foot in an attempt to get the thing's hands off me. "Let go of me damnit!"

       Tweek's sobs get louder, causing my attention to dart back to him. Fear fills me as tears begin escaping my eyes. I see the same figure behind Tweek, causing me to make a double-take and look back at my feet. Confusion fills me as I dart my gaze back to Tweek.

        His head is being held up by the figure, his hands intertwined am with his hair. He is yanking it, causing Tweek to yelp in pain. Rage mixes with my fear as I fiercely try and stop the figure from pulling me away. I squirm around more and end up shaking them off after too many attempts.

        I stand and rush as fast as I could to Tweek, who is a far distance away now. In the distance, I see a silver object in the figures hands. My heart races and tears cause my vision to get blurry. The object is press against Tweek's neck and the figure looks me dead in the eyes and grins at me.

       Before I could make it, in one swift movement, the object is swiftly dragged against Tweek's throat. Blood is splattered everywhere and Tweek's limp body is dropped on the floor.

         As I get there, tears burning my eyes, I feel my foot catch something again and my face quickly approaches the ground...

              My eyes shoot open.

        I quickly sit up, darting my head in different directions. I scooted back, attempting to get away from....the figure? My blanket constricted me, causing me not to make it far. I took another look at my surroundings, my eyes beginning to adjust to darkness. Im in my room? Ah shit, I must have had a nightmare.

         I touch my face, feeling that it's extremely warm. I'm also sweating intensely. I drag my hand across my forehead, sweat gathering on the back of my hand. I wipe the sweat on my blanket in disgust. Eww...I should really wash my face.

         My heart races as I remember Tweek. I snap my gaze next to me, a sigh escaping my lips as I see my sleeping spaz. Thank fuck, he's safe...

       I untangle myself out of my blanket and stand to my feet, careful not to wake him up. I tip-toe to my door, maneuvering around my dim room. I feel around the door and my hand finally lands on the doorknob. I take a last gaze back at Tweek, still feeling worry pierce through me. He's sound asleep, curled up with his blanket halfway on him. His arms are lightly wrapped around his pillow and his head is resting on the floor.

       I remember I forgot to put Stripe back in his cage as I hear him scurry from his favorite place in my room, under my bed. I let go of the doorknob and softly step towards him, careful to where I step. Him and his cute little legs dash towards me, meeting me halfway. By now, my eyes have gotten used to the darkness, so it's easier to see his little form. I kneel down, setting my hand on the floor for him to climb on.

       Stripe may be an old little buddy, but he still can run pretty fast. He runs into my hand and I lift him off the floor. I clutch him to my chest and carry him around Tweek and to his cage on my desk. I pet him a few times before opening and setting him in his cage. He rushed to his water holder and begins drinking. I giggle at his cuteness and spin around, making my way back to my door.

I hop over Tweek, making sure I'm light at landing. Tweek's only peaceful when he's sleeping, and even if he shows no signs of it I know he likes peace. So I'd hate myself if I woke him and destroyed that. He stirs around and I freeze in place. My heart begins to race as I turn my head towards him. The rustling stops and I let out a silent sigh. I squint my eyes and see him curled up more to his pillow. His breaths are light and he is completely calm.

      A light blush spreads over my cheeks and sheepishly smile at how cute he looks. I take a second to look at him, then continue my journey to the bathroom.

        As I open my bedroom door, I'm carful to be slow and steady so it doesn't squeak I repeat the action to shut it as well. As I begin to trudge down the hall, my thoughts wonder a bit.

       I wonder why I had that nightmare, I don't really have nightmares. I used to, when I was young. Like about monsters, or the boogeyman. Now my nightmares are life situation like, most likely because I know monsters aren't real, I think....

       I kind of miss when my mom coaxed me and sing to me when I burst out crying at 3am. Sure, she didn't enjoy not getting her beauty sleep, but that's besides the point.

       She would rush in my room and sing this lullaby I don't know of. I think it's called 'Naughty Birdy' but it wasn't naughty, that's for sure. Her voice back then was smooth and soft, now that I've grown up, it's kinda lost it's touch. I still enjoy it though.

       She stopped singing me to sleep after Ruby came along. When I woke up crying then, I'd run to her room, but she'd be busy with Ruby. So I had to learn to deal with nightmares myself. And I don't hate my sister for when she did, even though she technically didn't do anything. I still hold her responsible once in a while though, for good measure.

        I make it in the bathroom and leave the door halfway open. I don't bother to move it since it's extremely squeaky, so I slide through the gap and head over to the sink. As I make it there, I set my hands on the edge and I take a look at myself.

     Damn, I look horrible. I have violet  bags under my eyes, followed by small zits sprinkled around my faces. My eyes have no life in them, but to be fair, I did just wake up. I look around for a second, attempting to find a clock. I fail, so I'll have to suffer not knowing the time til I get back in my room.

       I look back at my reflection. I have grey basket ball shorts and a crimson shirt with 'Red Racer' on the front in bold yellow letters. The shirt is a little to big for me. A smile tugs at my lips as I lift my hands off the sink. I don't think I'll ever grow up...

       I begin running the warm water, using my right hand as a tester for the temperature. It comes out cold at first, causing me to retract my hand instantly. Shit! It's freezing! I shiver and shake the water off.

       As I set my hand back under the water, it's starting to get warmer. I cup my hands under the faucet, leaning over the sink. Water fills in my hands and I splash it on my face, shutting my eyes and my mouth. The warm feeling on my face would be comforting, if I didn't feel like I was drowning.

      I shake my head around, getting as much water off my face as I could. I only ended up getting a few drops off. My face was still dripping when I stopped. At least the sweat was off now.

       I reach over the sink and grab the towel hanging on a rack. I wipe my face off, fold it, and set it back on the rack. I look in disapproval at myself once more in the mirror and spin around, heading back to my room. Just a slip threw the gap, a few steps down the hall, and I'm there already.

      I turn the doorknob and cautiously push my door open, slipping in and shutting it again.

       I'm so quiet, I feel like a spy! I make my hand in the shape of a pistil and point it at my lamp, then my clock. I gaze at the clock, seeing it's a bit past 3am. Damn, I should not be up this early.

       I step back towards my spot on the ground. Whenever I have sleepovers, my bed is always for the guest if they want, I never mind sleeping on the ground. Tweek always insists he can though, but I don't listen. And neither does he. He's just as stubborn as Clyde...

        I glance down at Tweek. He's still curled to his pillow, him blanket off his body and only on his feet. His arms are lightly wrapped around his pillow with his head on my carpeted floor. The shirt I let him borrow to sleep in is too big for him, so it's lifted of his stomach, slightly exposing it. Some of his hair is sprawled out but still in the same area, and a few strands rest on his face.

      Heat easily rushes to my face as I examine his sleeping form. He's so cute...

       I slide down next to him, getting on my knees in front of his face. I take my hand and softly brush the strands of hair off his face. He shifts, humming calmly. I stay still, waiting for him to be still again.

       It may not seem like it, but Tweek is actually a hard sleeper. At sleepovers, he can sleep through horror movies and Clyde's constant screeching. I still like to baby him and treat him like he's a light sleeper like Ruby.

        I run my hand down his face, to his arm, and across his side. I get butterflies as I let my hand skim his bare stomach before pulling down his shirt and covering it. He is still this time, and he just continues his light breathing.

       Blush has taken over my whole face by now, and my heartbeat is abnormally fast. As usual...

        I pull the smooth blanket over his body, covering from his feet to his shoulder. His arms are still exposed as he's still grasping onto his pillow. The ground looks uncomfortably, I wonder why he's holding his pillow instead of laying on it?

       I reach over him and grab hold of my pillow, standing and hopping to the other side of Tweek. I squat down again and begin to slowly lifts is delicate head and slide my pillow under it. He hums in his sleep again and shifts his legs around. I carefully lay his head back down on my pillow. There, he look's comfortable now.

          I leap over him, land lightly, and lay back down to sleep a bit more. I pull my blanket over my body and lay my head on the carpet. I was right when I said it was uncomfortable, but it's whatever. I'm not going to die if I don't get a pillow. And I'm to lazy to get one from Ruby's room.

        I shift around, not finding a comfy spot to sleep at all. I turn on my back and clutch my blanket. Nope. I spin around and lay on my side. Nope. I spin to my other side and curl up a bit. Not bad.

        I open my eyes and see Tweek a few inches from my face. I stare at his sleeping figure for a while, loving his adorableness. His breaths are light, his body is calm, and his face is smushed against the pillow. So Cute.

       I sit up, balancing myself on my elbow. I lean over to him and plant a kiss on his forehead. I lay back down as he starts to stir again. He hums something, but I couldn't understand it. A mini smile creeps on his face, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I lay my head down, a dumb, lovesick smile plastered on my face.

       I have to stop pretending we're just friends. Or, fake dating. It's odvious I have more feelings for him then he thinks, I wonder if he's noticed yet?

       Maybe I should...Try and ask him out. Like for real, not one of the fake dates we're used to. Like a real, couple, romantic-ish date. It is Saturday tomorrow, it would be a perfect time to ask. There are lots of things we could do! Wait...

               What if he says no...

      Fuck....I don't think I should if I think he'll say no....But he might say yes? Now I'm afraid to. I don't like rejection, and it would be worse if it was from my crush. I don't know if I could handle it, could I?

      Oh come on, I'm Craig Mother Fucking Tucker.

        I can handle a lot, maybe even this. So what if he says no? Maybe we could still be friends, and if not, I won't bother him. It'll hurt like hell, but at least he'll be happy. I want him to be happy, not me.

        As long as he's happy, I am.

     I begin to slip back into sleep, making up my mind.

           I will ask out Tweek Tweak. And fear isn't going to stop me.


       I groan, sitting up and grasping the back of my neck.

      "Shit...." I mumble, turning my head til I hear a crack. "Damn, this floor is hard as shit..." I add, prying my eyes open and stretching my arms up. I squeeze my eyes shut again and let out a loud-ish yawn. My arms fall to my sides and I slide them on my back. I lean back, attempting to stretch out my back too. Once I hear a loud crack, I relax again.

        I keep my eyes shut, enjoying the nice bliss for a minute more before standing to my feet. I peek my eyes open as I stand on my tip-toes, stretching my legs.

       "Morning Tweekers," I say in a loud whisper. My eyes search around the floor, only to find that Tweek is missing. I let my arms down and spin around a bit, just in case.

        All I see is his blanket folded and the pillows on top in a neat pile. I squat down and notice a piece of paper ripped out of a notebook with words scribbled on it. I pick it up and read over the surprisingly good handwriting.

        'Craig, I'll be gone for a while. Don't worry about me. -Tweek'

       I stare at the note, dumbfounded at the words. He just....left? Without waking and telling me? Where did he even go? Damnit Tweek...

       Worry fills me as I jump to my feet and skip to my dresser for some pants. I slide the top drawer open and run my hands past my options, eventually landing on a pair of pitch black skinny jeans. I yank them out and shut my drawer.

        As I swap my shorts for my jeans, I head over to my closet for a different shirt. My Red Racer shirt is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but it's a pajama shirt and it's a size too big. My eyes skim through my closet as I put on my jeans. I end up buttoning and  zipping my fly just as I find a shirt. It's a Dark blue shirt with 'Destiny' on the front. It's not my favorite game, but it's one of them.

      I slip my RR shirt off and toss it on my bed before pulling the Destiny shirt off it's hanger. I slip it on and make my way over to my desk for my hat to hide my bedhead. I pull the shirt over my exposed body and grab my hat and my keys, leaving my wallet. I don't think I'll need it.

      Before I leave, I check the time. My desk clock says 6:21am. Damn, why would anyone be up this early? Tweek, I guess...

      I jog to my door, quietly opening it so my parents or Ruby don't wake up. I really don't want to be questioned right now.

         I hop down my stair and make a quick trip to the kitchen. I skid to a stop at the first drawer, opening it and pulling out a sticky note. I spin around and skip over to my fridge, sticking it in an open place. I take a pen from the cup attached to the fridge and scribble 'I'll be gone for a bit' in the center. I set the pen back in the cup and exit my kitchen, heading to my door.

          I snatch my coat off it's hook, noticing Tweek's sweater gone too. So he is out....Where though?

        I button up my coat and slip on my black boots before unlocking and opening my door.

       The cold air hits my face like a title wave. I hesitate shutting my door, turning back to get a scarf. I grab my untouched scarf from the end hook and lock the door before shutting the door with ease. I skip down my porch steps well wrapping the scarf around my cold neck and face. As I pull out my keys to unlock my car door, I nuzzle my face in my scarf a bit. I miss this scarf, I wonder why I ever stopped using it...

       I swing my car door open,  jump in, turn it on, and back out of my driveway easily. I head over to Tweek Bros. Coffee to check if he went there. I pull out my phone and send him a few test before I arrive nearly instantly. As I park my car and head inside, I check around tables and over booths. I see no sign of him. Just as I'm about to leave, Mr.Tweak comes to the front register.

      "I'm terribly sorry, I was- Oh hello there Craig, what brings you here so early?" He questions, relaxing against the counter.

        "I'm looking for Tweek, has he been here?" I ask, leaning against a booth. He sips his coffee and shakes his head.

         "Not since yesterday, wasn't he sleeping over at your house?"

       "Yeah, but he left without saying, so I'm looking for him."

       A smile creeps on his lips as he replies, "Naw~ You're worried about him." A blush spreads across my face and I avert from making eye contact with him. I nod my head a biting my lip and hiding my darkened face from him. He lets out a hearty laugh. "Oh, I'm just teasing you Craig. If you want, you can check the house. Here," he reaches in his pocket and passes me a key. I lift my head in time to catch it. "Make sure to bring that back to me though, it's our spare."

       I shift it around in my hand and glance back up at Mr.Tweek. "Are you sure, sir?" I question, a bit concerned on his trust in me.

        "Oh corse Craig, I trust you."  He says back, giving me a warm smile. I smile back and begin to walk out.

        "Thank you sir."

        "Anytime Craig."

     And with that, I head back to my car and make my way to his house. It's close by, so it doesn't take long to get there. I check my phone. Still nothing, so I send him two more.

      I exit my car and head to the door. I know Mrs.Tweak is at her office job, so I don't have to worry about disturbing anyone. Well, maybe Tweek.

      I jiggle the key around in the lock before it opens and I step in.

      "Tweek!" I shout. There is no response. "Tweek! Are you here?" I shout again. Still nothing. I know he'd be freaking out if someone broke in, so the silence proves he isn't here. I sigh and re-lock and shut their door.

      I plop myself down on there porch step, taking out my phone and check to see if he has replied. He hasn't, so I text him a few more times before deciding to call him. The phone rings a few times before going to voicemail.

     Hey! S-sorry I can't m-make it to th-the phone! Leave m-me a message a-and I'll call y-you back later!

         "Damnit Tweek, where are you? I'm seriously worried. Please call me back." I simply say and toss my phone next to me. I rub my palms on my face and run my hands up in my hair.

       Where could he be....

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