
By ClauAnne

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There were two bestfriends, Kathreen Collins and Clarisse Lightwood; Their family had a Road trip because Sum... More

Chapter 1: The Crash
Chapter 2: Search
Chapter 3: Finally discovered
Chapter 4: Surviving High
Chapter 5: Separated groups
Chapter 6: Rivals at war: Too popular?
Chapter 7:Impossibility, A Possibility <3
Chapter 9: You're messing with the wrong girl
Chapter 10:Wardrobe Malfunction and more
Chapter 11: Secrets, Lies, and Baiting season
Chapter 12: BE THE BAIT!!!
Chapter 13: Whose the Culprit?
Chapter 14: No kidding?!
Chapter 15: New Guys
Chapter 16: Welcome to Z Highschool
Chapter 17: "Lost"
Chapter 18: 4 Years... Ago?
Chapter 19: Bestfriends stick together... Like glue
Chapter 20: Losing someone
Chapter 21: Changed
Questions and Confusion

Chapter 8: Giving up shields

239 16 2
By ClauAnne

Hey guys Anne here. This is the continuation of Jace and Clarisse's story after the fight.


(Clarisse pov)

-2 minutes-

We passed down every hallway, every classroom, every darkness. Sometimes I couldn't help but fall on my knees and cry like a baby. I just couldn't believe I would experience something like that. I could be the toughest girl that ever survived, but this was just too much to handle.

I am so relieved that Jace was there to help and save me from Brad. I don't know what I would experience more, if he hadn't been there.

I totally am regretting I hated Jace the very beginning I saw him. Plus, it is the second time he saved me and I'm grateful for that. I guess its time to let my guard down on hating Jace and start being nice to him.

Each time I fell crying, he didn't scold me or shout at me for being a baby. Instead, he'd kneel in front of me and would pet my hair so gently like he was petting a teddy bear.

"Hey." He'd say "Hang in there. We're almost near the cafeteria. I will be here to protect you, don't be afraid... I'm here."

He would take me up from my chin and lift my face a bit and would stare at my eyes so kindly.

-5 minutes-

So, we reached the cafeteria and found that no one was there, just us... All alone. He pulled a chair and placed my bag, then grabbed another chair and told me to sit down and wait for him, as he went to get the ice cream from the freezer.

Jace came back bringing the Rocky road Ice cream I requested and carrying on other hand, he carried two spoons and bowls. He placed the ice cream down on the table and handed me a spoon and bowl. He was about to sit infront of me, when he moved and decided to sit beside me.

"Why... I just wanna ask." He said "Of all the people that would try hurting you, why would it be Brad?... I mean, I hardly notice you two talk." He actually notices me? Or maybe he just notices us.

I cleared my throat, trying to remove all the tension that was stuck in side.

"Brad has... Been... The one has been stalking me since me and Kathreen arrived here."

"Since you arrived?... That was like 5 months ago!"

"Yeah. He's been stalkin' me ever since."

"Well, that unfortunate for a pretty girl like you."

Say wha-huh?

"I'm... Pretty?"

He choked some ice cream. Probably, he was regretting he said that.

"Hehe... Nuts. I hate rocky road when it comes to nuts." He cleared his throat again.

I don't think those were nuts that was making him choke. The conversation was... Obviously.

"Yeah," he suddenly said "Yeah, your pretty and I have been noticing that since I saved you from the zombie at Central square."

I felt the subject of conversation was being a bit too touchy and more on our feelings... Like really?!!

"Uh... A while you called me your girlfriend? Why?"

He choked again and this time he didn't say 'Nuts... Hehe'.

He straightened himself and fixed his eyes on me. 'His reading me' I thought. I felt butterflies inside my stomach making me feel nervous and anxious to get the conversation over with. Why am I feeling this way?

"I said you were my Girlfriend to scare the jerk off..."

I don't know why, but I was getting the feeling as if I was disappointed about something he said. I felt confused and angry and disappionted all at the same time. Confused because he called me pretty, and then angry because he called me his 'Girlfriend' just to scare Brad off. Lastly, disappointed because... I was hoping he liked me.

I was deep in my thoughts, that I never notcied he was still talking to me. I stared at him, yet was buried under the thoughts that were drowning me.

'Why should I be confused?' I thought, as if I were talking to someone else and not myself. My conscience that sounded abit like myself anwered 'cause you like him.' I was upset hearing that, so I tried changing the subject. 'Why should I be angry?' I asked myself again and then again my conscience answered, 'cause you LOVE him.' I groaned abit after hearing this. Then again, I changed the subject. 'Why should I be disappointed?'. Finally, my conscience answered 'Oh, shut up Clarisse... I've been telling over and over again... YOU LIKE HIM AND YOU LOVE HIM!'.

I couldn't get the courage to admit it to myself. Maybe I did like Jace or Maybe I was just ignoring the feelings all along trying to neglect it. But, it just kept coming back. The feeling I got when we were at the training area, the feeling I got when he saved me from the clutches of Brad Lawson.

This would probably be the most shocking realization I have ever had, since the day we survived the crash.

-30 minutes-

I don't know what made me snap out of my thinking session, but I discovered seeing Jace all done with his ice cream, saw the rocky road tub completely empty. I stared down at my bowl seeing my ice cream all melted and the marshmallows were just floating on top of what used to be a chocolate delight.

I stirred my bowl and saw the Cashew nut just appear on my spoon. Jace stared at me then said, "You do know its wrong to play with your food."

I stared at him with the face sayind 'Duh!'

I couldn't stare direct into his face. I was worried he'd notice me blushing each time he looks at me.

"You done?" He asked

"Uh... Yeah." I said without looking at his face.

"Uhm... You mind passing me your bowl?"

I jerked back realizing, he was actually going to put the dishes back at the kitchen. I slowly handed him my bowl making sure the chocolate soup didn't spill on both of us. As we were about to pass the bowl, our hands accidentally touched. Uh... What is it with this accidental touch thingy.

Our eyes locked when I looked up on his face. Once again, I saw his dangling deep, brown eyes watching my light brown ones.

"Did anyone ever tell you how pretty your eyes are?" He said with such truthfulness and curiosity in his tone.

"Uh... No!" I mumbled

"Then, they're the most stupidest people I've ever known."

I felt my face heat up with sensation. I was blushing.

"Uh... You can let go now."

I realized I was still holding unto the bowl. I let go of he bowl and Jace chuckled as he took the bowl away.

Jace was done putting the dishes on the sink.

We walked out of the cafeteria door.

"Alright, so are you sure you could take it from here?"

"Yeah, I'll be alright."

He nodded and waved goodbye accompanied by a smile on his face.

"Bye!" I said

Jace walked away the momement I waved and I too walked home.


I told every single thing about what happened yesterday.

Kathreen's silent nature was exchanged with a balistic one. She told me she was going to report this to Ryan and Maryse and that she would skin him to death. I laughed hard as she illustrated what she would do to Brad.

She called him Chicken and a pscho, which I totally agree.

"Uh... That dude is so unbelievable!... How could he say he likes you and then hurt you... Freak!"

"Hey! Just take it easy... I'm so grateful for what Jace did for me."

Kathreen turned to look at me and made and evil smirk. I guess it was a signal that she was sensing about my feelings for Jace.

Though how good I am at aiming stuff, I am really a bad liar.

I sat down on my bed as she followed and did the same.

"Hey, whats up CheeseRisse?"

"Uh... I don't know. I just can't believe that I'm feeling this way."

"What way?" Asked Kat

"You know... Love?"

Kathreen's eyes opened wide with shock and disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?... You actually like him don't you."

I could feel my heart beat pump rapidly than ever. The statement made me a little bit uneasy but I managed to ease myself.

"Oh! I don't know..."

"What do you mean 'I don't know'... You love Jace and not just like... But actually Love."

"AHAHA!..." I said with an irritated tone. "Fine, yes I like Jace... Whatever!"

Kathreen fell back on my bed laughing with all her might. I slammed my hand on the bed and told her to quit teasing me, but in a good way.

"JaRisee!" She teased me thinking of names she said would be our kids name... Whatever!


So me and Kathreen walked all the way to school and was able to reach the class before it even started.

The usual setup of Zombiology really bores me. The usual eyes of zombies or dissected bodies of frogs just made me wanna throw up.

The thing that bothered me the most was that the Grant brothers weren't on time as they used to. Wait... Why am I bothered?... Uh!

I sat on my seat and grabbed my pencil and notebook from my backpack. I placed it on the table just in time the Professor started talking. My boring nightmare just begun.


I sat for 30 minutes just staring at the clock, not even paying attention to what Professor was saying.

The school bell rang and the class was called dismissed. I shoveled all my stuff inside the bag the usual way I do and catched up on Kat.

We finished eating at the cafeteria, but still know sign of him. Finished one class after the other still no sign of Jace.

I finished late and Kathreen told me she had to hurry going somewhere. I nodded my head and she left without even turning back. I felt lonely and unwanted.

I walked out of the class room carrying my back pack. I walked and walked and walked.

I decided to grab something from my locker before I head home. I did my usual combination and tried opening the locker door. The door was jammed.

I pulled and pulled and pulled until, finally it opened. When I opened the door to its full length a bouqet of roses fell just exactly on my hands.

I reached to see who it came from and saw a note nicely placed on top of one the petals.

"Dear Clarisse,

I know you loved white Roses better than red, but I just couldn't find some.

I'm so sorry I didn't have the guts to walk up to you and tell you how I feel.

I just didn't feel right. Will you actually be my girlfriend and not just a teammate or friend?

I'll be waiting for your answer, 3:00 this after noon by the school's Garden emporium.

Please come.

With love"

I couldn't believe it... I wanted to know who this secret guy was, I wanted to know why he loved me.

I checked my watch to see what time it was... 2:40.

I still had time to run and I did.


I reached the emporium not caring how tired I was running up the stares. All the green plants were blossomin to their fullest. Just beautiful the sunset was setting. Everything was just like a dream.

I looked from left to right, but couldn't see a trace of human being. I checked to see what time it was... 3:00.

'Was I late?' I thought hoping that I wasn't.

I was about to turn back ans head home, when I stared down and saw petals were traced in a perfect line.

I thought that maybe it was a trail so I followed it.

I kept following and folling, until, the trail of petal ended.

I could sense there was a prescence of someone. I looked up.

There he was. My mystery guy.

I drew closer, as I thought of who of all my male team mates would like me.

I was inches away from him and I could see his hair was jet Black and his muscular shoulders formed broadly. I felt warm when I saw him.

I reached my index finger to touch his back.

As my finger sank deep withing his black jacket, he turned.

I saw his deep brown eyes just holding me as how they used to.

I came closer and slid my arms under him and gave him the most softest of hugs. I snuggled my nose on his jackets chest and felt comfy.

I looked up to see his face.

"I love you... Jace."


Alright, guys that was a wrap. Hope you guys enjoyed this love story part. Claudette will be doing the next chapters and I'll be on break for a couple of day. Do hope to hear about your comments. Lots love.

- Clarisse Anne. <3

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