Dont Worry (Shmateo Love Stor...

By JadiahK

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The cousins
CHAPTER 9: Friend Zone
CHAPTER 10 : Playin' Games
CHAPTER 11 : Don't Kiss And Tell
CHAPTER 12 : Taken
CHAPTER 13: Sleep
CHAPTER 14: Sparks Fly
CHAPTER 15: I Swear That Everything Will be Just Fine
CHAPTER 16: Inhale and Later on
CHAPTER 22: Dog Too
CHAPTER 23: Jaw Keep Lockin
CHAPTER 25: My Daughter Too
CHAPTER 26: Something Esle
Addressing haters and important information
Q and A's
CHAPTER 29: You Was Right
The Sequel Up


16.6K 335 361
By JadiahK


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"Ugh I can't stand her" I said to my best friend Layla

"You just salty cause she got your dude" she said eating her salad

"Man, ain't nobody salty" I said smirking

I admit that I had a little crush on Teo but I don't want no beef with Jade since we're technically step cousins. Her dad married my aunt last year, we were cool but we grew apart.

"You know what I don't even care, I got mine" she mubbled, referring to Ayo his older brother

"Whatever man" I said walking to the trash

I walked back to my table and picked up my phone, I got a text

Ma Dukes 12:55

Walk to aunt yo yo's after practice baby and pick you up after work, Monday

Ny Ny 12:56

I don't wanna

Ma Dukes 12:57

You have no choice baby girl, I don't want you home alone

Ny Ny 1:00

Ok but you can't do this when I turn 17

Ma Dukes 1:01

I love you, ill bring you something to eat

Yo yo is my aunt she is also my only aunt so you know what that means. Jade doesn't know I like Teo and I plan on keeping it that way. She also has no idea I don't like her either.







"Lift that leg higher 'Ome" my couch said

"Yes mam" I said lifting my leg higher

"So ladies, this year the dance team and the cheerleading team are coming together for a big performance, three of you chosen ladies will be dancing with some chosen boys from the dance team"

All the girls cheered but still keep there balance. I couldn't stand these Justin Bieber loving bitches. I looked over to my best friend she laughed.

"Now Monday morning were gonna do our elimination, class over" she yelled

Everybody cheered and ran out, I walked over to the bleachers and grabbed my gym bag. My best friend did the same.

"I heard Mr Kyle is gonna pick Teo, Laylo (Ayo) and Zavier." Layla said excitly

"So what" I said rolling my eyes

I walked to my locker and grabbed my sweater. I began walking with my best friend

"So you wanna come over to my house on Saturday to swim"

"After my photo shoot" I sighed

"Ok well I gotta blast" she said running to her mom's car

Just as I was walking someone grabbed my arm, my reflects almost kicked in

"You almost gotta the shit slapped outta you" I said to Jade

"Sorry big cousin, you wanna walk with me to my house"

"No thanks I'll take my car cause u gotta stop at house to get clothes"

"Okay see you" she said walking off

"Okay see you" I said mocking her when she walked farther away

Someone bumped me from behind, it was Teo. I lowkey blushed and picked up my sweater.

"Watch where you going damn" I said picking I my duffle bag

"Sorry" he said handing my binders

"Yeah yeah" I said walking to my car

I unlocked it and started to drive to my house. When I got there I unlocked the door and grabbed my clothes and makeup. I also grabbed my Jordan shoe boxes and I book bag full of Halloween candy and frozen juice boxes.

When I hit the drive way I see Teo and Jade walking up to the house.

"Blah" I whispered I fake threw up walking to the house

"Is that yo whip" Teo exclaimed

"Yeah duh" I said shaking my keys

"It's nice I like it"

"Thank you Mateo" I said sweetly turning the door knob

"Oh moms at the grocery store"

"Ugh okay" I said walking in

Her dad is always away on business and she stays with my aunt with her annoying ass. I mostly stay with my Nana till she moved to Florida last week.

I sat on the guest bed and turned on the TV. I found myself thinking about Mateo his lips they were so big and juicy, his smile was so sexy and he is the best dancer I ever seen I remember my first time seeing him.


"Mommy I don't want a party I dont have any friends down here" I pouted

"I invited some neighbors kids and you passed out them flyers correct?" She asked

"But I don't know the neighbors"

The door bell rang and my mom left me to answer it.

"And this is my beautiful daughter Ny'Ome, Ny'Ome this the Mrs. Bolwes and her sons Mateo and Laylo

I shyly waved and looked at the boy he that looked my age, he had a two braids and he was light skin. Our moms walked in the living room

"Do you like Frozen he said referring to my Olaf cake

"No but I like Olaf"

"I do too, did you just move her"

"Yes" I said biting the inside of my mouth, know he was going to as-

"Where from"

"....... Japan" I said softly

"Cool so your like Chinese right" he asked excited

"Korean" I corrected him

"But your mom look-"

"She's black" I said cutting him off again

The door bell rang, I ran to get it and I met eyes with a girl and her mom.

"Is this where the party is?" The girl asked

I nodded and let them in, the girls mom sat with our moms and I toke her in the kitchen.

"My name is Layla yours"

"Ny'Ome" I said

"Cute name" she said sweetly

"Thanks yours too"

"So how old are you?"


"I'm 7"

"So is my brother Laylo" teo said jumping in the conversation

We looked over to Laylo who was smirking, I looked back to Layla who was blushing.

That day was the best birthday party ever, it was only us and we ate cake till we were sick.
I had a sleepover and we watch Little man.

As our parents came closer we did too and my feelings started that day on.....


I sighed at that memory and turned the channel


"Yo what's up mane aint you happy about us dancing with them cheerleaders, you ova here in you feelings in shit" my brother said

"I am happy" I said fake smiling

"Yo girl gonna be there"

"Jade don't cheer dude"

"I know"

I high-key knew he was referring to Ny'Ome since day one he told me she like me but me being me I didn't listen.

We practiced our dance






I woke up to a text from Jade.

BAE 12:45 pm

Bae come over my mom just left

TEO 1:00 pm

Okay girl

BAE 1:01 pm

See yah

I low key wanted to fall back asleep and say fuck her but she's probably gonna kill me, I there myself out of bed and walked to Ayo side of the room

I woke up Ayo to drop me off since he had a car and I crashed mine, long story. He woke up and I asked him at first he was like nah but then I pulled out that twenty.

We pulled into her driveway

"You staying the night here little bruh" he said as I opened the door

"Hell nah"

"I'm not asking I'm telling" he said pulling out

I knocked on the door and waited, Ny'Ome answered. She had her hair in a high bun and some pajama shorts. She looked at me like really nigga.

"Is Jade here" I said shaking

"Yeah" she said letting me in

"She upstairs get all sweet fa you" she said walking upstairs, her ass bounced on every step

I sat on the couch and looked for the remote, then Jade came in with a towel on.

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Read to find out ;) #1st in maniggy stories. Wow thank you all for reading❤❤❤❤
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Read to find out 😁 Shmateo story. It gets better promise