Caught In The Joke (A Joker F...

By UnoriginalLaugh

4.6K 109 8

A JokerxOC story. Under Heavy Edit! ::Excerpt:: I will stand here. Hand in hand with the Clown Prince of Crim... More

Before You Read
Cast Of This Story::Playlist
Wake Me Up
So There's That
Daddy J
Change Of Scenery
Conversations & Coffee
Show Me Your Tricks
Crying Gets You Nowhere
Welcome to Arkham Hayden
Lets Watch This City Burn
Sessions and Injections
Who Was Claire's Daddy
Good Ol Electro Shock
Call Me Daddy
9 months later
Look Closer
The End of Gotham?
Everything Burns
Broadcast to interrupppttttt
King. Not A God
Authors Note. blah blah blah
This Is The End As We Know It
Oh No Y'all...

Aprils Fools Day

423 6 0
By UnoriginalLaugh

➰Foul Language➰

The smell of coffee floated blissfully through the tiny 2 bedroom apartment as I stumbled around looking for the shoes my daughter had thrown to the side last night. Her school uniform was already on and her socks. Just these shoes left. I sighed and heaved myself down on the worn yellow couch,shoes in hand.

The sounds of the water faucet and giggling reached my ears above the sirens and hissing of the streets of Gotham. Jesus. It stank. Like piss and alcohol which wasn't too surprising given I owned the nightclub below me, Wild Card was just another reason why I even bothered staying. I could be someplace nicer like Metropolis if I hadn't had this place under my belt. A good source of money that paid the bills and all that jazz. Glancing at the clock I sprung up.

"Claire,baby! I need you to hurry up. School starts in half an hour and it takes twenty to get there." I pulled my boots on and grabbed Claire's backpack. Watching my 9 year old scramble out of the bathroom to show me her toothpaste covered face.

" Jesus girl. Are your teeth clean enough?" I laughed out loud.

"Mamma. Can I keep it on? Its fools day and I want everyone to think I has the rabies. " I really wanted to groan.

Because seriously,rabies? That's the first thought she had for Aprils fools day. We could do better. I laughed out loud and turned to face her again.

" Boo. I can't have you walking through this city with all that junk on your face. It will be black by the time we get to school." I laughed again and tossed her the apple I had filled with worms.  "Try this instead. Give it to your teacher and tell her She's your favorite."

With us both giggling and shoving our coats on, we stumbled out into the cold and desolote streets. Ducking past the cars and the steaming sewer drains. I waited there by the gates. Watching as she drew close to her friends and smiled. Turning around, I started the walk back.

I knew my dad would pick her up from school today so I could focus on work. Keeping her the whole weekend per usual. Entertaining her with cartoons and ice cream and love. She needed that male figure in her life and I was blessed to have my dad around to help. Especially in this town.  If there's one thing that never quits in Gotham, it's the nightlife around here. Even the slums open up their pockets to get in and dance the night away with alcohol coursing through their systems. And with the clientel I get, its always been easier to stay in the office and go over all the finances and orders with the sporadic entertaining of customers. Most of the people come in hoping to catch a glimpse of Ivy and The Riddler. Maybe even the Joker. So many of our cities villains pass through looking to make deals and do business with than local gangsters. Or just have 'fun' as they liked to call it.

Not that I'm going to pay any attention. I have no death wishes considering I'm only running he club so I can afford the tuition to send my daughter to the private school. God but I want so much better for her.

Passing the shops and the bums, I go back up to my flat and start whittling away on the paper work and schedules. Every so often fixing my coffee and getting a rundown on deposits for the DJ. Making the appropriate phone calls on schedules. Manager life stuff. Tonight, tonight felt different. Tonight felt like trouble.I could tell from the noises outside my window that All the crazies were littering the street like discarded candy wrappers ready to fuel their night with the drugs and the beats that would start blaring from the club. It was just a simple matter now of getting dressed and walking to the side door in my room that led downstairs that had me wiping my palms from sweat.

Jesus. I'm gonna need a shot. Or seven.

I looked over the forms again. Double checking them. The vip booth had been rented out by non other than the Joker. Some one was gonna die tonight and i would have to clean it all up. I had the Cleaners on speed dial. In the slums there is a mutual understanding. No cops. All kills in the club were kept private and I had a group of 'cleaners' on call for these occasions.

April Fools Day was always wacky when the Joker came in. Not that he really noticed me Thank god. The last thing anyone wanted was the Jokers attention because out of all the bad guys lurking in the city...he had to be the worse. Every time he came in he ordered the best and most expensive. Tips were flowing and so was the fun. Until someone crossed his ever so thin good humour or messed with Harley. Because no one fucked with Harley and got away with it.

He was the King and she was the Queen. Simple enough.

I huffed and turned towards the mirror taking in my appearance. My long blonde hair falling to my waist with chunks of red in the strands. My lashes long and full. Green eyes piercing through them. I wasn't bad looking I was a bit too thin from stress and parenting. A bit too plain. I glanced at the clock. Suprised to see how much time had passed pouring over my work. I made my way to My stand up closet,which was nothing more than a dollar store clothing rack and a bunch if colored hangers. Sifting through the outfits before settling on the black corset threaded with white and black pencil skirt. Innocent yet daring.I grabbed the black blazer and topped off the look. I smirked going through my shoes. The thigh high stiletto boots were calling for me. It would finish my look off perfectly. But why did it even matter? Id be so busy with the office work in the back to even handle customer issues. If I was lucky I would get to bartend for a bit.

Smudging my make up and curling the ends of my hair I stood back to admire myself. I looked exotic. Fierce. Babydoll. All useless, but for appearances. I felt the heavy bass start thumping below me and took a heavy breath of air. It was starting and I needed to be down there.


Five security guards stood around the VIP booth. Armed to the teeth. A jokers card tucked into the pocket of their suit jackets. Lights and music faded the big bad world away and the smoke from cigarettes and the fog machine helped lend a hand to make everything just a bit more dizzy.

I stood just outside my office doors glancing through the crowds. Watching my staff zip and dart to appease the players and ignore the fallen soldiers who lay crumpled to one side as the drugs had kicked them down. I paid no mind to this as I watched Mike, my head bartender and supervisor walk towards me. His left hand fidgeted and I knew it was bad news. I turned my head towards the office and let him step in after me.

"What's up Mike?" I placed a water bottle in his hands as he collected his thoughts.

"There has been a request. And its for you. "

I quirked my brow, "A request for me? From who?" I frowned and looked at the papers in front of me. Then to the security footage to my right.

"The Joker. He asked to meet the owner. And sorry boss lady....but that means you. The staff is freaked out already and we don't want any more trouble."

I nodded. Sipping the water to clear my throat and then stood. My hands shaking slightly.

" I need the best bottle if champagne or whatever he's been drinking. Right now." I ordered and watched Mike run. This was new. Usually whenever we had a villian or gangster come in. They just ordered and asked for the go go girls to dance. Nothing more than that. But this... This was strange. I smoothed my outfit and walked out the office. Locking it behind me and heading towards the bar. Mike stood there. A bottle of Absynthe in his hands. I bit my lip and grabbed it.

"How do I look Mike?"

" I'm not gonna lie Boss Lady. You Look like trouble on a stick. He's gonna eat you alive." He once again left me with his chuckle lingering behind.

I tried ignoring the shudder that made its way down my spine. I nodded and started walking to the VIP. Swaying my hips to add power to the steps I took. The guards nodded and stepped to the side after looking at my owners ID. Leaving their backs towards me as I stepped through the curtains. Lifting my head all I saw around me was the calling card of the Joker. They lined the floor, the chairs. Bottles upon bottles of booze littering everything. I sidestepped a man bleeding on the ground before bumping into someone. I clutched the bottle against my chest and narrowed my eyes. Face to a very tatted up chest.  So this was the Joker.

" must be the owner. Now look like a good time. A right good time." he laughed loudly and started to pace around me.

A lion stalking his prey.

I took him in. Commiting every detail to memory. The tattoos printed on his paled bleach form. The ever present blood red smile that haunted his face. Eyes ringed dark along with his lips. Green hair slicked back. This guy looked like a comic book gangster out for the shits and giggles of blood shed.

"Its a pleasure to meet you.Yes, I am the owner. But you can call me Hayden." I finally replied after eyeing him. He stopped and that grin widened.

"Oh my..I do have a liking for girls who have those Names. You know..the ones with an Ha at the beginning. Like haha. The Ha just...rolls off the tongue and into the streets so nicely." he had once again began to circle me. " Not what I had expected. The last owner was a fat bald guy, not my type really.  But we had fun. He loved" That last word basically purred out of his mouth.

I am not gonna lie. I know he's a bad guy...a bad guy who kills for fun and looks as funny as his name. A guy who basically just admitted he had killed my old boss. But the predatory way he was looking me over..lingering on areas of my body..had my panties feeling a bit wet.This was my downfall. Bad boys with no cares. That was always my problem. I shifted to sit in a chair but was stopped when he blocked my path again and snagged his arm around my waist. His mouth a breath away from my ear.

"Don't sit so far away. Its no fun." pressing a knife to my ribcage from outta nowhere. I gasped. Involuntarily and nodded quickly.

"Ok then. Show me where to sit." I politely managed to get out while leaning away from him and the knife.

His only reply was his cackle while he edged me towards a booth where I finally noticed three other men sitting. Each one leering at my body. Yep. I could not wait to get out of this city. I would have stayed in my office. I should have done something different.

" Gentlemen!May I introduce you to the owner of the club. A new little doll to play with. I'm gonna call her Haven. Doesn't she look Like a playground newly built and painted?" he pulled me down to the sofa. The three men sneered and nodded in agreement.

"Ya boss..fitting." A wet smirk.
"Id like a turn on that playground." A plump sneer.
"Sharing is caring after all." A lingering gaze.

Each one voiced an opinion. Each one snorting and chuckling at their own jokes. The Joker however...seemed unnamused. His hand trailing down my shoulder and over the lotus tattoo on my wrist.

"Boys...isn't it odd that she's been hiding? I feel like we've been missing something."

I raised my eyes to look at him..mouth open prepared to talk when he rested his fingers against my lips. A shock of electricity.

"Now now Haven. Just sit here and look pretty. We don't have time for whatever drop of air decide to come out. " a shot glass was put into my hands as he urged me on. A silent challenge entering his eyes. Take it. Do it. Don't back down. Do it now. Now. Now. And I did.

Sadly though. The last lucid thought I had was..too sweet.

Edited: October 15. 2016. Word Count 2194.

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