Satan Is My Mate?(boyxboy)xboy

By Ikejima

23.3K 989 395

Tyler lives with a happy family. His brother, Damien has a brother complex, his mom cooks great food and his... More

chapter 1
meeting him
changes,not an update
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter seven
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
plz read
Epilogue 3

chapter 4

1.6K 75 32
By Ikejima

Tyler felt like hell. Lately, he had dreams; sometimes very perverted ones, sometimes loving, sweet ones. His dreams consisted of him, Damien and Satan. 'The heck! 'He thought. Those dreams were eating him ,to the core. He started fearing to even close his eyes and that was apparent on his face. He looked like death.

Tyler dragged his body to school and was welcomed by a worried Adam.
"You look like you went for a visit in hell. What happened? "
"Nothing... "Tyler mumbled
"It's not nothing. Tell me, ..."Adam pleaded
Tyler kept silence and Adam had to literally drag him to the gym where they were supposed to have P.E classes. They were both changing when they were suddenly busted by the noise the other guys were making about Luc's muscles and eight packs. Luc was walking towards them and that 's the last thing Tyler wanted for now. Just as Satan set his hand on Tyler, he received a punch on his stomach and he groaned in pain. Before Satan had time to react, Tyler was already gone.

Tyler stopped on the rooftop. It was very unlike him to run away.
"That damn Satan. May he rot in hell!"

'But he actually resides in hell 'thought Tyler. He could not even curse that man and what about that bastard Damien who had as if left home.

After a few minutes of brainstorming of why he had run away, Tyler, returned to class. They were playing one of his favourite games, dodgeball. Be it unfortunate or something but, Luc got to be in the same team as Tyler. Adam was in the opposite team. The teams were divided on both sides of the playground by the sports' teacher assistant as the sport teacher made his grand entry.

A few students cursed under their breaths while others whispered laughs. The sport teacher, Mr Armando was a fat, robust old man who was always in a bad mood. He was always relaxing away, eating ,while the students had to work up their asses. The 'old potato sandwich' or 'cholesterol bag' as he was nicknamed, always punished children severely. One of his very wicked way was the dodgeball. He would put the 'victim' in the less powerful team and other big, muscular guys in the other. Like this, the poor victim will be traumatized to no end. Unfortunately for Tyler, the old... Teacher and him did go well together. Before, Adam would often save Tyler with his vampire speed, so now, the oldie put Adam in the opposite team.

Tyler was not the crybaby though. He was obviously a demon and he was naturally stronger than regular humans. The game started and not only balls but students were also sent flying. This game was so dangerously exciting! (:D)

After two long hours of torture, the boys went to shower. Tyler and Adam had big problems as the stinking scent of sweating bodies would get to them, so they had to wait for them to finish and then get in. Tyler glanced at Satan who was also suffering from the same thing. Tyler wished that Satan would go shower already even though none of them were sweaty. After a few moments, Tyler and Adam got in to shower. Adam finished first and made his way hurriedly to God knows where as he told Tyler that his mate Shawn was calling him. Tyler chuckled a bit. Adam and Shawn were mates and Shawn was the king of vampires and he transformed the once human Adam into a vampire and... But this is another story.

Tyler pressed his forehead on the shower wall and closed his eyes. He quickly opened them as he felt a pair of strong arms snaking around him. The shower was soon invaded by a powerful, sweet, pleasant smell. Tyler inhaled the perfect smell and turned around slowly. He gasped when he saw Satan, nude, with a small, loose ,towel on his lower body. Tyler tried to push away but something in him stopped him. Satan bored his crimson-red eyes into Tyler's hazel ones as the water dripped sexily from his midnight-black hair, glided down his neck to his torso and his evil, too-good to be true sexy, eight packs and down.

Tyler noticed an unusual possessiveness in Satan's eyes yet his eyes were as if carrying a great solemnity. Tyler couldn't help but feel his heart twitch as he stared at those lonely, gentle, kind eyes. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he felt like losing control of his own body and he said with such love that would bewitch a devil's heart,"Luc,my love... "

Tyler froze in shock at what he, if even he, had just said. Even Luc was shocked and he captured Tyler's trembling, blissful lips with his. Tyler felt like his whole body was set on fire, even though cold water was falling on him.

"S-sat... Hmm.. "Tyler was cut off by Luc who had thrust his delicious tongue in his. Luc's hungry mouth devoured Tyler's innocent one. After moments of passionate kissing, Luc stepped back and Tyler let his lust-daze body fall down. He touched his lips with his fingers before furrowing his eyes brows and crying out in frustration, "why the hell are you doing this. You and that fucking Damien just invade my mind and won't leave. Damn it! Why am i so confused. I just just... "

Tyler grabbed a towel before calling his familiar ,a guardian dog, named Memphis. His familiar appeared and teleported them back home.

Tyler flung himself on the bed and buried his face in the heavenly, comforting pillows.

(Time skip)
It was already nighttime and dinnertime for the Mephistopheles family (Tyler's family name aka his surname). Tonight supper was pasta accompanied with vintage blood of best quality. The atmosphere when everyone settled to eat told Tyler that something was off.

His father, Edmond, cleared his throat to gather their attention. Then he took a serious face, as if he was about to announce his daughter's fiance's name.

"Tyler, son, " He said, "I ,we have something important to tell you. "

"I'm listening dad.. "

"Well, we have...found you a fiance. "
Tyler was taken aback but still kept his calm, "this fiancé to say different. "His father hesitated.

"Tell me frankly dad! "
"The fiance is none other than satan! "His father blurted out leaving Tyler desperate and at the same time furious.

"You're telling me to marry a guy, and that too Satan. Are you out of your mind? "
"Look, Tyler, this was fixed ever since before you were born so we can't, you can't step back. You are leaving for hell tonight. All your things have been packed and our lord is coming to pick you up. Please try to understand. "

Tyler was about to burst out in a rage but then he thought that no one in his family could do anything against Satan. He was the most powerful being after all. Even God had to banish him as he feared his power. Tyler nodded his head in agreement and said, "I understand" before getting up and going toward his room.

"If this is what Satan wants then, I'll make his life worse than hell until he, himself begs me to leave him. "

Hope u liked it

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