war was over || camren

By arkhamangel827

83.3K 2.1K 4.8K

"Because the war was over, and I wanted nothing more than her." please note that this is fiction and not ever... More

like a q & a but not really
the prologue's letter


1.9K 63 89
By arkhamangel827

previously on war was over...

crazy radicalist Tommo causes unrest at the airport. he escapes, shawn and lauren leave for like, the deployment and whatnot, and now...

October, 2010

Camila's POV

"Next week I'll be handing out your copies of Othello, so be sure to do your pre-reading and research on it. There may or may not be a pop quiz Monday. Maybe. I don't know. Anyways, be prepared." Mr. Fitz was talking, ramble-style, and usually I was hanging on his every word since English was my favorite class.

Today, however, I was doodling and writing notes on which classes I should take at the university. My father has been extra persistent lately about me furthering my education and doubling up on my required high school classes and also taking a course or two at the University of Miami, which is also where Normani goes.

"Also for next week, I'll start to go over some of the requirements for your senior anthology, which - if you recall - is the single most important component of your senior portfolios. And your portfolios are going to be worth 40% of your final grade. No pressure." He smiled at the end of his sentence, the bell ringing right after, signaling the end of both the class and the school day.

I distantly heard him ask to see a "Miss Montgomery" but ignored it with a subtle shake of my head. I didn't want to know or care about whatever they were going to talk about. Aria's little brother had let word get out about the inappropriate and illegal relationship between the girl and the English teacher. Whatever, not my business or my problem.

I walked to the parking lot and saw Dinah's jeep, with Normani behind the wheel and smiled, giving a slight wave.

"Hey," she greets me as I get in, dropping my bag on the floor at my feet.

"Hiiii, thanks for the ride," I start, and then realize what's playing through the speakers. "I didn't know you liked Paramore too."

She rolled her eyes, pulling the car out of the lot.

"I mean, they're decent... but I'm not listening to them by choice."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, chuckling.

"This is Dinah's precious CD playing. Lauren made it for her before she left, and no one is allowed to take it out or anything. There are about 24 songs on it; a bunch of them by bands and artists that the two of them grew up listening to, or songs Lauren thought Dinah would like. She had the nerve to only put one Beyoncé song on there," Normani continued, scoffing playfully, while navigating the streets toward her dorm, where I'd stay for a several hours since no one was at my house.

"That's so cute, actually," I start, smiling at the twenty one pilots song that played next - Johnny Boy. "If there's anything Laur cares about, it's her friends; and she and Dinah have been super close since forever."

"Silly Mila. When are you gonna realize that you're up there too? We're all important to her, but with you it's just a little different. It'll always be different." she was smiling now, and I knew what she meant, so I didn't reply. I allowed myself to drift into my thoughts a bit.

"Damn, I really miss Shawn. He was so annoying but I kinda liked having someone who followed me around like a cute, overgrown puppy," Normani mused, reaching a hand up to stroke her left eyebrow distractedly.

"Yeah, he did say that you were his spirit animal. You know what's crazy?"

She shook her head.

"He was only a part of our friend group for a short time but it feels like he's always been there- it's where he belongs. He's such a great guy."

"Yeah, Austin's lucky to have him. He's one of a kind." And I most definitely agreed with that.

I spent the rest of the car ride thinking of how far away May seemed.


"Hope you don't mind me stopping by the Starbucks downstairs...?"

"Uh, Mani! Don't leave me alone in your dorm! What if your roommate comes back? You know I can't function in awkward situations!" I screech in a whisper, as if the aforementioned person could hear me though they were not currently present.

"Camila, chill. My roommate won't come back, she's hardly ever here. Plus, Dinah's dance class here should be letting out in a few minutes, so she might be up here before I even come back. Do you want anything?"

I lowly mumbled out my response.

"Girl, no. I can't hear you if you're gonna be whispering," she replied, hands on her hips, her dangling keys jingling softly.

"I want a juice box." I say louder with a pout, mildly embarrassed.

As expected, Normani laughed loudly, shaking her head. "Okay, Mila."


I must've fallen asleep, because the sound of keys at the door woke me up. I sat up from my seat at Mani's desk, with a phone-shaped red mark on my cheek. Nice.

I looked up as Dinah and Mani were walking in, talking and occasionally sharing a peck on the lips between words. I missed that with Lauren. The separation wasn't forever but I missed it; I missed her.

"Aye, Walz. Nap time's over. Guess who we saw?" Dinah asked loudly, pausing briefly to sip her teavana green tea.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Dinah continued to speak, not giving me a chance.

"We saw Kendall! Girl had cameras following her  everywhere; I was trying to get in on that, you know I look good enough for TV screens..."

Normani giggled, shaking her head. "So what Dinah didn't mention, is that we spoke to her. She said she heard from Lauren and Shawn a few days ago."

"Wait, wait, wait. What?"

"Yeah Mila, she said she got a letter, and they both wrote stuff in it."

I huffed in frustration. "Okay. When are one of you guys gonna tell me what the letter consisted of?"

"It was the cliché letter every military family member or friend gets: 'Everything is going fine, it's hard, but I'm having fun. I'm okay, and I miss you guys so much. Feed the dog some jerky.'" Normani explained.

I saw Dinah shake her head with a chuckle. "Lo and that damn jerky!"

"Yeah, and she told us that we can talk to them in November. Like, on the 19th of next month, via yahoo messenger. Their usernames are loloregz and coolpandasherwin."

I laughed out loud at their names, and without being fully aware of it, I'd already started counting down the days.

November, 2010

Lauren's POV

"Alright, your free time is now. You've got 30 minutes. There's a lot left to do today," My higher up, Sergeant Lovato instructed.

I found out through some prying and lowkey eavesdropping that she - my sergeant - is indeed related to one of my Drill Instructors from boot camp. Apparently, they're twins, but my sergeant is Demi, the more liked twin. I never did find out what the P stood for in "Drill Instructor P. Lovato", so I guess I never will.

"Lauren. I. Am. So. Excited," Shawn murmured in the quietest voice he could muster through his eagerness. He'd appeared out of seeming nowhere, so his presence startled me.

"Jesus fucking Christ Mendes, are you trying to kill me? Or get yourself killed? I was like, half a second away from grabbing my MTech!" I hissed through my teeth, referring to the brand of tactical knife we use, but the smile on my friend's face didn't falter. In fact, it widened.

"But you didn't!" he literally sang, almost gliding around me and sitting down to a computer. "You don't get it; I'm so happy. And yeah, maybe I shouldn't be, because we're in Kuwait - which has been awesome so far - and after that, Afghanistan... But I don't care! I get to talk to my family, our friends, and my boyfriend, Lauren. Even your usual pessimism won't get me down!"

I cracked a smile at my slightly younger friend, and looked at him as I sat down to the computer across from him. He had a point. It wasn't healthy for me to constantly think such morbid thoughts, so I wouldn't. Especially now, when I had time to talk with at least one of the people who mattered most.

"You're right, you're right, I'm sorry. I'll try to be less of a downer." I say dryly, barely resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Shut up and log in already! You already lost 5 minutes!" Shawn whispered, and I noticed red tinting his pale cheeks.

"Who's got you blushing, Shawnie?"

"W-what? No one!" he stammered out, not meeting my eyes.

I knew he was talking to Austin then, and decided not to tease him.

I finally logged onto the server and used the sluggish wifi to sign into my Yahoo messenger account.

You have one new message.

I clicked.

camziii: lauren?? are you there???

loloregz: oh my god

loloregz: YES IM HERE

loloregz: jesus christ i miss you

loloregz: i really

camziii: wanna kiss you

loloregz: multiple times and in multiple places

loloregz: shit that sounded

loloregz: not the way i intended

camziii: oh my god lauren!! get out of here!

loloregz: LMAO ok ok sorry!

loloregz: but seriously... how have you been doing?

camziii: i was good, but now that i'm talking to you i'm great

loloregz: i don't regret being here and stuff but i just kinda wish i could be with you all the time, because i kind of feel like i'm not 100% myself without you

loloregz: and well, i wouldn't ever wish that you were with me because you gotta stay safe at home. and true, you could be just as unsafe there as it's gonna be in afghanistan, but it's all about peace of mind, you know?

camziii: no, yeah, i understand. i do... even though i sometimes wish the war was over already so you could come back

camziii: and you haven't even been in it yet (i'm so glad about that for you and shawn)

I took my eyes off of the screen for a moment as I watched a ruddy-faced guy rush in through the open flaps. He had dark brown, almost black hair, and looked like he was around my or Shawn's age.

"Staff Sergeant! There's an urgent phone call for you, sir!"

I watched my CO stand from his desk across the big tent and narrow his eyes at the kid.

"Whitesides; who's it from?"

"Sergeant Major Cowell, sir!"

I watched as my CO walked briskly out of the large beige/sand-colored tent.

Sergeant Demi Lovato addressed us then, as we were just staring at the spot that the young soldier and SSgt. DiLaurentis previously occupied.

"What are you all looking at? If you want something to stare at, you can get in front leaning rest position and stare at the dirt until we get more orders!" She said in a loud, authoritative voice. The threat was one I knew she would make good on, even though there wasn't dirt where we were, only sand. But I knew better than to even try correcting her.

With that, I - and everyone else, too - went back to looking at my computer's screen, uncertainty swimming in my gut like baby tadpoles in a park pond.

loloregz: sorry camz, i didn't mean to go quiet on you

camziii: i was starting to get worried because you weren't answering but i remembered that you're safe at base

SSgt. DiLaurentis walked back in, looking distressed.

"Everybody gear up; we're shipping out sooner than expected."

Sgt. Lovato spoke with him in hushed tones, and when he relayed whatever information he had to her, her facial expression didn't change, but she became several shades paler.

What the hell just happened?

loloregz: you never need to worry, babe. i'm gonna take care of myself and shawn, always.

camziii: you better, jauregui. but why does this sound like a goodbye?

loloregz: it isn't; it's just a see you later. i love you & everyone else!

Of course, I never got the chance to see her reply.

a/n: casually eating good ass cookies as i type this

December, 2010

Dinah's POV

I was in my jeep, driving with Manibear from my house to Chancho's. It was a few days after Christmas, New Year's Eve, and there was literally no snow. But I mean, come on; it's Miami. Smallz was already there, and baking up a storm, according to Normani, who had been texting our smallest friend back and forth.

"Babe, I am so excited! Ally hasn't baked anything for us since September!"

"Yeah, that's right; the last time was for Lo and Shawn's graduation. Damn, those were good as hell..." Ally always made the best, and before those two left for Afghanistan or wherever they were first, Ally would bake all the time. I guess now it's just for special occasions.

"Oh, can you do me a favor and take that CD out for me?" I asked, and in my peripheral vision I saw Normani turn her head to look at me in surprise. She did it so fast I wouldn't be surprised myself if she ended up getting whiplash.

"Dinah, you never take it out; why do you want me to take it out?" she sounded so serious, like I was asking her to commit a crime or something. I couldn't help the laugh that made its way out of my throat.

"Chill, it's okay," a few more involuntary chuckles left my mouth before I calmed down a bit. "Lauren made me two CDs. I've never listened to this one, she told me to wait after Christmas to play it. And since this is the first time I've been in my car since Christmas Eve, I wanna hear it now."

Normani sighed with relief, I'm assuming, and ejected the old CD to put in the new one. Throughout the 20 minute drive to Mila's house, we listened to it. If I liked the other one a lot, then I definitely love this one. It had a couple of leaked Beyoncé tracks that Mani and I hadn't heard before but definitely jammed to.

Before we knew it though, we were pulling up behind Ally's car and walking up to the door.

I assumed it would be unlocked, so I reached for the handle. Normani slapped my hand, "Ring the doorbell," she chastised. She stay acting like my mother. But it's okay, it's cute.

I rolled my eyes but obliged, pressing the small rectangular button.

Once the door was opened, Mani and I found ourselves blinded by brightness - or in simpler terms - Ally, who wore a radiant smile on her cute face. She had flour on her ugly Christmas sweater, and somehow she'd managed to get some in her blonde locks too. Oh Ally.

"Come in, guys! Hurry before Mila and Sofia eat all of the cookies!"

That was enough for me to hear, and Mani too, evidently, because we both kicked our shoes off and barrelled through the doorway, nearly knocking Ally over in the process, but she had launched herself out of the way just in time.

I slid into the kitchen on my socks, nearly falling in the process, but saving myself just in time and striking a pose.

"Flawless!!" I cried, flipping my hair out of my eyes.

"That would be such a bop if someone made a song called flawless, honestly," Normani commented, grabbing a steaming hot cookie from the cookie tray, apparently unaffected by how hot it was.

Sofi was nearby on a bar stool, carefully blowing the cooling cookie, a tall glass of milk beside her plate.

"Hey Sof," I greet, ruffling her hair, which was something she and her older sister hated.

The little girl just laughed and brushed my hand off her soft brown hair. "Hey DJ! Hey Manibear!"

Normani waved to the youngest Cabello but was still busy with the cookie she was eating so she couldn't speak.

"Where'd your sister go? Allycat said you were both in here."

"She said she was gonna be in her room for a little while, I dunno," And she shrugged, her attention going back to blowing the delicious-looking cookie in front of her. 

Ally rushed into the doorway and leaned half her body inside the kitchen. "I'm gonna go have a quick shower and clean myself up. There are 3 dozen cookies there; they better not all be gone by the time I come back!"

Ultimately, we all ignored her, but I didn't take a cookie yet. I was confused as to why Camila wouldn't be down here eating too, so I figured I'd go up and check on her.

I sighed, eyeing the filled baking sheets one last time before silently slipping out of the room.

Upon exiting the kitchen and entering the hallway, a large furry head lifted and turned my way. I leaned down briefly and pet his head, whispering a quick "Hey Denver" to the dog and headed upstairs.

It was overcast today, so it was dark enough for lights to be on in the house but approaching Camila's door, I could see that she had no lights on.

"Aye Walz, what you doing up here? Mani is gonna eat all the damn cookies," I say, walking into her room covering my eyes. "You can stop masturbating now, I ain't tryna see all your lady bits!"

I heard a soft chuckle and lowered my hand but kept my eyes closed.

"Hey Cheechee. You're good, I'm not... doing that."

I sighed an exaggerated sigh of relief and sat down on her bed which was covered by a plush camouflage blanket. Could you guess where she got that from? You got it; it was a gift from Austin. Anyway.

"What's up?" I ask, hugging her into my side. She hugs back, but not the way she usually does. She seems a little down, but is also distracted by her phone in front of her face.

"No, not really," she murmurs, scrolling on her phone, not realizing that her answer made no sense.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone for myself.
I read what was on the screen, ignoring Camila's hands shooting out and trying to grab her phone back.

"Camila. You-you can't be looking at this shit! It's not okay! Do you think Lauren would want you driving yourself crazy with this? How about Shawn?" I ask, trying to reel in my emotion because I had cookies downstairs to eat. I shook my head to rid myself of negative thoughts.

"I'm... I'm sorry, okay? I just get paranoid, and I had a nightmare this morning that my dad had gotten a really- a really bad phone call and it... it wasn't good, alright? And then looking this up? I just don't know what to do, Dinah."

"There's nothing for you to do besides stay calm and positive, and just live your life. Don't let your paranoia keep you rooted to the spot you're in. Don't put your life on hold. Got it?" I asked, and she had a surprised look on her face.

"What? Just 'cause I'm crazy and fun and funny don't mean I can't be serious and give decent advice sometimes. Now come on, these cookies aren't gonna eat themselves."

I pushed Mila towards the door, and she laughed, sticking her tongue out at me, her mood already seeming to have improved. She left and I heard her footsteps going downstairs. Her phone was still sitting where I'd left it on the bed, unlocked. That damned article; just the headline was visible, and that was enough to send chills down my spine – and definitely not the good kind.

Positive thoughts, Dinah Jane. With one more glance to the screen, I went downstairs too.


a/n: oh, hi

is my mic still on? can you guys hear me?

it's been a while, sorry. shitty update, i know. i'll make it better next time, but ily

stay frosty,


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