One Direction are my Babysitt...

By bangableniall

9.8K 195 29

Meet Caroline. She’s a regular 16 year old girl. Well, until five boys moved in next door. At first, Carolin... More

An Insiders Look
Don't Touch Me
This One's A Fighter
You Need Me But I Don't Need You
I Love You, Goodbye
All Time Low
Contest - your opinion, your writing.
Harold: Part A.

To Infinity And Beyond

566 23 6
By bangableniall

I missed the bus home. Wonderful. Walking home was a blast; really. I walked around the corner from school, sighing as I took abnormal steps onto the concrete. Each step was more of a skip, wanting to get home in a rush.

I turned the corner again and I spotted a car. The last thing I remembered was a flash of light; a trucks horn; and then waking up minutes later lying in the middle of the concrete. My head was aching and all of my limbs were in pain. Had I just been hit by a truck?

There were a couple of people crowded around her when she opened her eyes, blinking rapidly to regain vision. 

“What happened?” she asked, dumbstruck at everyone. 

“You were hit by a car, sweetie.” Someone said. 

“No… I need to go home.” Caroline muttered, looking around. 

“There is an ambulance on the way.” 


“Hello? Move out the way.” Came a deep, but calm voice from the distance; it was a paramedic. 

With one hoist, they pulled Caroline onto a stretcher and she was in the ambulance. 

She closed her eyes for a moment, and the next thing she recalled was being surrounded by her family in the hospital. 

“Darling…” Caroline’s mother muttered, squeezing her daughters hand lightly.

“You ready to come home?” her father, Keith, said brightly, staring out the hospital room window. 

“What day is it?” she whispered, stretching slightly.

“Friday. You’ve been in and out all week, don’t you 


Caroline shook her head slightly. She groaned in pain as she tried to move her leg. 

“You fractured it, babe. But it’s okay. Everything will be fine.”

“I can go home?”


* * * *

The car ride home was great. Caroline went through McDonald’s drive through and got her favourite; chicken burger, fries and coke, with a sundae on the side. 

Her parents were spoiling her crazy. 

When the car stopped, her father got the crutches out of the boot of the car. 

Caroline put them under her arms as she started hopping her way into the house. Niall and the rest of the boys were there, waiting for her. 

Caroline stopped, dead in her tracks as she spotted them. 

Harry had a wicked smirk on his face, Louis, Zayn and Liam were trying to keep a straight face and Niall was smiling warmly. 

“Are you okay?” Niall asked, smiling at the new entries of the house; Caroline’s parents. 

“Fine. I’m going to go to my bedroom. It’ll be great to sleep in my own bed.” And with that, she pulled herself to her bed, hoisting herself onto the bed, leaving the crutches sitting on the floor. 

* * 

Back in the lounge room, where the boys and Caroline’s parents sat, they started talking. 

“Boys… I wouldn’t be asking this if she hadn’t been hit by a car… but Tina and I are going on a holiday for the Christmas break in two weeks. Considering school ends in a week, and Caroline won’t be able to take care of herself –“ Keith said, blabbering on as he tried to get to the point.

“We were wondering if you could please watch her over Christmas?” Tina butted in, finishing off her husband’s sentence. 

“That would be great!” Liam said. Harry’s smirk grew wider and Louis had a smirk growing over his face. 

Niall and Zayn agreed which left Tina and Keith smiling. 

“Thank you so much, boys… you don’t know how much this means to us.” Tina smiled. 

“It’s our pleasure,” Zayn said. 

“But Caroline doesn’t know that we are going on a holiday yet, especially without her. It’s just because it is our anniversary and…” Keith blabbed. 

“It’s fine, You don’t have to explain yourselves.” Niall smiled, the Irish tone coming out as he said it. 

“We’ll tell her tomorrow,” Keith said, more to Tina than to the boys.

* * * * 

The next day, Caroline had totally forgotten that her foot was in a cast. Without realising, she stepped onto the ground, a whole lot of pain striking up her leg as she did so. She groaned in pain and let herself fall back onto the bed. 

Her father heard the yelp and rushed to Caroline’s bedroom, helping her back up, and grabbing hold of her waist as they made their way to the kitchen for breakfast. 

It smelt amazing. Fresh bacon, eggs and hash browns for breakfast with a side of orange juice. 

“Thanks,” Caroline smiled as her mother handed her a plate at the table. 

“Welcome” her mother replied, grabbing hers and Keith’s plate, also placing it onto the table and sitting down themselves. 

“Sweetie…” Caroline’s father started.

“Mm?” she replied, with a mouth full of hash browns. 

“We have something to tell you…”

“See, we are going away in two weeks for a week and a half.”

“That’s good.”

“Without you. And we have organised babysitters.”

“Babysitters? A babysitter? For me? Are you joking?” Caroline rose her voice, staring at both of her parents in shock.

“We wouldn’t have asked anyone to be a babysitter, but you were hit by a car… and now, we just don’t think you can take care of yourself. That’s all it is.”

“But it’s fine. Because we picked someone you know.” Her father said.

“Who?” Caroline spat.

“Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam.”

“Them? So it’s more than one?!” she stood up, grabbing her crutches in shock. “No!”

“They live next door, Caroline. It’s much easier.”

Caroline stood dead in her tracks, realising who her parents had just said it was that they had chosen. Them. The ones that bully me. Abuse me. Every single day.

Caroline made her way to her bedroom, making her way passed her stereo as she turned the volume up.

So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song

The butterflies fly awayI'm noddin' my head like "Yeah!"

Movin' my hips like "Yeah!" 

Caroline sang along to the songs as she hopped her way over to her bed and pulled out her laptop. 

“One Direction….” Was all that she could see on her twitter timeline. 

She shook her head and slammed her laptop lid down. 

Why can’t they have moved in next door to someone else? Why me? I didn’t do anything to deserve this… did I?


Authors Notes:  Okay, thank you all so much for reading, thank you so much for voting and commenting and all that jizz. Well, I hope you're enjoying the story so far and yes yes yes.

To be completely honest, I'm not the biggest fan of this chapter but yes, it's a chapter. 

Also, please do vote for the story if you are enjoying it! It would mean the absolute world to me, okay. 

And don't forget to comment too! Comment thoughts and all that. 

And last but not least, please feel free to follow me on twitter @bangableniall, 

Yes, thank you for reading this awfully long authors note, thank you very much. BYE

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