
By DeadDontLie

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In the supernatural world, the creatures are countless and they manifest among the living undetected. The mos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 34

56 7 18
By DeadDontLie

General POV.

David was sitting, his back to the wall, his arms on his knees.

He had had enough with their fake romance and he was ready to confront Harry.

He chanted in his head that that was all for Mia's sake and as honest as that was, it was only a part of the truth.

David was torn into two halves since 6th grade, David the lover and the friend. David the friend suppressed his other half and dug a deep hole and left him there. But still, David the lover crawled and clawed his way up and fought for his place. He resisted relentlessly but David the friend always subsided him at the end. And after that exhausting internal conflict, Harry came and blew away David the friend. Leaving the lover defeated and the friend rejected. He was doing this to himself more than anybody else.

He called out to Harry for the third time, hoping he wouldn't get an answer but deep down he still demanded a closure.

"You wished to see me?" Harry said his voice suppressed by a layer as it used to be in the past. He was in the mirror.

"Where were you?" David asked angrily.

"With friends." Harry replied shortly with provoking casualness.

"Is Mia one of those?" David asked narrowing his eyes, shading the new pieces of information he knows.

"You can go ahead and ask her." Harry dodged the question deceptively.

"No, I'm asking you. Harry Styles, the small adventurous little kid who was a part of a mere theory of an old man." David followed Harry's provocative steps expecting a growl, scowl, frown at least. But Harry smiled a scornful smile.

"Geoff Payne is not an old man, he's a wise old man and nothing you can say or do would change my respect for him. Are we done here?" Harry replied smoothly, trivializing the fact that David knew such information.

"Far from done. You're keeping Mia like a pig for thanksgiving, I'm not gonna let you do that. She's not a sinner." David said trying to keep a smug expression but it just wasn't him.

"Vladimir huh?" Harry asked amusedly.

"Do you just know everything?" David huffed giving up the confident demeanor.

"Not everything, no. I just know you're not dumb David. I'm sure you've heard I have a task. But how I perform it or whether I do or not, is none of your concern." Harry said with his usual coolness.

"No, I'll have to stop you right there. Mia is my business." David said his voice rising.

"Let her decide that." Harry had the devil's smile on his face, the sentence was more of a challenge, and it wasn't inviting.

Before David can protest, Harry was no longer in the mirror.

David furiously opened the door, hearing an exchanging of words between Mia's delicate voice and a smug british one that he has so much detest for at the moment.

"He's pointed out that our friendship bothers him. Maybe we don't have to hangout anymore." Harry said referring to David.

At first, David was relieved to hear Harry willing to cut the ties like that but that willingness was what caused the panic to climb up his throat. Harry's willingness meant Mia's insistence.

"I'll talk to him-" Mia started but was interrupted by David's appearance.

"What are you doing?!" David shouted at her out of the blue.

"Hanging out with him? With him!" David pointed at Harry. Harry remained silent waiting for the right moment to interfere. Like a snake.

"It's none of your business who I go out with! Can't you just embrace it that I have another friend?!" Mia argued, facing David.

"Another friend is fine by me, but a Gamer?!" David started but she cut him off.

"He's been nice to me! He hasn't even asked for anything in return!" She maniacally defended.

"Not Yet!" David corrected.

"Mia, it's okay. I'll leave." Harry said, his tone minded.

"OF COURSE YOU'RE GOING TO SAY THAT! I'M THE BAD GUY NOW? HUH?" David burst and Harry crossed his arms but didn't get the chance to reply as Mia defended him instantly.


"WOW REALLY? YOU'RE NOT HOOKED UP TO A KILLER? YOU'RE NOT IN LOVE WITH A BAD GUY?" David said at this point, blinded by rage.

"Enough!" Harry ended their feud. "This has gone too far. I'm sorry, Mia." Harry said walking to the door.

"NO! Harry stay!" She raced him there, but Harry had already got to the door. He opened it and she slammed it shut.

"What is wrong with you! Let him leave!" David shouted exasperatedly.

"NO! YOU LEAVE!" She burst and it rendered all of them silent.

David blinked a few times, not even trying to hide away his hurt.

"David, I'm-" Mia started, feeling guilty after seeing his face.

"No, don't. It's okay. Tides will bring me back to you right?" David said, reminiscing the old memory.

He immediately turned away to pack. Without hesitation, he thought that maybe when he's gone, she'd have more room to think about angelic Harry and his angelic task.

The moment he closed the bedroom's door, Mia burst into tears turning and quickly crashing into Harry's shoulder. The latter embraced her kindly. Gently patting her back.


David wasn't furiously or eagerly packing his suitcases, he was taking his time. Enjoying the last few minutes in Mia's company even in this state.

He wasn't angry or mad at Harry. Deep down he didn't want to stop him anyway, and he was happy that he couldn't. Mia heartlessly murdered that kid and what's worse is that she didn't care.

That day when she stepped over him, she was shaken up. She didn't want to go to jail, she told him. He digged information about the kid and apparently he was orphaned and her response is what made David kind of pleased by Harry's arrival.

"He's orphan." He informed with a tragic look.
"Good." She replied.

Good? Who would ever refer to the orphaning of a kid as a good incident? A murderer would.

"David." David heard a slick voice and he jumped.

"Josh?" David asked in disbelief. Harry's ultimate enemy is standing right in front of him and now that David knew Harry's story, he wanted to do something.

"Save it, I'm leaving." David said before Josh can offer him any tempting deals.

"Leaving? Are you really going to leave her for Harry?" Josh said stepping on the wire.

"It's none of my business or yours. She chose him alright?" David snapped and turned back to his suitcase.

"She chose the executioner but had she had any warning?" Josh asked rhetorically and David gazed at him intensely in a sideways glance.

"Unless, you want her to die." Josh continued.

"Alright. That's it. Whatever you came here to do is not happening. So just beat it." David spat and only then had he realized, he's talking to an Observer that could roast his eyes out in the matter of seconds.

"Just beat it? Hmph.... the David I knew would help Mia at all costs. I wonder what happened to him?" He pretended to be thinking deeply and David rolled his eyes.

"How? How would I if she won't even let me stay." David sighed.

"We can kill Harry before he kills Mia." Josh suggested and David snickered catching him off guard.

"I'm gonna pass. Don't you think I know the lame attempts of a man trying to save his ass?" David mocked.

"She's going to die viciously." Josh warned.

"I say you go now, Josh. You can't be the strategist, so dismiss yourself before further embarrassment." David said scornfully, zipping his suitcases and heading out, leaving Josh boiling inside.

He felt a little satisfaction when he saw Mia's puffy face and tear-stained cheeks and then he felt bad for feeling such pleasure. She instantly pulled him in a hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Stay with us. Please stay with us." She said frantically and started crying again.

"No, I can't. I'll let you know how Max is doing. I'll keep in touch don't worry." David gave his empty promises with a small sad smile.

"Harry." David nodded towards him.

"David." Harry returned the greeting with the same nod.

"You do your job." David assured and turned to the door.

He turned the doorknob and Mia murmured, "No, David please." At which he smiled and repeated, "Tides will bring me back to you."

He shut the door behind him and Mia hugged Harry again. Crying and crying and crying.

"Shhh, we'll be alright." He said hypnotically. And that was it David had left.


"You needed me?" Harry asked the mentor, Isabelle Walters as they stood in her living room.

"The angels have given me a prior name to your list." She initiated.

"Urgent?" He asked.

"No, take your time but it must be your next victim." She said, stretching her hand out with a small paper folded between her fingers.

"Oh and you're gonna like it." She added and Harry took the paper unfolding it and seeing the ink neatly write a name he couldn't help but smile wickedly at.

This is going to be fun.


There you have it. No more David.

I'm dedicating this chapter to AdoreDrew as a motivation to write her new short story. Pretty please? 😂😂😂

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