I Hate You

By Kellyrages

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Ryan Sitkowski x Reader You're in high school, dealing with your parents split and your friends. You and Ryan... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 17
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31

Part 22

969 23 2
By Kellyrages

"How do I look?" Ryan asks nervously, tugging on his black shirt he'd borrowed from Devin. He frowns at his reflection, toying with the white tie hanging down from his neck, feeling ridiculous.

"You look good, man," Devin chuckles, looking him over. "If I was into you I'd totally try to hit on you."

"Don't be an ass, Devin."

Devin grins.

"So you guys are gonna meet us at the school, right?" Ryan turns to look at him, tugging on the neck of his shirt uncomfortably.

"Yeah man, we'll be there. Stop freaking out. You're gonna love her dress."

"I don't care about her dress," Ryan mutters, giving his reflection another dubious once over.

"Don't tell her that, she took two hours picking it out," Devin grouches at him, ushering him out of his room and to the living room. "You better fucking compliment her and tell her she looks great even if she looks like a snowflake."

Ryan rolls his eyes; of course he was going to compliment you.

"Alright, get moving, hot cakes! You don't want to be late picking her up!" Devin says, snapping his fingers and quickly ushering Ryan out the front door of his house, Chris snickering from the couch. "See you soon!"

"I feel like we're sending our kid out," Chris jokes, pushing himself off the couch, dressed in a nice black dress shirt, a few buttons on the top open, his black slacks making his legs look even longer. "Poor things nervous as fuck."

"I know," Devin sighs, running his hand through his hair. "Let's hope he doesn't fuck up."

Chris snorts. "This is Ryan we're talking about."


You're almost giddy with anticipation, squirming on the stool as your mother finishes your hair. She'd curled it, then twisted it up into a pretty flower design on the back of your head, placing a pretty flower decoration in the center. She'd left a few curls hanging down to frame your face, your silver eye makeup making your eyes stand out more then anything, and she doesn't want to take away from that. You look absolutely drop dead gorgeous, especially in the dress you'd picked out, and the heels match perfectly.

Ryan was going to fall over when he saw you, your mother almost doesn't want you to go. You look stunning!

"There," she clucks, finishing with your hair, gazing at your reflections. "You look beautiful."

You smile at her, and quickly turn, hugging her. "Thanks, Mom!"

"Of course," she chuckles, holding you tightly, hardly able to believe that her little girl was growing so quickly, that someone was already dating you, taking you off into the world and out of her arms.

You grin as you hear the doorbell ring, and you lean away from your mother, excited.

"Ryan's here!" you gasp, pulling away from her.

"Go get the door," your mother chuckles, ushering you on, and you quickly dart out of the bathroom, nervously trotting down the stairs, smoothing your sweaty hands against your dress, chewing your lip as you stride to the front door, your heels clicking.

Would he like your dress? Did you look okay? What about your hair?

Would he think you look dumb?

You hesitate at the front door, and then quickly open it, only to blink, staring.

"Dad?" you say in surprise, seeing he was standing on the doorstep, looking like he feels awkward; he's dressed in a suit and tie, like he'd just left his office, and he's staring at you like he doesn't recognize you at all.

"(Y/N), you look... beautiful," he says after a moment, and you feel your cheeks tinge. You hesitate, then step back, allowing him to walk into the house. You glance at the stairs, seeing your mother standing at the top, her arms crossed as she looked at your father.

"How did you know to come?" you ask, slowly shutting the door, watching as he sat his briefcase down, almost like out of habit in the same spot he always had.

"Your mother called, said you had a dance. I wanted to see you before you went," he muttered, turning to look at you again, suddenly realizing how old you really were, even older with all the makeup your mother had painted you with.

His little girl was really growing up on him.

"Oh," you glance up at your mom. "Okay. Well, Ryans going to be here soon, so ---."

"I won't stay long, I just wanted to see you," your father assures, his eyes on the short length of your skirt; he wants to say something, but he doesn't want to overstep his boundaries; your mother had called a tentative truce so he could see you after the shit move he'd pulled, so he didn't want to ruin it. "You look incredible."

You smile at him, softening under the compliment, letting your anger at him go for the moment. You're kind of glad he showed up, it was kind of like old times again.

You turn as there's another knock on the door, knowing this time it had to be Ryan. Your eyes flick nervously to your dad, and he raises his brows at you, almost looking amused.

"I'll get it," he chuckles, and you nod, quickly darting into the kitchen, stopping by the small mirror that hangs above one of the counters. You quickly check your makeup, making sure you hadn't messed it up.

Ryan's nervous as fuck, rocking back and forth on his heels as he knocks on your front door. He's starting to sweat, he feels like he looks stupid in the white tie and black shirt, and he's nervous he'd going to mess up the whole stupid dancing bit; maybe he could put it off?

He's startled when your father opens the door, and it's all over his face. He and your father stare at each other for several seconds, obviously measuring the other up.

Ryan clears his throat, lowering his hand. "Uh, is ---?"

"Come in.... Ryan," your dad says after a moment, a sour expression on his face as he opens the door wider. "You're right on time."

Ryan knows that, he'd made sure of it. He steps nervously into your house, the smell of paint fumes and scented candles assaulting his nose and making his stomach roll; or maybe that was nerves, he's not sure.

"Hello, Ryan," your mother smiles, halfway down the stairs.

"Hey." He glances around, his eyes finally landing on you as you step hesitantly from the kitchen, and he blinks, just staring at you for several seconds.

You look like a princess, and he doesn't think he's ever seen anyone so beautiful before. His lips part, but no words come out, and all he can do is look at you. You feel your cheeks heat, and you shuffle.

Your father clears his throat loudly, and Ryan straightens with a jerk, flushing.


"Hey," you murmur, twisting your fingers a moment as you bite your lip, glad you'd used stain so the color wouldn't come off. Ryan was looking good, and you smile as you see his tie, almost the exact color of your dress; Devin had definitely been involved.

"I like your tie," you tease, absently tugging on it, and Ryan flushes, smiling in embarrassment.

"Thanks. I like your dress," his eyes run over your again, over the strapless front where there was just a hint of cleavage, just enough to make you wonder. "You look.... wow."

You beam, your eyes lighting up at the compliment; it wasn't the words, it was the way he said it, genuinely blown away by how you look.

Your mother and father look at each other knowingly, remembering how they'd felt at their first prom together, when he'd officially asked her out junior year. They'd dated the rest of the way through high school, and your mother had worked while he'd attended law school, eventually having you a few years later. 

Funny how one night had lead to twenty plus years of marriage.

"You ready to go?" Ryan asks, offering his arm, and you nod, quickly accepting it. He loves your perfume, you smell like warm vanilla, and it has to be one of his favorite scents on you.

"Oh, not yet!" your mother bursts, holding her phone in her hand. "I want pictures of the two of you."

"Mom ---."

"Pictures," your mother says firmly, dismissing your protests. You sigh, but you know you don't have much choice, and you both sidle up together, smiling as your mother snaps fifteen different photos of the same pose. You're a little hesitant when she ushers your father into the pictures, he standing beside you rather then Ryan, and then without Ryan completely.

Well this wasn't awkward at all.

"Okay," your mother says after she was finally done, getting photos with everyone and making sure they all turned out good. "I'm done."

"Okay, we'll be going then," you say, relieved, Ryan hastily opening the front door.

"You two have fun, be safe," your mother calls, her and your father walking the two of you to the front steps, neither of them quite ready to let you go. "Everyone's going to be out tonight, so drive careful, Ryan! Watch for ---."

"Mom," you sigh, both of you lingering on the walkway, Ryan half-grinning; he was actually a really good driver.

Your mother flushes, a little embarrassed, but she couldn't help herself. She leans against the railing of your front porch, propping her chin on her hand.

"Be back by eleven," your father says, absently leaning beside her, and your mother rolls her eyes.

"Twelve," she amends, ignoring his irked expression. "Be safe."

"We will, thanks Mom, Dad." you smile, gazing at the two of them before letting Ryan lead you to his car, he quickly opening the door for you. 

"They're so cute together," your mother sighs, watching as the two of you leave.


"Do they remind you of anyone?" she then asks, looking up at him. "He seemed so nervous, just like you did."

"Let's hope he's not like me," your father chuckles. "I remember what I thought about back then."

"Mhm, so do I. I'm surprised we didn't have her earlier."

Your father can't help but grin at the memories, and he leans up, turning to smile at your mother, absently squeezing her shoulder. "Well it wasn't for lack of trying."

Your mother chuckles, and then starts to the front door, her bare feet silent against the porch. She opens the door, glancing back at her ex husband, standing on the porch, almost with a lost look.

"Do you want some wine?" she asks after a moment, hesitating. "Stay for a bit?"

Your father hesitates, suddenly unsure. He really shouldn't, he had to get home to his secretary and her little girl, he'd said he wouldn't be long. But to be honest, he didn't want to go back to them, he'd much rather stay, if just for a little while.

He hadn't meant to miss his dinner with you, he'd actually been working late and lost track of time, and his girlfriend hadn't reminded him. In fact, they'd had a bad argument over it, one that had almost made him walk out on her. She wasn't going to be the reason his daughter never spoke to him again, and he wants nothing more then to make amends with you, somehow.

Maybe he should start with your mother, with forgiveness.

"Sure," he says after a moment, nodding. "I'd like that."

Your mother smiles, and steps back, letting him walk ahead of her into the house.

Just like old times.


Ryan feels insanely proud to have you on his arm as the two of you walk towards the school gymnasium. You look amazing, he'd literally been unable to form a sentence when he'd seen you.

You look like a princess.

He glances around, searching for his friends, finally spotting them lingering awkwardly by the doors, Ricky smoking like he would die if he didn't have enough nicotine in his system in the next few hours.

Ryan smirks as he nears, noticing Chris see the two of you first, looking slightly impressed.

"Devin," you call, letting go of Ryan to go where he stands, looking impressive in his black clothing with a deep red tie. Devin turns, grinning when he sees you, quickly hugging you back when you wrap your arms around him, whispering a thank you in his ear that makes him laugh.

"Any time," he says, squeezing your hands as he leans away, his eyes raking over you. "Any time."

"Why are you guys lingering out here?" you ask, brushing a curl of hair out of your eyes as you turn to look at everyone else.

"Uh," Ricky glances at Ryan. "We didn't want to go in without you two, of course."

"Ah, pack mentality, got it."

Ricky frowns; what?

Ryan snickers, quickly taking your hand.

"Come on," he says, looping his fingers through yours and guiding you forward.

"Is it me or is she hot as fuck?" Ricky whispers to Chris, and Chris just shrugs, everyone starting forward.

"She looks nice, yeah." he glances behind him, making sure Balz was still there. None of them were exceptionally pleased to be there, they'd all just come for Ryan to support him. Vinny was even there, texting on his phone; he'd just come to watch Ryan dance, if he was being honest. His dad was one of the chaperones, so it wasn't exactly like he could have any fun.

You walk forward confidently, your eyes scanning the thick crowd as everyone streamed into the gym, loud, obnoxious music booming from inside the doors. You spot Ashley, leaning against the wall in a black dress, her hair curled and swept over her shoulder. She was on her phone, ignoring everyone else as she waits for you to appear.

"Ash," you wave your hand in front of her, aware she was on kindle and reading another book. "You ready to go in?"

"Hmm?" Ashley raises her head, then nods. "You look pretty."

"Thanks, so do you. Who knew you even owned a dress?"

Ashley chuckles, glancing behind you at your black followers.

"You look nice, Ryan," she compliments, looping your arm through hers, and Ryan stares at her for several seconds, startled to hear her speak.

"Uh, thanks. You too."

"Let's go in," you urge, seeing Ryan suddenly hesitate. Chris hands close on his shoulders, forcing him to walk forward, and you all enter together, quickly finding a nice spot in the crowd where you can all stand and talk while the music is situated.

They'd done a nice job with the gym, silver streamers rippling down from the ceiling, balloons decorating the floor and floating against the ceiling. There's glittery confetti everywhere, a small amount of tables in the corner with gray tablecloths, fake candles in the center with plastic flowers.

You gaze out over the crowd, recognizing everyone, your eyes running over the other dresses and making sure no one else was wearing the same one as you. Satisfied, you turn to Ryan, tugging on his sleeve where he was talking to Chris.

"Let's go dance," you urge, and you swear panic flashes across his face.

"Right now?"

"Yes." you frown at him, and he glances at his friends, all of them grinning at him like they know something you don't.


"Okay, we're going," he assures, reluctantly letting you lead him out onto the floor. Ashley crosses her arms, wondering how well Ryan was going to keep up with you, a girl who'd taken dance classes until she reached high school.

"Does he even know how to dance?" she calls to whichever one of his friends would answer.

"He's been practicing," Balz informs her, eager to see how Ryan did. "So he'll be okay."

"We hope," Ricky adds, sniggering, and Devin rolls his eyes.

You can do this, you can do this, Ryan tells himself, suddenly on the dance floor beneath the sweeping lights, your warm hand in his. You turn expectantly, and for a few seconds he forgets to breath, just knowing he's going to make a fool of himself.

And then suddenly its a slow song, and he lets his breath go, shoulders slumping. Okay, these were easy.

"What's with the face?" you ask, noticing his relieved expression as your arms loop around his neck, his hands closing around your waist, soon locking at your lower back. 

"What face?" he asks innocently, aware he was holding you much closer then necessary, both of you slowly moving in circles; he wasn't even paying attention to the music, his eyes were on you.

You scrunch your nose up at him, and he chuckles, quickly pressing a kiss against it that makes you smile. You curl closer, letting your head rest against his shoulder, enjoying the small moment together.

So far so good.

Ryan finds that he enjoys himself, that maybe the dance was lame as fuck with terrible music and decorations, but the time spent with you was definitely worth it. He likes holding you this close, speaking softly back and forth, the two of you only able to hear the other. It feels intimate, that despite you're surrounded by over a hundred people, it could just as well have been the two of you.

So when a quicker song comes on, Ryans relaxed, feeling confident in himself as he draws back, still holding your hand. He doesn't miss your surprised expression when he spins you out and under his arm, and you light up when you realize he can dance after all.

It makes everything ten times better.

"Damn, look at Ryan go," Vinny whistles, holding a cup of terrible punch in his hand. "He actually has some moves."

"I don't think he needed them, he already had her wrapped around his finger," Chris comments, leaning against the bleachers. "Did you not see how she looked at him?"

"I think that goes both ways," Devin adds. "Ryan was so nervous he was gonna mess up tonight. And she looks really good. She spent a fortune on that dress."

"You can tell," Balz says, crossing his arms, starting to feel overly warm. "How long do we have to stay and offer support?"

"I dont think he needs us anymore," Ricky shakes his head. "You guys wanna go for some Chinese or something?"

"Sure, sounds good."

"Ashley, do you wanna come?" Chris asks after a moment, seeing your friend was simply on her phone again, completely uninterested in the dance; she'd only come because you had begged her.

She looks surprised that Chris had even asked.

"Um, to get Chinese?" her eyes flick along the black-clad group; at least she would fit in.

"Yeah. You wanna come or hang here?"

She curls her nose; she'd rather go. "I'm in."


"I think our friends have abandoned us," you murmur, slowly weaving back and forth to the music. Ryan chuckles, holding you close, not caring if everyone left at that point. 

"Too bad, they're missing out," he says, feeling you smile. This was probably the best time you'd ever had at one of the school events, you just wish you could get away with kissing Ryan without a reprimand.

Your feet were starting to ache, though, and you don't like being a little taller then Ryan, it made it harder for you to hug up on him. It was just ten, the dance didn't end for a while, and you didn't have to be home until midnight.

Still, you're not sure where the two of you would even go. 

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Ryan suddenly asks, as if knowing exactly what you're thinking.

"Yeah," you agree, squeezing him a moment before letting go, oblivious to anyone but him. He takes your hand, and together the two of you leave.

You and Ryan leave the building, whispering and giggling, so wrapped up in each other you don't notice anyone else. You smile at him, your eyes warm as they run over him --- he looks so handsome, perfect.
You feel like you're on cloud nine, Ryan makes everything wonderful! He's not paid another girl a glance, not caring what they look like because he knows they can't compare to you. He's crazy about you, prepared go get on his knees if you want him too.
No one has ever treated him the way you do, looked at him with genuine smiles and warmth for him. You don't make him feel embarrassed about his band or bad about himself, you're so supportive and always full of encouragement --- you don't mind he works late hours, that generally he's too tired to talk every night.
You're amazing.
The two of you make it to the parking lot, and you turn, forcing him to stop so you can kiss him the way you want too, needing to feel his lips against yours. Ryan grins, and his hands bury in your thick hair, urgently returning your kiss. 
You're pretty sure the warmth in your chest has progressed far beyond fondness for him, especially after the wonderful way the night was going. You find yourself eagerly leaning in to him, and only vaguely hear someone wolf whistle at the two of you from across the parking lot.
You flush as you lean away, biting your lip as you see your lipstick was now staining Ryans lips. He's just looking down at you, hardly surprised that he's having fun at a school event. He'd never been to one of the dances before, and if it wasn't for you he's sure it would have sucked.
His lips dip to yours once more, kissing you deeply before pulling away, his eyes darkening.
"Do you want to go back to my place?" he whispers, running his fingers down your cheek, and you nod, your eyes on his, unable to look away.
He could have asked you to go to the Bermuda Triangle and you would have bought the tickets.
The drive to his house is over before you realize it, and the two of you more or less tumble into his house, a mess of heavy kisses and grasping hands. You're not sure when you'd lost your shoes or jacket, or how his shirt ended up in the kitchen. 
You just know it doesn't take long until you're on his bed and he's on top of you, kissing you urgently as he parts your thighs, your hands running down his bare back, exploring the firm muscles, your dress suddenly too constricting.
He's leaning over you, your thighs against his hips as his tongue controls yours, and you pull on him impatiently, wanting him closer, wanting to feel his skin on yours. You're not thinking, you're letting your body tell you what to do, and Ryan groans as his hips brush between yours, knowing what he wants.
You can feel him moving your skirt, bunching it around your waist and out of his way. You're only a little nervous as his warm hand slides confidently into your panties, his teeth tugging on your lower lip as his talented fingers get to work.
Your hips shift immediately, and you groan, wrapping your arms around his neck as you start to become wet, his fingers gentle as they slip inside of you, curling upward and making you jerk at the motion. You bite deeper into your lip, Ryans now suckling your neck as he makes you damp, working you over until your body is achingly warm.
"Ryan," you moan in his ear, and his blood starts to roar as you push against his hand eagerly, your body wanting more, needing it. 
"Do you trust me?" he suddenly whispers, nuzzling your ear, and you hesitate, rolling your head to look at him in the darkness of the room.
"Then don't move."
You sigh as his fingers leave you and he leans up, backing away from your thighs.
What was he doing? You watch him nervously, torn between what you want to do tonight. Do you want to sleep with him, let him take your virginity? Do you want to wait?
Your body definitely doesn't want too.
"Ryan?" you ask, flushing as he slowly draws your panties down your thighs, your nerves evident in your voice.
"Trust me," he murmurs, his voice husky in the darkness. You feel his lips against your knee, and you swallow as he starts to kiss up your thigh.
Your face goes crimson as you realize his intention, and you start to protest, abruptly unsure and suddenly embarrassed. You're not sure you're ready for that. "Ryan ---!"
"Relax," he says, kissing your thighs, they now over his shoulders.
Oh god.
Your face is a permanent shade of red. It was one thing to have his hand down there but --- well, what if, if you taste bad? Or, or smell? Oh god what if you missed a spot shaving and ---!
Ryan feels you tense the closer he gets, and he tries not to chuckle. 
You were so going to enjoy this, and he's definitely bragging; this was one of the things he was good at!
Ryan lightly touches his lips to your clit, feeling you jerk as he runs his tongue over the sensitive bud, your thighs instinctively squeezing. Your fingers curl into his sheets, and you close your eyes, inhaling sharply as he dips lower, parting your folds and teasing your entrance. 
Holy fuck, oh god, that definitely feels good!
How did he even know to do that?
His tongue slightly zig zags, curling and prodding until you're squirming, completely blown away by the pure pleasure radiating from your lower half.
"That feels so good," you gasp, unable to stop your fingers from tangling in his dark hair. He chuckles, the vibrations amazing! He languidly let's his tongue torture you, showing you a whole new world you'd been missing out on. Your body is so taut you're sure you'll break, and you know you have to be hurting him by how tightly you're holding his hair, but you can't help it.
It feels, feels ---!
Ryans lips close around your clit, suckling now as he let's his finger slip inside your welcoming entrance, moving inside of you and making your hips jerk; you're so wet, so accepting of him, and your steadily growing louder moans have him so hard he's going to cum before he even gets any attention!
"Fuck!" you gasp, your back arching as you let out a cry, suddenly cumming and startling even yourself. Your thighs attempt to squeeze, your hips bucking against his tongue as you shake. Ryan beams, super fucking proud of himself as he raises up; you'd never cum that hard for him before, you must have really enjoyed it!
You're panting where you lay, your hands against your face as you desperately try to regain your bearings, a little embarrassed at how hard you'd reacted, how loud you'd been.
You flush as Ryan kisses your knee, slowly lifting your hands so you can look at him. He looks satisfied as he crawls up you, smirking at your crimson cheeks.
"I knew you'd like that," he smirks, propping himself over you. You roll your eyes as you lean up to kiss him, not wanting him to think you wouldn't.
Do you really taste like that?
Like, not in a disgusting way, just --- different, you guess. You don't know what you keep expecting, it wasn't exactly like you could compare it to something. It definitely doesn't taste like jolly ranchers.
Ryans tongue curls around yours, and he's having a hard time deciding if he wants to ask you if you're ready for actual sex or not. His dick is literally throbbing at this point, and you're already not wearing any underwear!
Or he at least needs a blow job! 
Your fingers are in his hair again, and you're kissing him back with an urgency he's liking. He shifts, pressing his bulge into your thigh to let you know how serious it was getting, how much he's needing you. Your lips hesitate a moment against his, and then you pull back, not missing his sigh.
You were done, weren't you?
"Ryan," you murmur, your thumb caressing his cheek.
"We don't have to do more," he says, kissing your nose. "Not if you don't want too."
"I... I do want too." You bite your lip, suddenly nervous as he looks at you in surprise.
"You want to have sex?" He's very blunt when he's startled. You nod your head, pushing until the two of you are sitting, staring at each other.
"I... Yes. I do."
"Like right now?"
You frown, pinching his bare shoulder, and he flushes as he realizes how stupid he sounds. Of course right now.
"Are you sure?" he hesitates, and you nod again, your mind made up. Why the hell not?
You're crazy about Ryan, and he's been so patient and kind with you, showing you and making you feel things you didn't know were possible. You want to go farther with him, you trust him.
And there was no time like the present.
"You want to help me out of this dress?" you ask, your voice belying how suddenly beyond nervous you are. Ryans face lights up, and he's almost falling over himself in his haste to get behind you, hasty fingers slipping on your zipper.
You feel him slowly let it down, and you suck in a tight breath, flushing as he moves to face you again, the cool air leaving goosebumps on your bare back.
You've never been completely naked in front of anyone before. Like, obviously Ryan has seen all you have to offer at this point, but not all at the same time! You've always had some clothes left on.
But this time....
You slowly peel your fingers from the sheets, and raise your arms obediently, letting Ryan pull your dress completely off you. You curl your knees up automatically, looking down shyly as you're now completely bare before him.
Ryans fingers brush beneath your chin, tilting it up so he can kiss you gently. That's the only place he touches you, and you start to relax after a few seconds, your hand rising to curl around his neck, sighing as you let go of some of your reservations. He presses forward after a moment, and your back presses against the sheets.
You curl your arms around his neck, his bare skin pressing against yours. He's taking his time kissing you, not rushing like you sort of figured he would.
Actually, you kind if wish he would just so you could get it over with.
You had the first time built up something horrible in your head, but you suppose that was the reason parents always made you fearful to have sex young. You know it's different for everyone, some it hurts worse then others, and you hope it isn't painful at all!
You hate pain.
You shift, your hands carefully drawing down Ryans chest, feeling his stomach muscles contract as your nails rake softly against his skin. You find the hem of his jeans, tugging, not wanting to be the only one to be completed vulnerable.
Ryan reaches down immediately, relieved that he can take his pants off now; his erection was causing him to be incredibly uncomfortable , but he hadn't wanted to just strip completely and make you feel even more nervous. Your eyes flick down, and you chew your lip as he's suddenly naked too.
You flush, averting your eyes, and Ryan leans over you, hastily fumbling through his night stand. He'd bought condoms when the two of you had initially started dating; he was starting to think he'd never get to use them. 
"Are you sure about this?" he asks, just in case you've changed your mind, and your eyes flick back to his. 
"Yes, I'm sure." You wish he'd stop asking that, it's making your anxiety worse.
Ryan hopes you're serious. He leaves the condom lying on the night stand, his lips finding yours once more as his hand glides down your body, wanting to feel all of you for once. Your skin is so smooth to the touch, so warm and reactive, it's still hard for him to believe you're his girlfriend.
You're too perfect.
You kiss him, trying your best not to let your nerves show, but you can't tell if he's noticed or not. You shift automatically as his hand finally finds its way between your thighs again, his talented fingers exciting you once more.

Ryans probably more nervous then you are. he knows it's supposed to be uncomfortable for the girl her first time, and his mind is trying to find ways to go about it. should he just be slow and easy, build you up again? ​or did you want him to go quickly, just get it over with?
He doesn't know what to do!
Fuck, he's just gonna go with the flow, figure it out as he goes along. he knows you're already sensitive where he's been down there before, and you're already growing wet for him again --- but still you were so damn tight!
He's so worried he'll hurt you.​
He's not saying he has a huge dick or anything, but he was confident with his size, and you hadn't laughed when you'd seen it for the first time, so that was a plus. But he's never been with a virgin, he doesn't know what to expect.
He lets his finger tease your entrance, his lips now on your neck in the spot he knows you like. Your hands curve around his upper arms, hips shifting again, almost eagerly against him as you start to feel warm again.
You want to have sex already! You want to get the worst of it over with! You appreciate the fact Ryan is trying to be careful and stuff, but you're incredibly impatient.
You want to know what it's like!
You squirm again, feeling his erection brush against your thigh; he's so hard you're surprised he isn't already jumping on the chance to fuck you.
You bite your lip as you feel a third finger slip inside you, feeling the slightest bit of sting. Okay, so maybe that's why he's taking his time, was he worried he wouldn't fit ?
You really don't care. You want him now.
"Ryan," you tug on the back of his hair,dragging his lips back to yours and letting him know real quick how ready you are for him, that you don't want to wait Anymore. He groans, his body so ready to be in yours he's throbbing; he just hopes he doesn't cum too early.
His fingers pull out of you, and you hear him fumbling for the condom pack, hear the rip as he hastily tears it open. His lips leave yours for a few seconds, and you glance down curiously, watching as he opens the condom, pinching the very end before rolling it on; so that's it? You just pull it on and you're ready to go?
Ryan shuffles over you again, his lips dipping to yours once more as he gets himself ready. Your fingers are tight around his shoulders, and you can feel him at your entrance now, his head nudging through your folds.
Okay okay, this is it, don't freak out! Maybe it won't even hurt? Maybe it'll be fine!
Ryan hesitates, feeling you tense beneath him as you bury your face against his neck, but he's not going to turn back now, and you'd probably punch him if he asks if you're sure again.
So here goes.
You're very wet, so he slips at first. His chest is constricting as he situates himself again, and he holds his breath as he finally pushes in the smallest bit. You don't immediately screech in pain, so he relaxes a little, kissing your shoulder as he sinks a little deeper, feeling your body now starting to resist, get tighter.
Shit, he's just going to have to go for it, it's not going to be any easier.
He sighs, and his hand tilts your chin so he can kiss you gently.
He feels you relax slightly.
Good, maybe it'll hurt less.
Ryan abruptly pushes the rest of the way in, and you gasp in pain, your nails digging into his arms as you go stiff beneath him, squeezing your eyes shut.
You hadn't expected it to feel like that! You're more surprised then in a lot of pain, it actually isn't horrible, its just... uncomfortable. Your body is having to stretch to accommodate for him, and it stings and burns more then anything else, but you don't feel like you're dying . It hurts worse because you're so tense.
Ryan kisses your cheeks, almost feeling guilty that you're in pain because of him. He doesn't move, his own arms trembling from having to lift himself over you for so long. He isn't want to make it worse, so he gives you time, waiting for you to give him the okay to move again .
"You alright?" He asks, hearing you sniffle,and you bob your head, sucking in a deep breathe.
"Yeah, I just --- yeah I'm fine." You manage, slowly forcing your fingers to relax their tight grip, unaware your nails left scratches in his skin. "I just... ow."
"Do you want to stop?" ,Ryans actually concerned, did it hurt that badly!?
"No," you shake your head quickly. He was already in, there wasn't a point of chickening out now. "Just... be easy?"
"I will," he promises, kissing your trembling lips as he moves ever so slightly.
Well, that doesn't feel too bad.
Ryan pulls out slightly before pushing back in, not even going all the way, too worried about your comfort. You're so tight, it should be impossible, and he can feel your muscles clenching around him experimentally. You're slowly starting to relax though, the pain no longer as prominent as you start to get used to him moving inside of you.
It actually feels kind of good now.
Ryans so gentle, you know no one else would have been so considerate for your first time. Your fingers tangle in the back of his hair, and you kiss him deeply, your free hand trailing down his back ,his muscles bunching as his hips move against your own, going a little deeper with every thrust.
He groans as he goes all the way in, your warmth squeezing him, your chest brushing his. You feel amazing, your lips and hands on his skin, soft and exploring. You're starting to liven up now, so he assumes the pain isn't bothering you anymore.
His hand curls around your thigh, lifting it against his hip, and you moan involuntarily, your body tightening as he's suddenly at a different angle, this one feeling much better.
Ryans blood ignites at the sound, and he kisses you harder, his hand suddenly between you, on your clit. God, even that feels so much better with him inside you, moving at the same time!
Your body tingles at the unfamiliar feeling, and your arms tighten around him, attempting to pull him closer. He groans as you clench around him, his thrusts going deep and long, your toes curling.
This was going much better then you'd imagined it would.
It didn't even hurt anymore !
You shift your hips slightly, rising to meet his thrust, and fuck does that make a difference too!
Even the smallest movements, touches --- all of it feels so good now! It's so crazy!
You let your head fall back into the pillows, gasping as he fucks you, your eyes closed as you enjoy the new feeling, finding you really like it. You can't believe you'd been missing out on this!
Ryans not going to last much longer, not with you moaning like that, not with you moving your hips against his and looking at him with your lips parted and those fucking deep eyes of yours ---!
He groans, his lips pressing harshly against yours, barely holding himself back as he thrusts into you, not near as hard as he wants too. He wants to fucking ravage you right now, so hard and long that you're screaming his name at the top of your lungs --- just envisioning it almost gets him off right then.
He wants to make you cum first, but he knows he isn't going to last long enough, and you're so sensitive he doesn't want to keep up too long in case he makes you so sore you can't walk.
"(Y/N)," he groans, and you kiss him deeply, winding your arms around his neck. You can tell he's at his end, his thrusts aren't as rhythmic as before, more jerky and rough. You're perfectly fine with him cumming, you'd already had yours.
It was only fair.
Plus, even though it feels good, you're not sure if you could again.
Ryans body presses into yours, his chest heavy against your own as he groans again, probably one of the hottest sounds you've ever heard. You can feel the sweat on his skin, his body slick against yours --- you didn't realize how hot it suddenly is, how flushed and damp your own skin is.
He buries his face against your neck, finally letting himself cum, the pulsing in his shaft becoming too much. You hold him close as he does, closing your eyes as his body is finally still against your own.
Both of you are panting, your hair clinging to your skin, and it's suddenly so hot it's ridiculous!
Ryan gives himself a moment before slowly raising up, sheepishly glancing at your face; he'd hung on for as long as he could.
"Are ---?"
"I'm fine," you tell him, forcing a smile. You're just trying to catch your breath now.
Ryan kisses your cheek, and slowly pushes up, knowing this is probably going to be uncomfortable for you. You wince as he slowly pulls out of you, your thighs closing immediately.
Fuuuck, now it hurts again.
Well, there isn't as much blood as Ryan had thought there would be. There's some, of course, as your body wasn't used to what had just happened.
Ryan quickly discards the condom, crawling out of bed and fumbling around for his boxers.
He hands you his shirt, and you take it gratefully, pulling it over your head.
"I'll be right back," he says, and quickly leans in to kiss you before leaving the room. You sigh as you lay back, pressing your hands against your face.
Well, you're no longer a virgin.
You certainly don't feel any different, unless you count being sore. You're relieved that it hadn't even as painful as everyone has it worked up to be.
You lift a hand as the bed dips, Ryan sitting on the edge, his cheeks a bright red.
"Um, here," he mumbles, offering you a wash cloth.
Oh, right, you probably need that, and you're definitely not going to let him do it for you.
You force yourself to sit up, your hair a tousled, crazy mess on your head, curls falling or flat, some pieces sticking straight out.
Certainly interesting.
Ryan brushes fondly at your hair.
It's not late yet, you've got another hour before you have to be home, and Ryan kind of wants to just cuddle for a little bit. He crawls to the other side of the bed, waiting until you're finished before letting his arms slip around your waist.
You lean into him, comforted.
"You're so beautiful," he murmurs, your head tilting back to look at him. "Even with your hair looking like that."
"Ryan!" You swat at him indignantly, and he laughs, kissing you deeply, his hands moving to cup your face as you lean into him, feeling warm all over again.
Ryan... he's just.... you don't know how to describe what you're feeling. You lean into him, the two of you slowly falling back onto the bed, your body curling up into his as he just kisses you.
You're pretty sure you're falling for him, hard and fast. No one has ever made you feel this way, made you laugh and been so patient. You'd do anything for him, of that you're sure.
And he'd do anything for you.

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