The Dark Windows

By nandostagram_1d

6.6K 305 94

Ally has been best friends with Charlie all her life. The only problem with Charlie is her obnoxious friend L... More

The Dark Windows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Another Author's note

Chapter 10

189 6 2
By nandostagram_1d

Ally's POV:

We ran as fast as we could in the cold. What was it doing here? Oh my god. Louis suddenly dropped me behind this huge rock. It was so huge, you could fit a small house behind it. Well...very small.

We quickly sat down and Louis pulled me into his arms. I was so scared, I was shivering. Not from the cold, from fear. And I didn't care Louis was hugging me. "They aren't going to put one hand on you. Got it? We'll be ok Allison." He whispered in my ear. He hugged me tighter, and I sobbed in his ear. "Shhh. It's ok love." He said love to everyone. Suddenly I heard a rustling of the leaves, and I stopped. He pulled me in closer.

"Where the hell is she?" I heard a man say in the distance.

"I don't know! She was right here!" I shut my eyes. "Check there." I heard them come closer.

"Would she be behind that rock?" My heart beat sped up.

"You idiot! She's not dumb enough to hide there. What was her name again?" Oh my god.

"Allison. And She was with that guy."

"Shit." More rustling, a bit farther away. "They probably drove away. Boss is gonna be pissed." Boss? Oh my god.

"He's calling."

"Answer it!"

"Hello?...We saw her but, she left...I don't know!...we're looking...I'm sorry...go to the field?...sorry sir...we'll get her."

Louis's POV:

"Hello?...We saw her but, she left...I don't know!...we're looking...I'm sorry...go to the field?...sorry sir...we'll get her." Shit. I knew exactly what was happening. Exactly. If they fucking try to put one hand on her...

"We gotta go man. The boss is gonna cut our throats." With that the sound of rustling leaves was heard, and they were yelling.

I held her in my arms until the faint sound of a car pulling out, and driving away was heard. I continued to hold her.

"Louis..." She cried into my shoulder. She held onto me. Her tears dripped on my shoulder. "How did they know my name? I..."

"They sneak into school website records. They find one girl and her picture...and they choose to target her. I sware if he fucking even thinks of touching you, I'm gonna lose it. I'm gonna call the police." She sobbed into my shoulder, shaking.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"Hi. Some black van came and they were looking for my friend. I think you know what they wanted."

"How many people?"

"Two guys. But they were bringing her to their boss if they got her. We hid though." My voice was shaky. So shaky.

"Do you know what they looked like?"


"We've been searching for them forever. They hop from town to town targeting one person. Their 'boss' was put in jail, and escaped. They get the girls for him. He's in remote locations, and so are the two men. We will look sir."

"You'll look? You'll fucking look that's it? They're fucking targeting my friend! You don't think she's scared to death let alone me?!"

"Sir please. We can't do anything else."

"My friend is over there shaking out of fear. She's literally scared to death. You have to fucking do something! Her dad is never home! He works long hours! What the hell do you think we should do about that?"

"Let me send a police officer to your house tomorrow morning. What address?" I gave her my address. "Please understand sir, we've tried our hardest."


"Thank you. A police officer will be there tomorrow morning." She hung up and my blood was boiling. I walked over to Ally, and she was standing.

"They fucking said they'd look! They'd look. They said 'we've tried our hardest!' Yeah fucking right! A police officer is gonna interview you at my house tomorrow. You're staying with me tonight. Call your dad. Any time your dad isn't home, you inform me. Got it?" I ran my hand through my hair.

"Please Louis. They have tried their hardest. I just...he wouldn't care." I placed my hands on her waist.

"You call him, and he'll have a talk with me. We'll see if he doesn't care." She pulled me in for a hug.

"I just don't want them to get me Louis." She began to cry.

"Hey Listen to me." She looked down. I leveled her eyes to mine. "As long as you're by me, no one is going to get you. I promise Ally." She hugged me tighter. "Call your dad."

Ally's POV:

I hugged him as tight as possible. His large hands wrapped around my waist, and it felt so nice. So comforting. Everything he said was comforting. I was still scared, but he kept reassuring me it was ok.

He was being so...kind. So protective over me. The way he held onto me. I had forgotten his thoughts about me until this second. He told me I was gorgeous. He's held onto me for 8 years. He protected me...twice today. He just...he was so nice.

The odd part about this was...I wanted his hugs. I just felt this weight off my chest when his large hands wrapped around me.

"Call your dad." He said. I pulled out my phone, my hand shaking. I didn't want to let go of Louis.


"What's up?"

"Ummm....someone tried to kidnap me." I couldn't hear his breath anymore.

"Call the police!"

"I did. They said they're trying their hardest."

"Were you alone?"

"I was with Louis. I'm staying at his house tonight."

"You know I have work. And I'd do anything to be with you. Just please, stay with him nights I'm not home. Please?"


"Stay safe." And that was it. As if it was no big deal really. As if he wasn't going to be a normal father and run to the police station, or run home. He just said stay safe.

"What'd he say?"

"Stay safe."

"Stay safe?! Stay fucking safe?!"

"Yeah." He threw his hands in the air. "Louis, please."

"You almost get taken and he says stay safe?"

"Louis...please stop."

"He doesn't even care!" I covered my head with my hands. Stop yelling. Stop screaming. Stop cursing. Stop everything. "Oh my god...Ally I know that probably didn't help but...I'm always going to care you know for a fact that all 8 years, I've always had your back. Lets go home. You'll be safe with me."

All 8 years he's had my back? Yeah right. He didn't. Like the wait. Oh yeah! The time...nope. Oh. He never had let me down. Maybe there's no times he has had my back.

Ok so today. Niall tonight. AP science partners. Oh. He...really had. Just like that time in 4th grade when we had that dance. I asked Billy to dance, and he said no. Louis offered to dance with me, and we looked like complete idiots- but I didn't care for a second.

Or in 8th grade, I was crossing the street, and some car wouldn't stop. So, Louis ran and pulled me along so it wouldn't hit me. The car was racing down so fast, it probably could've killed me in a split second if it weren't for Louis. Wow.

He's always had my back. Everyday. All 8 years. He gives me homework answers, and notes, and anything. He does it all. Louis always helps me...but I've never noticed. I'm such an idiot!

He's been right in front of me this whole time. All 8 years he knew he had no chance with me, but he continued to help me. To defend me even. I never realized his actions, because it happened so often.

Out of everyone, he chose me. He could've picked an incredibly gorgeous girl, but he picked me. He does the impossible for me. He goes above and beyond, and sure. He may say some naughty things, but that's what I like.

It keeps me intrigued. It makes me laugh sometimes. It takes my mind off my stress, and on what goes on in that boy's head. Without Louis, I would have nothing. I wouldn't have anyone to dance with me, or push me out of the road. No one would accompany me during lunch, or save me like today.

Without Louis, my life would be completely different. I wouldn't have fun. I would be stressed out over school. Louis taught me to let go, and be free. But...I was just too dumb to realize. I needed Louis. More than he needed me.

He never gave up all those years, because he loved me. And...he gave up his heart for me. He never showed emotions, he never said how he felt. Sad, surprised, in love. None of that. Yet, for me it was visible. He literally did the complete opposite just for me. Because he loved me that much.

I was too dumb to realize that this was right in front of me this whole time. This boy who would go above and beyond for this girl, even if it meant jumping off a cliff. He loved for her, because of her. Yet the girl just pictures him as rude. That wasn't it at all.

And now...I finally knew. I was wrong. I was an idiot. I was pathetic. But most of all...I was in denial. That's right. I denial.

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