Just a crush

By smokeysunflower

8.7K 714 532

My name is Emery, I'm in a band with my two best friends, Liam and Ricky. Our band is called forever in your... More

Twenty- Seven
Twenty- Eight
Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six (The End.)


289 22 25
By smokeysunflower

Emery's POV

Honestly, I kind of give up on trying with Ricky. I'm tired of getting hurt, that's all that's been happening lately, him saying he doesn't like me and me crying myself to sleep. This time, this time is different, I can't keep being around him after everything he said to me.

I think I'm going to go home for a while, take a break from everything and everyone. Maybe I'll call up that girl I met awhile ago.

I start to pack my things and clean up a little bit, I've already talked to our manager and he said it would be fine if I took a break. So, I go to Instagram and post.

" hey guys, I know some of you will be upset about what I'm about to tell you. I'm going to be taking a break from the band for a while, the stress is just getting to much for me. My anxiety it acting up a lot more than usual and I just miss my family. I hope you guys understand, I will be back within a month or two. Thank you all for your support, I love you! <3.

It's been ten minutes since I posted that, everyone is going crazy. Some people are hating on me, some are very sad and worried and others are happy for me and wish me well. But now it's time to tell Liam and Ricky.

"Guys, I need to talk to you." I say as I sit down on the couch, they looked confused, well Liam did, Ricky looked like he wanted to kill me. "What's up?" Liam asked, I sigh "I'm going to be taking a break from the band, it's only going to be for a month or two. I'm just really stressed and i miss being home." I say and they just stare at me.

"You're seriously going to leave because your to 'stressed'?! Are you for real Emery? We're on tour! What the hell do you expect us to do?!" Ricky yells at me, I just flinch back. What was I expecting, for them to be happy about it?

"I hate to say it, but Ricky is right Em. We are on tour, we can't just be a two man band all of a sudden." Liam says calmly, I roll my eyes. " Ricky and I were a two man band, then all of a sudden we were a band of three." I say, "guys my mental health isn't good right now, I need a break okay? I'll be back, it's not like I'm leaving for good." Although I want to.

Liam sighs and Ricky glares, maybe I should've just left without telling anyone.

"You know  what? Fine, leave see if I give a rats ass! You were holding us back anyways, maybe while you're gone you can take singing lessons! Just get out of here, I need a break from seeing your face." Ricky yelled and took off, Liam and I sat here shocked at what just came out of his mouth.

What is going on with him?

A couple hours later the boys are taking me to the airport, I'm nervous but I'm happy at the same time. "Okay, well we will see you in a couple of months. Take care of yourself Emery." Said Liam, I smile and give him a big hug.  "This is the last call for flight 247, all passengers please bored the plane now." I sigh and look over to Ricky, he just rolls his eyes and gives me a fast side hug.

As I sit down I see that I have a perfect view of the window where Liam and Ricky are standing, but as I look to them, I see something I didn't think I would. Ricky is on his knees crying.

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