Life After Marriage (An Adrie...

By heykatelyn

59.8K 995 813

As the title says, this story is about them after they get married. And they are preparing to pass their mira... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Facts About Me!

Chapter 7

5.5K 97 21
By heykatelyn

Adrien's P.O.V.

After about a month, the filming for my part was finally done. We would be going back to China tomorrow. I can't believe it's already been over a month... I loved visiting here and seeing all of my high school friends. 

"Honey! Did you put everything in the suitcase?" Marinette's back!

"Yeah! I just left out what we need for tomorrow!" Mari comes into the room and I can tell she's not in a good mood. She has dark circles under her eyes and she's not smiling that wide smile. She has Hugo in her arms and Rai's tugging on her shirt. I get Hugo from her and start cooing him. 

"Momma, do we have to wake up at 4:00 tomorrow? Can't you and Papa carry me to the car or something and I can wake up on my own?" Rai asks Mari.

"Rai, yes, you have to wake up. And besides, you're not a heavy sleeper. If we dropped a pin, you would wake up. Plus, you're too heavy now. Now come on. Get ready for bed. Say goodnight to grandma and grandpa." I let Hugo down and he runs with Rai. Mari plops down on our bed and puts her hands over her eyes.

"Hey, you doing okay?" I sit down next to her and rub her back.

She nods and takes her hands off her eyes. "It's just-I don't know... It's hard having kids..." 

She lies down and I understandingly nod. "It's gonna be okay. I know it's hard sometimes, but we love them. Right? That's why we still have those little monkeys living with us. And sometimes, you're like one of the monkeys." 

I laugh and she sits up. "Me? I'm the monkey? You're the one that sings to all the "Frozen" songs!" 

"At least I sound good singing it!" 

She laughs and holds her stomach. "Thanks. I needed that. Are you ready for the flight?"

 I shrug and the kids come back up. "We said goodnight." Hugo reports. I nod and he gets under the covers of the mini bed we took out earlier. "Good night, Mamma, Papa, Rai. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO ON A PLANE AGAIN! EEK!" 

Rai rolls her eyes and turns the lights off. "Night, guys." 


"Ugh, let's get going..." I mutter and look at the alarm clock. 4:30?! "GUYS! LET'S GO! WE'RE LATE!" We all get up and hurry up. I could swear I hear the home alone music in the background... Anyway, we say bye and get on the plane. 

The plane ride is quiet and when we get home, Rai and Hugo nap, while me and Mari sit on the couch. "My dad is visiting tomorrow... He's coming here because of a business trip..."

Mari nods and she slowly falls asleep on my shoulder and I kiss her forehead, but my eyes soon close too. 


Dad's coming today! He said he had some important news... And mom's coming too! I haven't seen them for so long... They weren't in Paris when we were there because they went on a vacation themselves. Ring, ring They must be here. Mari comes out and I open the door. "Father! Mother! It's so good to see you!" I hug both of them.

"We've missed you too!" My father says and my mother nods and hugs me tighter. "Now, to the news... Let's sit." We nod and we sit on the couch. Rai and Hugo say hi and go back into their room. "I'm old now, and I don't want all my work to go to waste. I want to put my business into the right hands. Marinette, I've chosen you to take over my company." 

"ME?!" Dad nods and Mari hugs him and me, then mom. She thanks them continuously and jumps. My parents smile, glad that they caused someone to be this happy. I smile too. This is what I've always wanted. This is who I want to be. Watching Mari be this happy, it's-It's more than I could ever ask for. And I thank her for that.

                                                                              *The End*

A/N: OMI! I'm so sad I'm done with this story... It was so fun writing this! Especially since you guys gave me so much support! Thank you guys! I love you guys! Check out my other stories and don't forget to vote for this story! Again, thank you guys! <3 <3

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