Sans-sational Dates (Sans x F...

Bởi KirbyFan_SH

113 1 19

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have Sans the skeleton as your boyfriend? Well, now's your ch... Xem Thêm

Chapter 2: Blueberry Lemon
Chapter 3: Edgy McMyChemicalRomance

Chapter 1: Conflicted Feelings

41 1 0
Bởi KirbyFan_SH

One month.

It has been exactly one month since (Y/N) had fallen down into the Underground.

But she did not travel far. After she met the skeleton brothers, Papyrus had successfully captured the human, much to everyone's surprise. After failing to capture Frisk (and instead befriending them), the tall, boisterous skeleton didn't have any more plans to capture any humans. But, to keep up his reputation and to make Undyne proud, he decided that he would capture the next human that fell. However, he was just playing around; he would never give up a human to Undyne now that he saw how cool they really were!

His brother, on the other hand, saw this as yet another threat.

Sans knew that Frisk had the ability to RESET, so after he met (Y/N) (even though she was older and therefore more responsible, so she would surely not just RESET for fun or because of a small mistake, he would try to reassure himself), he just felt...uneasy, if that was the right word to describe how he felt about this particular human. When he first laid his eyes (or, rather, eye sockets) on her, he just knew that she would be trouble for him and especially his brother.


"Human," the shorter skeleton had said behind her, silhouetted by the trees and too lazy to make up a new greeting for this human. "Don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

She was frozen in fear, her breath hitched in her throat.

Sans kept up his easygoing smile, even though he could tell she was frightened. "Turn around," he told her, "and shake my hand."

With a gulp, she slowly and reluctantly turned around, her eyes widened at the silhouette. He then held out his hand for her to take. This was just way too creepy for her, but she felt as if she didn't have a choice. To get this over with, she obliged and shakily took his hand.


The human jumped at the sudden fart sound coming from the rubbery object in this monster's hand, taken by surprise, but Sans kept his grip on her hand until the sound faded out.

And then, she laughed.

He had to admit, he never heard a laugh like that--well, besides that laugh from the woman behind the door. It was nice, and she sounded relieved as well, but that didn't mean she was off the hook. It was then that he stepped out of the shadows with a chuckle, not letting his carefree manner slip in the slightest.

"the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick," he said, his smile growing. "it's always funny."

This human girl was now surprised by his appearance, but it wasn't out of fear anymore. Good; he needed her trust to not draw suspicion from him.

"i'm sans. sans the skeleton," he greeted.


Since then, Sans had been keeping his eye sockets on (Y/N), but not too much; he also had a reputation to keep up, and that called for his laziness. Plus, he didn't want to seem like a stalker.

After meeting her, he introduced her to Papyrus, and, much to Sans's dismay, they got along just fine! She seemed to like his puzzles and his spaghetti, which was a win-win in Papyrus's book. So, since this human had nowhere to stay, the naïve skeleton allowed her to stay at their home.


But, no matter what, Sans couldn't let his guard down--not while she was living with the brothers for the time being. So, on her first night, he came to her on the couch, letting her off with a warning.

"hey, buddy," he told her. "if you so much as hurt my bro..." He then let his eye sockets go dark. "you're gonna have a bad time."


As said before, it has been exactly one month since (Y/N) had fallen down into the Underground. Despite the warning Sans first gave the human, she had become more at ease around the brothers and the townsfolk. It was almost as if she had lived here for longer than a month.

Papyrus was delighted that his guest enjoyed her stay here. And he was sure that Undyne wouldn't mind by now; even though the monsters needed one more human SOUL to break the Barrier, they have all grown quite used to the two humans exploring the Underground, and they didn't want to harm them anymore, seeing how nice they really were. Papyrus always liked to spend time with his newfound friends.

And, as much as he hated to admit it, Sans was starting to grow used to them too. Frisk hadn't RESET in a while. (Y/N) didn't seem all that bad. It felt as if everything was going to be okay with them down here. How could anything go wrong?


Well, there was one thing.

Sans still felt uneasy around Frisk, but he felt even more uneasy around (Y/N). Well, he wasn't exactly sure whether to call it an uneasy feeling or not; he just felt very weird around her. He couldn't quite explain it. Was it because he thought she was going to stab everyone in the back--metaphorically and literally? No, that wasn't it... But if it wasn't that, then why was he feeling odd?

Distracted by his own thoughts in Grillby's, he didn't even notice (Y/N) sit at the stool beside him at the bar.

"Hey," she greeted to get his attention.

"huh?" Sans blinked and looked over at her, sitting up straighter in his seat and letting his smile grow. "oh. hey."

She laughed a bit. "You okay?" she asked him, a concerned smile on her face.

"yeah. yeah, i'm ok," he replied, waving her off with his free hand. His other hand was holding onto a half full bottle of ketchup, which rested on the bar.

(Y/N) nodded at that. "Okay... Just checking on you," she told him.

Somehow, that made him feel a bit happier.

Grillby then came closer to the two after he finished polishing a glass, his flames softening slightly. "Good afternoon," he greeted politely. (Y/N) greeted him back with a smile. "May I take your order?"

"I'll just have a burger and fries again with a soda," she replied with a chuckle.

As they chatted a bit about her order and their day, Sans couldn't help but watch her. But it wasn't to see if she would try anything dangerous; he just wanted to look at her for a moment. Her (H/C) hair still had a few melting snowflakes on it, which made it seem like it was sparkling a bit. Her (E/C) eyes shone from Grillby's flames. Her friendly expression matched the welcoming warmth of the bar, even though her cheeks and nose were still a bit red from--


Said human brought Sans out of his thoughts yet again. He blinked in surprise, realizing that he was staring at her, then looked away. welp, that was embarrassing, he thought. "uh, yeah?" he replied, glancing at her. He didn't let his smile falter, but his cheekbones said otherwise, a light dusting of blue appearing on them.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. "You sure you're okay?" she asked, obviously concerned.

Sans then realized that Grillby was gone, getting her order prepared. jeez, how long was i staring? "uh, yeah," he repeated.

She didn't look like she bought it, but she sighed and said, "Whatever you say..."

The skeleton simply chuckled with a shrug. For once, he couldn't think of a pun to lighten up the situation. Why was he acting like this? On top of it all, he was getting that weird feeling again, but it wasn't a bad weird, he noticed; it actually felt like a...good weird? He just didn't understand. What the he--

"Um..." (Y/N) started to say, which made Sans glance over at her again. "Why is your face a little blue?"

Shit. Was he really--?

He chuckled a bit nervously. "uh... what?" For some reason, it made his face glow just a bit more.

"Your, uh... Your face is turning more blue..." she noted.

why am i blushing...? "oh, uh... 's nothin'" he told her, waving her off with his free hand again, then he quickly rested the hand on his forehead while resting his elbow on the counter to hide his face. He also realized that he started to sweat a bit.

"Wait," she wondered after a few moments; he could practically hear in her tone that she was starting to put the pieces together. "Are you--"

"hey, here comes the grub!" Sans suddenly said just a bit too enthusiastically, lifting his head off his hand.

Much to Sans's relief, Grillby had just walked out of the kitchen, holding a tray of food and coming towards the two.

"Here you are," the flame monster quietly said, placing the plates and glass in front of (Y/N), and she thanked him. Grillby covertly raised an eyebrow at Sans, but he quickly dismissed it as another customer at the bar called out for him to get a drink. He gave the human a small smile before quickly taking their order.

(Y/N) wasted no time in eating, picking up the burger and taking a bite out of it. While she did, Sans took a swig out of his ketchup bottle, looking away from her. He was relieved to find that his blush was fading.

god, what the hell just happened?


At least a couple weeks after that incident, Sans started to feel even more weird around (Y/N). What was it? He just couldn't figure it out.

As he lay in his bed, he tried to think about this more clearly. What exactly triggers this feeling? Well, just being around her was definitely one of the triggers. And her laugh. And her smile. And her eyes. And just...her.

... Wait.

Was he...? Did he actually like (Y/N)?

Sans scoffed at himself. He didn't like her that way...did he? Again, his slight blush said otherwise. With a groan, he pulled up his hoodie to hide it. It made sense, as much as he hated to admit it; the way she smiles at him and laughs at his puns and her eyes light up and-- ... He did like her, didn't he?

Well, he can't deny it now. But why even bother when Frisk could RESET at any moment? Even if they did get together, it could all be erased at any point in time, and (Y/N) could forget all about him.

... Or maybe not, since there was a chance that she could have the ability to RESET too. He never asked her about it--hell, he never even asked the kid about it, even though he knew--but there was still a chance.

Sans found himself becoming a bit hopeful at that, something that he hadn't felt in a while. But why? Why did he care about her this much even when there was the risk that everything would start over again with him being one of the only monsters who retains at least a bit of memory even after the RESETs? He shouldn't even care.

At those words, he sat up in his bed.

He was right. He shouldn't care.

Because he cares too much.


Another week went by. Still no RESETs. This had to be a record.

Sans realized this, which made his casual smile grow a bit, as he was sitting on the couch in the living room and watching one of Mettaton's shows on the television, which were one of the only things to watch in the Underground. In the kitchen, Papyrus was giving a cooking lesson to Frisk, who watched and learned silently, and (Y/N) was sitting next to Sans on the couch.

But she was a little close to him; their legs were practically touching. This put Sans a little on edge, but he managed not to show it, focusing more on the TV show instead. Ever since Mettaton had revealed his EX form, he had been using it more often. And, yes, Sans and Papyrus were watching the live show from their couch when Frisk had flipped Mettaton's switch. It was surprising, to say the least; Papyrus's jaw dropped, which was priceless. Sans could never forget that. Even thinking about it just made him smile--

(Y/N) just relaxed her leg more on his.

That really knocked him out of his thoughts. Now he couldn't stop thinking about her. Now he couldn't stop the light blush on his face. Now he couldn't stop sweating. Now--

... He couldn't take this anymore. He was quite a laid back monster, and no one could push his buttons this easily unless they were doing something to his brother. But this? This was entirely different. Day after day, (Y/N) was pushing his buttons without her even realizing it, and that just made Sans grow attracted to her even more. He didn't know why. He just could not take this anymore. He had to do something.

He took a deep breath...despite him not having lungs. "hey, uh, kid?" he said, not wanting to take his eyes off of the piece of scrap metal on TV for once.

"Hm?" he heard (Y/N) say, and she sat up straight, taking her leg off of his. okay, the leg thing had to be an accident, he tried to reassure himself.

He glanced over at her, and he realized that she was blushing and not even looking directly at him. Wait, what? He tried not to act too surprised or confused, keeping up his carefree manner. "wanna go for a walk?" he asked her.

"Oh, uh... Yeah," she replied, and she stood up.

Sans stood up with her with a grin, stretching and popping a few bones here and there. Then he led her over to the front door, where she grabbed her coat off the hanger and started putting it on, and grabbed the handle, but before he opened the door, he looked towards the kitchen and spoke a bit louder than his usual tone of voice. "hey, pap. i'm gonna go for a walk with (Y/N)."

"OH! OKAY, SANS!" Papyrus yelled back in his normal tone of voice. "YOU TWO HAVE FUN!!" He oddly said that part a bit too playfully, Sans noticed.

He then opened the door, allowing (Y/N) to walk out first, then he followed her out and shut the door, putting his hands back in his jacket pockets afterward.

The walk was quiet at first; she had nothing to talk about since Sans was the one who brought her out here. They silently watched as the light snow gently fell from God knows where as they walked.

Once they were out of town, the skeleton cleared his nonexistent throat before speaking. "so, uh..." He then realized that he had no idea how to break it to her. Damn it; he should've thought this through before dragging her out here!

"Mm?" (Y/N) quietly spoke up, looking at him.

He stared down in the snow in a small panic. What was he even supposed to say in these kinds of situations? "Hey, I know you've been here for a couple months now, but I think I like you?" That just sounded stupid in his head.

"Sans?" she spoke a little louder, trying to get his attention, but she was still quiet.

He stopped walking and looked at her, his smile still present on his face as usual (even though it was strained), so she stopped as well. He was still at a loss for words. Then, he thought, welp... might as well just wing it.

He let out a sigh, closing his eye sockets temporarily when he did. "kid, look, i..." he started, and he felt his face heat up a bit. He never really knew how hard these things were until now. "the thing is... i..." He glanced away.

"What...?" (Y/N) questioned, looking at him in confusion.

"uh..." Suddenly, Sans had an idea. "knock knock."


He could feel himself grow more at ease already. "knock knock," he repeated.

She giggled a bit. "Okay, uh, who's there?"


"Ida who?"

He hesitated before finishing the "joke." "ida know why, heh... but i think i like you." He looked over at her for her reaction.

(Y/N) was blushing. Her face was so red, Sans could compare it to his bottles of ketchup, but he couldn't tell if this was good or bad. At first, he thought he messed up. The joke was too corny. She didn't feel the same way. He shouldn't have--

And then, she laughed.

It started out soft, then it grew into a big laugh that Sans found relieving and fantastic. He couldn't help but laugh along with her.

After their laughing calmed down, (Y/N) wiped away a tear before speaking. "Sans... T-that was really corny..."

He let out a chuckle with a shrug. "but you laughed. so it's gotta be pretty a-maize-ing," he said with a wink.

It took her a moment to understand the pun, but when she did, she let out a fit of giggles. Sans actually found it a little cute.

"Wooow..." (Y/N) said after she calmed down again. "B-but, uh, anyways... Were you serious...? When you said that?"

Sans tensed a bit when the topic resumed. "yeah," he told her.

She blushed quite a bit at that and looked away. "O-oh..." she said, then she fell silent.

oh boy, he thought. here we go.

"I, um..." she began, then she mumbled, "I like you too."

He looked at her in surprise and confusion. "wait. what?" he wondered aloud.

"I-I said, I like you too," she said a bit louder, the blush still present on her face.

Even Sans blushed. "why?" he asked before he could even think about it, and he slightly regretted it.

"Well..." she started to say with a shy smile and a chuckle, "you're just...really sweet. And funny."

He could tell that (Y/N) was too embarrassed to continue, so he decided to speak up. "uh... ok?" he said with a chuckle. god, i sound like an idiot. "just... wow. i never thought you'd say that."

"Me neither!" she blurted out with a nervous giggle.

Sans chuckled again. "so, uh..." Then, he sighed. "ok, y'know what? let me just get this off my chest." he said, which earned him a confused look from her, then he took a deep breath. "i like you because..." He wiped his forehead to find that he was sweating on top of his blush. "jeez, uh... because you're beautiful? and, uh... you're really nice. i mean... you have the nicest smile. and i always see these stars in your eyes that you get when you're excited about somethin'. you're just... pretty much everything about you is just really nice."

Sans paused when he noticed that with every compliment, (Y/N)'s blush was growing, and she was covering her mouth in shock, but she still looked away in shyness.

"oh, uh..." he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his skull. "was that too much for ya?"

She giggled a bit, but she was obviously still shy about this whole situation, still covering her mouth. has she never been in a relationship before? Sans wondered. well... that makes the two of us, kid.

"look," he began, "we don't have to start datin' or anything right now. i'm just saying that y--"

"But..." (Y/N) quietly cut him off as she looked at him, which made him shut up. "I-I'd like to..." He could see her smiling behind her hands. "Um... I wanna go out with you," she finished quickly.

Sans felt his SOUL skip a beat, and his eye sockets widened a bit. "really?"

She nodded quickly in reply, still smiling.

He swore he could feel some weight lifting off his shoulders, and with that, he let out a relieved chuckle as his smile grew. "wow. so... i guess we're together now, huh?"

(Y/N) nodded again with a small giggle.

Sans then stepped forward...and hugged her. He'd never done that before with her, so she was taken by surprise, but she hugged him back. And, to him, it felt as if everything was right with the world at that moment. As if there were going to be no more RESETs. As if he was going to be okay.

But he didn't want to worry about any of that right now. He cared too much about (Y/N).


This chapter is dedicated to my awesome friend, CreatureShelf; you should check out her wonderful stories! :3

~ <3 *KF*!

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