Take Good Care Of My Baby-Seq...

By Footiequeen8

257K 5.3K 501

Cristiano had hoped, wanted and wished for one thing. A child of his own. After a series of up and downs, his... More

Chapter 1- Joy And Emotion
Chapter 2-You Know Who Isn't Here
Chapter 3- Glad Some Things Haven't Changed
Chapter 4-Remember That
Chapter 5- Good Decision
Chapter 6- Winners Kiss or Not
Chapter 7-Teaching Papa
Chapter 8- She's Just The Babysitter
Chapter 9- Who's Her Fave?
Chapter 10- I Can Handle Him
Chapter 11- Getting Too Close?
Chapter 12-I Was Always The One Who Could
Chapter 13-Betrayal
Chapter 14- Full Of Visitors Today
Chapter 15- Perfect Family?
Chapter 16- Fun Over Breakfast
Chapter 17- Muffin Man
Chapter 18- Just Go Ronaldo
Chapter 19- Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 20- You Can Have What I Don't Want
Chapter 21- Bag Of Trouble
Chapter - Doesn't Want To Play With Me
Chapter 23- Play Fair
Chapter 24- Tension Starting?
Chapter 25- Stranger Than Usual
Chapter 26-Protecting Him
Chapter 27- Fit To Snap
Chapter 28- Not Some Dog
Chapter 29- Watch It
Chapter 30- Beginning To Wonder Why
Chapter 31- Go To Hell
Chapter 32- I Have Know One
Chapter 33- Not My Fault
Chapter 34- Home Truths From The Family
Chapter 35- I Know Why I'm Sorry
Chapter 36- Can We Get Past?
Chapter 37- She Hates Me
Chapter 38- Don't Ever Lie To Me
Chapter 39- That's What I Get?
Chapter 40- I Just Wish
Chapter 41- Childish Games
Chapter 42- You Should Do That More Often
Chapter 43-Feisty Girl
Chapter 44- Do I Like You That's Different
Chapter 45- Good Things Never Change
Chapter 46- Friends Ya?
Chapter 47- Playing Nicely
Chapter 49- Could Be The Reason She Breaks
Chapter 50- Nothing To Worry About
Chapter 51- Ever Wish You Hadn't Picked?
Chapter 52- What Ever Normal Is
Chapter 53- Let The Games Begin
Chapter 54- Always Did Like
Chapter 55- A Blessing and Nearly A Curse
Chapter 56-Mind Your Eyes
Chapter 57- Tell Me What To Do
Chapter 58- How Do You Prepare?
Chapter 59- Hit A Nerve
Chapter 60- Let's Say It How It Is
Chapter 61- One Baby Step Forward and Three Backwards
Chapter 62-Papa's Foolish Thing
Chapter 63- Everyone's Friend But Mine Apparently
Chapter 64- Wait Is This?
Chapter 65- I Wouldn't Be Opposed To It
Chapter 66- Shopper Helper
Chapter 67- Feeling
Chapter 68- Just Like His Mothers
Chapter 69- Wasn't Cheap
Chapter 70- I Didn't Force
Chapter 71- Believe What You Want
Chapter 72- What's Bothering You?
Chapter 73- Needing To Tell Someone
Chapter 74-Something On Your Mind?
Chapter 75- Why Don't We
Chapter 76- Surprise
Chapter 77- I Doubt She'll Notice
Chapter 78- Learning Something Unexpected
Chapter 79- You're Biting Your Lip
Chapter 80- Breakfast With
Chapter 81- Is That A Problem?
Chapter 82- Pep Talks
Chapter 83- Photo Shoot Fun
Chapter 84- Take The Credit
Chapter 85- A Push In A English Direction
Chapter 86- Doubting Mind
Chapter 87- You Get Used To Things
Chapter 88- Protective or Controlling?
Chapter 89- Dinner With A Side Of Laughter
Chapter 90- A Smitten Rose
Chapter 91- In Need Of A Pep Talk
Chapter 92- What Could Be Better?
Chapter 93- Not Needed
Chapter 94- If You Go Down To The Lake Today
Chapter 95- Under The Stars
Chapter 96- Guess Who's Coming For Dinner
Chapter 97- Nothing Changes
Chapter 98- A Leading Question?
Chapter 99- What Is Best?
Chapter 100- Nothing Left To Say
Chapter 101- Time To Say Goodbye?
Chapter 102- First Night Away From Him Ever
Chapter 103- The Blame Game
Chapter 104- So Do I
Chapter 105- Remember What Is Truly Best
Chapter 106- I Can't Do Anything Right When It Comes To You
Chapter 107- On My Knees Asking
Chapter 108- They've Gone Where?
Chapter 109- Wish You Were Here
Chapter 110- What Will The Night Bring?
Chapter 111- Declaration

Chapter 48- I Won't Let Anyone Hurt You

2.2K 48 2
By Footiequeen8

  "Are you going to turn around and see an old friend?" the man said and a shiver went down Molly's back. "Someone is a long way from Manchester" the man said. "I could say the same to you" Molly said slowly turning to face the man she had tried to forget about. "Aww still as pretty I see" the man smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Molly asked. "Having a well deserved holiday" he replied. "I wasn't aware Madrid was in hell" Molly snapped. "Now now Ms. Williams what have I told you about that smart mouth of yours" he said and Molly's whole body stilled. "You have done well for yourself. Imagine my surprise when I saw you in the paper with that Portuguese twat's bastard of a kid" he said. "Shut up" Molly yelled.

"Now now don't be rude. How are your parents my dear? Tell them I'm always here if they need help. i'd be more than happy to help" he smirked. "Stay away from them" Molly said. "Did footie boy give you the money that time? How did you persuade him to give you that much? Or do I even have to ask. He certainly got the better deal. Though I would have made it more enjoyable for you sweetheart" he smirked.

"Go away" Molly yelled. "Molly is everything ok?" Ana asked coming around to her side of the car. "Hello, I'm Tony. I'm a friend of Molly's parents" Tony smiled shaking hands with Ana. "No you are not. Leave them alone. And me" Molly yelled. "Madrid has its good points. I'm sure you and I will be seeing each other again" Tony said.

"Molly let's go home" Ana said. "Stay away from my parents and me. Go back to whatever hell hole you crawled out of" Molly snapped. "So lovely to see my English rose again. But remember what I said about that mouth of yours. We wouldn't want it to get you into trouble now would we" he smiled before walking away.

"Molly" Ana said when Molly leaned against the car shaking. "Who the hell was he?" Ana asked. "Someone I never wanted to see again" Molly whispered. "He's gone now. It's ok" Ana said. "It's never over" Molly whispered tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "Let's get you back to Cristiano's'" Ana said opening the car door a sense of worry for her friend.

"Is that everything?" Cristiano asked Jorge. "Finally all done" Jorge said. "It's not my fault they came over unannounced. Though Ramos seems to make a habit of it" Cristiano grumbled. "You are very lucky that Molly has forgiven you after what you said to her" Jorge said. "She hasn't forgiven me. She's just moved past it. And I know I'm lucky ok. I've apologised. And she told you to let it go" Cristiano said. "She doesn't need anymore pain Ronaldo" Jorge said. "I know that" Cristiano said. "Was she really as bad as your mother said?" Jorge asked. "Depends what Mae said" Cristiano said and Jorge sighed. "I took things too far. I know that. I know it wasn't the plan but-

"Don't bloody mention the word plan. I never want to hear that word again after the past two years" Jorge groaned. "It was the right decision to bring Molly here. Junior is doing well" Cristiano said. "And what happens when she leaves?" Jorge asked.

The front door slammed loudly and both men jumped with surprise. "Cristiano" he heard from the hall. He stood as Ana came rushing into the room. "Ana what's the matter?" he asked. "It's Molly" she replied and his stomach sank with dread. "Ana where is she?" Jorge asked. "She's in the car. She's in a complete daze. Like literally blank" Ana said.

"What happened?" Cristiano asked already heading to leave the room and go outside. "She was fine all day. Then when we were coming home she bumped into someone she knew" Ana said. "Who? You know the same people as Molly here in Madrid" Cristiano asked turning around. "A guy who knew her parents. Ted or- Tony" Cristiano finished. "Ya that was him. She was shaking after speaking to him. Who is he?" Ana asked. "What did he do to her?" Cristiano asked. "Nothing. He just spoke to her" Ana said. "Damn it" Cristiano cursed and turned to leave.

"Molly" he gasped as he crashed against her. "Are you ok?" he asked placing his hands on her shoulders. "Tony" she whispered. "I know. I know. Ana told us. It's ok. It's ok. He's not going to hurt you" he said pulling her into a hug. "Molly what did he say?" Jorge asked. "It doesn't matter Jorge" Cristiano said. "That he'd be more than happy to help my parents. That Madrid had it's good points. That he'd be seeing alot more of me" she said as tears fell from her eyes.

"Molly he won't hurt you" Cristiano whispered holding her tight. Ana and Jorge watched as his chin rested on her head and his hand stroked her back. Molly's body was shaking as thoughts of the last time she had being around Tony went through her head. Cristiano was worried she would have a panic attack if she got anymore upset.

"What else did he say Molly?" Jorge asked. "Not now Jorge" Cristiano glared at his agent. She didn't need to be questioned about the scumbag right now. "Cristiano we need to know. Did he hurt you?" Jorge asked. "Jorge shut the fuck up" Cristiano yelled as Molly held her arms tightly around his waist. Her face had gone white and Ana could see she was scared as Molly's face was turned towards her.

"He didn't touch her. He just spoke to her" Ana said. "Told me to watch that smart mouth of mine" Molly whispered. "What is he even doing here in Spain?" Jorge mumbled to himself. "Who is he?" Ana asked. "No one" Cristiano said. "No one. Do you really think that I'm going to believe that when she's so scared" Ana said. "There's nothing to be scared about Molly. He's not going to hurt you. You won't see him ever again" Cristiano said.

"What if it wasn't an accidental meeting? He could have been following me. He could be looking for more...Oh God" she said lifting her head suddenly. "What if I had Junior with me today?" she said as horrible images went around her head and she bolted out of the room.

"Molly" Cristiano yelled after her. "Will someone tell me what's going on?" Ana asked grabbing Cristiano's arm before he could follow Molly. "Who was the guy Cristiano? Molly is my friend" Ana said.

"He's someone who her parents knew. He scared her to get to them" Cristiano said. "Is he dangerous?" Ana asked. "He's a well known criminal in England" Jorge said. "He's a scumbag who gets his kicks from frightening young girls" Cristiano snapped. "So what he's after Molly? Ana asked. "I'm sure it's nothing like that" Jorge reassured Ana. "He shouldn't be even in the country. Find out when he got here. Why he is here. And where he is living. Find out everything on that shit Jorge" Cristiano yelled before rushing out of the room in search of Molly.

"Jorge" Ana said. "She'll be fine Ana. He never hurt her before. He's just a low life who helped Molly's parents ruin their lives. Molly is safe" Jorge said. "If Cristiano has anything to with it anyway" Ana said.

Jorge didn't know what to say. He knew Cristiano was protective of Molly. Most people were. And for good reason. But Jorge also knew that Cristiano was frightened that Molly wouldn't be able to cope if Tony was to make another appearance. Then there was Junior's safety. Something no one would want to be in danger. He had seen the look on Molly's face before she rushed out of the room. He saw the moment she thought about if Junior had been with her. Would Tony have used the child to scare Molly? Molly was thinking it. Cristiano was thinking it. He needed to find out everything there was about Tony he thought pulling out his phone from his pocket. Molly wasn't in danger. Her parents didn't own Tony anything anymore. He hoped they didn't. Tony didn't need Molly for anything. Why would he speak to her now?

"Cristiano what's going on?" Dolores asked bumping into her son as he reached Junior's nursery. "Where's Molly?" he asked. "In there" she said and he went to move around his mother. "Ronaldo" she said clutching his elbow. "She just came rushing in and picked him out of his cot. She's shaking like a leaf" Dolores said. "Maé I'll explain later" he said unclutching her fingers from his elbow. He walked into the nursery and froze at the sight in front of him.

Molly stood in the middle of the room holding Junior with all the strength in her body. She was whispering something over and over again but he couldn't make out what she was saying. Seeing Tony again had taken her back to those months when her life was in pieces. The horror when him and his thugs broke into her home. The fact that she had desperately needed the money. The fact that he had been the reason she had chosen.

"Molly" Cristiano whispered as she placed a kiss on a sleeping Junior's head. She had to pick Tony's offer or Cristiano's. She had been in Dr. Frenz's office that day because she had to choose. Tony coming into her life had caused so much. And now he was back. Molly couldn't stop thinking about all the things he could do. All he could do to her. While she was around Junior was in danger. He was just a baby. She couldn't let him be in danger.

Molly was so enthralled in her thoughts that she didn't protest when Cristiano walked her backwards to the rocking chair. She didn't protest when he took a seat and gently pulled her into his lap. She didn't protest when he wrapped his arms around her. Instead she rested her head on his shoulder as Junior snuggled against her warm and safe body.

Dolores watched from the door way as he ran his finger though Molly's hair. She wasn't aware of what happened but the look on both Cristiano's and Molly's faces told her everything she needed to know. They were both scared. And that made the older lady very worried.

"It will be all ok Molly. I promise" Cristiano whispered. "I won't let anyone hurt you" he whispered closing his eyes as he rested his head against the chair. The chair rocked as both their minds were full of unpleasant thoughts.  

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