The Billionaire [MAJOR EDITIN...

By pizzawithlove

125K 3.8K 310

Rose Standford. The girl who's strong headed. The girl who can live on her own. The girl with the big dreams... More

Chapter 1 - Job Hunting
Chapter 2 - The Interview
Chapter 3 - The Accident
Chapter 4 - WTH
Chapter 5 - Accepted
Chapter 6 - Off to Work
Chapter 7 - Felt like Hell
Chapter 8 - All Hell Broke Loose
Chapter 9 - The Project
Chapter 10 - The Project Mother
Chapter 11 - The Proposal
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

5.7K 208 41
By pizzawithlove


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Rose's POV

I spent the rest of my work day in a haze. Two million dollars? If I played my cards right, with the lifestyle I was accustomed to, I could live off of the money forever. Probably. Right? Never in my wildest dreams that a 2 million dollars will drop in my lap. I had fantasies, of course. Didn't everyone?

My brain was already churning as if I had the money in my bank account. But if I decided to do this – and that was a huge if – it would still be a long time before I saw a dime. And in the meantime, living with Mr. William, I'd probably get used to a higher standard of living. Even for someone like me, who'd never been pampered in my life. Does DIY face mask consider as pampering? I think not. It would be best if I could consult with some neutral third party about all of this – a professional. Someone who could give me some really solid advice. Who would be perfect enough to do this?

I know. I'll call Steve right away.


I was on my way home when I received a text from Steve, "Hey roseeee! Tonyt is r Girl + Gay Night Out. I'll bring pizzas l8r. U up?"

Oh yeah, tonight is our night. This is a good time to talk about the contract. I replied back, "Yeah im good. I'm on my way to 7-11, nachos and salsa? C u l8r." The convenience store isn't that full, I saw the cashier filing her nails with bored look on her face. I went straight to the aisle where you can buy some chips and bought some stuff for the night out.

Once I reached the apartment, Steve is wearing his Stich onesie already and he was in the kitchen setting up some plates and glass. "Hey Steve," I said and placed the bags in the kitchen counter.

"Hi Rose, it's been a long time since our last GG Night Out. I want to hang out with you 'cause work is really stressing me out right now." Steve said. I nod in response and got a bowl for the chips and another container for the salsa.


After we watched the second movie, The Proposal, I finally got the guts to tell Steve about the proposal.

I cleared my throat. "Steve," I said.

He was drank his wine first and looked at my direction. "Yes, Rose?"

"I have a problem."

He paused for a moment and asks, "Is this about Nan?"

"No, this isn't about grandma. It's about work."

"Okay, what is it?"

I gulped. "My boss wants to marry me."

"HE WHAAAT?!" Looking at me bewildered. "IS HE A SICK MAN?!"

"No, not marry marry me. It's only for the contract." I said.

"Like an act?"

"Yes! I don't know what to do."

"An act?! Are you drunk, Rose? Or am I drunk?!"

I looked at Steve and he seems so confused to what I said. I told him the whole story about contract. Not leaving any details.

"Please don't tell anyone, Steve. You're my person." I whispered.

"I won't. Wow, is he that desperate?" I nod. "And 2 million dollars!! Damn, I wish I was in your shoes right now." He joked.

"What should I do?"

"I say, you should go for it. It's only an act. There's no "strings attached", right? The 2 million dollars can be a huge help for you, Rose. It can help you for your college funds, for Nan's retiring home and for your – you know." He advised.

"My what?"

"Your sickness, Rose. I've noticed that you've been pale and weak for the past few days. Did you take your meds every day?" I saw concern in his eyes.

"I've stop drinking my meds 'cause I felt better already. No symptoms are showing up." I said while looking at half-empty glass.

"Babe, you better start drinking your meds, okay? Even though no signs and symptoms are showing up. Now, I already told you my opinion about the proposal. So, what you think?"

I thought hard for a moment. "Yeah, I'll do it. This is for my college funds and not for my insanely hot boss."


Sitting up in bed that night, with no hope of sleeping, I finally got a pen and a notebook and began to write down a list of questions and concerns. Part of me couldn't believe that I was taking his offer seriously, but how could I not?

I dragged myself out of the bed the next morning after a few hours of fitful sleep. When I got to work, there's light coming from his office. Hmm, he's early or should I say he didn't go home? I saw his paper works yesterday and it was tall like this building. This man has a different perception and definition of the word "rest"; I made my straight for Mr. William's office after a few arrangements.

I walked in slowly, shutting the padded door behind me. I was sure he'd look up when I came to a stop in front of his desk, but his head stayed down as he shuffled a pile of paper work. His tie is undone; his hair is messed up and have bags under his eyes.

I cleared my throat.

"Ms. Standford," he said, blinking. "Good morning! You're... early."

I frowned a little. "I get here at this time every day, Sir."

"Of course," he said, beginning to collect himself into the smooth professional that I somewhat recognized. "Please. Take a seat."

I sat down in the chair across from his desk, clutching my notepad to my chest. "I just have a few questions about the proposed arrangement," I said. "I can come back later if this is a bad time."

"No, no, not at all," he said. "Please. Go on."

I stared at my paper. The questions all sounded stupid now that I was in front of him, under his piercing stare. But somewhere in the rational portion of my mind, I knew that they were still important. I swallowed hard and then began to speak.

"There's only one copy of the contract, right? Who will keep it?"

Mr. William answered quickly. "Excellent question. My attorney will be responsible for keeping the document private and secure. I realize this may sound like a conflict of interest, since I'm paying him, but I assure you that he will be representing us both equally in this arrangement. I made certain to add the terms of his payment into the contract as well, so he is highly motivated to keep it safe."

"During the term of our marriage, while I'm... living with you." I hesitated. "I understand that I'm supposed to act like your wife. Will there be any other restrictions or expectations on my behavior that I should be aware of?"

"None whatsoever," said Mr. William. "So long as you appear to be in love with me, and faithful, I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to live the rest of your life as you choose." He hesitated.

Goodness, this is so weird. My mouth was incredibly dry. "You said you'll be supporting me. Will I have a daily allowance, or...?"

"My credit card," he said, easily. "There is no limit. You'll be added as a joint member on the account and have your own card. You may use it to pay for anything you like. You see, Ms. Standford, this whole arrangement requires a mutual trust. But in the time you've been employed here, I've seen no reason to believe that you are dishonest or that you take undue advantage of situations. That's one of the other reasons I chose you."

I looked up from my paper. "I thought you chose me because I don't believe in marriage."

He laced his fingers together thoughtfully. "That was the deciding factor," he said. "But I had already evaluated your character."

He was talking about me like I was a set of characteristics rather than a person. Then again, I supposed that came with the territory. Being a successful businessman meant coldly evaluating situations, completely devoid of any emotional impulses. It meant reading people like they were a string of zeroes and ones who happened to have an organic brain rather than one made of chips and diodes.


"What do you mean "okay"?" He asked.

"It means I'm going to agree with you. I'm agreeing to marry you." I firmly said with a bleak expression.

"Great! I'll call the Attorney! You can go now and do your errands, Ms. Standford - oh, I mean, Mrs. William." He smirked and dialed the phone number of the Attorney. What the hell? Did that gave me butterflies in the stomach?


Author's Note

WHAAAT?! A new chapter has been posted! Wohoo!

After 123456789 years, I finally posted this baby! It's been on my folder for how many months now. Sorry to keep you waiting! I'm back in school already! It's really tough, you know. But, we have to stay sane and strong about it. :)

I keep on reading your comments and messages and I appreciate your votes and adding it on your reading list. Thank you so much for the unending support! But, do pray for me that I'll be more creative and active writing my story update. Lol. 

Love you, guys!

Scar. xx

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