Breaking Out Of My Shell

By C_And_A_Dreamers

28K 826 80

(Sequel to Shy Girl) Katherine is back in her senior year with her amazing and hot boyfriend, Stephen until t... More

Did I just....
I Really Did Do It!
Back In Hell Again
Is It possible
The Test Results
Spill It
Meeting the Mom and Sister pt.1
Meeting the Mom and Sister pt. 2
The Truth....So Failed!
The Truth Revealed
Family Meeting
The Doctor Visit
Speak Of The Devil
It's a Girls Day
The Fight
New Friend
The Big Reveal
How Dare You
Dinner Date
Almost Troublemakers
The Ultrasound
Family Gathering Pt.1
Family Gathering Pt.2
Disaster Recovery
Advice And Kicking
Zoey's Baby
Babies Name
My Water Broke
They're Here
Our Future
Our New Home
The Graduation

Prom Night

711 21 1
By C_And_A_Dreamers

Today,my parents were so nice to keep the babies on prom night.Speaking of prom,I have to get ready. The girls came over to my house, while the guys went to Jason's house to get ready.

"Okay we have our dresses and make up,so let's get ready."Sabrina said.

We all started doing our make up until we got hungry. "Guys I'm hungry."Jessica said.

"We can buy food but it can't be anything big because there will be plenty of food at prom and also,if we get too nervous tonight we might vomit on our dress.

"True.How about Taco Bell or Burger King?"I suggested.

"Taco Bell."Sabrina said.

"Ok.Let's go."I said.

"We are gonna look like idiots with make up on and our hair all done."Cecy said.

"Doesn't matter,we are hungry."I said."Anyways..I'm a lucky girl since I'm a teen mom and most of them don't go to prom because they have a kid or kids,to take care of.I'm really happy my parents are watching them but I hate it because I miss them sooo much "I continued.

"Aww,how cute....but let's hurry it up here,the guys are almost ready."Jennifer said.

"Okay,okay."I said.

Sabrina put on her black long dress that has silver jewels on the front and back.Cecy went to put on a dark red dress that was kind of a tan color on top. Jessica put on on a white dress,and Jennifer put on a champagne dress with sleeves. All the girls outfits were so pretty. Finally,I put on my dress. I'm kinda surprised that I don't have stretch marks,except on my lower belly but luckily my dress hid it. I put on the pinkish/ purple dress,and surprisingly I lost some baby weight. I put on the dress and it fitted perfectly. I went outside and the girls were shocked.

"You look so beautiful!"They all said.

"Aww,you guys look totally fabulous as well. Now it's time to take pictures before the guys get here."We all took a group photo and to be honest,we looked smoking hot.

"By the way I can't wait for you guys to meet my date.His name is Alex Aiono,and I believe Sabrina's date is named Dave."Cecy said.

"I Can't wait to meet them."I said.

We went outside the apartment since the guys were already waiting. The guys saw us with shocked expressions.

Yeah I know.We're looking fantastic. Kim Kardashian got nothing on us.

.......What?...Too much??...Well it's fucking true!

"Wow you guys look beautiful." They relatively said.

"Thank you."We responded back.

Stephen looked at me. "You always look so ravishing Katherine."He said.

"Thank you.You don't look too bad yourself."I smirked,giving him a kiss."You look very charming."

We all took pictures and went straight to prom in a party bus. We all started dancing and singing along to the music.We were trying to make the best of tonight.We soon made it to prom and when we went inside,it was captivating.So many people from school were there. We sat at a table and ate so much food(who could say no to food),since we were still kind of hungry after the Taco Bell...and also because we are all fat-asses.

After we ate,we went on the dance floor to go dance. A slow song came on called "You and Me" by Lifehouse. Stephen grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. Stephen and I were dancing for a bit until he looked deeply into my eyes.

"I love you Katherine.'Always and forever'.I know I say it a lot but,it's true."He said.

"I love you too.With all my heart...'Always and Forever'."I said smiling.

We kissed and I saw a flash,which were the girls taking pictures of Stephen and I kissing.

"Guys,this is Alex and Dave."Cecy said.

"Hi guys,it's so nice to meet you.I'm Katherine and this is Stephen."I said pointing to Stephen,making him casually wave back.

"Hi Katherine and Stephen..I'm Alex and it's nice to meet you too."Alex said.

"Hi Katherine....hey's nice to meet you guys."Dave said.

After meeting the guys,I went to sit down so I could text my mom,to see if the kids were fine.

"They are fine Katherine,go on and have fun."My mom said.

"Okay.Bye mom."I said.

I put my phone away and went to dance with the girls.

~Kim POV(aka Katherine mom)~

I set down the phone and went downstairs to see Kevin talking to the kids.

"You know how I meet your grandmother?Well she was the new girl in school as well as her twin brother. I was a football player and she was a cheerleader.Typical,I know....but She was shy and sweet just like your mom. When I first saw her,I fell in love with her and I knew that she would be mine,so I started getting on her nerves to the point where she started liking me. We started dating from then on and we got married. Soon after,we had Christopher and Katherine which is your uncle and mommy. Love is something that you will find one day with any guy/girl but one day,you two will know who the right one is, just like how I knew your grandmother was.I know you guys have no clue what I'm saying but...when you're older,you'll understand."He said.

I started to tear up a bit and went to sit next to Kevin.

"You guys one day will find your love, just wait."I said,putting my hand on top of my wonderful husband's hand.Kevin and I put the kids to sleep and went to the couch to watch a movie.

"I love you so much Kevin."I said.

"I love you too Kim.More than you even know "He said,caressing my cheek.We went back to watching the movie and went to sleep.In the arms of the person we love.

~Katherine POV~

Today was amazing!After prom, Stephen and I went back to the apartment and went to sleep peacefully,but before we went to sleep we had a little make out session.

I repeat,JUST A MAKE OUT SESSION....nothing further than that for a while.We don't want anymore children for right now.

I cuddled next to him, hearing his heart beat and went to sleep.....

I guess 'Always will be our Forever'.
I Hope you enjoyed!Oh love...what an exquisite thing.💕


。a wonderful day.


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