Fates Collide

By yinglangao2003

216 20 31


Part 1 Introduction
Prologue - The Cure
Chapter 1 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 2 - Experimental Strain 1041
Chapter 3 - Side Effects
Chapter 4 - Dawn
Chapter 5 - Reborn
Chapter 6 - Desert Morning
Chapter 7 - Mercy
Chapter 8 - Revelation
Epilogue - Normalcy
Prologue - Broken
Chapter 1 - 13 Days Before
Chapter 2 - Isolation
Chapter 3 - Revelation
Chapter 4 - 7 Days Before

Part 2 - Introduction

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By yinglangao2003

Healer vs. Warrior

Thank you for making through Part 1. This is Part 2 of three stories. Please note that this story has nothing to do with Part 1. The characters and plot is completely different.

This story was originally developed as a novella. However, I have decided to shorten the story and get straight to the point like I did with the first story. 

Part two is told through the main character, Cassie O'Brien, and her best friend, Summer Clark's POV. The prologue will be told through the perspective of Kori Smith. The entire story will be written in the third person. 

Without further ado, here is the synopsis:

Cassie is courageous and cool. Summer is intelligent and nerdy. Together, they are the polar opposite yet they make the best of friends. They have been best friends since kindergarten and now they are planning to go to college together until Summer's parents banned Summer from talking to Cassie a month after they graduated from high school because of one little thing separating the best friends. 

Frustrated and curious, Cassie must find out why Summer's family is trying to keep them apart. In the process, Cassie discovers some very interesting and shocking details about her family as well as Summer's family that will change her forever. 

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