Forbidden Love

By CenasGirlForever44

29.5K 1.3K 147

Romeo&Juliet had a tragic ending, will we? More

Why Can't I Find Love
I Don't Want A Girlfriend
He Looked At Her In A Way That He Never Looked At Me.
Love At First Sight
Things Ive Never Felt Before❣...
Money Shouldn't Define Who I Am As A Person....
Part Of Your World
I Need To Keep An Eye On Her
Its Not Like Your Girlfriends Think
Perfect Cover
You Would Be Surprised
Into You
It Will Make It Hard For Us To Be Friends
We Will Not Take Your Money
Myster Man
Some Loser Nobody...
Things Are About To Go Down❤️
Where Did We Go Wrong
In A Few Days We Will Be Together
Mr. Cena... John Cena❤️
He Died A Little Over 6 Months Ago...
You Haven't Called Me That In A While
After All These Years You're Here
A "Dead" Dad
Time To Come Clean
Something Isn't Right
We Have A Baby
We Have Been Lied To All These Years....
Do You Still Love Him?💋
Never Have Him Again🖤
I Just Don't Trust Her❤
Settle This Once And For All..❤
The One That Got Away💋
I Can't Do This..🖤
I'll Make It Work❤️
Mommy&Daddy Kiss❤️
She's Not Pregnant❤️
Going Away❤️
Happy Ending❤️

I Hope I Can Be That Special Someone, And You'll Be Mine

879 38 3
By CenasGirlForever44

(Chapter 13)

Nikki's Pov

It was like with every kiss I was sinking more and more into John's arms I didn't want him to let me go, I wanted to be in his arms forever, after he pulled away he looked around and saw that no one was looking so we snuck out that back which lead to the beach and I was so happy what could be better then the beach a night time with John by my side? Absolutely nothing. I'm so happy that I was able to convince Nick to pretend to date me so I could make my way down here, I really think him and Barbie are liking each other it would be awesome if they started to date too because that why Nick and I could always sneak off to come here and be with the ones that we truly wish to be with.

"Finally I get you all to myself." John said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"I mean I like your brothers but it's nice to be alone with you." I said resting my head against his chest.

"Yeah I wanted it to be just you and me, after meaning your sister of course but as you can see my brothers and friends are a little intrusive." He said letting out a small laugh.

"It's okay I'm just happy Nick wasn't bored and alone in the corner, he's really doing me a big favor." I said as I made him sit on the sand with me.

"What is he doing?" He said wrapping an arm around me.

"He's pretending to date me so when he "takes me out" I can come down here to see you." I said getting closer to him.

"Oh well then thanks to him." He said kissing my cheek

"I'm so tired." I said as I cuddled up to him.

"Why?" He said pulling me onto his lap.

"I was up all last night working on a project and some cheer routines." I said looking up at him.

"You're a cheerleader?" He said surprised.

"Yes I am, I'm captain." I said smiling up at him.

"What else should I know?" He said holding me closer.

"I use to be a pageant queen well only 3 years in a row I didn't enjoy doing them after my last one so I went into cheer." I said looking pit into the water.

"Oh well I sure wish we would have been in the same grade." He said.

"Why?" I said

"Because then I would have my own cheerleader I was a football player." He said and I smiled.

"I would have loved to be your cheerleader." I said as I reached up to kiss his cheek, but he turned and I ended up missing his lips, thing began to get hot and heavy real fast so I decided to stop it.

"John." I said as I pushed back out of breathe.

"Yes." He said out of breathe as well.

"You should know that I'm a virgin." I said probably shocking him.

"Wow." He said surprised.

"Is there a problem." I said afraid that he would want someone with more experience.

"No it's just that I'm a virgin too." He said smiling down at me.

"Really you're not just saying that?" I said sitting up.

"No I've always wanted to have that with someone special not just some random girl." He said looking into my eyes and that just made me see that he was telling the truth.

"I hope I'll be that someone special and that you will be mine.when I'm ready of course " I said placing my hand on his cheek.

"Of course I would never pressure you into anything you don't want to do." He said kissing my hand.

"You're just amazing." I said.

"Well there is one important question I need to ask you." He said.

"What is that?" I said intrigued.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said pulling out a beautiful ring.

John's Pov

Having Nicole all to my self was amazing I was learning gnomes about her that I didn't think I would toning it really surprised me when she told me she was a virgin but it made me happy because I am too, I know hard to believe but it's true I was planning on sharing that special moment with Liz but she cheated one me and I guess now I'm thankful I didn't because now I have Nicole and I hope she will be my sown one special I feel like she already is so I need to ask her now.

"Will you be my girlfriend." I said pulling out a promise ring that I saw the other day. Once I laid my eyes on it I knew it had to be hers it may not be the funniest gold or the most expensive but it came from my heart.

"Oh wow John." She said grabbing it.

"I know it's not like a Tiffany's ring or anything that you might be used to but I hope you'll take it and accept to be my girlfriend I would really like that if you don't want to that's fine I understand I won't hold it against you and...." I was babbling on until she grabbed my face and kissed me.

"That's a nice way to shut me up." I said as she giggled.

"John I don't care wether this ring was 10 dollars or one million dollars , I love it because you gave it to me, and I would love to be your girlfriend." She said with that beautiful smile.

"Really?" I said excited.

"Yeah now would you mind putting it on me?" She aid handing me back the ring and handing me her hand.

"I'd be honored to girlfriend." I said putting on the ring and kissing the finger I put it on.

"Thank you boyfriend." She said as she admired the ring.

After being outside for a few more minutes me and Nicole decided to go back in where we found everyone having so much fun well Aj seemed a little down I would have to talk to her later she's my good friend and I would hate to see her sad.

"Hey Matt, Sean, Dan, Steve even though I know you already know her I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend." I said pulling Nicole to my side.

Everyone seemed to be happy about us dating except for Aj I wonder what was wrong.

"Congrats you guys now I'm sorry to end the party but Nicole we have to go!" Her sister said.

"Aww man you're right." She said looking at her phone.

"Why?" I said sad and confused.

"We have an early cheer practice tomorrow." She said looking sad.

"Really and you can't cancel?" I said hoping she would be able to stay a little longer.

"No I've already canceled two practices and the season starts in a week." She said looking at her calendar.

"You have a season?" Aj said finally speaking up.

"Yeah it starts when football season starts." She said hugging me.

"And ends when football season ends?" She said

"No we have competitions after that and the season ends depending on how far you make it." Brianna said.

"Oh I bet you guys loose fast." She said with a smirk.

"Actually you're looking at a 3 time national champion were going for the fourth this year now that I have to prove myself or anything." She said and Brianna just laughed.

"Anyways it nice meeting you all Nicole we will meet you at the car okay?" Brianna as Nicole just nodded.

"I hate that you have to go." I said wrapping my arms around her.

"I know me too but I promise that after practice I'll try to sneak down here okay?" She said kissing my cheeks.

"Okay I'll miss you." I whispered into her ear.

"I'll miss you more." She did before giving me one last kiss.

Aj's Pov

She can't be his girlfriend she just can't. Soon I'll put an end to this.....

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