Just The Girl (under editing)

By 123rawrXD

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This is the story of Rosie Harper, a 17 year old who's moved to a new town with her family. She's a shy, nerd... More

Just The Girl
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six - Flirtatious Friends
Chapter Seven - Just Another Day At High School
Chapter Eight - Close Calls
Chapter Nine - Josh's Smile
Chapter Ten - Hockey Lessons
Chapter Eleven - Tears and Music
Chapter Twelve - Dress Shopping
Chapter Thirteen - Wedding Bells
Chapter Fourteen - Important Announcements
Chapter Fifteen - His Intoxication
Chapter Sixteen - Go And Ruin Everything
Chapter Seventeen - When I Look At You
Chapter Eighteen - Sing Me A Love Song
Chapter Nineteen - Mood Swings
Chapter Twenty - Bloody Monday
Chapter Twenty One - Head Over Heals
Chapter Twenty Three - Whoops
Chapter Twenty Four - The Old Josh
Chapter Twenty Five - The New Home Ec Teacher
Chapter Twenty Six - Birthday Shopping
Chapter Twenty Seven - A Party Gone Wrong
Chapter Twenty Eight - Boys Will Be Boys
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Return Of The Closet Whore
Chapter Thirty - Anger, Rage and Some More Anger
Chapter Thirty One - Crashing The Mall
Chapter Thirty Two - A Chat With The Counsellor
Chapter Thirty Three - Our Unconventional First Date
Chapter Thirty Four - Embarrassment
Chapter Thirty Five - Slumber Party
Chapter Thirty Six - Josh, It's Sasha
Chapter Thirty Seven - A Nightmare Come True?
Chapter Thirty Eight - Rock Bottom
Chapter Thirty Nine - Beep Beep
Chapter Forty - More than Chocolate Cake?
Chapter Forty One - The Big Game
Chapter Forty Two - Jingle Bells
Chapter Forty Three - A Visiter
Chapter Forty For - Sorry For Party Rock'n
Chapter Forty Five - Happy New Years
Chapter Forty Six - Stacey's Mom
Chapter Forty Seven - When The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Forty Eight - Love, Hate & Heartbreak
Chapter Forty Nine - Moving On
Chapter Fifty - Family Reunion?
Chapter Fifty One - Let's Make Cookies
Chapter Fifty Two - He needs you, We need you
Chapter Fifty Three - Home
Chapter Fifty Four - Back to Normal
Chapter Fifty Five - Bye
Chapter Fifty Five - I need you
Chapter Fifty Six - Changes
Chapter Fifty Seven - Yes
Chapter Fifty Eight - Nothing but Love
Chapter Fifty Nine - Funeral
Chapter Sixty - Prologue

Chapter Twenty Two - Meet The Parents

2.9K 32 1
By 123rawrXD

Rosie's P.O.V

''Rosie sweetheart?''

Some one was talking to me, trying to wake me up, but my head hurt and I couldn't bring myself to wake.

''Rosie? Wake up.''

Daddy's voice rang in my ears as it seemed to get closer and closer, louder and louder.

''Rosie?'' he shook me, and I regained my conciousness slightly as I peeled open one eye.

Daddy was smiling down at me, wearing a hoodie and some sweats.

He had decided to take the day off work and look after me, so I was looking forward to spending some much needed time with him.

We hadn't spoken properly in ages.

I opened both eyes, sitting up slowly in my bed as I rubbed my face with my hand.

I winced.


Daddy cringed, grabbing my hand away from my face and inspecting my nose carefully.

''Careful sweety!'' he shouted worriedly.

Daddy sat down on the bed beside me.

I sighed.

Looks like I forgot I hurt my nose.

''I was going to ask you how your nose was, but it obviously hurts.'' Daddy laughed, ruffling my messy bed hair, and holding out two of the pain pills that Doctor Milikan gave me yesterday, and a glass of water.

I gulped them down and set the glass on my night stand, turning to Daddy.

''What are we doing today then?'' I asked.

He smiled.

''Whatever you want, but we're ordering pizza for dinner.'' he grinned.

''Kay!'' I laughed, jumping out of bed and over to my wardrobe.

I pulled on a pair of sweat shorts, and a big tee, before throwing my hair up in a messy pony tail and following Daddy out of my room and into the kitchen.

''Breakfast?'' he suggested.

''Sure.'' I chirped, sitting down at the counter and watching as he looked cluelessly into the fridge and cupboards.

I sighed.

Daddy never could cook.

Laughing, I stood up again, and went strait to the cereal cupboard.

Pulling out a box of fruit loops, I waved them in Daddy's face with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes.

''That's probably a good idea.'' he laughed.

And so, we ended up in front of the TV, a bowl of fruit loops in hand as we watched Spongebob together on the couch.

And I couldn't have been happier.

Josh's P.O.V

''Right.'' I said, once all the guys were in my car and we were on our way to school, ''I'm killing that whore today, who's with me?''

They all nodded.

''We're in.'' they all said together.

I grinned mischievously.


I pulled up at the front of the school, parking the car where nobody else would ever dare to, and shut off the engine.

We were early today, but instead of sitting, we had some business to take care of.

All we had to do was find her.

And she would never touch my girl again.

Hell, she'd probably be too scared to even show her face in school again.

Bitch was getting what she deserved, and nothing was going to stop me.

I stormed through the corridors of the big, very full school.

Liam, Craig and Zack followed quickly behind me.

My wing men.


Each of us had a face like thunder, not having to shove any one as they all dodged us in fear.

Yeah, this school knew not to mess with us, period, never mind when we were on a rampage like this one.

The crowded halls parted like the red sea, everyone's face showing fear as we marched down the middle.

I wasn't taking shit from anyone today.

And then I found her.

She was standing with her friends a little down from us, but we were fast approaching.

Her friends that were facing us noticed immediately and began to run away, but she remained clueless as she gossiped loudly about 'some whore who stole her man'.

Does she really have the cheek to go there?

The last girl with her finally realised we were coming, and in a panic, pointed in our direction.

In case it wasn't obvious, the whore had her back to us, so when she turned around her face went a pale green and her eyes went wide.

Looks like she was expecting us.

Before she could even react, I had her slammed against the wall, and not in the good way.

She whimpered, cowering back against the wall as I towered over her.

I know I can be scary intimidating when I want to be – I don't get my reputation from being a pussy, so it wasn't hard to guess that I was scaring the shit out of this girl.

The three guys behind me stood protectively around us to make sure I wasn't disturbed, and kept their icy glares on her fear ridden face.

If she thought she was getting away with what she did yesterday, she had another thing coming.

Her eyes filled with tears from mere fear of what she imagined I would do to her, what she was making up in her head based on the rumours she had heard and the scenes she had witnessed.

Yeah, I got around.

I got right up in her face, and she seemed to stop breathing entirely.

''Now, you're going to listen, and you're going to listen well.'' I growled out in a low, threatening voice.

She nodded weakly, so I continued.

''You ever, and I mean ever, so much as look at my girlfriend again, and you won't get off this lightly.''

She gulped visibly.

She thought I was done, but just as she began to relax, I pushed her again.

''You count yourself fucking lucky that you're a girl, 'cause if you weren't, we wouldn't be talking right now.''

I didn't have to explain what that meant.

It was pretty obvious.

I would have killed the whore with my own two hands.

Staying to glare in her face in silence for another ten or so seconds, I pushed myself off of the wall, and without another word, or so much as a glance back in her direction, the four of us walked away.

My expression didn't change once as I made my way through the halls, and we all went early into registration.

We were so early, that not even the dorks or the teacher was there yet.

Fuck it, we needed somewhere to go.

''You think it'll work?'' Liam asked once we were sitting down.

''It fucking better.'' I mumbled.

He laughed. ''Josh, have you any idea how fucking scary you can be sometimes?''

I smirked.

''I'm always scary.''

Craig laughed, ''Yeah, not when you're with Rosie though.''

My smirk fell.

''What's that supposed to mean?''

''Uh,'' he laughed, ''It's supposed to mean that you are a pussy with your girl.''

I glared at him.

That shut him up pretty quickly.

Zack snorted.

''Come on Josh, you actually can't deny that one. You're so whipped it isn't even funny any more.'' he said in a serious voice.

''I'm not that bad!'' I laughed, now seeing the humorous side of things.

Yeah okay, so maybe I am a total pussy when it comes to Rosie.

The guys all laughed.

''Yes you are Josh, that girl's made you clingy.''

''Yeah, man you're actually worse than girls when they try and hold your hand or hug you just 'cause you fucked them.'' Liam added.

Okay, that one wasn't funny.

''Am not.'' I argued.

''Are too!'' they all answered.

I rolled my eyes.

''Fuck off. You's are just jealous.''

They all rolled their eyes, our heads snapping in the direction of the classroom door as it swung open.

Our smiles turned into glares again, as we refused to show any other emotion to some loser in our school.

It was just the teacher, who gulped and took in a shaky breath as they saw us.

Come on, we're not going to eat you!

I mentally laughed at my own joke, but on the outside kept my glare on the man at the front of the room.

He slowly went and sat at his desk, placing his glasses on his face with a shaky hand and opening up a book.


I sighed and looked at the clock, before grumbling aloud at the time.

The guys smirked at my impatience, shaking their heads.

This was going to be a long, long day.

Rosie's P.O.V

The latest episode of Spongebob ended, and there wasn't any more scheduled to be on for another few hours, so Daddy and I had to find something else to do with our time.

''Why don't you show me the piece you've been working on?'' Daddy suggested.

I grinned.

''Sure!'' I said, settling myself on the stool in front of my piano and letting Daddy sit down beside me, before I placed my hands on the keys.

I had been working on this piece of my own lately, and it was coming on really well, but Daddy hadn't heard it yet and I couldn't wait to see what he thought of it.

His opinions are extremely important to me, in both my music AND my every day life.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I'm a Daddy's girl at heart, and he will always be my number one hero.

''Okay,'' I breathed, ''It isn't finished yet.'' I warned.

He scoffed.

''Rosie, you could write these in your sleep, it'll be amazing.'' he told me.

I blushed.

Yes, I am a very modest person.

Paying the first few notes of the melody, I relaxed into my seat and began to really get into the music.

My fingers moved quickly over the keys and a beautiful sound emerged from deep within the grand piano.

I felt so at home, so at peace, so happy.

The only other thing in the world that can make me feel like this, as I have recently discovered, was Josh.

Josh... I really hope he doesn't say anything to that girl.

I don't want him getting into trouble or anything, besides, Mom had already promised to phone the school and make a formal complaint and demand something be done about it.

Josh didn't need to feel the responsibility to do anything.

I just appreciated that he was there for me when I needed him yesterday.

''Rosie, that was beautiful.'' Daddy said happily.

I smiled.

''You really think so?''

''Of course!'' he laughed.

He looked at his watch.

''It's almost three, will I order the pizza now?''

I nodded eagerly.


He laughed at my enthusiasm, and stood up to get the phone.

I sighed and sat down on the couch again, nonchalantly flicking through the channels without really looking.

Today was turning out to be pretty fun.

Daddy came back in, so I stopped flicking and set down the remote without even realising what I had stopped at.

''It'll be here in about an hour.'' he said.

I nodded. ''Kay.''

Daddy sat down beside me again, but he sighed loudly and looked disgustedly at the TV.

Curious, I followed his gaze until I met the TV, and realised that it had stopped at Teen Mom.

''That's pathetic.'' He said.

''W-What is?'' I asked.

''Girls like that. No older than you and they have children. I'm just glad you're not into boys yet sweetheart.''

My heart sunk.

Was Daddy going to be disappointed in me?

I don't think I could bare that.

''What is it?'' he asked worriedly.

Guess my emotions showed on my face.

''Is it your nose?'' he panicked, leaning forward to look at it.

I pushed him away.

''No, Daddy it's not my nose.'' I told him.

My hands became clammy and my heart crashed against my chest.

''Well then what's wrong? You've gotten really pale!''

''Daddy, I have to tell you something.''

His face fell hard and he looked angry.

Looking back, I can understand why he jumped to the conclusion he did.


I gasped.

''No!'' Daddy of course not!'' I shouted, exasperated.

He calmed down.

''Oh, that's okay then.''

I sighed.

''Well what is it then?'' he asked calmly when I didn't finish.

''I...Daddy I have a boyfriend.''

Uh oh, he honestly looks just as angry now as he did when he thought I was pregnant.

''You what?'' he asked, disbelieving.

''I have a-''

''I heard you.'' he cut me off.

I remained silent.

''Since when?'' he asked.

''...Friday.'' I gulped.

''And who is he?''

''Claire's son...'' I answered him unsure.

''Claire, the woman who's daughter you babysit?''

I nodded.

''And how old is he?''

''Seventeen.'' I told him.

He can't complain about that. It isn't like Josh is older than me.

''Why didn't you tell me?'' he asked, sounding genuinely hurt.

''I was scared you'd get mad...and not like him.''

Daddy didn't say anything for a long time, but when he did, I was at a loss for words.

''I want to meet him.''

''You what?'' I breathed.

''Well I'm presuming your Mother's met him, so I think I should too.'' he stated.

''Now.'' he added.

I froze.

Was he for real?

''Well?'' Daddy urged.

''I, um...he's in school.'' I stated dumbly.

''Well, school's out in fifteen minutes, I'm presuming he drives, he can be here in less than half an hour.''

Oh no.

I checked the time.

He was right.

I knew Josh was in free period right now, so I stood to my feet, dumbfounded, and went up to my room to find my phone.

''Hello?'' Josh answered.

''Hi.'' I said worriedly.

''What's wrong?'' he asked.

''Um, Josh... My Dad wants to meet you.''

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

''Hello?'' I called.


''Right after school.''




''Did you hear me?''


''Well...can you come over?''


I sighed.



''Can you come over or not?!''

''Sure, whatever.''

I didn't really have an answer to that.

''How's your nose?'' he asked, after a short period of silence.

''It was fine, but I forgot I hurt it and practically smacked myself in the face this morning, so it's a bit sore again.''

He laughed.

''Josh, my Dad can be a bit intimidating...''

He sighed.

''It's fine babe, why does he want to meet me anyway?''

''Um, well I kinda felt really guilty about something so I had to tell him, and then he decided that if my Mom met you then he should too. He's being weirdly calm about it, I don't get it. But Josh, seriously he is so scary sometimes.''

He laughed again.

''Baby, have you met me?''

''Yeah...that's the problem.''

He didn't answer.

I sighed.

''I have to go, I'll see you soon I guess.'' Josh said.

''Yeah, see you soon.''

''Bye baby.''

''Bye Josh.'' I said dreamily.

I love it when he calls me that...

I ran downstairs to Daddy again, who was still sitting in the exact spot he was earlier.

Okay, this isn't going to go well.

I grabbed my phone and texted Mom.

Mom, Daddy wants to meet Josh! He'll be here in twenty minutes, I'm freaking out XX – Rosie.

OMG why?! I'll be home as soon as I can! XX – Mom.

I bit my lip and set the phone back down on the coffee table and turned to the TV.

Well this was awkward.

Staring blankly at the TV, waiting impatiently for someone, anyone, even the pizza guy to get here, I just wanted this awkwardness to disappear.

Why did Daddy have to want to meet him?

I sighed.

Were those voices I heard?

Curiously, I stood to my feet and headed towards the door.

Who was out there?

Pulling back the door, a startled gasp escaped my lips, and I almost couldn't believe my eyes.


Josh's P.O.V

Parking the car in my own drive, I banged my head against the steering wheel a few times and sighed.

''Fuck.'' I muttered to myself.

Why the fuck does this guy want to meet me?

He's gonna hate me isn't he?

Most adults do...Apart from Hannah, Rosie's Mom maybe.

She actually seems to like me.

Why? I have no clue.

Biting the bullet, I quickly climbed out of the car and locked it behind me, not giving myself the opportunity to back out.

I looked down at my clothes.


Black baggy jeans, army boots, wife beater...?

Shit, I look like shit.

Well no I actually look pretty cool if I'm honest, but this guy's hardly going to agree.

I glanced up at my bedroom window.

Did I have time to run home and change?

Who am I kidding? I have no better clothes.

This guy had a daughter that called him 'Daddy', who was a little spoilt and childlike, and he had a lot of money, with a well kept house and front yard.

In other words, he wasn't going to like 'my kind'.

I slapped my hand to my face, then realising I also had my piercings in. Well, I never take them out so of course I do.

''ARGH!'' I grumbled aloud.

This was not going to go well.

But I wanted to go check on Rosie, and since her Dad was home, I guess meeting him was the only way.

Walking ridiculously slowly towards her house, in an attempt at prolonging this meeting, I found myself sighing in relief as Hannah's car pulled up in their driveway.

I picked up my pace a lot and jogged over to meet her.

Before she noticed me, she seemed a bit flustered and in a rush.

What for? I didn't know until she explained.

That's when the nerves really kicked in.

''Oh! Josh thank God!'' she exclaimed, a happy smile on her face.

''For what?'' I asked her.

''I was so worried you'd get here before me.'' she said, ''Do you know why Aiden wants to meet you?''

Okay, so I'm guessing Aiden in Rosie's Dad.

''Um, Rosie just said she felt guilty and told him, and then he decided he wanted to meet me since you already had...'' I explained.

She nodded.

''Okay, listen Josh, Rosie's Father can be a bit...''

''Intimidating and scary?'' I finished for her.

She laughed.

''I take it Rosie told you then?''

''Yep, she actually seems really worried about this...he's not that bad is he?''

''Honey,'' Hannah laughed, ''He's worse.''


Don't get me wrong, I know I'll be fine, I'm not letting some ass boss me around and tell me I can't date his daughter...I'll date her if I want to.

But, if he gets to Rosie, then that's a different story.

Hannah laughed at my expression.

''Josh, you're bad ass, use it.''

I laughed.

''It's not me I'm worried about.''

''What do you mean?''

''Well, I'll be fine, but what if Rosie decides 'cause her Dad doesn't want her to that she isn't gonna-''

''Josh, have you seen the way that girl looks at you?'' she interrupted.


She rolled her eyes.

''Rosie has been practically scared of boys her entire life, she's too innocent and too much of a Daddy's girl. You however, broke that system. You gotta be pretty special to her if she changed just for you.''

I remained silent.

''I think this will be the one and only occasion when she disagrees with her Daddy and does what he tells her not to.''

I smiled.

If her Mom said that, then this has gotta work.

''Uh, 'scuse me miss.'' a gruff voice sounded from behind us.

Our heads snapped in the direction to see a pizza guy there, in a red outfit with two boxes of pizza in his hand.

Looks like they were having pizza for dinner then.

''Yes?'' Hannah asked.

''Aiden Harper.'' he told her.

She smiled.

''I'll take them, thanks.''

''Fifteen fifty.'' the guy mumbled.

She handed me the pizza to hold while she got her purse out of her hand bagish thing, and handed the guy the money.

''Cheers Miss.'' he told her.

I rolled my eyes.

Just as he took a step away, the front door opened, and a surprised Rosie let out a quiet gasp.

Yeah, so we ended up with me and her Mom holding a pizza each, and the pizza guy standing there awkwardly.

So when Rosie opened the door, I can't blame her for being surprised.

''Hi sweety!'' Hannah chirped, giving her a one armed hug.

The Pizza guy slipped away awkwardly.

''How's your nose?'' She asked Rosie.

''It's okay.'' Rosie told her.

She gave us a confused and questioning look.

Hannah rolled her eyes.

''We got here at the same time.''

''Oh.'' Rosie answered.

I smiled at her, a little awkwardly.

Okay, so this was actually happening now.

''I'll give you a minute.'' Hannah told us, taking the pizza from me and stepping inside.

Rosie came out and closed the door over behind her.

''Um...'' she said.

I smiled.

She held her elbow in her hand and she bit her lip and looked down.

''Sorry about this.'' she told me.

I laughed.

''Don't worry about it babe.''

She blushed.

I think she likes it when I call her that.

''Well, erm...come in I guess.'' she said, stepping back and going inside the door.

She held it open for me as I walked in after her, and stood by waiting while she shut it and made sure it was locked.

I was presuming that her Dad was in the family room, since I could hear a deep voice as well as Hannah's.

Taking my hand in hers, her short, thin fingers interlocked with mine, and she pulled me behind her into the family room where I was yesterday.

We didn't get very far before a man a little older looking than Hannah, maybe in his mid forties, gave me a glare so hard it would scare anyone.

Apart from me.

Jeez, who did this guy think he was?

''Aiden, this is Josh.'' Hannah introduced.

He stared me down, his eyes moving over my body to check out my appearance.

Not in the weird perverted way, in a threatening manner.

I mentally scoffed.

I could handle this guy.

He's what you would have called 'tough' maybe twenty years ago.

Nowadays however?

No chance.

Slowly, not breaking the 'deathly' eye contact, he raised his hand for a handshake.

Okay, so this is dead awkward.

Unsure, I shook his hand, completely weirded out.

Never had a girlfriend, there for never had a 'meet the parents' experience.

Rosie rolled her eyes.

''Daddy stop it.''

He gave her a stern look, that made her shut her mouth pretty quickly.

She probably wasn't used to him getting on like this, but it was clearly just an act.

I don't know what I was so worried about.

Rosie's P.O.V

''Daddy stop it.'' I rolled my eyes.

He gave me a scary look, so I shut up pretty quickly.

What was with that?

Daddy never got on like this.

I was so scared and worried that he was going to scare Josh off at this rate!

I would hate him for that.

''Okay...'' Mom said, ''Why don't we all sit down?''

I nodded and pulled Josh over to the couch with me, ignoring the dirty looks Daddy was giving him.

Mom and Daddy took the one opposite us, and Mom kept elbowing Daddy in attempt to make him relax a bit.

She kept a smile on her face as she did it though, but it was pretty obvious regardless.

I didn't let go of Josh's hand, for some reason I just didn't want to.

Daddy kept eyeing out hands, but I ignored him. If Daddy said I couldn't be with Josh, I think this would be the one occasion that I didn't listen to him.

There was a weird silence for about a minute, and I could tell by Mom's face that she was trying to find some way of breaking the ice.

Daddy glared at Josh, but surprisingly, Josh held his ground, and simply raised an eyebrow challengingly at him.

I couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not, but I was pleased that Josh wasn't giving into my Dad's immaturity.

However, that was probably making Daddy more and more angry.

I was still a bit shocked that this was even happening...I mean, it started off as a nice day with my Dad...and turned into a meet the parents kinda episode.

I sighed.

''Daddy, what was the point in this?'' I asked.

''Don't Rosie.'' he said.

''Don't what?''

Mom smirked at my stubbornness, while Daddy looked at me funny.

''Josh.'' Daddy started, ''What are your intentions with my daughter?''

Josh's lip turned up slightly, and I could tell he was trying his best not to laugh at my Dad.

I couldn't blame him, I mean, how lame was that?

''Daddy don't ask him that!'' I scolded.

''Why not?!'' he defended.

''Because you just don't say that any more!''

Mom turned her snigger into a cough.

What was with him?!

Daddy turned to my Mom.

''I don't like him.'' he stated simply.

That was plain rude, we could hear him clearly.

He was being so immature.

Mom rolled her eyes.

''And why's that?'' she asked, an eyebrow raised.

''Uh, look at him.'' Daddy said, pointing at Josh.

Josh scowled, and I couldn't believe how silly my Dad was being.

''Aiden, don't be silly.'' Mom scolded.

''Don't be silly? I don't want my little girl anywhere near the likes of him!'' he exclaimed, ''Oh and Rosie,'' he turned to me, ''You're not babysitting any more.''

''WHAT?!'' I yelled.

''You heard me.'' he stated.

''Aiden, can I have a word with you outside please?'' Mom said, standing up abruptly.

Daddy looked at her curiously.

''Now.'' she demanded.

Ha, Daddy can't ever say no to Mom.

He stood to his feet, and like a dog with his tail between his legs, followed his master out of the room.

That's one of the good things that come with having loved up parents.

When they're whipped, the one who agrees with you can always make the other agree too...no matter what the circumstances.

Normally, it was Mom in charge of Daddy.

I smiled at Josh.

He smiled back, although it was more like a grimace.

I rolled my eyes.

''My Mom will sort it.'' I told him.

''Really?'' he asked.

I nodded my head.

I was sure of it.

He smiled then.

For some reason, I wasn't quite so scared to do what I did next.

Leaning forward, I pressed my lips gently to his, and felt him smile against me.

I loved it when I could feel him smile when we kissed.

I could hear Mom and Daddy arguing loudly, but I blocked it out as best as I could, not wanting to hear what they had to say.

Well, more like what Daddy had to say.

I couldn't help it if he couldn't see past how Josh looks.

He didn't even give him a chance.

Mom shoved Daddy back into the room, and both Josh and I stood up to see them.

Daddy resentfully held out his hand to Josh.

''You touch her, and I swear I will castrate you.'' he threatened.

Josh grimaced, his hands moving down to that area subconsciously.

I smiled at the ground, not wanting to make matters worse by laughing.

Josh was too cute sometimes.

I could tell my Dad didn't intimidate him or scare him in the slightest, but when it comes to his...man business...well that's a different matter.

I guess that meant we were okay then?

Daddy was going to let me date Josh?

''It's fine.'' Mom mouthed.

I grinned, taking Josh's hand in mine and pulling him from the room.

I had to pull his hand up since it was still...down there...but he relaxed as soon as we got out of that room.

''See you later Josh.'' Mom called.

''Uh...yeah.'' Josh said a little uncomfortably.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him up the stairs.

''Excuse me, where do you think you-'' Daddy was probably going to make a comment about the fact I was about to have a boy in my room, but I ignored him and Mom slapped him in the back of the head anyway.

I laughed under my breath.

''Well that wasn't too bad.'' I said, opening the door to my room and pulling Josh inside.

I shut it behind him and turned around in time to see Josh spinning in a circle, looking at my room.

There was a smirk playing on his lips, and I suddenly found myself embarrassed by my room.

It was all pink, and there were teddies everywhere.

Oh god.

I probably look like such a child.

''Nice room.'' he laughed, mockingly.

I scowled.

''At least it doesn't look like it belongs to a vampire.'' I challenged.

''Maybe not but...it does look like it belongs to a fairy princess.'' he argued.

I glared.

My room did not-

Okay so maybe it did.

I sighed and gave up.


He grinned, satisfied with his victory.

Damn that boy.

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Angel Harper has had a tough life. At fifteen, she lost her parents and little brother to a tragic car accident that will forever change her. Her aun...