Balance of Light and Dark (Na...

By blackstarlove19

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What would you do if you knew your time was almost out? that as the seconds passed, your end draws near? Ho... More

Chapter 1: Meeting team 7
Chapter 2: The bell test
Chapter 3: a C rank mission
Chapter 4: C rank turns A rank
Chapter 5: Climbing trees
Chapter 6: There are real heroes
Chapter 7: Rememeber me
Special no.1 Meeting Sasuke
Chapter 8: Finishing trainning
Chapter 9: Battle on the bridge
Special no.2 A mission with the jounins
Chapter 10: The jounins ambush
Chapter 11: Reuniting with friends
Chapter 12: Chunin exams
Chapter 13: Forest of Death: Encounter with a snake
Chapter 14: Forest of Death: A friend's help
Chapter 15: The perliminaries suprise
Chapter 16: Devastating news
Chapter 17: A day in the hospital
Chapter 18: A birthday party
Chapter 19: Encounters with Garaa
Chapter 20: The third exam begins
Chapter 21: Trying to fix it!
Chapter 22: The sand and sound attack!
Chapter 23:Family or Revenge?
Chapter 24: The breaking point
Chapter 25: A new enemy
Chapter 26: Mission: find the medic
Chapter 27:The Legendary sucker
Chapter 28:The bet
Chapter 29: Training to the limit!!
Chapter 30: A battle with the snake's follower!!
Chapter 31: More than one way to die!!
Chapter 32: Have to find an answer!
Chapter 33: An A rank mission
chapter 34: Old friends!
Chapter 35 : Riddles!!
Chapter 36: The tale of seven years ago!
Chapter 37 : A mission change
Chapter 38 : More flashbacks!!!
Chapter 39 : Divide and patrol
chapter 40: The target
Chapter 41: An unexpected night
chapter 42: The battle starts
Chapter 43: One vs one
Chapter 44: Sacrifice and guilt
Chapter 45:Pulling from the darkness
Chapter 46: Back
Chapter 47: New announcements!
Chapter 49: Departure!
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 48: Sasuke Retrieval!

296 8 0
By blackstarlove19

Yosh!! Here's the new chapter!! the end of this book is near and then Shippuuden!! :D

I am still thinking of a name for the second book, If anyone have any suggestions pm it to me or comment it! :D

Sara Pov

I was meditating in front of the lake near the village, the sun was setting by the time I opened my eyes.

'Didn't think it was that long?' I thought as I stood up stretching 'I will just try it really quick before heading home'

I went to the closest tree taking a leaf and putting it on my forehead, I started concentrating chakra to it.

It was okay for a couple of minutes before it ripped, I smiled happily 'finally some progress'

Emi was probably asleep already.

'Time to head home' I thought.

Time skip...

"Jounin!!" Kohana exclaimed excitedly when I told her the good news. We were both in the kitchen, while I was cooking dinner for us. "Wow, that's great news sis!!! Congratulations!!! Wait till Yoshio-nii hears about it!! We have to celebrate!!!"

"Calm down" I told her "We don't really need to celebrate"

"WE DON'T NEED TO CELEBRATE?!" She shouted at me "We're going to celebrate when they get back and you're going to enjoy it! Oh my god I need to start planning a party!"

She finished heading out of the kitchen, making me sweat drop.

"A party?" I whispered to myself "This girl likes parties' way too much!"

Time Skip....

'This should do it' I thought happily as the leaf was on my forehead safe and sound for a few minutes now.

It was at sunset of the next day; I was at the lake since dawn training.

I stared at the sky feeling uneasy, the feeling was with me since morning and I had no idea why I was feeling it.

'Maybe it's better if I went to check on Sasuke' I thought 'Actually I haven't seen any of team 7 lately. I think I can make it before visiting hours are over'

I walked into village streets, trying to push the uneasy feeling into the back of mind for now.

"Sakura!" I called to the pink head when I saw her at the bridge over the water channel. "Haven't seen you in a while now!"

"Hey Sara!" She greeted with a weak smile "I guess I was just busy"

"What's wrong?" I asked her "Did Sasuke say something mean? Or did Naruto annoy you?"

"You haven't heard?" She asked me sadly to which I shook my head confused "Sasuke...He's left the village"

I was taken by surprise to what she said.

"What?! But why would..." I didn't even need to finish "don't tell me the idiot is going to Orochimaru?!" I finished angrily my hands shaking.

"I think so" She replied "Ever since Orochimaru gave him that curse mark, he's been different"

I looked at the ground frustrated.

'That idiot' I thought angrily.

"When did he even leave?" I asked her quietly trying to control my anger.

"He left at midnight last night, I tried to stop him but I couldn't" She told me on the brink of tears, so I hugged her and she started crying.

"It's okay Sakura! We just have to send someone to get that idiot back!" I assured her as she continued sopping till she quieted down.

"Was someone sent after him?" I asked her 'she did wonder why I haven't heard about it, so I assume it's not a secret'

"Yeah, Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Neji" She informed me "They left this morning"

'A chunin and four genins?!' I thought horrified 'There's a big chance that Sasuke has escorts from Orochimaru's subordinates and He wouldn't just send anybody'

"Then they'll probably bring him back don't worry! Naruto is an idiot that doesn't know when to back down, he'll bring him back" I tried to assure her with a smile. "do you know how Lee's operation went?"

She wiped her tears as I tried changing the subject.

"Yeah it was a success" She told me making me sigh in relief 'At least there's good news'

"Damn I'm late" I faked being worried "Sorry Sakura, I have to go"

I ran off heading towards the Hokage's office.

Time skip...

"No!" She replied while going through the papers when I asked for permission to follow Sasuke "You're not ready for missions yet"

"But..." I started but she just sighed.

"As Jounin can you say you're really ready to go out on missions?" She asked me and as I stayed quiet.

'With my chakra the way it is, a long battle or a long mission will probably make me dead weight' I thought logically feeling infuriated.

"Maybe not, but I also can't just leave them alone" I told her determined "Orochimaru wouldn't have just sent anybody to escort Sasuke, knowing that I can't just sit behind"

"I have already asked for support from the sand" She told me putting the paper down "I can't send a still recovering shinobi out"

"Even though it takes at least three days to get from the sand to the village, that's too long" I argued back "I maybe still recovering but I am well enough to fight"

Let's say I was probably pushing her buttons right now, considering she was in the middle of paper work too, so I was surprised of her reply.

"Tomorrow" She replied frustrated "If they're not back by tomorrow afternoon, I will give you permission to follow."

"Thank you" I told her knowing this was the best I was going to get.

"Now out!!" She bellowed furious, scaring me as I left the office.

'So more training?' Emi wondered while I was leaving the building do you even need to ask.

'Do you even need to ask?' I replied with determination.

Time skip...

The next day I was at the village gates waiting for them it was near afternoon, I had my sword with me, along with my weapons pouch around my waist and my holder tied to my right leg.

'Give it a few more minutes' Emi told me sternly.

Last night I kept training till I managed to climb the tree normally but I was still struggling a bit with water walking but it wasn't that much so I thought I would probably be fine in a fight now.

'No' I told her defiantly 'I am going'

I performed the hand seals "Summoning jutsu!" I yelled as a puff of smoke appeared.

The smoke dissipated to show all of my summons; Sadao, Satoshi, Rei, Shou, Daichi, Ume, Raiden, Kei, Miyuki and Ichiro.

"Sadao should have explained the situation to all of you" I stated "we're splitting into three teams to cover wider range; Shou, Daichi and Kei will cover the west direction, Satoshi, Raiden, Ume and Ichiro will cover the north direction, Sadao, Rei, Miyuki and me will cover the east direction. Anyone who finds their trail send a message to the other to gather. Understood?!"

They all replied with yes as I rode Sadao and each team headed out in their respective direction.

"We're the most likely to run into them" Sadao stated "they're probably going to head straight to the sound border"

"then why did we separate?" asked Miyuki.

"Because if the enemy ran into some other shinobi, or if they want to lose anyone on their trail they would be smart to take a less straight way" I explained sighing "I am pretty worried what might happen to everyone if they run into the enemy that's why I made sure each team had a way of communication"

'You shouldn't be so negative though' Yami tried to comfort me 'With the speed of your summons you should be able to catch up to them easily yeah'

'hopefully we're not too late' I replied.

I sat cross-legged on Sadao closing my eyes and concentrating.

'I am going to try and focus on sensing their chakras' I thought to Sadao 'Try not to drop me'

'When have I ever?!' He told me faking hurt and making me smile.

It was a good thing I tried to concentrate hard or I would have missed that small chakra sign, that was slowly weakening.

"Stop!" I shouted "Land over there" I said pointing at a clearing.

When we landed I saw it, the fallen body of someone wearing an outfit that looked similar to that of Orochimaru's with orange hair.

"They fought over here" Rei said sadly at the destroyed place "It must have taken all of them to take him down"

"No, they were tight on time, if only one enemy is here that means they had to spate one fought while the other followed the rest" I said fearfully while I checked his pulse "That the best strategy, he's dead."

I closed my eyes trying to detect if anyone was around, when I finally I sensed another weak chakra.

"This way!" I said running into the trees anxiously when we finally arrived at its place to find a thin unconscious Choji resting against a tree. "Choji!"

I ran towards him while the others were following me, Rei landed next to him already starting to check him.

"He had to have used the Akimichi pills" I said fearfully "That's the only way to explain his appearance"

"He needs chakra transplant for now, then we need to get him to the village as quickly as possible" Rei told me seriously "You need to do it, just enough for him to survive the way back to the village"

"Okay, Miyuki" I turned to the little dove "Tell Satoshi's team to meet us here as quick as possible, and for Shou team to decrease their parameter, we'll be covering the north and east only, then head to Lady Tsunade and tell her to get medical team ready at the hospital roof to take him"

"Okay" she replied disappearing in a puff of smoke.

I tuned to Choji remembering what little medical training I had and supported his head against Sadao as Choji's back was towards me and started transferring some chakra to him with my hands on his back as careful as possible.

"Damn it Choji" I cursed "You fought your hardest didn't you? I need you to fight a bit more okay? You have to survive; you understand?"

"There's Satoshi" Sadao told me.

"I hurried here" Satoshi said as he landed "The others will be here soon"

"Just in time" Rei said "That should be enough Sara"

I nodded but I was still giving him chakra.

"Satoshi you take him to the hospital roof back at the village you're the fastest here" I told him trying to hold myself together "We'll follow the rest"

"Understood" He told me coming closer "Don't worry he'll be fine"

With Sadao's help we put Choji on Satoshi's back carefully, he then took off into the tree quickly disappearing from view.

"We'll start moving, Ichiro should sense my chakra moving and they'll catch up to us" I told them before riding Sadao and taking off into the air again.

We rode for a bit more like before I was trying to sense any chakra trace around. It wasn't long before Raiden, Ume and Ichiro joined us.

"There was no sign of them on our way here" Raiden reported to me

"How was the kid you found?" Ume asked worriedly

"He's already on his way to the village" Rei told her grimly "Hopefully they can help him there"

It was at that moment that I sensed a faint chakra again.

"Over there" I said urgently since this time it was even fainter than Choji's.

We landed quickly and I saw two people on the ground; one wearing the same outfit as before and Neji, I ran towards Neji who was unconscious on the ground on his side, when I was close to him I saw that he was holding his headband in his hand and was injured badly.

"Adjust him slowly on his back" Rei told me sternly, I did as she said and putting his head on my lap, he had two small holes in his body and he was badly bruised too.

"his internal organs are probably injured badly, there's an injury too close to the heart too" She told me after checking him "And he's probably internally bleeding we need to get him to the hospital as fast as possible"

He was even in a worse condition than Choji.

"Ichiro you..." I didn't get to finish when there was a buff of smoke and Kei appeared.

"We found Kiba and Akamaru" He told me urgently "They were at river side down a canyon up ahead, they were actually still fighting the enemy and were barely standing when we showed up, Shou and Daichi were helping in the fight when a shinobi from the sand who uses puppets showed up he said he was the leaf's ally, they're fighting them now"

Shou and Daichi were the fastest after Satoshi, I was hoping they would get Neji to the village and if Kiba is injured they will need Rei.

"Okay take Rei to their location, after she's done checking Kiba and Akamaru tell Shou to make a clone and take Kiba, Akamaru and the Sand shinobi back to the leaf, and then Rei you should unsummon yourself so I can summon you if I needed you when we find Shikamaru. Kei you and Daichi should follow us afterwards" I explained to them rather quickly "Raiden you're taking Neji to the leaf, Ichiro go ahead to the village and tell them to expect Neji, Kiba and Akamaru all requiring immediate medical help"

Ichiro nodded disappearing in a puff of smoke, Rei immediately flew with Kei as I helped Neji on Raiden's back.

"Neji you better hang on" I told him quietly "Raiden be careful with him"

"Don't worry, I will get him safely there" He told me as he flew into the air.

Miyuki appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Choji already arrived there" She told me "Satoshi went back so you can summon him as soon as you need him"

"Okay let's hurry ahead" I told them urgently as I rode Sadao.

It didn't take long before I felt a burst of chakra from up ahead, when we arrived at the location it was jumble of cut down trees, when I sensed Shikamaru's chakra along with another familiar chakra, we landed next to Shikamaru and Temari on one of the few standing trees.

"You're Okay" I said happily glad to see one of them actually standing on his own.

"Sara?!" He wondered confused, he was even more confused when I hugged him.

"I was starting to think I might find one of you dead" I said probably on the verge of tears.

He pulled away looking at me seriously.

"What do you mean?" He told me worriedly "How were the others?"

"I found Choji and Neji both in critical condition, my summons already got them to the village" I told him "I didn't find Kiba myself but my summons did he was still fighting so they helped him and got message to me that also a sand shinobi showed up, guessing since Temari is here the puppet user is probably Kankuro, Rei is already on her way to give Kiba emergency treatment then they're getting him to the village"

After I was done, He looked shocked, guilty and worried.

"You should go back to the village, being there for them especially Choji" I told him gently.

He was still holding my shoulders so I felt his hand shaking.

"The mission isn't finished yet" He told me looking conflicted "Naruto went ahead chasing the last escort and Sasuke"

"Temari you're the one that finished the enemy right?" I asked seriously looking at the female shinobi dead between the destroyed trees.

"Yeah" She replied nervously

"Shikamaru you're almost out of chakra and you're exhausted, you probably wouldn't have survived this fight if Temari hadn't showed up" I said sighing "you of all people should know that this is the time to retreat. Temari, is it just you and Kankuro?"

"No Gaara should have went ahead, he probably caught up with Naruto already" She told me leaning on her fan.

At that moment both Daichi and Kei landed beside us.

"Good timing you two" I told them before turning to Temari and Shikamaru "Ume and Sadao will take you back to Konoha, I will go ahead with Daichi"

"I can still fight" Temari told me "It didn't take much to take her down"

"Yeah, but can you make sure Shikamaru goes back?" I asked her "beside its only one enemy left"

"I don't need a babysitter" Shikamaru told me irritated "Don't underestimate him the rest of the enemy looked afraid of him, so he's probably the strongest they called him Kimimaro"

"Understood" I told him "Kei go back for now,Daichi lets go, we should hurry"

I rode Daichi and we flew ahead, we were already close enough to the border that it was probably the last chance to catch up to Sasuke.

We were flying for a short while before we reached a huge clearing where I was sensing chakra from.

"That much sand in the middle of a forest" Daichi said while I noticed Lee.

"What's he doing here?" I wondered looking at him "He just got out of surgery, he shouldn't be even moving"

I then looked at Gaara and the enemy Kimimaro, unless another enemy showed up, Gaara was trying to stop an enemy running at him using his sand, the enemy on the other hand was somewhat mutated having tail and what looked like bones protruding from his body.

"What kind of form is that?" I wondered looking at Kimimaro "Looks like this time we're joining the fight; we'll hold for the right time for a surprise attack. You stay up till I tell you."

Gaara put his hand on the ground making a sand wall around him as the enemy passed through and rammed Gaara.

Kimimaro said something to Gaara that I didn't hear.

"He is not your only opponent" Lee yelled showing behind him "I am here as well"

He twisted his body kicking him but Kimimaro blocked it, Lee went for another hit but I saw Kimimaro's tail was coming from behind him, I jumped from over Daishi during that making hand seals, thankfully Gaara protected Lee with his sand, softening the hit.

"Wind style: Air Bullets" I said shooting multiple bullets of air at Kimimaro with intense speed, he was hit with the first one but it didn't affect him and he avoided the rest, I landed in a crouch using chakra to soften the landing, pulling a kunai I ran at him slashing forward as he kept dodging.

He moved his tail to hit me I crouched, sand came above me hitting him as he blocked, I jumped backwards next to Lee who was still lying on the ground.

Lee was struggling to sit up on the ground I crouched beside him, trying to ease his pain with healing jutsu.

"You shouldn't have left the hospital" I scolded him

"I could not have stayed behind, while everyone was out here fighting" He told me.

"Another one" Kimimaro said facing me "Who are you?"

"Sara Hiroshi" I told him "You're Kimimaro, right?"

"That's right" He replied was running towards us again, I waved hand seals for my light barrier jutsu but nothing happened.

Thankfully Gaara raised a sand barrier that softened Kimimaro's tail's hit to Lee and I, we were both thrown backwards in different sides.

'I told you hand seals won't work anymore' Emi yelled frustrated

'Must've slipped my mind' I retorted, but I was in a bad situation considering I relied on my barrier quite a lot.

I looked back to see Kimimaro was facing Gaara now.

"Very well Gaara" He told him "You first"

I stood up and headed towards Lee, whistling to call Daichi while Kimimaro was focusing on Gaara.

Daichi landed next to me as I reached Lee, I started helping Lee stand up.

"Daichi take Lee to Safety" I told Daichi while helping Lee on Daichi's back.

"But..." Lee tried to object

"No buts you're in no condition to fight" I told him "It's okay you did well for now".

"I want to see the battle" He told me.

"Daichi stay in the air above the clearing at a safe distance and once it's done make sure he and Gaara get back to the village" I complied to his request. He complied, and Daichi took into the air with Lee on his back.

I turned back to the fight, Gaara was facing Kimimaro who just finished drawing out what looked like his spine from his body.

'He's using his bones' I thought feeling disturbed. 'But that ability belongs to the Kaguya clan and even among them it was rare, they went extinct a few years ago, who would have thought that there was a survivor'

'Would explain why Orochimaru recruited him' Emi said.

'And would be trouble for us, his bones will be pretty tough' I told her 'That explains why he wasn't effected by my wind jutsu despite being hit by the first bullet'

"Dance of the Clematis: Vine" He said sending the end of his spine towards Gaara, as Gaara's sand protected him, the spine warped around him. Gaara didn't even seem the less bit affected.

"Then the flower" He said as the bones on his left hand grew till it formed a spiral "this bone is my strongest, it will blow right through you, defenses and all"

He coughed blood at that moment.

'He's sick' Emi noticed

'Probably dying' I told her

The sand between them started to take shape around the spine.

"Ultimate defense: Shukaku shield" Gaara said as the sand took the shape of a raccoon wearing a wide-brimmed rural hat, that is roughly thrice the size of Gaara.

I was about to go in to help in any way I can when Emi yelled at me.

'Don't!' She yelled 'You're probably going to be in the way, watch for now'

'Fine' I agreed sighing, I fought Gaara before, I know that he was strong and probably doesn't need my help for now and his shield is probably really the ultimate defense.

Kimimaro started to drill through Gaara's defense, eventually the bones on his hand started to crack till broke off.

"It's so strong" Kimimaro commented

"I took the hardest minerals in the soil I gathered" Gaara told him "and then I fused them with the sand using my chakra"

'As expected from Gaara' I thought holding my kunai ready just in case.

'We should go' Emi told me 'The longer we linger, the closer Sasuke gets to the border'

'Okay' I agreed 'Gaara can handle it here'

I turned around quietly and snuck into the trees starting to running through the forest.

'This is a big forest what's the plan?' Emi thought to me.

'The same as before' I thought to her as I started to focus.

'Sadao' I thought trying to reach him.

'Everyone's but Daichi is already back here' He told me 'Choji, Neji, Kiba and Akamaru are already at the village being treated, Shikamaru and the two sand shinobi are back there as well.'

I made the hand seals for the summoning jutsu, the smoke dispersed to show Sadao, Satoshi, Shou, Rei, Kei, Miyuki and Ichiro.

"Rei go back to the clearing behind, Daichi should be flying above it, stay by him healing Lee then Heal Gaara after the battle" I told her she nodded flying away.

"Kei, Miyuki and Ichiro, we shouldn't be that far off from Sasuke and Naruto can you track either of their chakra's from here?" I asked the three doves.

Their ability worked around knowing the said chakra they can teleport to its location but doesn't mean the know where that is, on the other hand they should be able to sense it on somewhat shorter distance, of course the chakra of their summoner followed another rule.

"Huh?!" Miyuki exclaimed as they all seemed alerted.

"Looking for it won't be necessarily" Ichiro told me "They're not that close but they're using their chakra's at a pretty high level we can locate it from here"

"Okay lead us there" I told them as I rode Satoshi, we took into the air following the three doves at a bit of slower than usual pace so they can keep concentrating on trailing the chakra.

'I hope I am there on time' I thought desperately.

"Sara, you should that something feels wrong about both their chakras" Kei told me flying beside "It feels sinister"

'Could it be the nine tails chakra?' I thought 'But then what about Sasuke?'

I remembered what Sakura said about the curse mark changing Sasuke.

We were flying above a river by the side when I saw a small dog running beside a silver headed shinobi.

"Kakashi?!" I wondered looking down "Satoshi, fly us closer to the ground"

We approached the ground till we were flying right above the river beside them.

"So you're following them too?" Kakashi asked me rhetorically.

"They're not far" I told him "But we might need a sealing jutsu in a worst case scenario"

The sky was getting cloudy now as we passed the river and were flying above the trees while Kakashi was running between them.

I suddenly felt it a sudden burst of chakra.

'This feels bad' I thought worriedly.

"It's gone!" Miyuki exclaimed "That sinister feeling"

"Not just that" Kei said "The strong chakra flow stopped"

'So their battle ended' I thought worried

"And Naruto's chakra is getting weaker" Ichiro told me grimly. ""Sasuke's chakra is also moving away"

"We need to pick up the pace" I told them anxiously. "Getting to Naruto is top priority"

'He probably lost the fight he might me badly injured' I thought anxiously.

It started to rain, making it hard to fly and harder for them to track the chakra in it, rain disturbed their abilities.

"You guys go back" I told my summons "I will follow with Kakashi"

I jumped off of Satoshi as they went back, and landed on a tree branch as they disappeared in a puff.

I ran forward running beside Kakashi in the rain.

"The scent might get washed away" Kakashi told me "Can you track them like you were doing?"

"Not at a long distance" I told him "beside the battle ended"

I told him what my summons told me right before the rain.

"So If we lose Sasuke scent by the time the rain stops, it will be too late" He commented to which I nodded.

"No problem" Pakkun said "We're already close enough. This way!"

We jumped out of the trees to a cliff side jumping down till we reached the ground beside an unconscious Naruto.

'No, we're too late' I thought sadly.

I went to Naruto's side and crouched beside him, using my healing jutsu to check on his condition.

"Naruto!" Pakkun exclaimed as he came beside me. "How did it come to this?"

"He's bruised all over, and if he used the nine tails chakra, it probably exhausted him out and hurt him" I commented sadly "We need to take him back to the village"

I then noticed Pakkun smelling a crossed Konoha headband beside Naruto.

"It's Sasuke's" He said as Kakashi stood beside me.

'Sasuke' I thought Sadly.

Kakashi crouched beside me looking at Naruto guiltily.

He put the headband on Naruto and the carried him up, as I stood up too.

We walked up the cliff again with Kakashi carrying Naruto on his back.

"The final valley, huh?" Pakkun wondered "to think that Sasuke and Naruto would battle it out here. It's pretty ironic isn't it?"

"Yeah" Kakashi replied lost in thought.

The rain finally stopped and the clouds dispersed.

"All that rain, I won't be able to follow his scent" Pakkun said as I made the hand seals for summoning jutsu summoning Kei. "but keeping Naruto alive is more important than finding Sasuke"

"Yeah" Kakashi replied again.

"Kei, can you sense Sasuke?" I asked her hopefully as she shook her head.

"No he's too far away" She told me making me sigh.

"You can go back; tell everyone they should rest now." I told her.

We started making our way back midway Naruto woke up.

"Kakashi sensei" He said quietly "Where's Sasuke?"

None of us said anything till a few seconds later, three Konoha medical shinobi showed up.

"Kakashi, Sara" One of them called "What's Naruto Uzumaki's condition?"

"He will pull through" Kakashi commented.

"and Sasuke? Sasuke Uchiha? What about him? What happened?" He asked making Kakashi shake his head while I just stayed quiet.

"How are the other genins I sent back doing?" I asked them

"They're being treated in the hospital" He told me "The emergency treatment you administered probably prevented their death for that time"

"They were all wounded?!" Kakashi wondered looking at me

"Yes" The medic replied instead of me "Shikamaru Nara is doing fine only minor injuries, Kiba Inzuka is more serious but not life threatening"

"However..." another medic started "Neji Hyuga and Choji Akimichi are both in critical condition, at this point they could go either way"

I was clenching my hands hard.

I looked at Naruto to see he was unconscious again.

Time Skip...

We were back at the village now, as soon as I arrived we were rushed to get examined, despite the fact I kept telling them I was okay they took me to get examined.

I was sitting on a bed in the hospital.

"You're clear to go" The medic examining me said

"Like I kept telling you!" I told him irritated "How's the other genins?"

"I don't know." He told.

"Fine, I am going to go find out myself" I asked as he sighed and got out of my way.

As soon as I got out of the room standing in front of me was two jounins, both looking irritated, and one medic.

"Yoshio, Hideo sensei! And Manami too!" I said chuckling nervously "When did you guys get back?"

"Why do you always end up in the hospital?" sensei asked irritated.

"I wasn't even injured, they just insisted on making sure" I explained

"Manami already filled us on what happened" Yoshio said sighing "How are you feeling?"

"I am fine, I told you" I said to him.

"I was just informing them" Manami started looking happy but tired "Your friends are going to be alright, Lady Tsunade already managed to stop the effect of the pills with Choji and Neji procedure was a success too, but they're not allowed visits yet, Naruto and Kiba didn't have any life threatening injuries so for now they just need a long rest."

"Thank god!" I cried relieved "one less thing to worry about"

"I can't believe Sasuke would actually go to Orochimaru" Manami wondered "Why would he even do it?"

"Power, probably" Yoshio answered as I agreed with him.

"He wants to get stronger to avenge his clan" I said "Orochimaru probably used that to lure him"

"So what are you going to do?" Sensei asked me

"I didn't manage to see him this time" I said "But when I see him, I am going to knock some sense into him and bring him back"

The three of them smiled.

"You should head home and get some rest" Sensei said "I need to go anyway, there's someone I need to talk to"

"I should go too" Manami excused herself "Got work to do"

Before she left she told me where to find the guys, If I wanted to check on them.

After they both left, I looked at Yoshio seeing that something was clearly bothering him.

"So?" I wondered looking at him.

"So what?" He replied

"What's bothering you?" I asked him

"I was just thinking" He replied looking grim "Sasuke left because he wants revenge on Itachi for killing his clan, but Itachi was someone I never thought would betray his clan, if for one reason was to protect his little brother. I wonder what happened to change him"

I was listened to him quietly, I had thought about this before what changed him and I never found an answer.

"It doesn't matter now" Yoshio said sighing "You should go check on your friends, I will head home and rest before I get another mission"

"Maybe..." I told him "Maybe one day the reasons will become clear"

"Yeah" He said smiling.

Time skip...

I headed towards Naruto's room first considering he and Kiba were the only ones allowed visits.

I was at the room's door when I heard Naruto talk.

"I am sorry Sakura" He apologized guiltily. I stayed outside by the door.

"Sorry, what have you got to be sorry about?" She said cheerfully. "Let me guess" She said "you got reckless and went off half coped again huh? Look at you now, you look like a mummy"

"I am so sorry" Naruto apologized again.

"Hey, why do you have your curtains closed?" She said "It's a beautiful day outside, see!"

"I haven't given up, listen!" Naruto pleaded "I am still gonna keep my promise, after all it was a promise of a lifetime, right? I meant it"

"It's okay, Naruto! Really!" She said.

I was standing leaning against the door, looking down sadly.

"He tried Sakura" I heard Shikamaru said.

"If I say I am gonna do it" Naruto said confidently "that means I will, okay! Don't forget, my way of the shinobi means I always stay behind what I say!"

His words managed to make me smile.

'Looks like Naruto is just fine' I thought happily 'I know you're gonna do it!'

I walked away for now, with the intention of visiting him later.


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