Vampire who cried Human

By Ashgrey3

1.2K 73 127

A creature right out of the horror novels that possess ghost and drive them to insanity. When I was born, pro... More

I fucking got kissed by Human
I fucking got pranked
I fucking got a knight in shiny armour
I fucking got...
I fucking got a Boo>I
There is something in bathroom
I got adult napped (Phantom who stole bride)
Am I her wife or she is my husband?
Much ado about Lilith
Riding in the woods
Nowhere to Go
W❤ rm He❤ rts
Into the Ques?ion
Where's this going?
I ain't no like her
Of Dream and Memory
Table Manners
Highway to Hell
Playboy and Heartbreak
F for Fools
Teacher for Detention
Once upon a time
Blue winters
A day with Ash's characters
How I met this idiot?
Ready, steady,apple and No
Thomas Hardy May Cry Hard
Politics isn't bottle of our beer
Prison Break
Game of Thrones
Rests the Guests
Grand Finale
Last Chapter: Say you love me?

Sweet Nothings

11 1 1
By Ashgrey3

My heart skipped a beat when Jared's eyes got closed, his breath came out of his parted mouth blew the dust off the ground. My body stood frozen as if my mind had stopped processing, failed to contemplate the scenario before my eyes.
"Jared!" I shouted out his name but he wouldn't get up, no matter how many times I tried calling out for him. Leonardo's laughter echoed off the dead silence of laboratory. The beast as if hadn't satisfied started with his condition already, kicked in his ribs barking at him to wake up.
"Don't touch him!" Alec shouted like a feral wolf baring his teeth at Leonardo. He   and Kevan snatched their arms away, freeing themselves from the restraints. Ignoring the shooting pain in their broken ribs, they threw the guards over their shoulders by neck and snapping sound of necks were loud to my ears. I pivoted my pelvis and kicked the guards, my heel came in contact with their skull cracking it. I wasted no time in running towards Jared and cradled his head in my lap. I patted his cheeks hoping it would get some response from him, but his lips were turning blue. I checked his pulse point at neck, that was barely there and pressed my ear on his chest hearing a fading thump of his head. I pulled his body in my lap and removed my shirt tying around his wound. I didn't pull out the dagger because it was stopping the blood inside and if I had removed it, he would've lost more blood. I caressed his cold cheek, hugging him closely and pressed my lips against his unmoving lips.

"If you die on me, I will kill you", my tear landed on his cheek and looked over my shoulder seeing, Zach and Karl fighting the guards. Kevan was already in bad shape, one blow and he would drop on the ground lifeless. I looked at Karl who glanced from Jared's lying body and to me before rushing behind Leonardo and pressed a blade against his throat.
"Let them go!" He shouted holding Leonardo as hostage for us. He pressed the knife closely on Leonardo's throat and repeated himself before the guards. Leonardo waved them to step back and letting us free. Alec, stumbled towards us holding his side and dropped on his knees.
"He's losing pulse", I whispered back at him and Zach tried to take him from my arms holding him up bridal style.
"Get out quickly!" Karl shouted out for us to make run towards the doors before it could be too late for Jared. Gina slang her arm around Alec's torso to support his weight on her. I haltered in my steps and turned to see Anita standing back looking at Karl. I ran back for her and grabbed her wrist dragging her outside who was still looking back at Karl. The girl was crying for Karl who chose to stay back so that we would be able to escape with Jared. The soon we came outside in the hall, we heard the commotion and met with Jonathan, James and my clan who were going against Leonardo's men. The help had finally come and we managed to get outside of the huge manor that was now smelling of Jared's blood. Jonathan looked at his son's bleeding form in Zach's arms and swore to kill Leonardo for laying his hands on his son. But, Father had stopped him and asked him the more important business is to get Jared to medical treatment. They could wait to deal with Leonardo later.
We were carried back to our house where Elizabeth had been waiting for us at the steps. The woman stood up when her eyes fell on Jared and ran straight to him crying for her son. Dad and Uncle Daniel tore Jared away from her to attend on his wound. Elizabeth wiped her tears and marched to Alec slapping him right across on his face.
"You couldn't protect your brother?" Alec hung his head lower in shame. Zach led the rest of us, except me to the infirmary room to have their injuries treated. I fell on my knees, blaming myself for not being able to keep him safe and protected. Jonathan placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him mouthing apology, "I've failed you...I'm sorry."
"It's inevitable, child." He patted my shoulder and went inside to console his family that maybe, had never included me or never will accept me as a part of it. I walked inside the infirmary lodge and stood outside of the room where Jared had been kept with IVs. in his arms. I laughed at the irony, of how he would run around the house whenever he had to get injection and hide underneath my bed begging me to make the nurses go away. Now, he was lying here pale and weak injected with several needles. Elizabeth had already been sitting by his bed watching over his son. She was holding his hand and pressed a kiss on it showering his sleeping form with her motherly love that I never had got in my life. She noticed me standing outside the room and asked me to come inside. I took a stool from the corner and sat on it, pressing my hands between my knees.
"How he is now?"
"Doctors said, he had lost too much blood but there's nothing to worry about." I nodded at her explanation and dwelled between whether to stay quiet or apologize to her, and the later one was the only one that could calm down my guilt.
"I'm sorry." The hardest words of life that I managed to form on my lips.
"For what?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me in confusion.
"For not taking care of your son, for letting Leonardo get him. I know you hate me now..."
"Renesmee, if it were you I would've been worried just same like now for him." I snapped my heard towards her and gaped at Elizabeth.
"But I'm happy it's my son not you because...because what would I tell your mother for not taking care of you". I swallowed a lump and launched myself in her arms, holding her tightly who rubbed my back in soothing manner like a mother would do to his child.
"Alana was like my sister and I never had differentiated between my children and you." She held me crying in her warm embrace and kissed crown of my forehead.
"You're dear to me like my own Jared". I pulled back sniffling. I asked her to rest and check on others.
"I'll watch him over"
"Are you sure, dear?"
"Yes" I replied.
She kissed Jared's head and exited the room. I scooted closer to him and held his hand between mine.
"You never listen to me, idiot!" I scolded him though it's all oblivious to his ears. "Just wait, I'll give you a good massage of beating once you wake up." I bit my tongue, slapping my head and mentally berated myself for threatening him, who wouldn't open his eyes after my scary words about beating him. I crossed my elbows on his bed and rested my cheek over my arms.
"Please wake up...I'll do chicken dance for you"

I didn't know when I fell asleep but Jonathan woke me up and asked me to rest to which I shook my head in denial for not wanting to be away from Jared.
"Take shower atleast and change out of your clothes then come back" I sighed as he won the argument and reluctantly, I had to leave to clean myself. I took the shower washing off the blood and dirt, and changed into clean clothes. By the time I came back to infirmary, I heard the voices inside the room and moaning of Jared. I barged inside the room and my eyes landed on him, perched up against the pillows. Jonnie and Elle were sitting on his legs, showing him their drawings of him and 'Get well soon' wish card. Elizabeth smiled when she noticed my presence in the room.
"Clown has finally waken up?" I cracked a joke to change the serious air of the room. But unlike usual, when Jared always retorts back with his silly comebacks this time he remained silent.
"I need to rest now" he spoke turning his face away from me that was signal for us to leave the room.
"I'll stay." I offered Elizabeth.
"I said I need sleep" He closed his eyes not saying anything further. Elizabeth gave me apologetic glance and led me out of the room.

'What did I do wrong?'

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