Two Lives Collide -- H.S.[com...

By foreverstarr99

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A Harry Styles Fan-fiction. Click the Start Reading button and read about Harry and Rydel's adventure. (: More

Sneak Peek!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not an update.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 ~Part 1~
Authors Note.
Chapter 18 ~Part 2~
Chapter 19
Authors note. (:
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note!!
Chapter 22 (Last Chapter!!)

Chapter 2

128 6 3
By foreverstarr99

Should I really go with him? Who knows, he could like drop me off in the middle of no where... Okay, I may be over reacting just a little. I honestly don't think he would do that. Harry offered me his hand, I took it. We walked to his car hand-in-hand. He opened my door and helped me in. 

 Wow, his car is really nice. Either he bought it, or his mom did. He got in and smiled at me before actually starting the engine. I was giving him the directions on how to get to my house. I tdidn't take him long to get there. His driving kinda scares me, not gonna lie. We got there in one piece, he pulled into my driveway. "Thank you Harry. It was really sweet of you." "Hey, ugh. Do you mind if I text you later?" I smiled at him. Do I mind? No, of course I don't. "No, it's okay. See you. Bye Harry."  I waved to him, and he sped off when i got out of the car. I walk in and see the house empty, mom must be at work... again. I went upstairs and did my homework. I was finished in like 10 minutes, it's so easy. I was reading a book when I got a text. 

*Hey, put something pretty on. (; xx H

 I smiled. *Why?? (:

*I'm taking you out. Be ready in 15. xx H

I hurried up and put on my short black dress and a pair of black Converse  shoes. I don't wear heels, I don't like them. I curled  my hair and fixed my make-up. I jumped when I heard a car horn from outside. I walked over to the window that faces out front. I see Harry leaning up against the passenger side of his car waiting for me. I grabbed my iPhone, and my purse and ran down the steps. I opened the door and I see Harry's eyes on me. I walk over to him, he's smiling at me. 

"You look amazing, I love the outfit. I love girls who wear Converse shoes with dresses. Anyway, you ready?" He leaned down and kissed my cheek. I looked at him, and he opened the door for me. I got in, and Harry closed the door and got in the drivers side. 'This will be fun' I thought to myself. The drive wasn't that long, so decided to ask him where we were going. "Harry, where are we going to eat?" He chuckled. "Somewhere. I can't tell you." He took his eyes off the road for just a second to look at me. We pulled up to Olive Garden, I love this place! 

I got out and Harry came to my side putting his arm around my waist. I looked up to him and he kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but smile at him. We walked in and a young girl was at the desk thing. Her eyes widened when she saw Harry, but she kept her cool. She was eyeing him, but he didn't even care at all. He's with me. I guess he felt me tense up and e lightly squeezed my waist to assure me it's okay. "Two for Styles, please." "Right this way, sir." She led us to the table. 

We sat down and an older woman came to get our order. "Drinks?" She asked. I said my drink order first. "Water, please." She nodded. " For you sir?" He thought for a minute. "Coke, please." She nodded and went to get our drinks. She came back in no time with then in her hands. "Do you need time to think of what you would like?" "Yes, thank you." Harry said. Everything sounds really good. We chose what we wanted and our food came out in no time at all. Harry and I ate our food quietly. After we were done, we tipped out waitress and went out to the car. Harry had his arm around me again. 

"Rydel, listen. I like you, a lot. You are amazing in my eyes, your beautiful, and the best girl I have gotten to know." The smile I had on my face was now gone. I knew this was gonna happen. He doesn't know about my past. I was hurt a few years back. We were together for about 3 years, he made me the happiest girl in the world. Until, he broke up with me. That happened about two years ago. I was so hurt inside.

"Harry." "No, you don't understand. I never felt this way about a girl before. You changed me." I put my head down. Harry lifted my chin to make me look at him. I couldn't look him in the eyes, I looked away from him. "I was hurt big time a few years back. I haven't been in a relationship since. I can't, I'm really sorry." I started walking off until I realized I needed a ride home. I turned back and saw poor Harry on the ground with his head in his hands. He shot his head up when I walked back to him. "I need a ride home, can you please take me?" He got up and nodded his head. "Of course, love." The ride was very quiet, I'm crying for hurting him. I looked at him, and his facial expression would want to make you cry. He is really hurt, I broke the poor boy's heart. He pulled up to my house and tried to get out of the car as soon as possible. I opened the door but Harry grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Stay, please." His voice cracking as he talks, trying not to cry. "I can't, I have to go."  I finally got out of his grip. I walk up to my door but with Harry following. I turned to him. "You need to stay away from me." He looked at me with a surprised look. "Can't do that babe. I'm involved now." Wow, he still doesn't get the hint... "Please don't do this." "Let me go." He let loose. "I'm gonna wait for you."

All night he tried to text me, I didn't answer till the last text he sent me. 

*Harry, I told you. I can't do this. I'm not falling in love again. 

*I understand that. Baby, be mine. Be my princess. Please.

*Harry, I can't. Please, stop.

*I'm not going anywhere.

*Your band?

*After concerts, I come back here. Our tours arn't for a few months. 

*Let me think about it. Okay??

*Okay, it's late. Goodnight.

I didn't reply, Gosh am I tired. Sleep is calling my name. 

All through the night, he was in my dreams... Why does he this kind of effect on me? Surprisingly, I woke up without my mom yelling my name to get my butt out of bed. 

I put on jeans, Rolling Stone t-shirt, red Converse shoes and added my make-up. I'm still really tired. I got on the bus when it arrived. I got on the bus and saw Harry with his head down. I didn't sit with him, not after last night. We got off when we had arrived at school. Harry came up to me when I stopped at my locker."Are you avoiding me?" He asked. Okay, maybe I am avoiding him. "No, I'm not." Harry chuckled. "Good, because that would be very hard to do." Now I looked up at him with a serious face. "Actually, it really wouldn't be hard." "How's that, love?" I shook my head. "I've waiting since you and the rest of the guys were on the X-Factor so I could meet you. It's not that hard to ignore and avoid a certain someone. That's how." I walked away from the super star and went to class. 

The day went by so fast, like it wanted me to see Harry again. I hope he doesn't sit with me at lunch. By time I got to lunch Ariana, Alex and Zac were sitting waiting for me. Zac saw me and he smiled big and waved. I returned the gesture ad sat with them. Zac sat next to me, and Ari and Alex sat across from us. We all looked when Harry walked passed us... He looks like he wants to hit someone. By someone, I mean Zac. After lunch was over, Zac walked me to my locker and to math. "Hey, do you want to hang out after school?" Harry must have heard because his eyes widened, and fists were clenched tight. "Sure, why not. Well, see you later then." I smiled and walked into the classroom. I looked a very pissed off Harry. 

"So, you reject me. Now, go go after one of my friends. What the hell?" "I'm not going after anyone. I'm just being nice, I could use a few more friends around here." I said back. "You have me!" I shook my head. "You want a relationship, I don't. You barely know me!" He didn't say anything back. On the bus ride home I sat with Zac, and we talked about our lives. What's been going on, and just normal stuff. He's a really good listener. He told me about his life, his life hasn't been that well. His parents are splitting up, his girlfriend left him for another guy, and he's not getting into the college he wants because they rejected him. I feel so bad for him. I gave him a hug, he really needed one... It was my stop, Zac got off with me. My mom isn't home... again. 

We just sat around for about an hour. "Do you wanna go see a movie or something?" I ask. "Sure, sounds fun." He replied. 

We left, and got to the theater. We picked The Smurfs, and by we... I mean him. He is great to be around, I'm glad he's not pushy like Harry. Speaking of the devil, is that him?! A few seats up a head from us, I see a mop of curls. He looked at me and quickly looked away. "Zac, look up there, who do you see?" He looked up and quickly turned to me. "I see Styles, what's he doing here?" I shrugged. The movie started. We couldn't stop laughing. Zac yawned and put his arm around me, I moved closer and leaned on his shoulder. 

Harry's POV- I watched as Zac put his arm around my girl. MY GIRL. She may not actually be mine, but she will be. I will make sure of it. I came here with my sister Gemma, it's our Brother and Sister Day we have once a month. Sh'e older than me. I already told her about Rydel, Gemma saw Rydel when we walked in. As the movie went on, I could hear Rydel's amazing laugh. That should be me that she's cuddling with, not Zac. The movie finally ended now I can relax about Rydel and Zac. He's gonna pay for even toughing her. We walk out and head home. My fists are clenched together, because I'm thinking about Ry and Zac. 

The best part is, I know where he lives! This just turned into a game, lets play. I'm ready, let's go.

I drive off to Zac's house, he should be home by now. I pull along side the curb and turn off the ignition. I looked down at my knuckles, they are pure white. I get out and walk up to his front door. I tried my hardest to knock quietly. As the door opens, I see a familiar face staring back at me. "Hey man, what are you dong here?" Zac asked me. "Come out here for a sec." Zac stepped out and closed his door. We walked a little bit until I screamed. 

"What the fuck were you doing with Rydel?!" He jumped back with eyes widened. "I was hanging out with her, is that a crime?" I breathed. "Yeah, it is. She's mine!" He just laughed in amusement. "Yeah, sure. I f she was yours, then why were we cuddling at the movies? Why are we SO close? I could've kissed her if I wanted to." He just stood there smirking at me. "Don't ever touch her again, if you do I will make sure you never walk again." I inched closer to him. "Oh, please. Rydel and I will be such good friends. " Zac started walking away. I pulled him to me with his shirt clenched in my hand. I threw my fist back and it made contact with his jaw in no time. I dropped him and he just layed there looking at me. "Never touch her again." "You know what Styles? I can, and I will. She finds me a better friend than you will ever be. You want a relationship with her, she doesn't. She told me all about her past. I TOLD HER ALL ABOUT MINE! I told her everything!" He got up and walked away. Was all that true, she told him everything? Maybe Zac was right, I am pressuring her. God, I lost my girl. 

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