Perfect Strangers ➳ Neymar Jr

By grizisneymar

66.4K 1.2K 207

COMPLETED | She'll just be a perfect stranger to him More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

13.7K 161 30
By grizisneymar

_________ Jasmine's POV __________

I arrived in Spain. The plane landed and the flight assistant told everyone to slowly gather their belongings as we were going to get off the plane. I stood up and picked up my handbag from the compartment above me and swung it around my shoulder.

I came to Spain before on holiday but I was here to meet a friend and have my summer break so I knew exactly where I was going. It was the start of the summer holidays too so it was a perfect time to come here. I was heading off to Real Madrid. After an hour of sorting everything out in the airport and getting my luggage, I sat outside on a bench with all my belongings waiting to be picked up by my friend.

Just then a car horn beeped at me twice. I looked up to see a matte black Range Rover in front of me parked in the pick up point space. I couldn't quite tell who it was but if it was my friend, she never told me she had a Range Rover. The windows and glass was black so I couldn't see who it was but I stood up.

"Jasmine!" The sweet toned voice shouted as she approached me.

"Kendall?" I questioned in an unsure way.

"No, it's me! Valentine! How did you not recognise me sis?" My sister responded sounding shocked.

"Valentine? Hey! Wait, I thought Kendall was supposed to p-"

"Pick you up? Nope. I heard you were coming here so I thought why not surprise you." Valentine laughed as she interrupted me.

Valentine is my younger sister. She's 18 and so am I. Except it was my birthday towards the end of this month so I'll be 19 soon. It's the summer holidays and my sister Valentine is on vacation with her friends. I was going to join her a few weeks ago but I had some work to finish in LA. I work with celebrities as I do their makeup and help with their fashion for any important or upcoming events and shows.

"Come on! Let's go for a ride, you must be hungry right sis?" Valentine insisted.

I did feel hungry but I felt more jet lagged if I was honest but the smile on her face and excitement to see me was beautiful so I thought I'd spend time with her. After all, she was my little sister.

We sat in her Range Rover and I strapped the seatbelt on. Valentine turned on the ignition and off we went.

"Hey Valentine, I never knew you drove a Range Rover, especially a matte black one. It looks like the newest model." I mentioned by starting up a conversation while we were driving on the highway.

"Yeah. Uh, my friend gifted me this." Valentine replied a little hastily.

"A friend? Well who is this friend of yours? They must be really rich because this car has to be the newest model and you know how expensive these cars can be right?" I replied in a serious tone. I always made sure my sister wasn't doing anything wrong, not that she ever would because she was a small angel but you know older sisters. We just look out for our younger siblings. Well, at least I hoped I did.

"Come on Jasmine! You get way too serious about these things. I mean I know you love cars and work with famous people but trust me, it's just a gift. He's such a nice, I, I, mean she's such a nice person." Valentine stuttered.

"He?" I questioned thinking did I hear that right.

"She. Wow, you've lost your hearing because of all those concerts you've been to in LA." She laughed trying to pull a joke but I knew she was hiding something.

She's met a guy. I know she has. A guy that must be rich enough to gift her the newest matte black Range Rover.

After a while of driving, we arrived at this fancy looking restaurant named El Asador De Aranda. This seemed like an expensive restaurant for people with expensive taste.

"Wow, you come here often Valentine?" I asked her curiously.

"Yeah I do. My friend Katherine showed me this place. The foods great here! Oh and by the way, call me Val. A lot of my friends call me Val and I like it that way." She said smiling as she strutted off in her white lacy bra let, paired with some burgundy high waisted jeans and some white high heels. Her dark hair was curled and let loose like ocean waves. Classy girl for a classy restaurant huh?

"Okay then.. Val!" I say laughing to myself as I followed her in.

"Hola, can we have a table for two please?" Val questions the waiter politely.

"Por supuesto, right this way madam." He says as we follow him over to a table.

I pull the chair out and sit down. The restaurant looks really classy inside as I examine the room. Valentine picks up the menu and flicks through it to see what she fancied on having for lunch.

"I'll have this please and so will she. Oh, I'd like the exotic passion fruit juice as well thank you. What drink do you want Jasmine? They do tropical mango juice and I know how much you love mangos." She tells the waiter as she points at something in the menu and then asks me.

"I'll take the mango juice then please." I say as I smile at the waiter.

"Sure ladies. Thank you very much." The waiter says as he takes the menu with him.

*phone vibrates*

Valentine's phone vibrates on the table and she quickly picks it up. The screen glows in her face as she starts smiling. I tried to see who it was but the phone was held upright in both her hands as she was texting away.

After finishing texting, she places the phone down to see me starring at her, curiously.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She says giving an awkward laugh.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering why your face lit up so much when you received a message." I reply, very interested.

"So who is this boy you're not telling me about Val? I know you're obviously hiding something, just tell me." I asked almost sounding like I'm pleading.

"You're right. It is a boy but he's someone nice. Don't worry. It's a crazy story but it's nothing like that. We're friends. Well, I hope we are. He's so cool though omg. His name is An-"

"Here's your order ladies, disfruta" the waiter interrupts as he places both our plates with food and our drinks on the table

"Gracias" I reply as I pull my plate towards me and pick up my knife and fork.

Valentine pauses for a little bit, waiting for the waiter to go and then leans forward and whispers "Antoine."

"Antoine?" I whisper back confused. Sounds French to me.

"Antoine Griezmann" she whispers.

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