He's Mine

By getwow21

36.2K 1K 703

Two people. One seen as a demon and neglected by his family, the other, his clan has high expectations for hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

7.9K 261 168
By getwow21

17 Years Ago

Naruto Namikaze was not a happy child. He held the soul of the Kyuubi, while his twin sisters held its chakra. They were seen as heroes because of it and treated as princesses while he was treated as dirt. People would beat him up because they thought he was the Kyuubi herself. Yes, her. He had met the Kyuubi, whose name was Kimeko and she was like an elder sister to him. Whenever he told his parents about the villager's treatment, they would always say that he was lying and sent him to his room. They denied him training, saying that his sisters needed it to control the Kyuubi's chakra. He scoffed at that. They need it? They practically had everything handed to them. Now don't get him wrong, he didn't out right hate his sisters, but he didn't like them either. They didn't act bratty around him, or even make him feel less, but they were completely oblivious to his suffering-that or they just didn't care. He's so called god father didn't care for him nor did Kakashi, the one who was his father's only surviving student. Then there was Tsunade. He smiled at the thought of his godmother. Honestly, he saw her more like a mother than a godmother. She knew of his treatment and wanted to do something, but he told her not to. It would be bad for her reputation, but seeing that she actually cared, warmed his heart. When he was denied training, she took it upon herself to train him and even if it was medical ninjutsu, he was glad. There was so little he could do, so he had to take what was given to him.

"That serious look on your face right now doesn't at all suit you." his thoughts were halted. He smiled at the person's voice. This was another person who he trusted. He's friend, though it was really someone he had never really expected.

"Says the one that always wears one 'Tachi." he grinned at the older raven, who sat down beside him. Naruto threw him a scroll, which the raven unsealed and immediately hugged the blonde, placing him on his lap.

"You are a gift from god." he said, happily eating his number on favourite snack; pocky. This made Naruto smile, with a tint of pink on his checks. He was glad he was able to do something for his friend. He simply snugged into his chest and fell asleep, knowing he was safe.

Itachi Uchiha was a prodigy, a genius that hailed from the Uchiha clan. He was the pride of his clan, unlocking his sharingan at the age of four and fully maturing it three years later at the age of seven. He graduated at five and became chuunin at six and then jounin at nine. He was currently in ANBU and was soon going to be promoted to captain. He was the perfect shinobi-he showed no emotions at all, the model older brother and son, but that wasn't the real Itachi. That Itachi was something he reserved for only the blonde with him. Itachi knew of the treatment that Naruto went through, he had stopped many of the mobs himself. He was angry at the Hokage and his family for not caring and believing him. Like seriously, your child comes home all bloody and hurt and yet you don't believe what he says? He lost all respect or the Hokage. Naruto was so innocent, so pure. He was like the sun, an angel and deep down inside, he knew that his little blonde Kitsune was the only thing holding down his humanity. Then he started thinking about his own family. He knew very well that they saw him as nothing as a tool, especially his father. He's brother, although the same age as his angel, was selfish and childish. He wanted to surpass him. He always asked to train him, even when he knew he was tired. Naruto would never ask him. They would simple stay together and talk about things. He smiled. Naruto never forgot to bring him pocky, something he didn't even think he's mother knew was he's favourite. Thinking of his mother, he didn't know where to categorizer her. She say him as a boy, her son, but she didn't really stand up for him either, so he decided to treat her neutrally. He suddenly felt Naruto get up and look at him. No this wasn't Naruto anymore.

"Hello Itachi. I see your well." a red eyed Naruto said.

"Its good to see you too Kimeko." Itachi answered. He and the fox sometimes had secret conversations and this time around, it was really important.

"I don't like this place for him Itachi. I want him out. That stupid so-called family of his completely ignores him and they lied, lied I say! They promised him training when the academy started and that's soon, yet the refused!" she ranted. Naruto's parents had promised him training, and although she had already helped him along with Tsunade, they still never did.

"I don't quite like it either, but I heard rumors going around about this organization." Itachi said, controlling his anger.

"An organization?"

"Hai. They help demon containers and any other people who don't fit and are harassed in their village. I was planning on joining in a couple months, taking him with me." he said.

"Hm? I knew you were a perfect choice for my kit's mate Itachi. Perfect indeed." she smirked at the tiny blush that crept up his face.

"Please don't say that with his face." he managed to finally say.

"Aww, don't worry, besides our Naru-chan likes you too. I don't quite see why you don't just claim him already." she huffed.

"He's too young." he stated.

"So are you. Bah, you humans and your age issues. If I were you I would have fucked him senseless already." she said casually, making him lose he's composure.

"A-Anyways, I won't be able to join just yet, although I was able to contact them. I have to leave the village and by doing so it'll take a while to resign my place from the shinobi force. It'll cause a lot of suspicion if I just say that I want to leave." he said.

"So you wanted my advice." she said, making him nod. She then thought about it. Itachi was doing a lot for Naruto especially the leaving the village part, but then again, it wasn't like he was happy with the village himself. She sometimes wondered about the humans. One was abused and ignored while the other was seen as a measuring stick or a weapon. Stupid humans! "Well I think you should tell the Hokage that you had enough of the blood shed. I know you're a kind soul Itachi and that you don't like killing so just say that, though your clan-"

"It doesn't matter what they think. As long as Naruto is safe, then that's all that matters. But then I'll be gone from the village for about a month or so. I don't want him getting hurt."

"Don't worry. I've got that handled. During that time, I'll get he's body ready." she said with a perverted smile.

"Ready for what?" he seemed to somewhat regret asking her as she continued her perverted giggling.

"Why to carry your kits of course!" she exclaimed and laughed at he's shock expression. "As you know, I'm female and since its only my soul, I'll be dying. So the only way to keep me alive is so that I fuse with Naru. I already told him and he agreed. Don't worry, he'll be the most sexist, bang-able mate that ever existed." she said, giving him a peace sign. Ignoring her perverseness, he was in his own world. He could have a family with his angel?! That was the greatest news he'd ever received. That and when Kimeko said he could be mated with Naru.

"Okay then. I also believe that he should spend more time with he's godmother. Should we tell her of our plans?" he asked. Tsunade knew of Itachi and Naruto's friendship, but not that he would mate with him. That was a secret between him and the demoness.

"Tsunade? Hmm, yes, I believe she should know-oh Naru is waking up. Talk to you later Ita-chan." she said and slumped into his chest, indicating she wasn't in control anymore. Naruto's body began to stir and he looed up at Itachi, his eyes clear blue this time.

"'Tachi? Did I sleep long?" he asked.

"No, not that long. You were really sleepily. Didn't get any sleep?" he asked the blonde, stroking his hair, making him lean into his chest more.

"I feel safer with you." he whispered and feel asleep again, making the raven smile and hold him closer. It was times like these he truly felt at peace.

A couple months later, Naruto was at the Senju compound for his regular training. He had began the academy and it was boring! Kimeko had just asked for control of his body, saying she need to talk to Tsunade. Tsunade knew of his relationship with the female fox and didn't mind it one bit.

"Hello Tsunade." she began.

"Kimeko. Its been awhile. Is there something wrong?" she asked.

"No, its just something that Itachi and I have been planning for the past couple months." she said and began telling her everything, including the mate part, which made the blonde medic furious that the boy she saw as her own was already engaged and raised her eyebrow when she was told that Naruto didn't know. "We just wanted to know if it was alright with you."

"Hmm, personally, I can't leave the village, as much as I would love to and Itachi is a great boy so I suppose. But there are conditions." she said after thinking about it.

"Name them."

"I get to deliver all the children he gives birth too." she said with a smile. "And you have to make sure to send me a letter at least once or twice every month. Don't tell me where you're going because I don't want to be suspected. And one final thing."

"Yes?" she sad, since all the things she asked were doable.

"Keep him safe." she said.

"Of course." she smiled, before losing control. Then his eyes turned back to clear blue.

"Kaa-san? What did Kimeko talk to you about?" he asked her and she just smiled and held him tight.

"Don't worry, just promise me you'll be safe, Always?" she whispered and he hugged her back, not quite sure what she meant.

"Sure, whatever you say."
Itachi had just resigned his place from the shinobi forces, which came to a shock tot he Hokage, but understood after he told him he's reason. When word got to his clan, especially his father, well lets just say that anger was an understatement of what he felt at the moment, which was why he was being yelled at by the aid person, with other of the clansmen looking at him is shock and some smug disgust.

"I want you to go back to the Hokage and tell him that you cancel your resignation! What were you thinking doing something so stupid!?" Fugaku yelled angrily. Itachi just looed at him and then the rest of the people thee and without a word, he went inside his house and up to his room, where his younger brother was.

"Itachi, why did you resign? Your bringing dishonor to the clan!" he exclaimed, as if he knew something.

"I should care because?" he answered, pushing by him. His brother was really annoying trying to ac all smug.

"You became a failure. I'm ashamed to call you my brother. What are you, scared of being a shinobi?" he taunted him, but Itachi didn't bat an eyelash as he just went straight into his room and shut the door. When he sensed that Sasuke had finally left, he began packing he's stuff and sealed them into scrolls. He really didn't like this village. Not one bit and he hated his clan with a passion. He was finally ready, and just needed to wait for night fall. He was already accepted in the organization, that called themselves the Akatski.

"Itachi? Are you there?" he heard his mother call out to him and no matter how anger he was, he couldn't really be angry at her.

"Yes mother. You may come in." the twelve year old answered politely and in she came. But what surprised him the most, was that she gave him a fierce hug.

"I'm so glad that you're not apart of ANBU anymore. I was always so worried!" she said, shocking him slightly.

"I'm not actually apart of the shinobi forces." he said, getting out of her embrace.

"I know. You deserve a break and for what its worth, I'm sorry I couldn't help give you a better childhood. she said sorrowfully and then left, not before giving him another hug. He shrugged as the door closed. He was still leaving, his mind was made up and he was returning on the day of his angel's birthday. He was going to make the Namikaze family regret they were ever born.
It was finally the birthday of the triplets-more like the twins, since Naruto never really did celebrate his birthday with them and they never got him anything. Like usual, they had there normal breakfast-without Naruto and went out-without Naruto, but he didn't really care. Kimeko told him to pack his things and apparently someone was going to come take him away. He hoped it was Itachi. He was gone for about four months now, and it came to a shock for everyone when he left. Naruto, at first, felt betrayed, but Kimeko had assured him that Itachi would never abandon him, which was why he believed his raven friend would come get him. He had also went under a complete physical change about two months ago and he wasn't really happy about the changes. He looked so...girly! But still, Tsunade and Kimeko told him that although he could be mistaken for a girl, he still looked somewhat like a guy, not that he believed them.

It was now around evening when they had returned and the house was all decorated. People were about to come and seeing that he was probably going to be gone by tomorrow, he decided to make his presence known. Going downstairs, he saw the banner that had only the names of the twins and not his, so he decided to start there.

"Kaa-san? Why do we never celebrate my birthday and only the girls?" he asked oh so innocently, but it was hard to keep it since Kimeko was laughing so hard. This statement caused them all to stop-Minato, Kushina, Minami, Natsumi, Jiraiya and a grinning Tsunade.

"W-What are you talking about? We do! Why are you lying?!" Kushina yelled.

"Then how come my name isn't apart of the banner? Or the cake? Or none of the presents addressed to me?" he said, making the adults-minus Tsunade-pale a ghostly white.

"W-We-" Minato began

"And its not just this year, but all the other. How come you never let me go outside with you?" he pressed on.

"Now, now, that can't all be true. No one forgot about you." Jiraiya said, trying to think of something, but always comes out blank, just like Kushina and Minato.

"Naruto-nii, why do you always lie! Kaa-san and tou-san always buy you presents!" Minami exclaimed.

"Yea, you don't have to be jealous." Natsumi added.

"Who the hell was talking to you, huh?" he said, in a cold tone, making them all shiver.

"Naruto-" Kushina warned him

"SHUT UP!" he exclaimed shocking them, and Tsunade sat on the sidelines watching her son yell at them with all the hatred he held in for years. "You're the liars! You've never once bought me anything! You always say that I lie, but what proof do you have! You're all in your little world thinking everything is perfect, but your all blind! Why don't we think abut it, huh? When was I there? When was I ever there?" he said, and saw each of their faces growing whiter by the second.


"I hate you." he simply stated and it felt as if some unknown weight fell on them. "I hate all five of you. I hate you so much, that if you died in front of me, I wouldn't shred any tears." he said and made his way upstairs, ignoring their calls, but he did stop mid step and turned to Kushina, "You're not an Uzumaki. You're a fraud!" he exclaimed and went upstairs, leaving them all in a sobbing mess, and one grinning blonde.

He locked his room door and flopped on his bed. He felt better. Much better.

"I told you need to let it out." Kimeko said.

'Yea, your right.' he said. 'Say, when are we leaving?'

"Hm, right....now!" and then he heard a tap on his window and sure enough he saw Itachi wearing a black cloak with red clouds. he quickly opened the window, letting the raven entered and then launched himself at him.

"I'm so glad your here." he whispered, "Are you alright?" he asked making Itachi smile.

"Hai." he said and then kissed him, making him blush, "Are you sure you want to leave the village?" he asked.

"If its with you, I don't care where I am." he mumbled, still red.

"Oi! I need to talk to your mate so make a shadow clone." he heard Kimeko yelled and he turned a bright red that would make Hinata to shame.

"Are you alright?" Itachi asked, seeing him turn even redder.

"N-N-No. K-Kimeko wants to talk to you." he managed to say and then made a clone, where his eyes turned red.

"Naru, put down the genjutsu." she order and he did just that, revealing his new look. Itachi just looked at him and tried very hard to hold down his blush. "You see! I told you your mate would look sexy hot!" she exclaimed, now making them both blush.

"K-Kimeko!" Naruto exclaimed.

"But on a serious note, Naruto, Itachi's your mate, okay?" she said and he turned away.

"Do you not like it?" Itachi asked, generally worried, but Naruto shook his head and then jumped on him, this time planting a kiss on his lips.

"Waahhhh! This is so cute! Must. Make. Album!" Kimeko squealed.

"I'd like that." Naruto grinned, completely ignoring Kimeko and Itachi brought him closer, breathing a sigh of relief.

"We should get going. You got everything ready right?" Itachi said after they just stayed in one another's embrace.

"Yup! Everything's ready! Say 'Tachi, were are we going?" Naruto asked.

"There's an organization that protects people who don't feel welcomed in their village. Its Ame. Hanzo was the previous leader, but was over thrown. He's actually an Uzumaki like you." he smiled at his bright smile.

"Well then lets get going to our new home. Besides, I have to keep up my training. Someone has to protect you." Naruto huffed, as he grabbed his bag, making Kimeko and Itachi laugh.

"Sure, you also have to protect your kits." she added.

"K-K-Kits!? But I'm a guy!" he spluttered.

"True, but you merged with me, giving you the ability-and he's gone." she sighed at his fainted form. "He took that much worse than you did." she commented, making the raven face palm. She really did just say stuff casually. "Anyways, get going and don't forget the big bang we're to set off." she said, and then undid the shadow clone. Itachi sighed and wondered how he was still sane with the perverted demoness as a friend and all her other crazy plans and ideas. He pick his blonde up and his bag and then left the room.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" he heard and turned around, seeing a crowd of people in the Namikaze compound. The person you yelled seemed to be Natsumi, who gained everyone's attention.

"Taking him." he said and they all saw Naruto's limp body.

"Naruto-nii! What are you doing with my brother?" Minami joined in.

"Taking him away." he said again and turned to leave, but was stopped again.

"Give me back my son Itachi! Where are you taking him?" Kushina yelled and then heard a gasp from Jiraiya.

"You're apart of the Akatski." he narrowed his eyes.

"Itachi what are you doing? Why are you doing this?" his mother questioned and then saw the Hokage come out. Itachi sighed. Why did they all ask the same question, but this had to be done.

"Doing this? All I'm dong is taking him away. I don't quite see why you people care, seeing as you never did before." he said coldly.

"I won't let you take my son!" Kushina said, charging at him.

"Your son? Since when was he your son? You're an incompetent woman who doesn't believe a child who comes home all bloody and broken and yet you call him your son?!" he said, making her flinch.

"We made mistakes, but that still won't make us let you take him!" Minato said, charging at him, but Itachi had disappeared in a flock of crows, not before they heard,

"You lose Hokage."

Sorry about the late update. I don't really like the ending that much. Wanted to do so much more. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

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