Apples Don't Just Mean School...

By EmEmWolfie

6.6K 462 812

Emily, a new teacher, is assigned to Silver Creek High - an average-seeming school in a quiet, sleepy town... More

A/N & Cast
New Start
Flashbacks of the Past
Romeo And Juliet
Reading Aloud
Cliché Ships
Not A Library
Rage Quit
Drunk And High
Students' Day Out
Life's A Wreck
It's Poisonous
Clichés Again
Toppling Down
Too Coincidental
Starbucks Dream
Script & Stress
Breaking the News
Medications And Meditations
Lame Pun Day
Diane Simmons
Unconditionally Moving
New York, New York
Like A Rose
The New York Times
The Journal Of Matthew Harper
The Last Straw
I'm... Taking Steps
Mortal Confines
No Regrets
I Still Want To Kill Him
Change Your Mind
Math Isn't My Forte
For The Kill
Stupid Pole
Key To My Heart
Meeting Author-chan
Of Supplementary Classes And Death
Just Die
Young Love
Red Citroens
General Loving Around
Not My Emily
Requiem Of Not A Library
Hopeless Romantic
But It's My Wedding Day
Authors Note

First Attempts

136 9 26
By EmEmWolfie

A/N: I've decided to change the format now: I'm giving the chapters proper titles, but will upload pictures saying which chapter it is! YAY! So I've changed all the titles. Enjoy this chapter!

Matthew's POV

"Oh, her name's Sarah Askinare," Emily replied offhandedly. WHAT?! "Sarah Askinare?" I half-screamed, braking hard and stopping at the red light. I turned around to face her. "Where did you meet her?" I demanded, hair standing on edge. She knows Sarah! She knows Sarah! Oh GOD! Oh my GOD! My thoughts were racing a hundred miles an hour and I was reeling. "I-I met her at a convention," she stammered, seemingly shocked at my outburst.

"When?" I interrogated, controlling the tears about to flood my eyes. "Umm, two years ago, I guess," she replied, taken aback by my directness. "She was there with a guy, her boyfriend, I think, he was tall and didn't wear spectacles?" Her husband, most likely... I wore specs back then. Who knew? Oh GOD everything is coming back to haunt me... I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. 

"Are you okay?" Emily asked quietly, laying a reassuring hand on my arm. A jolt shock-waved through me. "Yes, I'm FINE, I just... know her from a friend," I lied, trying to act cheerful. She can see right through me. She KNOWS. Emily isn't stupid. But I am. I'm stupid, I'm an emotional wreck, I'm a stupid IDIOT who can't just PASS ON. If only I could just DIE now. She creased her eyebrows, tilting her head slightly to the side. 

Emily's POV

I looked straight at Matthew, noting the false lilt in his voice. "No, you're not fine," I stated firmly, staring into his brown eyes, seeing the hurt hidden in them. "You're hurt. You're a broken man. Something is WRONG, Matthew William Harper, and both of us know it. Don't deny it." Oh, that sounded too harsh. I'm a loud-mouthed bloody idiot. "But don't tell me, unless you want to, or when you're ready," I added softly.

He looked back at me. "Thank you. For understanding. And not asking straight out. But I think you can guess. I'm afraid I can't say it..." his usually happy-go-lucky voice trailed off, and he turned away, going back to driving. Was his 'usual' character a façade? It's scary, really. His voice was full of sadness. Matthew's broken inside, and the only thing that usually causes that... I shook myself internally. Love. They were a couple once. THAT'S why he reacted that way.

I sighed deeply and leaned back into the seat. And a perfect afternoon was broken. But a little voice in me awoke, to cause havoc. But was it perfect anyway? You KNOW how he acted at the door... I clenched my fists. The truth was a terrible thing at times. I wouldn't have ever thought that Matthew had such a past. I'm not sure that I want to know this. I DON'T want to know this! I wish I could reverse the past... 

Matthew's POV

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a tightening around Emily's light brown orbs. She knows the truth. But neither of us will want to say it out. GOD this is embarrassing. I've never told any of my friends about this. NEVER. And now EMILY of all people have guessed it. I cleared my throat awkwardly. "I hope that... this won't affect our lunch. It's my fault. Emily," she turned to face me. "I know that you've guessed."

She turned her face. "Yes, I have," she admitted. "I trust you," I added quietly. She whipped around to look at me again. "I really do. So, you won't tell anyone, will you?" "No, I won't. And I will not mention it again-" I cut her off. "No. I think I have to face the facts. But... Only when I'm ready. Let's not talk about such things, we need to enjoy ourselves." With a small smile, Emily nodded. 

Can I trust Emily? I don't really know, actually. Do I really trust her? I've only known her this year, and now she had guessed my darkest secret. It's unsettling. I can only hope she won't tell. I'm scared, actually. I don't know what will happen. But... I must, no I WILL face the consequences. There's no turning back now. I was surprised to actually feel better after telling someone, even if I was dubious about said person's morals. 

Emily's POV

I was surprised at Matthew's calm take on the matter. i was also grateful for his trust. It's so nice to have someone trust you. With a tiny smile, I fell back against the window. "OWW!" I pushed myself off, rubbing the painful spot on my head. Anticlimactic much. Matthew promptly burst into laughter, chortling at my expense. "You're a SADIST, Mr Harper," I accused, wincing at the touch on my head.

"Thank you for the compliment, Ms Fox," he replied gravely, stifling his giggles. What a joker. "Wasn't meant to be one, idiot," I retorted jokingly. "Aww. my heart is broken!" he gasped dramatically. At least he's back to his outrageous manner. That's better than the real Matthew. "I don't care about your heart, sir, but I am FAMISHED. What's taking this car ride so long?" I whined. "Well, we're almost at the mall, milady," Matthew promised.

'Almost' meant another ten minutes. The traffic congestion was TERRIFYING. At last, we found a parking lot at the shopping centre. "Finally," I snapped with the presumed air of a spoilt noblewoman. "Where are we heading, milady?' Mathew asked, bowing as I got out of the car (ungracefully). "Well, since it's my treat, I'm along you to Revel for your irreplaceable services to 9R," I answered loftily. Revel was one of the best restaurants here, and we both knew it. 


I was hanging out at Gemstone Mall with my sister, Elizabetha, Victoria, Nat A. and Jessica. We were all chatting at the Starbucks when suddenly, Jessica half-yelped and pointed across the atrium. "MISS EMILY AND MR HARPER!" Olivia shrieked. "Oh, my GOD MaTtHiLy is canon!" Elizabetha squealed. "MATTHILY!" Victoria cheered, to my chagrin. "Guys, quiet, they might SEE!" I hissed, pulling all of them down. 

But they were heading our way. TOGETHER.

A/N: This chapter was terrible in too many ways. But I hope you enjoyed it! R&R okay~ I love constructive feedback <3

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