Under My Skin |Dean Fan fic|

By OriginalAmbrose4life

200K 6.9K 2.7K

"What the hell Alex? Why would you ever side with the Authority?" Roman questioned in a frustrated tone. "I k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
R.I.P Hot Rod
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (Short)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Just Ask
Questions Answered
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Guys...Be Honest
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Dean Ambrose is the new WWE Heavyweight Champion!!!
Chapter 61
Dean retains & wins Shield Triple Threat match
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
I WON ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

Chapter 62

1.8K 50 56
By OriginalAmbrose4life

Before we get started guys follow Miss_Ambrose /K Ambrose. She's a great wittier and doesn't get enough recognition on here.

You may know her as MissAmbrose18 on fanfiction.net though. That's how I found some amazing Ambreigns & Ambrollins stories. Even some Lesbrose.

Also Dearnoattachments on fanfiction.net I love her writing as well. Especially her story Lockdown.


Things will be explained in this chapter even though I'm skipping some months.

I hope this longer chapter makes up for the lack of updates.


6 months later
February 1, 2016 


Brock had a smirk plastered on his lips as he listened to his advocate hype him up and talk about what was gonna
happen at Fastlane.

Alex rolled her eyes from backstage as she listened to Paul begin to talk about her boyfriend/the intercontinental champion.

"This guy used to take the short bus to school. He's a nut job, he's a whack o, he's a tra la la la gumbia. Dean Ambrose--"

Paul was cut off by Dean's music playing.

Alex sat up straight when she saw her boyfriend making his way to the ring.

What the hell was he doing? He had clearly told Alex how he wasn't gonna let Paul's words get under his skin during this feud.

Dean glared at the beast but then turned his attention to the well spoken advocate.

"Who you calling a nut job porky?" 

Brock then stepped protectively in front of Paul.

Dean looked down, avoiding looking at the man at that exact moment.

"Wow I never been in a lair of a beast before...it's cozy." Dean said smartly now looking at the man.

Alex rolled her eyes.

Cozy? Did he not remember what occurred a few months back?

Alex was getting nervous. She didn't want this to end bad and she knew how Dean could be when he gets started.

His mouth and personality were a blessing and a curse.

Sometimes his mic work could put the audience in complete awe and sometimes he could manage to make his opponent want to literally murder him.

You never knew which one you were going to get.

"Why would he confront Brock now?" Roman asked her in confusion as he sat on the crate beside Alex.

The diva smiled at the Samoan and noticed this hallway was getting busier.

"I don't know." Alex said adding a sigh.

"Well if Brock lays one finger on him. I'll be out there in an instant.

"Aweeee Ambreigns lives on!" Alex cheered.

Roman rolled his eyes.

"It was never dead." Roman joked.

"But I much rather Alexean." The Samoan smirked.

Alex blushed and turned her attention back to the screen.

Alex began to bite her thumb nail wondering how far Dean was gonna take it.

She then let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in when Dean finally stopped.

"Sorry Paul just kinda wanted to see what all the fuss was about." Dean said then strolled out of the ring.

"Wow he didn't get an F5." Roman said looking impressed but was still upset he confronted him like that. What kind of game plan was that? Roman thought to himself.

"He wanted to see what all the fuss was about." Paul said to his beast.

Brock chuckled.

"There's gonna be a lot of fussing tonight tell you that much. A lot if it." Brock said off mic to Paul.

That concerned her a bit but Alex had faith in Roman and Dean. They would be fine. This was a fight she wasn't supposed to be involved in.

A few minutes later Dean came strolling their way.

"Hey guys." he said walking over.

Dean and Alex shared a quick peck before she punched him on his arm.

"Ow what's that for?" Dean questioned rubbing at the spot.

"Lying to me. What happened to not letting Paul get to you? They want a reaction Dean."

"Babe trust me he didn't. I just felt the need to say something."

The diva was now giving him a death stare.

Alex rolled her eyes when Dean began to pout.

"I'm sorry." He continued.

"It's fine just don't do that to me again. I couldn't figure out what you were gonna say next. Your mouth could get you in trouble."

Dean nodded.

"I know but yours does too. But I'll let you know the next time I confront a grizzly bear and his walrus." 

Roman and Alex bursted out laughing.

"I'll catch you guys later. Gotta finish getting ready." Alex announced with a wave as she hopped off the crate.

Alex was walking down a long but empty hallway when her name was called.


There was a few people in WWE that would call her by her full first name. She would have to set them straight every time.

Dean when he was really upset, Bray when being extra creppy, and the advocate Paul Heyman.

"Paul you know I go by Alex."

Alex had reminded with an eye roll.

Alex's eyes shifted to Brock who was beside Paul.

Last time she was this close to the beast he suplexed her and thew her into the barricade.

Alex immediately tensed up realizing she wasn't in the best situation at the moment.

The hallway had no witnesses or anyone who could or would help her if something was to happen.

"What do you want Paul?"

"Mrs. Ambrose your boys are in for something at Fastlan--"

"Save it Heyman. I already know where your going with this and let me tell you that the main event at Fastlsne is the least of my worries."

Alex didn't notice the camera man filming them until he moved to get a better angle.  This was most likely showing live.

Brock and Paul looked confused. They expected her to be worried for her boyfriend and bestfriend.

"I really think your underestimating 'my boys'. " Alex said using her fingers to make air quotes.

"That's cute that you have so much faith in them. You're not fooling us. We know why." Paul started.

Alex knew where he was going with this.

"You used be a hound of justice and used to tell everyone to 'Believe  in the Shield' every week. At least you stayed somewhat loyal to that. I respect that."

That was a jab at Seth.

Alex ignored it and nodded her head.

"Look Paul you out of all people should know what they're capable of. You must not remember who you hired to protect Punk."

"I've already said that no one is selling two thirds of the shield short sweetheart." Paul chimed.

"I know what they can do but I also know what my Beast could do. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and even you need to be worried."

Alex sighed.

"The only thing I'm really worried about is if my boys will stay on the same page because they can get.....well....a bit competitive." Alex said.

Just then familiar voices shouting at each other was heard.

Talk about bad timing....

"What's your problem?!" Dean said shoving Roman back hard. 

"Your being an idiot." Roman shoved Dean into the wall behind him making him wince.

"I have a feeling they won't be on the best terms dear."

Paul said before laughing with Brock as Alex ran in their direction.

"What's going on?!! You guys were fine a few minutes ago!"

"He says I'm stupid for confronting Brock. He's acting like I punched the dude and asked for an F5." Dean says crossing his arms.

"You might as well have! Mr. Take me to Suplex City baby. "

Dean rolled his eyes and looked away.

"If you don't like how I do things then don't speak to me."

Roman sighed heavily.

"That's not what I meant." He explained. 

Alex sighed also and turned to Dean.

"Babe I think Rome is just saying that it wasn't the best idea to confront Brock like that."

"You and him both know I never have the best ideas. I didn't plan to go out there but it happened and it's over with." Dean said.

"You guys are acting like I can't hear you." Roman said.

Dean rolled his eyes and that angered Roman even more.

"You know what Dean? That's the problem! You never plan shit!!" The Samoan exclaimed.

Good thing this wasn't showing live anymore Alex thought.  This argument wasn't kid friendly.

"Calm down Ro. Let's all use our inside voices. You guys are starting to cause a scene."

Alex said shaking her head and looking at the superstars and divas who began to stare.

"Well that's how I do things!! I live in the moment!!"  Dean yelled ignoring Alex's request to keep their voices low.

Alex rolled her eyes.

When Roman and Dean got into fights Seth was always the better one to get them to calm down. They barely listened to her when arguing.

But Seth is still injured and even if he wasn't he probably wouldn't want to get himself involved.

"Oh and how far has that gotten you?You still haven't even been champ yet!"

"One day I'm gonna be the WWE heavyweight champion and your gonna eat your words." Dean said then shoving past him.

Roman let out an airy laugh before walking away in the opposite direction and leaving Alex standing in the middle of the hallway.

What just happened?

Alex thought to herself.

*1 hour later*

Alex drank from her water bottle as she entered catering. She had just finished her match against Becky Lynch not even 5 minutes ago.

The diva's attention immediately was on the tv screen. Brock and Paul were in a middle of a conversation in what seemed to be Brock's locker room. That was until Triple H interrupted them.

Alex expression immediately changed from curiosity and suspicion to pure hatred.

After what Alex had to do to secure her and Dean's jobs that was always her expression when seeing Hunter, Stephanie, or Vince himself.

Alex giving up her title to Charlotte was bad but that was only for the WWE universe, all the fans who would wonder how she got her and Dean's jobs back.

But behind closed doors there was much much more that happened in order for Alex and Dean to be as comfortable as they were now.

If Dean ever found out what she did to secure their jobs she didn't know how she could ever face him again.

Alex shook those thoughts out her head wanting to forget she even let that happen.

"Did I see little Dean Ambrose walk up to Beast incarnate, get all in his face and walk away to live and tell the story?"

"Things aren't getting uh soft in Suplex City?"

Whoa..Hunter was pushing it a bit. Alex thought to herself.

"I guess you'll find out at Wrestlmania." Brock said.

"I look forward to it." Triple H nodded.

"Me too, see you there."

Hunter then left the locker room. You could of felt the tension through the screen for that.

Alex had to find Dean and get him and Roman back on the same page before their match.

They were tag teaming tonight and if Brock doesn't confront one of them before Raw ended Alex would be shocked.

After a few minutes of searching Alex found Dean taping his hands as Rosa talked to him a mile per minute not even realizing that he wasn't paying her  any mind.

"Babe." Alex said approaching and actually gaining his attention. 

"Uh sorry Rosa but I need to borrow him." Alex said grabbing his hand and beginning to pull him away.

"No need to apologize Lex your boyfriend."Rosa said with a giggle.

"I need to find Paige anyway."

"I think she's in catering."Alex said before actually walking away with Dean this time.

"What's up?" Dean asked finishing taping his hands.

"You and Roman need to get on the same page."

Dean rolled his eyes. He should've known this is what she wanted to talk about.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He said without much care.

"Dean I'm serious. You know what? If you and Ro lose tonight against New Day your not getting some for a week." Alex threatened.

"That's not fair. Why punish only me? Roman was the one who started it and you're not threatening him." Dean pouted.

"I haven't spoken to him yet. But it's okay we're about to solve this issue between you guys right now."

Alex basically dragged Dean all the way to Roman's locker room where they found him putting on his combat boots.

"Can I help you?" The Samoan said with a bit of an attitude.

"You and Dean need to get on the same page." Alex said sternly.

"First of all I don't need to do anything. And second of all why isn't he saying this?"

"Well Roman if either of you plan on winning at Fastlane you'll need to work together which means being on the same page. Oh and to answer your second question because the both of you are being stubborn idiots."

Roman rolled his eyes and Dean crossed his arms.

"Roman if you guys lose tonight Dean's not getting any sex from me for a week and as for you. I'm telling him the...thing."

"You wouldn't...." Roman said obviously shocked she would say that.

"Dean you know R---"

"OKAY!!!!!" Roman shouted.

Alex smirked.

"Just leave so we could talk." Roman pleaded.

"Gladly. " Alex said.

Dean was just confused. What did Alex know about his Samoan bestfriend that they couldn't tell him.

"So um..." Roman started.

"I'm sorry for coming at you so harshly earlier."

"Accepted and I guess I'm sorry for overreacting. Now are we good so I don't have to go a week without sex. I have a high sex drive Ro." Dean said causing Roman to chuckle.

"I know." Roman said.

Dean rose an eyebrow but decided against questioning him.

He was way more concerned about what his two bestfriends were hiding from him.

"So.... What thing was Alex threatening to tell me?"

"Huh? Oh it's nothing." Roman tried to persuade.

"Nah it must be something. I saw the look on your face Ro. You were terrified. How bad could it be?"

Roman avoided eye contact. If only he knew. Roman thought to himself. 

"Don't worry about it. It's really nothing."

Dean groaned.

"Fine don't tell me. I'll find out eventually. See ya out there....brother."

Roman sighed as his locker room door slammed shut.

The Samoan knew that they weren't gonna be on the same page 100% until he told him. But Roman was willing to stay at 90%

Alex needed them to be on the same page. She already watched Stephanie tonight try to get in their heads and she knew it wouldn't stop there. 

This was just the beginning.

She just had a bad feeling about the outcome of this feud. She felt like things wouldn't be the same between the two former Shield members.

*Tag Team Main Event*

Dean was currently being spanked by Big E. (That doesn't sound right lol)

The face expression Roman made was what you would say ang--no more like a 'what the fuck are you doing' type of look.

Both Roman and Dean were already annoyed with New Day mentioning Ambreigns fan fictions.

Dean already knew Alex was going to be wearing a cheeky smile once he got backstage.

Dean and Roman were able to pick up the win and were now celebrating when a familiar theme song began to play.

The beast seemed to be in a fighting mood.

Dean and Roman still had the adrenaline from their match and was prepared.

Brock and Paul held a smirk on their faces as they approached the ring. 

New Day had attacked Dean and Roman from behind and they were currently trying to fight them off.

Dean ended up outside the ring and was about to get back in when Brock had attacked him. 

Dean soon ended up getting an F5 instead of the suplexes he asked for. 


Dean was livid and slightly embarrassed. He was walking at a quick pace as Roman trailed off behind him.

"Dean, baby are you ok?" Alex questioned as she sped walked over to him.


Dean was facing Alex when Brock and Paul entered the crowded hallway.

Alex's eyes widened a bit and Dean noticed.

Paul pointed over at them causing Brock's attention to be on the three.

Roman noticed the duo and knew it would go down if Dean saw them.

Before Dean was able to turn around to see what Alex was looking at she kissed him. Like full on making out.

Roman then turned and gave Paul a look to say 'Get the fuck out of here please'

Paul was one of the few people Brock would listen to. Not always but more times than not he listened to his advocated.

"I think he learned his lesson for tonight Brock." Paul assured.

Brock nodded before following Paul away from them.

Alex pulled back with a smile.

"What was that for?" Dean asked still a bit taken back.

"Can I not kiss my own boyfriend?"

Alex and Roman knew Dean well enough to know that if Dean saw Brock then he would've confronted him.

Starting an argument and probably a fight that they'll all have to get involved and they didn't feel like jumping Brock at the moment.

They were too drained. It was an eventful night.

"So... Ambreigns." Alex said with a cheeky smile before walking towards the exit.

The two men groaned in unison before following after her.

What do you guys think Roman and Alex are hiding from Dean???

What do you think Alex did to secure their jobs that she couldn't tell Dean?

Let me know in the comments!!!

Oh New Longest chapter!!! 2980 words.

Comment, Vote, and follow me. Love y'all xoxo ❤️❤️❤️

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