Secrets in The Hotel

By sugarspiceimnotnice

4.3K 194 26

Miw has a few days off tour so they decide to stay at a hotel for the night. As the night goes on the guys st... More

part one
part two
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
Part 7
Part 8


87 3 0
By sugarspiceimnotnice


I heard small cries but the pain was still racking my body. I was told to keep pushing. I give it one last try and pass out from pain and exhaustion.


The room was quiet, but the pain was gone. I look around, my eyes land on Ricky who's holding two tiny bundles. He smile and hands them to me. I stare in awe.

"They're both boys."

"What should we name them?"

I take a look and my beautiful baby boys, their fuzzy blonde hair and blue eyes like Ricky.

"Dexter." The one in my right arm. I look at Ricky to name the other.


"I love it." I kiss all three of my boys.

Ricky lays next to me, sleep sounded good.


I smile at the tiny baby I was holding. To bad I couldn't have kids of my own, Kuza wanted kids to. A baby girl. I smile at the thought.

Angelo was on the other side of the bed holding Dexter. He was cooing at him, he was going to be a great dad, or mom. Ghost and Ricky were still sleeping, I carefully set Jasper inbetween them and kiss Rickys cheek before walking out. Ange didn't look like he was planning on leaving anytime soon.

*time skip to Christmas eve/still Matt's pov*

Snow was falling in the frozen outdoors, but it was warm and happy inside. Everyone was laughing and chatting. The twins were scooting on the floor being their adorable little selves. Angelo and Chris were cuddling with their new baby. Balz was talking to Ryan Ashleys baby bump. Ryan was trying to take Vinnys cookies away so he'd actually sleep tonight. Everyone was just so happy, everything had calmed down. Not saying that I'm not happy because I am. But when you're surrounded by cute babies and families you get a little sad knowing you can't have that for yourself.

"Rick I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in a little bit."

He nods looking concerned, he could tell when something was wrong. Kuza gets up to follow me but I tell him to stay here. He understood and kissed me before I left. He was so good to me.

It was windy and freezing, I pull my cloak tighter around me and walk into the woods. Amongst the white snow there's a piece of black fabric sticking out. Deciding to investigate I move the snow away. I pick up the bundle thinking it was probably just a blanket someone dropped. How wrong I was. I tuck it under my cloak and run back to the hotel.

Everyone looks at me strangely when I ran in covered in snow.

"I need something to warm her up."

I take the small bundle from underneath my cloak. I hear gasps and someone running. Vinny comes back with new blankets. Sitting close to the fire I was starting to worry, she wasn't moving much and who knows how long she'd been out there let alone who left her. Who the fuck just leaves a baby outside and buries it in snow.

Much to my relief she sneezes and opens her eyes. Kuza sits behind me and hands me a bottle of warm milk which she happily drinks. Kuza wraps his arms around my waist, he was smiling.

I take the empty bottle out of her mouth. Two small punctures were made in the nipple part.

"Looks like we got ourselves a little vampire."


Seeing the happy scene before me had distracted me from the giggling boy on my lap.

"How did you do that, I thought I got them all." I snatch the cookie away from him. He sticks out his bottom lip and gives me puppy eyes. Didn't help that I was a sucker for blue eyes. I sigh and give it back to him after taking a big bite of it. He pouts and shoves it in his mouth. There's no hope in sleeping tonight it there.

It was getting late so I throw him over my shoulder and carry him to our room and set him on the bed. I lay ontop of him so he can't go anywhere and kiss him. He giggles, I smile at his cuteness and kiss his neck making him gasp at the sudden action.

Let's just say we didn't sleep much that night.


I roll my eyes at Ryan and Vinnys weirdness and sit next to Matt with Dexter in my lap. He was smiling at the little girl. That's what was bothering him before. Why someone would leave a baby in the snow I would never understand but in this case I'm glad it happened.

It was getting late so I took my babies upstairs. Tommorow was a big day.

Sorry for the weird time skips and so many pov changes. Next chapter will be a huge time skip. Hope you're all still enjoying:)

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