Austin and Ally- Love Comes A...

By 1babyt

538K 6.4K 980

Austin and Ally have been friends for a while. She writes him songs he sings them, and they have two other fr... More

Austin and Ally- Love Comes Around
The Truth
Flirting, jealously and hurt.
The Beach
break up
Together again.
Happy Ending
Weekend news and Tour?
Goodbye and Realization.
Doctor's appointment.
To tell or not to tell.
Coming home and Surprises.
Baby News.
My baby.
What is wrong with Austin?
Baby's room.
Truly Happy.
Cheating on me.
What is going on?
The scare.
Moving out.
Moving in, Again?
Pregnancy Brain.
Brooke? Alex? Auslly?
Day at the mall.
Something is wrong.
Baby is coming.
The Baby.
Meeting Aubrey.
Bringing Aubrey home.
Day alone.
The start of summer
Alex is staying over.
I can't do this.
What just happened?
I need you.
Truth time.
Relaxing Day.
Family Day.
First Day.
Everything is fine.
I need a break.
One room
Is there an us.
Night out.
Coming Home/ Reality check
Back to school
oh my god.
He won't find out.
Phone call.
This is wrong.
a month.
Happy family.
I want a baby.
what to do?
I need a favor.
What could go wrong?
Can't find out.
I'm free.
Birthday party.
I thought you loved me.
Might Not be So Bad.
day out
I want to take you out.
Do you know what you are asking?
steal your heart.
18th birthday.
Thanksgiving Nightmare.
I have to do something.
Getting gifts.
Welcome to paris
Show in Paris
Eiffel Tower.
Going Home.
Worried. (Chapter 100)
I don't know.
What is this?
Do i?
Do you want to know?
Two months?
The father is...
Reactions Part 2.
Austin's day.
I need to stop.
Ally's day.
Senior Trip.
Last Day.
Date Night.
Last Night as High School Students.
Meeting with Jimmy.
Ally's reaction.
Alex and Ausitn
Is this what you want?
Make it work.
Dont make me regret this.
Therapist- part 1
Therapist- part 2
Release Party
Opening tour and Goodbye
Six months.
Seven Months.
Date and Leaving Again.
You dont have to.
Love comes Around...

Not what I pictured.

3.5K 37 6
By 1babyt

Waking up with a smile is amazing. Looking over to my night stand I see it is early.  Getting up I run through the shower

and find a baby blue baby doll dress.  I find blue sandals that match.  Putting on some makeup To match I see it is still early.  I decide to make breakfast since Alex leaves today and he did he me so much yesterday.  before going down stairs I look in on Aubrey and see she is still sleeping.

I just finished the waffles and eggs.  I was putting the pan in the sink when I feel to arms wrap around my waist. Next I feel a kiss on my neck.  Turning in his arms I look up and see Alex is shirtless and only in boxers.  Turning back around quickly and clear my throat.  "You have time to get dressed." I hear the laugh and feel the rumble of it on my back.  " I figured it would be okay. however since I see you are uncomfortable I will Be right back. " I feel his arms leave me and let out a breath. Wow, this is weird.

Alex comes back a couple minutes later with clothes on and smiles at me. "you look really beautiful today. " I can't help but blush. Did Austin ever say I was beautiful? hmm there is something about how Alex treats me and always has and now he does with Aubrey, that I love.

I hear a cry and go to get up but I feel a hand on my shoulder. " I've got her. go ahead and eat." I know my mouth is open in shock when he walks out the door. Did that really just happen? I can eat while the food is hot? Did I really just get help?

Alex walks back in with Aubrey and smiles.  "look its mommy. " "Ally are you okay?  you haven't ate." shaking head I smile, "Yeah just this is a first for me. " he smiles and sits down and starts to eat and feed Aubrey.  " how did you learn to do both?" laughing he turns to me," I love kids, remember. I learned a lot of tricks when I babysat." well that's news to me.  I start to eat and finish. after dropping my plate off at the sink I realize Aubrey never got a diaper change. "Alex I will take her. you can eat and I will change her diaper.  "relax I already did it." I know I look shocked,  "what? you freaked on diapers. " he gets up drops his plate in the sink. comes back to me smiling.  "Ally, I did her diaper. she is fed. now we can all relax."

sitting on the couch Aubrey is sitting in the floor watching music videos on tv. Alex grabs my wrist and pulls me to him.  " I liked last night. " blushing I look down. grabbing my chin he makes me look back up. " Ally don't be embarrassed in front of me, okay?" I nod and he smiles, " I know we were gonna try this before but would you want to actually try?" I smile really big and crash my lips on his. deeping the kiss he pulls me onto his lap. pulling away for air I smile, " does that answer you question?"  pulling me into him we watch Aubrey who is smiling and gurgling. 

Aubrey just went down for a nap and I hear a knock on my door. as soon as I look up I see Alex's head poking into the door. " can I come in?" smiling I nod. standing on the side of my bed I see he don't know what to do. "Alex you can sit down." smiling he sits right in front of me.  "Ally, I know I have to go home tonight... I know you said yes we should try this..." "Alex what's wrong?" I hear a deep sigh,  " I don't want us trying anything to ruin of friendship. you are my best friend, I don't want to lose that. but I love when we kissed. I felt something there and I have liked you since I first saw you. I just I want there to be an us but I dont want to lose us, do you understand? " I tried so hard not to laugh, " Alex, I felt something when we kissed too. I don't want to lose what we have either. and I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't find you attractive. I say we give it a little bit if it don't work we go back like nothing happened. " he smiles big and pulls me into his arms.  pulling away he kissed me. " I have to go... unless we do another sleep over." laughing I push him of d the bed. my phone rings letting me know I got a text.
I want to see my daughter. can you bring her to my place?

Sighing I set my phone down. " Alex go on and go home. Austin wants to see Aubrey. " he stops dead in his tracks and looks at me, " okay but I am coming with you." "Alex go home I got it." he sits on the bed with me, " Ally, I am coming with you. you didn't see yourself yesterday.  I care to much about you and Aubrey for you guys to get hurt. if your going I'm coming."

grabbing Aubrey her diaper bag and my purse me and Alex get in the car.
yes, be there in a couple minutes.

I set off on the drive to his apartment which he showed me where it was on a way back from a doctor's appointment.  I can't believe I am taking my daughter to see her dad at another place. this is not how I pictured my family.

Austin' s POV...

Ally says she is coming with my kid.  I was hoping I could talk to her and explain how sorry I am. I did mean what I said but I never should have treated Ally- the mother of my first child- like that. we may get mad and have fights but no matter what she is the mother of my child and I don't want us on bad terms.

sitting on the couch waiting for Ally to arrive I lay my head in my hands. I am here alone and my daughter is coming to visit. this is not how I pictured my life. this is not how I pictured seeing my child. I never thought my first child would have to visit me.

hearing a knock on the door I get up and let Ally in. wow she looks great today.  she hands me a bag which I slip on my shoulder and then hands me Aubrey.  " I will be back in an hour." I sigh and look down as she starts to leave,  "Ally wait... please." turning back around she looks at me, " can you come in for a second?" sighing she nods, "fine." we sit on the couch while Aubrey plays in the floor. " what do you want?" sighing I start my speech,  " Ally I am so sorry. I never should have treated you that way. no matter how I was feeling it was wrong." she goes to talk but I hold up a hand, "please just wait... Ally you are the mother of my child. no matter what happens between us, you will always be that. I don't want ua on bad terms." she nods and speaks shakely.  " Did you mean what you said?" I know she means from last night all I can do is nod. " how long? " sighing I look up, I know she won't want to hear this but  she needs to. " I guess a little after Aubrey was born. I was in school and saw how hot the other girls was then I came home and you would like you never showered or anything.  I would see days when you were still my Ally I fell in love with but soon my Ally disappeared.  I still loved who you were and are but it wasn't enough... Ally don't hate me but also your body. I have always loved your body, and trust me right now I very much love what I see. but I saw you were gaining some weight and then I saw the stretch marks from Aubrey.  I looked past the marks because Aubrey really is amazing. but the weight gain got to me... I am so sorry Ally. I still love you I do. I really really do but you have to see that I am 17 a dad and I honestly believe I wasnt ready to settle yet." I see she is crying and holding her stomach and I start to worry.  " Ally are you okay?"

" Austin something is wrong.  get me to a hospital. "

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