Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Se...

By smileforjeon

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Will the love story continues? Or it's more of forget and move on to someone new? This is the sequel to Summ... More

Chapter 1- Welcome Back Amy
Chapter 2- He Kissed My Cheek
Chapter 3- They Keep Taking My Apple
Chapter 4- What Happened?
Chapter 5- Welcome Back Sammy
Chapter 6- What's With Taking People's Food?
Chapter 7- Please Don't Leave
Chapter 8- Finally
Chapter 9- Meet Emilia
Chapter 10- On The Next Flight
Chapter 11- Blackmail? Seriously
Chapter 12- 2 Months
Chapter 13- Bye Bye Australia
Chapter 14- Bloody Finger
Chapter 15- Thinking About My Ex Not My Boyfriend
Chapter 16- Remember What We Used To Do?
Chapter 17- Except Sex!
Chapter 18- No Hugging Without My Consent
Chapter 19- He Tried To...
Chapter 20- I'm Done With Your Shit
Chapter 21- Who To Choose?
Chapter 22- This Moments
Chapter 23- Pretend To Be Together?
Chapter 24- That's What I Thought
Chapter 26- Finally Sleeping Beauty Is Awake
Chapter 27- Fixing The Situation
Chapter 28- You're Sleeping On The Couch
Chapter 29- No More Chances
Chapter 30- Time To Have Fun
Chapter 31- Voicemail
Chapter 32- Make Up Sex
Chapter 33- Are We Back Together Yet?
Chapter 34- Outbursts and Returning Relatives
Chapter 36- Cousin Vs Cousin
Chapter 37- Your Fault
Chapter 38- Drunk Words Sober Thoughts
Chapter 39- Big Reveal
Chapter 40- I Still Hate You
Chapter 41- Maylor Returns
Chapter 42- I Always Get What I Want
Chapter 43- Move On Mate
Chapter 44 -Your Family Thinks I Abuse You?
Chapter 45- Next Flight To UK
Chapter 46- Flying To UK Secretly
Chapter 47- What Just Happen?
Chapter 48- Unfixable
Chapter 49- You're Lying
Chapter 50- Blocked Everyone Out
Chapter 51- She's Not Going To War
Chapter 51- Like You Fucked Ashton Over?
Chapter 53- Biebs & Sammy
Chapter 54- I'm Happy To Swap Places
Chapter 55- He's A Fighter
Chapter 56- Rocking Your World
Chapter 57- Next Stop: South Korea
Chapter 58- Separate Ways
Chapter 59- Letting Go Completely

Chapter 25- He's Just Being A Friend

26 2 0
By smileforjeon

Back in The UK.

Amy's Pov.

Calum was asleep upstairs in the spare bedroom while I was sat downstairs on the sofa alone thinking about how I was going to tell my nan who had not long to live that me and Calum weren't together and that we were pretending to make her happy.

I didn't know what I was going to say, we couldn't keep letting her think we were together when we weren't as we were dating other people. I was dating Luke but I wish he was here but I had to have Calum come to me to help me with trying to make my nans last days happy.

I hadn't spoken to Luke since the day I tried to ask him for advice about what to do with my nans situation but he went mad and slammed the phone into Calum's chest. We haven't spoken since then as it's been days since that conversation and I had no idea where me and Luke stood within our relationship. I didn't even know if we were alright with each other or what because he wouldn't reply to my texts or calls.

I think we were near the end of our relationship because we haven't spoken in days. I missed him, I did but I doubt he missed me as if he did he would answer my calls and reply to my text messages but nothing. This is one of the most important times I needed to know he was there for me because my nan was dying but was he? No. But Calum was and he really shouldn't be it should be your partner that's there for you when you need comfort not your ex.

I picked up my phone, unlocked it and clicked onto Luke's name on my contacts. Clicking ring I held the phone to my ear as it rang. I didn't care about the time difference. I just wanted to hear his voice.

It kept ringing but he never picked up the phone it went straight to voicemail. Sighing, I placed my phone down on the table. Was this the end of us? I didn't want it to be but I could tell it was near the end.

Most couples when they have a disagreement sort it out straight away so the relationship stays strong but us, it's been days and Luke won't answer me. I just can't do it anymore. I can't, not now.

My phone beeped, I picked it up and saw a new message off Ashton. Unlocking my phone I clicked on the message, reading it my heart sank and the tears started rolling down my face.

From Ashton.

Hey Amy, I hope you are well. I know it's not the right time with everything going on with your nan but I thought you had the right to know. Luke told me today when we were both at the hospital that he was still in love with Sammy. I'm sorry, x

I couldn't take this anymore, my own boyfriend was in love with Sammy still. I knew he was before but I thought he got over that. I can't keep doing this, I just can't. I don't need this right now. I can't take it.

Leaving my phone on the table I got up and walked out of the living room towards the front door. I looked up at the stairs knowing Calum was asleep, I couldn't bother him with my problems I already asked him a favour already I couldn't burden him with my luke problems again. I opened the front door and walked out, closing the door behind myself quietly hoping not to wake Calum up as he was asleep upstairs.

I walked away from my house while wiping my tears as I walked. They kept coming back though as quick as I wiped them away more were falling. I couldn't keep going forwards and backwards with Luke I couldn't. I deserved better than this. I did. It just made me think was it worth going back to Australia just to watch the guy I loved, love my bestfriend. I couldn't.

I kept walking trying to clear my mind but all I could think about was Ashton's text message. I ended up walking to the hospital maybe seeing my nan would take my mind off Luke loving sammy still. I hope it would.

Back in Australia:

Luke's POV

I was sat by Sammy's bed after falling asleep listen to the music through my ear phones. I turned off my music and opened my eyes to see Connor here. "hey mate, you can leave if you like and go and freshen up" Connor said to me. "okay but text me if there's any updates" I say standing up and walking past him, he tapped me on the shoulder. I was about to open the door when I stopped by what Connor said.

"how you finding it that your girlfriends in the UK with her ex?" he asked me. "fine I trust her" I say opening the door and walking out. I was lying to myself, I didn't trust her not when she's with Calum and the worst is I don't trust myself not when I still love Sammy.

I decided to go back to mine and Amy's apartment to refreshed up, have something to eat. As I was walking out of the hospital I checked my phone and saw I had another missed call off Amy.

Call me rude and a bad boyfriend for not replying but I didn't know what to say to her about her nan and I was still mad that she wanted Calum to join her there and not me.

I then had a text message off Ashton. I really didn't want to speak to him right now, not after our little fight in Sammy's room but I decided to see what he wanted and checked my message and I wish I hadn't.

From Ashton:

I hate to be a bastard but I told Amy about what you said about still being in love with Sammy. She deserved to know despite her situation. You shouldn't be thinking like that when you have her.

You've got to be fucking kidding me! He was trying to wreck my relationship. 'no I think you're trying to do that yourself' the voice inside my head said. Was I trying to wreck my own relationship?

I didn't want it to end but I knew I had to do something, I picked up my phone and dialled Amy's number hoping she would pick up so we could save this relationship. Afterall maybe I was to blame for not answering her texts or calls.

The phone kept ringing but she didn't pick up, it went straight to voicemail. I kept trying and eventually the phone was answered but not by Amy but by my bestfriend Calum instead.

"Calum why are you answering Amy's phone?" I ask.

Phone conversation:

(L: Luke C:Calum)

C: because her phone was on the table unlocked.

L: right well can you pass the phone to her please I need to talk to her.

C: see I would but I can't at the moment.

L: Seriously Calum don't mess around mate. I want to speak to my girlfriend.

C: I'm not messing around Luke she's not here. I don't know where she is and besides can't blame her for leaving her phone after what I've just read.

L: what are you on about Calum?

c: Ashton's text to Amy about you saying to Ashton you were in love with Sammy still.

L: I- I.

C: is that all you can say Luke? Don't you think she's already going through enough already and you have decided you're still in love with Sammy. Get your priorities straight mate, your going to lose her again and this time I believe it will be for good..

L: I know that! I just want to talk to her. Are you sure you don't know where she is?

C: no, well actually she might have gone to the hosital. I'll get back to you.

I went to say something but he had already hanged up on the phone.

At the hospital: in the UK.

Amy's Nans hospital room: Third Person POV.

Amy had in fact went to the hospital to see her nan, she thought seeing her nan would help her forget about Luke loving Sammy. Amy sat there as he nan was asleep. She decided as soon as she woke up she was going to tell her nan the truth, she had to she couldn't lie anymore not like Luke had been lying to her the whole time.

All the stuff they had done, like moving in together was he wishing he was doing it with Sammy? Every time they had sex did he wish it was her too? Those were some of the questions running round her mind that she couldn't answer herself but Luke obviously could.

Her nan was asleep for around fifty minutes before she woke up and smiled slightly seeing her granddaughter sat by the bed. "hi nana" Amy said smiling slightly. "hi dear. How are you?" her nan asked trying to sit up. "no don't sit up, just lay down nan. I don't want you to hurt yourself" Amy said to her. "I can't hurt myself anymore I am dying of cancer dear" her nan replied which caused Amy to start crying hysterically.

"amy what's the matter dear?" her nan asked her. Amy sighed while wiping her eyes. "I can't do it, I can't do it anymore. I can't make you think anymore that I'm dating Calum when I'm not. I'm not with Calum. I'm dating Luke. You remember luke right?"

"of course I remember him, he was the one who slept with your bestfriend. The one that didn't make you happy not like Calum does" she said smiling at Amy. " nan I'm not dating Calum, I'm dating Luke but stupid me actually thought he loved me but he doesn't. He loves her nan. He loves my bestfriend. Why can I never be happy" Amy said wiping her eyes.

"but I don't understand why did you say you were dating Calum when you aren't dear? " her nan asked. "I wanted to make you happy nan, I wanted you to be happy. I didn't want to lie but I just want you to be happy"

"darling I'm happy as long as you're happy. And Calum why is he here if he's not your boyfriend?" "he's here because we were pretending to date and he was on board with helping me. I'm sorry I lied nan. I really am I. I just don't know what to do anymore nan. I don't know what to do. I came here to spend time with you and ever since then Luke hasn't spoken to me as Calum came here. Then I found out by a friend that he said he still loved my bestfriend. What do I do?" Amy said wiping her eyes as she looked at her nan.

"amy all I can say is, you have to follow your heart but if I can just say one thing to give you something to think about, your boyfriend hasn't spoken to you once to see if your okay but yet Calum your ex came all the way to the Uk to come here to help you make my last days happy. What does that tell you?"

"I don't know that he's a good friend" Amy said, her nan shook her head at her grand daughter with a smile. " a good friend doesn't travel across the world to help someone who he knows, someone who is still in love with you does" Amy's nan said. "no that can't be possible. He's got a girlfriend called Hailee. They're happy together" Amy said shaking her head.

"so you need to read between the lines dear. He cares" Amy shaked her head again. That was impossible, after all this time it was impossible that Calum liked her. He was being a friend.

An. Hey! Sorry for the wait but I have had writers block a little but here's the part so I hope you enjoy.

Will Amy and Luke be over?

Is Amy's nan right about Calum?

When will Sammy wake up?

Will Luke get his own back on Ashton?

Who knows maybe Mary Anne, @smileforhemmings does! :)

Stay tuned and find out!


Amy, @Imaginethosevamps

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