
بواسطة MJsGirl1987

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Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... المزيد

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Tell me
Don't go
Time's up
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Lisa's trial
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on


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بواسطة MJsGirl1987

Mia's POV

I'm on my way downstairs and on my way I notice that Emma's bedroom door is open slightly and I hear her and Leanne talking.

"I can't wait for tonight. I seriously need this night out after this week" Leanne says "is Mia still going on about the whole Mary thing?" Emma asks "yup! And she's still blaming me. She even started and argument before just because I left I shirt on the floor!"

"Well don't worry about Mia's complaining tonight. Because while she's at home complaining and whining over whatever, me and you will be at the club partying the night away!" Emma tells her in an excited tone and I roll my eyes and walk away.

I'm getting really pissed off with Leanne's attitude lately. Ever since she started hanging out with Emma she's been becoming more of a bitch by the day.

When Leanne first came here, I was the one sitting up with her all night comforting her and having to listen to her cry herself to sleep and have been there whenever she needs me, yet when Mary beat me because one of her regular clients complained about me. Leanne didn't do shit to help me and just stayed in Emma's room that night so she didn't have to listen to it and had no sympathy for me what so ever. Mary maybe be the boss, but Leanne is still her niece and she could have done or said something to help me, but instead she did nothing.

Leanne's POV

I really don't know what's gotten into Mia lately. me and her used to be so close and lately all she seems to do is snap at me. I know she was upset about what happened with Mary, but that wasn't my fault and like Emma said, she must have done something for a client to complain about her, especially Michael. I broke down crying on him and he spent the entire hour cuddling me and trying to comfort me. He didn't say he was pissed off about it, but he probably was since he paid to have sex, not listen to someone crying.

I did want to help Mia with what happened with Mary, but just because she's my aunt doesn't mean anything to her. If she's more than happy to pimp out her under age niece the day after her parents die, what makes Mia thinks Mary would care what I say? It wouldn't have helped her and probably would have just made things worst for her which is why I kept my mouth shut.

I'm sitting in the dining room eating a snack before my next client and Mia comes in. "I'm sorry about this morning" she mumbles which surprises me, because I thought she was going to start complaining or snapping at me for something.

"It's fine" I mumble back and she comes and sits beside me at the table. "I've just been having a rough few days. I have a few clients that have been a little. You know? Aggressive. I'm sorry I took it out on you."

"So why didn't you just tell me that?" I ask softly. "I didn't think you'd care. Not now you and Emma are hanging out alot these days" she shrugs. "Of course I care! I've had clients like that too and I know how rough they get sometimes. You were there when I crying my eyes out because of one guy remember? And just because I talk to Emma doesn't mean me and you aren't still friend's. You've been there for me since day one and i'll never forget that" I smile slightly through pursed lips and she smiles back the same way. "So we're ok?" She asks and I nod, smiling and pull her in for a hug. "Of course we are"

"I um... I Kinda of over heard you and Emma talking about some club earlier. Sounds fun" she says in a hinting tone. "Yeah, we're going tonight if you wanna come?"

"I wouldn't wanna get in the way" she shakes her head. "You won't. It'll be fun" I smile "Well I guess I could. I've never been to a club before"

"And tonight you will!"

"Thanks! I'll talk to you later" she smiles living the room. I'm about to leave too and Emma walks in looking pissed. "Why the fuck did you invite her!?"

"You heard that?" I scrunch my face seeing her annoyance which I kind of expected "she was dropping hints and I felt bad for her she had some really rough clients this week and.."

"But she's just gonna bring the mood down. The whole point of us going to the club is to have fun" she cuts me off. "And we will! Mia clearly needs this night out as much as us. It'll be fine" I reassure her. "Well if she starts complaining or bringing the mood down, we're leaving her ass and moving on to another club without her"

"Fine, but she'll be fine" I smile reassuring her.

Michael's POV

I'm at work and Randy comes into my office. "Hey, so I was thinking. You and I haven't been to the club in like forever so..."

"I'm not in the mood for all that" I cut him off knowing where this is going. "C,Mon bro. you can't sit around feeling sorry for yourself. All your doing is letting Lisa mess with your head again. You've come this far. Don't let her drag you back down. I know it must have killed you walking in on her like that" he says in a sympathetic tone.

I told Randy about what happened because me and him have always been close and I know I can trust him not to say anything. He's right about what he said about Lisa. I was so depressed after the divorce and walking in on her with another man like that brought back everything and reminded me off the day I came home early and caught her in our bed with a man I thought was a good friend of mine. It is possible that what she said was the truth and she really did do it just for the money, but that doesnt excuse or explain her her cheating through out our marriage.

"C,Mon you in or out?" Randy asks bringing me from my thoughts. "You never know you might even get lucky" he wiggles his eyebrows playfully, making me chuckle slightly. "Ok, I'm in, but I'm not gonna be hooking up with anybody. I'm not dealing with anymore crazy women again" I tell him sternly "Mike, you can't push every woman away because of what the others did. Yes they all hurt you. ALOT, but one day you'll fine somebody and..."

"Watch me" I cut him off "I'm never gonna meet a girl that likes me more than my money lets face it" I sigh. "You will and..."

"Can we just forget about all that tonight?" I cut him off and he nods seeing how uncomfortable I'm getting with the topic. I know that no woman will ever love or even want me for just me and even though it hurts. I understand and accept that now and there's no point on Randy give me a pep talk about finding someone one day, because I know it's never gonna happen and I don't need the false hope that it will.

Lisa's POV

I've been thinking hard about my next plan and what I should do next and eventually it hit me and I couldn't believe how stupid I was for not thinking of it before. The reason it's taking me so much effort to get Michael back is because he's been going to that place and seeing those women. He's a 25 year old man an of course he's not going to want to be married and settle down with just one woman again, when he knows can sleep with multiple and not have to worry about being faithful or getting caught. If I can convince the owner of that whore house to refuse to let Michael in then his only option left is me, who he'll quickly come running back.

It's getting late and I make my way over there and look around to make sure Michael's car isn't around so I don't bump into him.

I'm about to get out of my car and the front door opens and three girls walk out, one being that whore Leanne, Michael hired as his date and I recognise one of the other girls from the event, but I never found out or even cared what her name was.

I duck down is my car as they walk past and listen to them talking.

"You will not believe how much that last client tipped me" Leanne says proudly to the others "Well then we know who's paying for the drinks tonight" one of the girls reply "yup! Everyman at the bar!" Leanne giggles and the other two giggle back as they make their way into a taxi. I look over and see Leanne getting in last and I can't help but notice that she actually is a pretty attractive girl and wears really nice clothes. I'm not worried about her though because I know that nothing is really going on between her and Michael and he just paid her to be his date. He admitted he slept with her but he also said he had sex with other girls from there so I don't feel threatened by her in anyway. I can see why Michael picked her to take to the event instead I the others though. I don't know what all the other girls that work there look like, but the two Leanne is with look rough as hell.

Once the taxi drives away I get out of the car and make my way inside.

When I walk in, I'm actually surprised at how things look. I was expected some run down and dingy place, but it actually looks more like the reception to some high class hotel or something and everywhere looks beautifully decorated.

I'm looking around to see where everybody is then go over to the desk and there's a large book. Being nosey I open it up to see names and times like appointments or something and I'm guessing that's how things work and I have to admit for a house full of whores this place is actually pretty well organised.

I'm looking through this appointment type book and see Michael's name and see that he is booked with Leanne for tomorrow and underneath it lists that he's made a request that he be her only customer that day until after he's seen her and I widen my eyes at how much he's paid to see her for just one hour plus the extra due to his request.

I continue looking and notice that Michael only ever books Leanne and makes the same request every time. Michael told me that he sees different women when he comes here, but according to this he only sees Leanne and books her every week sometimes twice a week and I start worry slightly that Michael may actually like this girl. My thoughts I quickly broken when a hand reaches over slamming the book shut.

"May I help you!?" A large over weight woman frowns at me. "Umm... I umm... I was looking for the manager or owner or um..." I stutter nervously. "That would be me and If your looking for a job here then your wasting your time. I don't have just any random people working here. My girls have to have a certain standard and class, not street walkers looking for extra work" she frowns and I shake my head. "No, no I'm not here for that"

"Then why are you here?" She raises an eyebrow "I'm here because of my husband. I know he comes here to visit one of your workers his names Michael. Michael Jackson and..."

"I couldn't give a fuck if his name was Steve Jackson" she cuts me off. "If you've come here looking for a fight with one of my girls here then..."

"No I haven't. I came here to ask that you don't allow Michael in here because..."

"Unless he breaks my rules then he's welcome here" she cuts me off again "please? He's my husband and our marriage is at stake and..."

"Not... My... problem" she cuts me off again which is really starting to piss me off. "Your marriage is neither mine nor any of my girls problem. If your husband would rather pay to have sex with one of my girls than get it free off his wife then thats your problem now leave before I throw you out"


"It was nice meeting you Mrs Jackson" she smiles grabbing my arm pushing me out of the door and slams it in my face.

Michael's POV

After getting ready, I'm about to leave and meet Randy so we can go to the club and just as I'm about to leave I get a phone call.


"Hey" Lisa says softly "what do want?" I sigh. "Can I come over? I just wanna talk"

"No, I'm on my out and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't wanna talk to you anyway" I say with an attitude. "Anywhere nice?"

"Not that it's your business, but I'm going to the club with Randy. Lisa why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" She asks trying to act innocent. 'You know what your doing. Why are you calling me asking to come over like we're friends?" I frown confused. "I understand your upset and you've made it pretty clear you don't want to be with me anymore, but can't we at least be friends?" She says softly. "Friends?" I say sarcastically. "I'd rather be your friend than lose you from my life completely"

"Well you have and you don't wanna just be friends. I'm not a completely idiot. This is just another one of your games. Your nothing, but a gold digging whore that likes to fuck with my head. Now leave me alone!" I snap about to hang up the phone, but she continues talking. "If I'm a gold digging whore then what do you think Leanne is, huh?"

"I'm not with Leanne so I don't care who she fucks" I shrug. "Then why do you only book her when you go to that place and request that she have no other men that day?"

"How do you know about that?" I frown confused. "She doesn't care about you Michael. Not the way that I do" she says softly ignoring my question. "And it doesn't matter how many times you book her and request to be the only man she's with that day. Your nothing but a customer to her and the second you leave she'll be with another man and forget all about you. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true your just a customer as far as she's concerned and she'll never love you or want you the way I do" she sighs softly. "And I dont't care about her either. I know she doesn't give a fuck about about me and wouldn't want me unless I was payingher. She's already told me that. Because unlike you she's honest about it!"

"Of course I care about you! Michael, I love you and.."

"N-no y-your not doing this to me again" I Stutter cutting her off. "It's the truth. I.."

"You said a moment ago you just wanted to be friends. And now you love me and want me? I knew you were lying and this proves it"

"Michael I..." I hang up cutting her off and there's a knock on the door. "Hey, I thought we were meeting at my place?" Randy says coming into the house. "What's wrong?" He asks concerned. Seeing the look on my face and I tell him what's just happened.

Leanne's POV

We're at the club and I'm really regretting inviting Mia because the entire time she's just been sittting and the table in a mood. "Will you just relax? We came here to have fun remember?"

"Well I would have fun if it wasn't for all the creeps trying to make a move on us" she frowns. "We get that everyday! I thought you'd be used to men being creeps by now" I giggle feeling a little tipsy. "Yeah, but we get paid for that" she points out. I'm about to speak when Emma takes my hand walking me over to the bar, completely ignoring Mia. "Ok. I'm done. We're ditching her" she frowns "what!? We can't just ditch her"

"She's bringing down the mood. And we made a deal remember? She can come, but if she starts bringing down the mood we ditch her"

"I know but..."

"Leanne, do you wanna have fun tonight or not?" She cuts me off. As much as I hate the idea of running out on Mia. Emma's right. We came out to fun and forget about everything. "Ok, but we have to do it quick before she notices" we look over and as soon as Mia is looking away, we quickly head for the exit.

Michael's POV

We're at the club and I can stop thinking about the phone call I had with Lisa. "Bro, just forget about Lisa and try and have some fun. I told you before, she's just trying to fuck with your head" Randy says. "I know but she really pissed me off saying that stuff about me just being a customer. I know she's right and Leanne doesn't want me like that and I don't want her either and I don't know how she found out about me booking appointments with her or I make those request about me being the only client until I get there"

"You sure you don't like her like that?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "I'm positive"

"Then why do you make that request? Sounds like jealousy to me"

"No! It's just my preference" I lie. I never told Randy or my brother's about her being a virgin the first time and that's the reason I ask she have no other man until me. It has nothing to do with jealousy.


After a few more drinks. I start relaxing and actually start having fun, even with Randy checking out pretty much every girl in the club. "Well look who else is here" Randy smirks pointing and I look over and see Leanne and Emma on the dance floor. "I didn't even notice" I shrug looking over, watching them dancing and I can't help but stare at Leanne as she dances in a short dress which hugs her in all the right places and I'm staring at her, watching as her hips move so beautifully when she dances.

I start getting really turned on, knowing how hot her body is underneath those clothes and begin thinking about how amazing she looks naked and how her hips move when she's riding on top off me.

"Why don't you go talk to her instead of just staring?" Randy says bringing me from my thoughts "because I don't want to and even if I did, the girls aren't allowed to talk to clients outside the brothel"

"So what?" He shrugs. "Your in a club, your single. Just go over there. You know you want to"

I don't answer him, but he is right about me wanting to go over to her, but I decide against it because I know she wouldn't want me to and probably doesn't even remember who the hell I am and forgets all about me once I leave the brothel because like Lisa said, I'm nothing but a customer to her and I know for a fact that a beautiful girl like Leanne wouldnt look twice at someone like me unless she was getting paid, because I know she's way out of my league.

my thoughts are broken when I realise the whole time I've been thinking and talking myself out of going over to her, I've somehow ended up on the dance floor and am standing right in her face. "Um.. hi" I mutter "Hey!" She smiles at me "I'm Michael"

"Yeah I know" she giggles slightly. "Um.. can I get you a drink?" I ask feeling a little more brave knowing she remembers who I am. "Sure" she shrugs walking to the bar with me.

"I hope I'm not gonna get you in trouble talking to me outside... You know?" I mumble that last part not wanting to embarrass her if someone over hears "Since when did you worry about the rules?" She chuckles and I smile chuckling back slightly.

We continue talking and I notice Leanne is so much different when she's not working and is actually really out going and smart and funny and it feels good seeing this side of her.

As we're talking Leanne gets a text and she rolls her eyes putting her phone back in her pocket. I'm gonna have to go. Mia's realised we ditched her at the other club"

"Why?" I giggle slightly "she was bringing down the mood, but I should go get her" she sighs getting up from her seat. "What about your other friend?" I remind her and we both look over at Emma who's still talking to some men at the bar. "I'm sure she won't notice" she giggles getting up and almost falls over, but I quickly manage to catch her, but almost fall myself feeling pretty drunk from all the drinks we've had. "I'll come with you"

Leanne's POV

"You really don't have to come. I'll be fine. Plus if Mia sees me talking to you then she'll flip and..."

"I'm not gonna let you drunkenly walk the streets alone" he insists and even though I'm hesitant about it. I actually don't want to walk around alone at night drunk or not. "Ok, but if Mia sees you then you have to hide"

"Deal" he smiles shaking my hand and we start looking around for Mia.

As we're walking around looking for Mia and trying to find the club Emma and I left her in I get a call from Emma.

"We're hell are you?"

"I'm looking for Mia. She found out we left" I giggle "Well I'm gonna come find you" she giggles back and she sounds pretty drunk herself.

"You know you girls probably shouldn't split up like this. It isn't very safe" Michael says when I hang up. "Are you this caring with every girl?" I smirk and he shakes his head "just the beautiful ones" he says softly and leans forward kissing me softly and I kiss him back the same way then quickly break away. "I really should find Mia" I mutter awkwardly and he nods. "I'm sorry. Shouldn't have done that. I didn't mean to break any boundaries" he mutters awkwardly "forget about it" I shrug and we continue walking and there's an awkward silence between us.

I can't believe that just happened. I know it sounds wired since I've had sex with the man countless times. But that's just business and I shouldn't even be talking to him outside of the brothel and I dread to think what Mary would do if she found out I just kissed and been hanging out at the bar with him all night. I know he doesn't like me in that way and was probably just trying to get a freebie or something which is why I didn't make a big deal about it and let it go.

Michael's POV

I cannot believe I just did that. We have a business arrangement when it comes to sex and stuff like that and that's it. She doesn't like me like me like that and she probably just thinks I was trying to get a freebie or something which I wasn't. I'm not sure why I just did that and wasn't even thinking about it. It's probably just the alcohol and she's pretty drunk too which is why she kissed me back then moved away and didn't make a big deal about it.

My thoughts are broken when Leanne suddenly panics and pushes us both down into an ally. "What's wrong?" I ask confused. "It's Mia! She can't see you!" I look around the wall slightly and see her wondering around looking for I'm guessing Leanne then I quickly move back when she looks in my direction and hopefully she didn't see us come down here. I turn my attention back to Leanne and realise I'm really close to her again and this time with my hands on her hips. "Sorry" I mumble moving away slightly and she doesn't say anything, but takes my hands putting them back on her hips, moving closer to me and kisses me softly. "You don't have to do this" I mumble breaking away slightly. "I know.. I wanted to"

"You did?" I ask moving closer again and she nods "I want you" she whispers "say that again" I whisper checking I heard her correctly "I said.. I want you" she repeats and I crash my lips against hers pushing her against the wall lifting her up and she wraps her legs around me kissing me back with the same passion. "I want you too" I finally admit to both her and myself and kiss her deeply once again.

Lisa's POV

I couldn't believe that woman actually thought I wanted a job at that place and what pissed me off more is that she actually said that I wasn't 'classy' enough for that place. That woman and those sluts wouldn't know what class was of it jumped up and hit them in the face.

After Michael put the phone down on me. I quickly got dressed into my sexiest outfit and decided to go to the club to find him. And I know that if he's been drinking and with the outfit I'm wearing it'll be impossible for him to resist me.

As I'm walking around trying to find which club Michael is at, I see the girl Leanne was with earlier wondering around. "So you whores walk the streets too, huh?" I scoff walking by her and she stops turning to me. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I remeber You were at that event with that other girl from that whore house"

"What's your point?" She shrugs "my point is that you and that slut Leanne need to realise Michael is mine and it doesn't matter that Michael books Leanne every time he goes there because..."

"How do you know about that?" She cuts me off confused "it doesn't matter, but you tell that whore Leanne that Michael is mine and he doesn't give a fuck about her. He even told me himself he thinks of her as a play thing. Just a toy for him to play with when he's bored. Those were his exact words" I lie. "And what makes you think Leanne would even care?" She chuckles slightly "she has men lusting after her every day, including your man and judging by how much he tips her, he must really enjoy fucking her" she chuckles and turns walking away. "Well that's all she's good for! Just a fuck! It's me he want's and only me. She's just there for him to play with" I snap following her "like I care" she rolls her eyes "I've fucked the guy many times myself and just like me. Michael's just a client for Leanne and she doesn't give a fuck about either you or your man" she says then continues walking and I continue following her. "And he doesn't give a fuck about either of you! He wants me and when me and him are remarried you and all those other whores can kiss goodbye to all those big tips he gives you because it'll be me that he'll be spending all his money on because it's me he wants and me only" I scoff and she stops suddenly and turns to me and smirks "sounds like he really wants you" she giggles and I look at her confused then hear moaning and Michael's voice and turn to see Michael in the ally beside us with her.

Michael's POV

"Ahhh..fuck! You feel amazing!" I moan as Leanne cums for me again and not once have I had to beg her to. "Mmm... tell me again" I moan onto her lips. "I- I... Mmmm... I want you" She moans into my mouth. "I want..Mmm.. fuck..I want you too.. ahhh... I want so bad" I groan as I continue thrusting hard and fast, deep inside of her, hitting her spot everytime.

As we continue we're interrupted my a loud cough and we quickly stop and break away seeing Emma and Lisa standing in front of the ally. "This isn't what it looks like" Leanne shakes her head as we're both adjusting ourselves "oh really? Because it looked to me like you two were fucking each other like your lives depended on it" she smirks. "This was all my fault not hers please don't let her get in trouble" I plead with her. "Yeah yeah. I'll let it go this time, but you know the rules. You can both finish this tomorrow at your appointment. You know the rules" she giggles. "I can't wait" I smile kissing Leanne slightly. "Keep your dick in your pants lover boy" Emma giggles taking Leanne's hand pulling her away and walks off with her.

As I turn to leave in the other direction, I see Lisa still standing there. "Enjoy the show?" I scoff walking past her and she takes my arm turning me to face her. "Is this really what your lowering yourself to? Your better than this Michael. And you deserve better" she says softly, moving closer to me and leans in to kiss me and I quickly push her away. "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Did you not see what just happened!?" I frown "I saw you drunkenly fuck some slut down an ally" she scoffs. "How much did you pay her this time?" She scoffs "didn't pay her anything and she didn't want any money!" I frown. "She wanted me" I mumble and turn walking away confused about what just happens.

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