
By MinnieMayMonte

584 57 2

Things never go as planned. One night and her heart was his forever. Secrets and lies tear them apart, but tr... More



87 3 2
By MinnieMayMonte

"Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone- we find it with another."

-Thomas Merton

Three years ago:

The smell of buttered popcorn and fried food filled the air and my heart filled with happiness. I looked down at my cotton candy and pulled a piece of the blue fluff off and let it dissolve in my mouth. I don't mind third wheeling normally, but today was supposed to be Steph and I.

"Thank you for letting me tag along Addy," Tom said with a kind smile before wrapping his arm around Steph's waist. I wanted to tell him off for crashing my birthday weekend, but the look Steph was giving me was making my current thoughts soften.

"Of course! You're with Steph, so you're part of the family," I mentally rolled my eyes at my cheesy response, but what else was I supposed to do. He is Steph's boyfriend and she wants me to like him. I keep telling her that he's great, but after two years, I still find him suspicious.

We walk towards the first ride, which of course is two people per car. I stand in line behind Steph and Tom watching them talk, not bothering to include me in their super interesting conversation. I threw away the stick from the cotton candy and pulled out my phone. I guess it will be just you and me Kindle app.

Once we reached the front of the line, I climbed into the seat behind Steph and Tom.

"I love this ride," I said with excitement and they both turned around.

"I'm not that big of a fan. But being this close to Tom makes it a lot better," Steph flirted and I tried to not throw up at how lovey dovey that was.

The ride finished and I found myself clapping for the ride. I was truly proud of it. Once we exited the ride, we walked over to the sky ride and started to wait in line.

"We're going to grab some food. Be back soon," Steph said with urgency and I gave both of them a small smile, watching them disappear into the large crowd.

I continued to read my book, when a rather loud conversation started behind me.

"Come on guys. I'll stay here, it's a lot more fun than being a seventh wheel," I heard a guy say behind me and I pulled my sweater out of my purse.

"Whatever you say man," I slid my sweater on and pulled my phone out. I turned it on and the blank screen made me angry. I turned to put my phone back into my purse and the damn purse slipped from my shoulder.

"Crap," I bent down quickly and started picking up my stuff.

"Here," I looked up quickly and night green eyes met mine. I looked away and stared at his hand. I took the small makeup bag from his hands and picked up my purse.

"Thank you," I said while placing my purse back onto my shoulder.

"Are you here alone?" he asked and I looked up at him quickly.

"No, but I'm third wheeling," he smiled and I found myself doing the same.

"I'm the only single of in my group too," he explained and I looked for Steph again.

"I can't believe she ditched me," I grumbled and started to move out of line.

"Wait! At least ride the sky ride. You waited in line for it," I stopped walking and turned quickly.

"I'm not riding the sky ride alone. That's even sadder than being a third wheel," I argued and he opened the gate.

"I'll go with you, because I don't want to ride alone either," I smiled and followed him over to the seat. He lifted the bar and I sat down quickly.

"Are you here for the summer?" I asked and he shook his head slowly.

"I'm a local. I go to college at Cal State Northridge," he answered and I looked at the ocean.

"I go to UCLA," I saw him smile and I looked up at him.

The ride started its decent and I held my purse against my body.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Nothing," he smiled and helped me off the ride.

"I would love the company, um," I paused realizing that I've spent almost an hour with this guy and didn't ask the most basic question.

"Josh," he answered and walked out the exit gate.

"Addyson," I said quickly and we stopped walking.

"Where to next Addyson?" I looked at all the rides around us and smiled when I spotted the roller coaster.

"Do you like roller coasters?" I asked and he smiled.

"There's the wooden coaster at the end of the pier," he said and I looked at my tickets.

"I don't think I have enough," I said with a frown and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Consider this and dinner your birthday present, Addy," he grabbed my hand in his and we ran to the other side of the pier.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" I asked while we were waiting in line for the ride.

"I picked up a birthday card addressed to you while cleaning up your purse," he answered and smiled down at me.

"I probably look even more pathetic now," I mumbled and Josh moved in front of me.

"Whoever ditched you is a jerk, but if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have met you," I blushed at his reply and felt myself smile.

"I'm really happy she ditched too," he put his arm around my shoulders again we continued to wait.

Once seated on the ride, Josh placed his arm around the back of the seat. I held onto the handrail in front of me and watched the operator for the start of the ride. The cars started to move and I took a deep breath.

"You look nervous," Josh teased and I shook my head.

"I'm excited. The drops are my favorite," we started to move upwards and once the cars started to move downwards I started to scream.

"That was awesome," I shouted and walked over to the photos, "We have to get this, it's so funny," I picked up the picture and handed the clerk ten dollars.

"You didn't have to get me one," Josh looked at the photo and I put mine in my purse.

"Consider it a thank you for making this one of the most memorable birthdays," he smiled and walked towards a corn dog stand.

"I did promise dinner," I took the corn dog from him and dipped it in mayo.

We walked over to the pier and sat down at the edge. I took off my sandals and put my feet in the water. Josh and I continued to eat in comfortable silence.

"What is your favorite color?" he asked before taking a bite of his corn dog.

"Green," I answered and wiped off my mouth before continuing the conversation, "Yours?"

"Red," he answered and then continued, "Are you from California?"

"Yes, but I grew up in San Francisco," I took another bite of my corn dog.

"I'm from Santa Monica. Are you into sports?"

"Bay teams. 49ers and Giants," I answered and he smiled.

"Sorry we can't be friends anymore," he joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't hate. I have to support my home teams, it's part of the law," I said while laughing.

"I'm not a huge football fan, but I'm an Angels fan," he said placing his tray on mine.

"You're right, we can't be friends anymore," he laughed and I soon followed.

"What's one place in the world you want to go?" he asked after we both calmed down from our laughing fit.

"New Zealand. You?"

"Amsterdam," he states as he stared out at the sunset.

"Wanna go for a swim?" I asked and his smile grew bigger.

"Race you to the pier," he said while grabbing our garbage. We stopped at the garbage can and he looked down at me.

"Count of three," he offered and I slipped off my sandals and started running before he reached two.

"Cheater!" he shouted and lifted his shirt over his head. I turned quickly to see Josh in swim trunks, running towards the water. He lifted me up quickly and jumped into the water.

"I win!" he gave me a cheeky grin and I stuck out my tongue in return.


We swam for a couple hours until the lifeguard came over and kicked us out.

I slipped my shirt on and felt the water soak through my shorts. After slipping on my sandals, I grabbed my purse.

We made our way back to the dock and continued to talk.

"Go out with me again sometime?" Josh asked and I leaned back on my hands before responding.

"I'd like that," I replied and Josh placed his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him and my heart was in my throat.

"Addyson," we both took a deep breath and I leaned up slowly. His lips melted against mine and this rush of heat filled my body. The oxygen vanished from my lungs and for the first time in a long time I felt complete.

The loud screech of my phone broke us apart and I pulled it out of my purse.

"Sorry. It's just my friend," I said before answering the call.

"Hey Addy, sorry we didn't come back. I was feeling sick, so Tom took me home," I bite the inside of my cheek and try to control my anger.

"How am I supposed to get home Steph?" I asked and Josh looked down at me quickly.

"I didn't think about that, but you could at least be a little worried about my health Addy," her response made me snap and I felt this surge of anger explode out of me.

"Well at least you weren't ditched on your birthday that, by the way, was supposed to be just a girl's day!" I shouted into the phone and Josh gave my hand a supportive squeeze.

"You always make everything about yourself Addy! I don't want to be friends with someone who isn't supportive. I'm trying to make sure you and Tom like each other because he is my future," I feel tears drip down my face and I take a deep breath.

"I don't want to do this over the phone. We've been friends for too long to act like children. I'll figure out a way to get home. Let's talk about this tomorrow before we both say something we don't mean," I hung up and let out a long breath.

"Am I a bad friend?" I questioned and Josh wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"No, you're not. She should've been there for you on your birthday. You should be selfish and make today about you and she only thought about herself and not about your birthday," his answer didn't help, but he had a point. Today was my birthday and I already have trouble celebrating it, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Thanks for today Josh," I kissed his cheek and he stood up offering his hand.

"No problem," we started to walk toward the parking lot and I stopped walking.

"I don't have a ride back to campus," I reached into my purse for my phone, but Josh stopped me.

"I'll give you a ride," Josh offered and I looked up at him.

"You don't have too. I can call an Uber."

"Come on. My bike is this way," I followed him quietly. We came to a stop in front of a black, Harley Davidson and Josh handed me a helmet.

"What is your address?" He asked before climbing onto the bike. I gave him my address and the bike roared to life.

"Hold on tight, Addy, and enjoy the ride!" we started off towards the street and I held on tighter to his waist.

We came to a slow stop and I looked up to see my apartment building.

"Thank you again for the ride," I said while handing him back the helmet.

"Of course! You can keep it. Never know when you'll need it again," he smirked and walked me up to the door.

"I do want to go out again," he said and I pulled out my keys.

"So do I," I looked up at him and felt my heart warm.

"Until then," Josh grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him.

"Until then," I repeated and he kissed me softly.

I watch him leave my street and I pushed open the door.

I set down my purse and looked up, stopping in my movements.

"Steph," she looked up at me and wiped off her mascara snugged face.

"What happened?" I rushed to the couch and pulled her into a hug. She placed something in my hands and I looked down at the stick.

"What happened?" I asked again and she started to cry again.

"He left me," she sobbed and I held her tightly.

"I'm here," I whispered and she stood up quickly, grabbing the test from my hands. With her right hand, she launched it across the living room and collapsed down next to me again.

"I hate him," she sobbed out and I looked down at her with sadness.

"He's a horrible person for leaving you like this," she nodded in agreement and then sat up slowly.

"I'm so sorry about today. I knew that having him there sucked for you and I promise it won't happen again," she said and I felt my own tears slip from my eyes.

"I love you Stephy," we both hugged and cried for awhile until she pulled away.

"Who drove you home?" She questioned and I felt myself smile.

"I met someone," I said and Steph let out a squeal.

"You let me sit here and mope. Tell me everything. What's his name?" she rambled out and I started to tell her the whole story.

"His name is Josh and we met in line for the sky ride," I answered and then continued to tell the story.

"Where are your tickets? You have to call him," Steph stood up quickly and grabbed my purse from the ground.

"Give me my purse Steph," I said while peering over her shoulder, "Where are they?" I questioned and took the purse from her hands.

"Don't panic. You probably just misplaced them," I shook my head at her and set the purse down.

"He put the tickets back into my purse. I watched him do it," I said frantically while pulling on the ends of my hair.

"What school did you say he went to again?" Steph asked and I looked at her with confusion.

"Cal State Northridge. Why?" She picked up her phone and typed something in.

"It's only a thirty minute drive. Let's go get his number back," she grabbed her keys and walked out of the house.

"What if we can't find him? What if he didn't actually give me the name of his college?" I ranted and Steph pulled me towards the car.

"You will never know until you try," were her last words before she jumped into the car. I weighed my options quickly and got into the car.

"If this plan fails, it's on you," I stated and she started up the car.

"And if it does work, you can thank me at your wedding," Steph said back and we started the drive to Northridge.

After thirty minutes, signs for Northridge started to appear and I felt my stomach knot tightly.

"How are we going to find him on campus?" I asked and Steph pulled into a parking space.

"We will walk around and see if we can find him," she answered and I opened my car door.

"He didn't even tell me what he was majoring in or if there was any place he hung out on campus. What if he's in a frat?" Steph stopped me again and grabbed my shoulders.

"Stop that. You need to calm down," I took a deep breath and felt the tension leave my body.

"You're right. Let's start looking," we looked through the buildings closest to us with no luck of finding him.

"We haven't checked this one," Steph called over and I started to walk towards her when I slammed into someone.

"I'm so sorry," I said while looking up.

"It's okay," he responded and gave me a look, "You look familiar," he states and I give him a confused look.

"Do you know someone named Josh?" I asked. Instantly regretting it because it sounded so creepy to me.

"Yeah. Wait, you were in line in front of us on the sky ride. Why are you at CSUN?" I smiled and adjusted my purse on my shoulder.

"He gave me his number and I misplaced it. Do you know where I can find him?" The guy shifted awkwardly and gave me a sad look.

"I'm so sorry, but he has a girlfriend. He should've told you," my ears started to ring and I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

"It's okay," I rushed out and turned to leave.

"Do you want me to tell him that you were here?" I stopped and looked at him.

"No. I got the wrong impression anyways," I gave him a small smile and walked towards Steph.

"He has a girlfriend. He kissed me. He asked me out again, when he had a girlfriend the whole time," I said while tears rushed down my cheeks.

"Men are pigs," Steph said and I pulled her into a hug.

"Agreed," we walked back to her car and the guy's words kept repeating in my ears.

'I'm so sorry, but he has a girlfriend. He should've told you'

I closed my eyes and felt my heart break.

"It's going to be okay," Steph whispered and I nodded my head. She may be right, but I know my heart will always be on that boardwalk.

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