TØP Imagines

By smiling_like_cas

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A collection of imagines. ~Tyler X Reader ~Josh X Reader #1 in TØP imagines Requests are open! |-/ More

Josh x Reader
Tyler x Reader
Sick- Josh x Reader
Sick- Tyler x Reader
He's sick- Josh x reader
He's sick- Tyler x Reader
You feel down- Josh x Reader You feel down- Tyler x Reader
Tour Josh x reader
Tour Tyler x Reader
Josh and Tyler x Reader
Ghost- Tyler x reader
Tyler x Reader Pt. 2
The Ring Josh x Reader
Authors Note
The Ring Tyler x Reader
The Shoes - Josh x Reader
Authors note and important update!!
The Shoes Josh x Reader part 2
Rehearsal-Tyler x Reader
The Wedding-Josh x Reader
Happy Day-Tyler x Reader
One Day - Josh x Reader *
Honeymoon Contest!!
Tour Insecurities-Josh x Reader
Honeymoon part 1-Tyler x Reader
On Tour Tattoo-Josh x Reader
Honeymoon Part 2-Tyler x Reader*
Breaking Down and Making Up-Josh x Reader
Honeymoon part 3-Tyler x Reader
Sick Scare-Josh X Reader
Twenty øne questiøns-Tyler x Reader
Back in Time-Josh x Reader
Tour pt. 1-Josh x Reader
Goner-Tyler x Reader
Tour pt. 2- Josh x Reader
If ya wanna know more about me
A Day Home- Tyler x Reader
! Authors note !
The Best Day Ever - Josh x Reader

Breaking Up-Tyler x Reader

1.3K 70 90
By smiling_like_cas

This happened before you and Ty were married. One of these days, I'll stop updating at midnight so you guys can sleep lol.

This chapter was brought to you by the ever so lovely


"Tyler, please tell me what's wrong." You rub Tyler's back. He was sitting in your bedroom on the bed, and wasn't doing too good. He hadn't eaten, drank, slept, or talked to you in almost 24 hours. The bags under his eyes showed that he's been thinking too much and fighting with his own mind. You try every hour to get him to talk to you or eat or sleep, but he just sits and stares out the window. You let out a sigh and begin to ask him if he needs anything, but he cuts you off and stands up. The bed shifts from how quickly he moved, and you fall back against the headboard. "Tyler!" You yell while you hold your throbbing head.

                "I can't do this!" Tyler yells while running his hands through his hair. You lower your hand and lean forward.

                "You, you're an angel. But, I can't-I can't be in a relationship with you anymore. I don't think I'm stable enough to be with anyone, and I don't want to hurt you by doing something to myself. I-I can't have you in my life... I'll hurt you." He yells as you see his tired eyes begin to flood with tears.

                You sit up so fast, the blood rushes out of your head and makes you dizzy. Your heart stops and you stand up next to him. "Tyler," you begin to console, "we can get through this toget-"

                "Stop! No we can't. You can't. I went to the therapist like my family wanted, and my file was trialed as a suicidal head case! Just leave so I don't hurt you by hurting myself."

                "TYLER, I CAN'T LEAVE YOU, DAMNIT. I need you in my life, please! You mean too much to me and I-"

                "EXACTLY J-JUST... just forget about me." He sighs while putting his hands over his face. He leaves so fast, you can't say anything. You're so shocked by his words, you stay there, in front of the window. The front door to your apartment slams shut and that's when the realization hits you.

                Tyler was gone.

                A million thoughts start flooding through your mind all at once. Would he be okay? Would you be okay? Oh god. How would Blurryface be? How would Tyler cope with Blurry? While the questions buzz through your mind like a busy subway train, you sit on the bed and assume the same position Tyler was in. A part of your mind was screaming at you for just sitting here and not going out to find him, but was that honestly a good idea? He was hurting. When you were hurting, you knew how hard it could be to open up to someone. It was hard because you could never know how the person would respond to it. You sometimes wished that you had two faces, to prove which side would work. Just telling the person, or hiding your words behind your face and above your throat.

                You wrap your arms around yourself and walk around the apartment. Tyler didn't even take any of his stuff. He wanted to get away from you that bad... The voice snickers. You push it away and take out Tyler's skeleton hoodie. This was his way of having two faces. The way he could hide behind his bones and say anything. Your phone buzzes and you see a text from Josh.

                DJ Spooky Jim Christmas: why aren't you over here with Tyler? And why is he not speaking?

                (Y/N): we got in a fight...

                You tell him everything that went down, then shut off your phone. You feel numb. No emotions, no senses, no needs. Just numb. You look at the clock on your nightstand and see that it's 7:00 P.M. Usually, at this time, Tyler would be reminding you to eat and take your medicine and drink plenty of water. Tonight, you skipped all three. You crawl under your covers and lay on the side Tyler usually slept on when he had a nightmare or when Blurry was attacking. Will he ever come back? Was the last question you thought of before your mind sent you away from the torture of the real world.

. . .

                The days without Tyler ticked by like the hands on a clock. They moved so quickly, but so slow at the same time. You don't go out much anymore, you don't eat very much, and you rarely sleep. The hollows of your cheeks and the bags under your eyes become more and more prominent with every day that passes, and you're done. There is nothing that makes you feel motivated anymore. Even when you were having a rough day, you motivated yourself for Ty.

                Your eyes are far too tired and sad to cry, so you stare blankly at the wall. The voice in your head is screaming your self-doubts, but you've become too familiar with them. Your eyes droop with every tick of the clock on your wall, but you still can't sleep. Nothing made sense anymore. "I need him." You whisper to yourself. It wasn't that Tyler made depression, anxiety, and everything else, 100% perfect, but he was always there when it wasn't. This was one of those times where you could really use him to make the dark thoughts go away.

The sky begins to dim as another day comes to an end. You watch as the sky explodes into a million colors, which only make you feel envious of their happiness. You sigh angrily and snap the blinds closed. "What is wrong with me?" You ask yourself while holding your face in your hands. You begin to lightly hit your head on the wall, falling into a slow rhythm.

1-2-3-4    1-2-3-4    1-2-3—

The rhythm is cut off by your apartment bell going off. Someone downstairs wants to be buzzed in. "Hello?" You ask in a quiet voice.

"(Y/N)?! Thank God you're alive. It's Josh. Can I come up?" The familiar voice asks.

. . .

                "Tyler hasn't been doing too well. He's been mumbling about his head, and somedays, I can't even get him out of his room." Josh says, filling you in on the past month. Jesus. You think to yourself. It's already been a month?

                "Oh. Well, I have his skeleton hoodie if he needs it for a concert or anything. And the rest of his stuff." You gesture around your apartment. Josh awkwardly taps his foot while looking around.

                "Listen, both of you look like shit. It's obvious you two need each other. You balance each other out, and I've never seen Tyler happier with you. You help him more than even he knows." Josh blurts out.

                "Fine." Is all you can manage to say. He wasn't wrong. You hadn't showered or changed clothes in about five days, making even you disgusted.

                You hop in the shower and clean yourself up before grabbing Tyler's skeleton hoodie and meeting Josh in his car. "Text Tyler and ask if he needs anything while I'm out." Josh says while driving towards his apartment.

                "He said, 'no.'" You read off the text.

                "Well, at least he's texting me." Josh laughs to himself.

                Not long after, Josh pulls up to his apartment. The car ride seemed short. You were still out of it. Josh opens the car door for you with one of his squinty smiles, and leads you to his apartment. You take a deep breath before opening the door. "Hey, Josh, I-" Tyler drops his phone and runs towards you. He picks you up and wraps you in such a tight hug, you start to wonder how you aren't breaking in half.

                "God, I've missed you." He mumbles into your neck as he sets you lightly on the ground. He kisses your cheek before going over to hug and thank Josh.

                "I brought you this." You speak up through the bromance, and hold out his hoodie.

                "Keep it... I'm coming home anyways." He finishes before kissing you and holding you close.

Hope you lovelies enjoyed! Don't forget, you can always message me if you guys need anything. <3

If you have any requests, you can also message them to me. I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to comment what you thought! Love you guys!!!

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