Is This Love? 1D Love Story.

By JustThatConnieGirl

2.2K 2 1


The Big Day
Going Home

Is This Love? 1D Love Story.

1.3K 1 0
By JustThatConnieGirl

*Chapter One*

"Kim!" my mum called from the living room.

"What?" I shouted back. No reply. "What?" I shouted louder. Still no reply. Every time! I trudged down the stairs. "What mum!" I said as I walked into the living room.

"I got you tickets for that boy band you like, with backstage passes!"She showed me the two tickets and I almost screamed. I am a major One Direction fan, in fact I'm a Directioner and I'm in love with Niall James Horan!

"Oh my God, Thank you! Ahhhhhh!" I gave my mum the biggest hug ever. When I pulled away I grabbed my phone and texted Connie.

~Connie's P.O.V~

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and looked at it. 1 New Message From Kimmie Horan Xx. I opened the message, ' I have 1D tickets get your ass to mine now! ' Did I just read that right? I re-read it, yeah, I read it right. 'OMG Leaving Now!!!' I grabbed my jacket and put my faded black Converse on.

"Where you going Connie?" my mum asked as I opened the front door.

"Kim's house, she has 1D tickets!" I squealed.

"Ok, make sure you're home by 7 though!" I shut the door and nearly ran to Kim's. I banged on the front door and she opened it whilst I was mid-knock. We screamed simultaneously. We burst into fits of laughter. I walked into her house.

"I get to meet Zayn Malik!" I screamed.

"I get to meet Niall Horan!" Kim screamed just as loud. We laughed again.

~Kim's P.O.V~

When me and Connie finished our laughter fits we decided what we were going to wear. We decided on chinos, a 1D top and red accesories to match the 1D logo. We were going to have I ♥ 1D on our cheeks.

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