Apples Don't Just Mean School...

Por EmEmWolfie

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Emily, a new teacher, is assigned to Silver Creek High - an average-seeming school in a quiet, sleepy town... Más

A/N & Cast
New Start
Flashbacks of the Past
Romeo And Juliet
Reading Aloud
Cliché Ships
Not A Library
Rage Quit
Drunk And High
Students' Day Out
Life's A Wreck
It's Poisonous
Clichés Again
Toppling Down
Too Coincidental
First Attempts
Starbucks Dream
Script & Stress
Breaking the News
Medications And Meditations
Lame Pun Day
Diane Simmons
Unconditionally Moving
New York, New York
Like A Rose
The New York Times
The Journal Of Matthew Harper
The Last Straw
I'm... Taking Steps
Mortal Confines
No Regrets
I Still Want To Kill Him
Change Your Mind
Math Isn't My Forte
For The Kill
Stupid Pole
Key To My Heart
Meeting Author-chan
Of Supplementary Classes And Death
Just Die
Young Love
Red Citroens
General Loving Around
Not My Emily
Requiem Of Not A Library
Hopeless Romantic
But It's My Wedding Day
Authors Note


266 15 25
Por EmEmWolfie

And here's the prologue. Hope you enjoy it~


Emily's POV

I was sure I was going to be late. 

I had woken up ten minutes before I was supposed to set off. I didn't even have time for a quick munch; I could only dash into the toilet in a flurry of toothpaste and foam, then pull on an outfit carefully chosen the previous night: a pair of high-waisted grey slacks, a matching blazer that I bought on a whim and a sculpted white blouse. No make-up, of course. I hated make-up. 

"Good luck for your first day, dear!" my mother called from the kitchen. "Thanks!" I bolted out of the house after grabbing my bag and slipping on a pair of blonde pumps. Yes, the outfit was a little too formal but that was the best I could do. I leapt into my small car and clicked on the seatbelt - safety first, after all - then pushed my key into the ignition and floored the accelerator.

Matthew's POV (same time)

"Oh, come on," I grumbled as I ran down the path, glancing up at the ominous grey clouds. My worn brown satchel jangled behind me as I pelted past the park. I lived near Silver Creek High, sure, and it was only a three minute drive away, but I preferred the outdoors. Now the 'call from Nature' had made me late.

A fat raindrop fell onto my head. "Oh crap!" I held my bag above my head and tore down the pavement, skidding to a halt at the pedestrain crossing. I only had five minutes to get there! "Hurry up!" I grated through closed teeth, jabbing at the button frantically. The 'man' turned green and I zoomed across the road.

Three minutes. I leapt over a growing puddle and raced around the corner.

Two minutes. I sprinted across the back alley and into the shelter of the blocks.

One minute. I almost flew down the hill and jumped across the drain.

Thirty seconds. The rain fell even harder as if mocking me. In a sudden burst of adrenaline, I slipped into the school with ten seconds to spare. To my horror, a car drove past me, splashing my sandals with water.

"Damn," I muttered, wringing my feet. I peeked at my watch, then sped into the lift before it closed. A solitary young lady was standing there demerely. I had never seen her before. The doors slid shut behind me. Putting on a cheerful grin and straightening my dishevelled shirt, I held out my hand. "Hi, I'm Matthew Harper. Are you new?"

Emily's POV

"Hi, I'm Matthew Harper. Are you new?" the man asked, extending a hand towards me. I was a little shocked at his directness. "Umm, yes, I am. Emily Fox, pleased to meet you," I replied with a small smile, grasping his hand in a firm handshake. I liked his cheerfulness. "Well then, welcome to Silver Creek High!" he declared dramatically, waving his hand to an imaginary audience.

I laughed, leaning back against the wall as the doors opened, light flooding into the dark lift. "Is this the assembly area?" I asked, pushing myself up and picking my bag off the floor. "Yes it is, everyone gathers here every morning. Now come and meet the rest, the principal will announce you," Matthew explained, his face contorting in a wry, sarcastic grin at the mention of 'principal'. I froze. Announce? I hate getting up on stages! And why does Matthew seem to dislike the principal? Is he that bad? "Thanks..." I smiled gratefully at him and we strode out into the large, warm hall.

Matthew's POV

Emily looked nervous. "Don't be anxious," I advised quietly as we took our place near the stage. She jumped. "O-okay." She stared up at Mr Steinfield making his silly speech. I swear I want to strangle him... Why can't he shut up? "And let's welcome some new teachers!" he announced. "Yes, yes, get on with it," I hissed under my breath. "We have three new teachers: Mr Pomeroy, Ms Alastair and Ms Fox. Please come up on stage! Now, let's give them a round of applause!" he boomed in his irritatingly pompous voice.

"Go on," I whispered, shoving her a little. She turned around. I gave her a thumbs-up and did a little 'shoo' motion. With a smirk, Emily stepped up and faced the students seated there. There. That wasn't so hard, was it? I thought, as if engaging in a mental conversation with her. "Hi, I'm Ms Emily Sophie Fox, but you can call me Ms Emily," she babbled in a rush when the microphone was passed to her. I face palmed and sighed. 

Emily's POV

I knew I did an awful job but I could not suppress a feeling of relief when I went off-stage. "I did terribly, didn't I?" I asked Matthew, who was waiting for me. Why is he still waiting/ We've only just met... "Nah, you did fine... Sort of," he admitted. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I asked the vice principal, Laura Kirkland (A/N: Reference, anyone???) and you're teaching 9R English." I was stunned. 9R? That's the top class! How will I manage them? "Then which class are you teaching?" I questioned with a shy smile. 

"Oh, me? I'm the Biology teacher of 9R!" He chuckled at my half horrified and half blank expression. WHAT? So that's why he waited? God, help me... "Umm, I hope we can work together well, Mr Harper," I finally managed to say, slipping into a formal tone unknowingly. "I'm sure we can," he replied, a smile tugging at his lips. 

A/N: So how did I do? Was it okay? Watch out for the next chappie (or is it already uploaded?) Anyway, I'll be introducing loads of new characters in the next chapter, as per request. Lub you guys~ <3 

EmEmWolfie, signing off (for now)~

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