Quotes and Poems, Etc.

By UnnamedAndSearching

5K 27 17

Quotes about everything and anything. Poems about whatever I feel like typing then. Sad shit Happy shit... More

Quote #1
Quote # 2
Quote # 3
A Flower
Quote # 4
Quote # 5
Quote # 6
Quote # 7
Quote # 8
Quote # 9
Oh I Love You
Quote # 10
Quote # 11
Quote # 12
Quote # 13
Quote # 14
Once Again
Quote # 15
A girl
Quote # 16
Fight Song
Anything And Everything
Quote # 17
Quote # 18
Quote # 19
Quote # 20
Quote # 21
Quote # 22
Quote # 23
Quote # 24
Come back
Quote # 25
Quote # 26
Quote # 27
Quote # 28
Quote # 29
Quote # 30-32
Quote # 33
Quote # 34
A girl
Quote # 35
Quote # 36
Quote # 37
Quote # 38
Quote # 39-41
It's Me...
Quote # 42
Quote # 43
Quote # 44
Not a quote
Quote # 45
Quote # 46
Found on google
Quote # 47
Quote # 48
Quote # 48
Quote # 49
Quote # 50
Quote # 51
(No Title)
Quote # 52
Quote # 53
Quote # 54
Quote # 55
Quote # 56
Quote # 57
Quote # 58
Quote #59
Quote # 60
The mind
Quote # 61
Quote # 62
Quote # 63
Quote # 64
Quote # 65
Quote # 66
Quote # 67
Quote # 68
Quote # 69
Quote # 70
Quote # 71
Quote # 72
Quote # 73
Quote # 74
Quote # 75
Quote # 76
Quotes # 77-80
The Things I've Heard...
Google Quotes on Trust
Pretty/Cool Pictures from Google
Gemini Quotes/Pictures
Quote # 81
Quote # 82
Quote # 83
Quote # 84
Nightcore-When she cries
Quote # 85
Quote # 86
Quote # 87
Quote # 88
System of a down-Chop Suey
Quote # 89
Quote # 90
Quote # 91
Quote # 92
Quote # 93
Imperfect Girl~Song
Random Quotes Saved to my Phone
Revised Quote (Picture is the original, I found it online)
Quote # 94-97
Happy Birthday
Quote # 98-99
Quote # 100
Quote # 101
Quote # 102
Quote # 103
Quote # 104
Quote # 105
Quote # 106
Quote # 107
Quote # 108
Quote # 109
Quote # 110
Quote # 111
Quote # 112
Quote # 113
Quotes # 115
Quote # 116
Quote # 117
My Sister's Cat
Quote # 118
Quote # 119
Quote # 120
Quote # 121
Love is like reading a book.
The divide
Quote # 122
Quote # 123
Let go
To My Love
The Truth that is Me
Cannot Erase You
I wish I knew
When I Go


29 0 0
By UnnamedAndSearching

Do you ever feel like you were just not meant for the world right now?
Like you were born in the wrong place and time?
Like you just weren't meant to be here now?

I feel like that a lot.
I may not look like it to most, but that's because I've built the walls up.
So high that overtime I forgot how to take them down.

The only people that knew how to hurt me were my family and friends.
They've said things that they said they didn't really mean, but I took it to heart because I knew deep down that's how they really felt about me.
When they acted like I was no longer needed.
When they seemed to forget I had even existed.

And now I'm the only one that can hurt myself and I do.
I hurt myself mentally, telling myself I'm not good enough.
I scratch at myself because if I cut it'll cause more problems for me.
Because at my school and camp it means you just want attention or something is seriously wrong with you.
And I don't want the looks
Of disgust, pity, sadness, hate,
And simply looking at me like I'm dirty.

I just want to be free of the walls so I can feel other things.
But I'm too scared to leave because I don't want to be hurt anymore.
Every time I figure out how to take them down.
Even a little.
I drown in the hate anger, and sadness I feel from everyone.

I just don't know what to do or feel anymore...
I'm too afraid to try...
So the walls are gonna stay there
Until I'm brave enough to try which is no time soon...

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