alone | taekook

By daddyguk

712K 31.1K 19.8K

"i'm not gay, jungkook." "yeah, okay sure." - in which taehyung is forced to have jungkook stay at his house... More

!intro + warning¡
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.


33.2K 1.5K 660
By daddyguk

taehyung's pov

i slowly open my eyes, waking up from my deep sleep. i yawn as i sit up, stretching. quickly glancing at the time, i groan as i plop back down onto my bed, not ready to face anything.

i pathetically blush as memories from last night flood into my head, and a smile unconsciously creeps onto my face, but leaves just as quickly as it came.

what on earth have I gotten myself into?

i get up and decide to take a quick shower. grabbing a towel from my wardrobe, i leave my room and head to the bathroom. i lock the door before i strip out of my clothes, stepping into the hot, steaming water.

my mind keeps traveling to last night and how good he made me feel. god, i can't stop thinking about him.

the warm water instantly calms down my nerves and soothes my muscles. i finish up and step out of the shower, drying my body and hair with a towel, while wrapping another one around my waist. i quickly get out of the bathroom and start walking towards my room.

i see jungkook walking towards the bathroom. i watch as he eyes me up and down, biting his lower lip as he sees me in only a towel, my body glistening with small droplets of water.

i feel my cheeks heat up as i scurry down the hall and go safely into my room. i put on a pair of boxers, joggers and a black v-neck and make my way up stairs, to be greeted with my mom.

"good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" she questions while preparing breakfast.

my stomach starts feeling all tingly as i remember the events of last night once again. "i slept fine." i lie, giving her a smile.


jungkook's pov

i wake up to the sound of running water. i yawn as i sit up, remembering last night and how beautifully taehyung had moaned my name. i don't know what had gotten into me, but there's just something about him that drives me nuts. the way he bites his lips and pretends he's innocent when he's clearly fucking not. i'm just patiently waiting for the day that i will get tofeel his soft, warm, plump lips around my dick. i quickly shake the thoughts off, not wanting to deal with a semi hard-on this early in the morning.

i hear the running water come to a stop, and i get up to make my way to the bathroom. on my way, i see taehyung come out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a thin white towel. shit. his smooth caramel skin was glistening with water droplets, running down his body and across his tummy.

i bite my lower lip as i eye him up and down, not even trying to be subtle. does he even know how fucking hot he is? i can already feel myself getting hard as i walk past him.

i quickly brush my teeth and put on some clothes before making my way upstairs. i see Taehyung already sitting at the dining table, eating pancakes while glancing at his phone screen.

"jungkook dear, do you want some pancakes?" mina, taehyung's mom asks me politely.

i feel my stomach grumble. "yes, please," i reply as she hands me a plate and a bottle of maple syrup. "thank you." i mutter.

i take a seat next to taehyung, and he snaps his attention from his phone to me. "morning hyung." I say. "good morning," i hear him mumble under his breath.

i see a light tint of pink on his cheeks. god, he looks so cute when he blushes.b if our parents weren't here, i'd take him right here, right now.

i shake my head, attempting to get rid of my dirty thoughts as i start to eat the pancakes. i watch as taehyung quickly finishes his, and washes his plate.

i finish mine, not too long after and wash my own plate as well. i walk over to the living room and sit on the couch, not too far away from taehyung.

"Mom, I'm going to Jimin's house. Is that okay?" Taehyung says.

"Sure, honey, tell his mom I said hello." She says.

I internally groan as he gets up and leaves. Now what am I supposed to do? I pull out my phone, trying to occupy myself so the time passes.

This is going to be a long ass day.

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