Changing Peach Hearts (Akashi...

By matcha_to_latte

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"I will never leave you alone. That is my promise to you as the student council president, as the captain of... More

Prologue 1 | Red and Pink
Prologue 2 | Red and Pink
Prologue 3 | Red and Pink
Chapter 1 | Change
Chapter 2 | Red Bean
Chapter 3 | Name
Chapter 4 | Memories
Chapter 4.5 | Haru-cchi's lucky item
Chapter 5 - Captain of Shogi and Captain of Basketball
Chapter 6 - Teammates
Chapter 7 - The Absolute truth, the Whole truth and nothing but the truth
Chapter 8 - Tofu Soup
Chapter 9 - Fifth Symphony
Chapter 10 - Solo?!
Chapter 11 - The Golden-eyed Hell
Chapter 12 - Exploration
Chapter 13 - Confrontation
Chapter 14 - Those Heterochromatic Eyes
Chapter 15 - Two sides: Strength or Weakness
Chapter 16 - Youth
Chapter 17 - Grandma Koji
Chapter 18 - Affinity to Sara?
Chapter 19 - Summer Sparks
Chapter 21 - Promise
Chapter 22 - Golden Eyes
Chapter 23 - A True Friend
Chapter 24 - The Business World
Chapter 25 - Family
Chapter 26 - The Last Shadow
Chapter 27 - Towards the Winter Cup Finals
Chapter 28 - Imprisonment in Death
Chapter 29 - The Emperor's Domain
Chapter 30 - Change
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday Seijuro
Chapter 32 - Oha Asa's always right
Chapter 33 - Red and White
Chapter 34 - Your Name is Akashi Chiharu
Chapter 35 - Epilogue

Chapter 20 - American Influence

10K 286 42
By matcha_to_latte

It was nearly November; the time for the Winter Cup.

"Momoi, find and hand these permission slips to the basketball players in the club," directed Shirogane-sensei. 

Chiharu read the first words of the pile of papers Shirogane gave her, looking up excitedly to confirm. Shirogane gave her a warm nod. Instantly, Chiharu ran out of the staff room with a pile of papers as well as the names of all basketball players.

Rakuzan high and Yosen high basketball training camp.


The Winter Cup was coming up and now more than anything was a good time to spark rivalry between seeded high schools. Since Rakuzan high won the Inter High, they did not need to participate in the Winter Cup Preliminaries. The same went for Yosen High who came third in the Inter High. Therefore in the time that other schools were fighting for a placement in the Winter Cup, Rakuzan and Yosen High were having a combined training camp.

"Murasakibara-kun goes to Yosen High, doesn't he?" wondered Chiharu aloud. 

They were currently on a bullet train to Tokyo, where the one week training camp was held. It was a rare chance that two powerhouse schools got together to play, especially since both schools lived in separate regions.

"Yes, he does," Akashi confirmed.

"Ahahaha, good. I brought plenty of red bean snacks to share with him," Chiharu exclaimed, showing off her collection of wafer biscuits and snacks.

Akashi frowned. 

He reached over to Chiharu's knapsack and grabbed a pair of red bean flavored pocky. Chiharu almost grabbed it away from him when she eyed him open the packet, except he popped one in her mouth before she could react. 

He in turn ate one too.

"You don't need to go to Murasakibara to eat snacks," Akashi stated in between eating pocky. 

Chiharu giggled. She had already told Akashi she loved him, yet he still got jealous easily.

"Sei-chan! Haru-chan!" exclaimed Mibuchi, sticking his head in the hole between their seats and blocking their views of each other. 

"I feel so lonely," he squealed, "Kota-chan and Eiki-chan are sitting together. And you guys are also sitting together!"

"Mibuchi-nee," began Chiharu, reaching to pat his head, instead Akashi pushed the dark-haired man's head back into the hole he came from.

"Tch..." Muttered Mibuchi, "Sei-chan's so picky." 

He then quickly darted his head through the hole and towards Chiharu. "Sei-chan's jealous," he whispered before his head was pushed back by Akashi again.

"Reo," muttered Akashi in warning, his eyes flashing orange as if threatening to become his heterochromatic eyed self.

Mibuchi immediately backed back into his seat. 

He knew that look. 

He did not dare to challenge Akashi's authority. 

Chiharu noticing this, instantly tapped at Akashi's shoulder and as soon as it had become orange, it transformed back to it's natural red self.

Chiharu knew that although Akashi may seem stable, if angered, his heterochromatic eyes self would not be afraid to make his appearance. That was what worried her; that if one day Akashi could not turn back to his red-eyed self after becoming heterochromatic-eyed.


The bus, hired by Shirogane, made a stop outside a tall, western-styled building. 

Akashi and several of the Rakuzan players remained still and unsurprised at the mansion, but a few like Chiharu, excitedly shot up from their seats to get a better view of the place that they would staying at.

They filed out of the coach, each player having a feel for the natural air around them.

"This is a good place," commented Akashi. 

Chiharu's eyes sparkled. It was the first time she had been on an overnight excursion, she couldn't wait to explore the place.

As the team walked around the vicinity and Shirogane made his way to greet the landowners, another bright purple and white coach pulled up outside the building.

Akashi was sitting on the porch reading a book when Chiharu, who was right beside him, perked up and ran off and towards the Yosen coach in excitement. He smiled, put down the book and walked after Chiharu. 

As the captain of the Rakuzan High basketball club and Chiharu as the assistant coach, their responsibility was to greet the opposing team, especially since Shirogane was not around at the moment.

As the Yosen players filed out of the bus, Chiharu stopped and tensed. 

Akashi had caught up to her by normal walking pace and had realised something was wrong. He looked out to the coach where he realised Chiharu's line of sight was directed at a boy with grey-black hair, half of which covered his left eye. It seemed that he didn't notice them yet and was currently munching on some snacks that he also shared with a tall purple-haired figure, Murasakibara.

A long, black-haired woman walked up to them holding a fencing stick. 

"Araki Masako, coach of the Yosen High Basketball team," she introduced. "I assume you are the assistant coach Momoi Chiharu." 

Chiharu momentarily averted her gaze away from the grey-black haired boy and towards the taller female, nodding her head and greeting the Yosen Coach. However as soon as she spoke her greetings the Yosen boy perked his ears, eyes darting towards Chiharu.

"Chiharu!"the boy yelled. 

Akashi twitched, his lips turning into a wary frown. 

He didn't like how he didn't know this boy and yet the boy called to Chiharu so familiarly.

Chiharu's reply tainted his red eyes, golden. 

"Tatsuya," she called back slowly and excitedly.

No formalities. 


Akashi's brows creased in fury. Chiharu had only called him Seijuro once and every other time she had called him Akashi-kun.

The Yosen boy ran up to Chiharu, embracing her heartily, in which she responded with a bright smile. He was totally oblivious to spurring the redhead's wrath.

"Chiharu," Akashi voiced menacingly, interrupting the reunion. 

Chiharu jolted back in shock, feeling Akashi's anger.

"Akashi-kun," she began, aggravating the veins on Akashi's face. 

Akashi immediately pulled Chiharu to his side and off the grasp of the Yosen boy.

Himuro attempted to pull back Chiharu before Murasakibara came up to his side.

"Muro-chin, you shouldn't make Aka-chin angry," he drawled. 

Akashi's eyes were already a furious heterochromatic colour. Suddenly noticing the dangerous atmosphere, Himuro immediately let go off Chiharu's sleeve, retreating to Murasakibara's side.

Akashi turned to face the whole Yosen crew, who came to see the commotion. 

"Akashi Seijuro, captain of the Rakuzan High basketball club," he introduced, eyes narrowed and flashing. 

Chiharu knew she couldn't stop Akashi, especially since it seemed to be her fault that he was this angry.

Himuro's eyes widened at hearing Akashi's name. 

He had heard of the captain of the generation of miracles so many times before from Murasakibara. After all, Akashi was the reason why Murasakibara refused to participate in the Inter High finals.

He smiled warmly at the captain. 

"Haha... I am Himuro Tatsuya," he introduced, eyeing Chiharu's hand that Akashi had put in his own. 

Chiharu observed the awkward atmosphere and immediately removed her hand from Akashi's, instead motioning to him and providing the information that both boys wanted to know.

"Tatsuya, this is Akashi-kun, my boyfriend," she began before turning to Akashi. "Akashi-kun this is a friend I made in America, Tatsuya, who helped me grow out of my fearful stage."

Chiharu noticed that Akashi was still just as mad, despite her introducing him as her boyfriend. What she didn't notice was Himuro's tightly clenched fist and lowered head.

Before she could turn back to Himuro, Akashi grabbed her wrist and began dragging her away from the crowd. Shirogane had already come back from seeing the landowners and was making his way to introduce himself to the Yosen coach.

"His name. Why do you call him by his first name?" he demanded impatiently once they had reached a safe distance away from the eyes and ears of the Yosen players.

Chiharu looked up into Akashi's heterochromatic eyes. She couldn't help but smile. Although she had never voiced it, she could tell how easily jealous he got.

"In America," she explained, "we all call each other by our first names. It would be unnatural if we didn't."

"But-" started Akashi before Chiharu shooshed him.

"Other than that, we are just friends. The closest we could be called, would be family," she assured.

His golden eye darkened back to red, signalling his fading anger. 

"Ok," he said pausing, "but you have to call me Seijuro."

Chiharu blushed. 

In America it was natural but in Japan, she had never gone beyond formalities to anyone other than her family. But seeing how Akashi and her had been together since middle school, it should be normal to call each other informally. Akashi looked at her expectantly.

"Ok. Fine... Seijuro," she muttered.


The first four days of the training camp would be conducted separately, where teams would be given exercises to build teamwork, strength and trust; something both schools needed to further develop. The last three days of the week would be spent playing practice matches against each other, hopefully improving from the ones before.

The western styled mansion consisted of four levels, the first having a kitchen, lounge, inside gym, exercise machinery room, bathrooms and the landowner's room. The second and third floors had lounge rooms, bathrooms and spacious bedrooms, each shared between two people.

To accommodate the about hundred people from both schools, Chiharu shared a room with Araki, Yosen's coach, Akashi shared a room with Mibuchi, Eikichi shared a room with Hayama, Mayuzumi shared a room with Masao and Shirogane shared a room with the Rakuzan manager, Higuchi.

The practice matches on the fourth day would also be held on the outside basketball courts.


"Tatsuya, here," Chiharu said whilst reaching over Akashi to place the pickles on her bowl into his. 

Akashi twitched and held out a hand to stop Chiharu from moving her pickles. Instead he removed his own pickles and placed them on Himuro's bowl before taking Chiharu's pickles and putting them in his bowl.

Chiharu giggled whilst Himuro frowned. 

"I like pickles but I don't want yours," he commented to Akashi. 

Akashi shrugged.

"Don't accept Chiharu's pickles if you don't want mine," he stated before eating a pickle he took from Chiharu. 

Himuro looked away, silently munching on the pickle.

Murasakibara's head popped out towards the table they were eating on but behind Himuro. 

"If you don't want anything, give it to me," he said.

Himuro's eyes darted to the long, purple hair, currently touching the food. 

His eyes glinted. 

"Atsushi," he lectured, fingering a scrunchie that sat around his arm. "Tie up your hair when you eat."

Murasakibara groaned but nodded and took the scrunchie. Chiharu giggled. It seemed that other than Akashi, Himuro was also able to get Murasakibara to listen to him.

It was already the end of the fourth day and it seemed tomorrow would be the start of the practice matches. Shirogane and Araki were at the head of the long table, conversing about other basketball teams and discussing methods to beat them. They both had equal respect for each other as both were coaches of powerhouse basketball schools.

Chiharu eyed Akashi. Eating next to him, like this, reminded her back to Summer break where her family would all sit around one table to eat dinner together. 

Her grandma's final words rung back in her head.

You don't need to worry about Masaomi too. I'll talk to him.

Akashi noticed the second long stare that she was giving him and he turned to face her in question. She started of slowly. 

"So how's it going with you and your father?"

Akashi eyes softened. 

He chuckled. 

"It seems when I brought up Azuma Koji as your grandma, my father froze. I'm not sure what Grandma Koji did but it sure was effective in changing my father. Anyway, he has given us his blessing," he replied.

Chiharu couldn't keep the grin off her face. She then blurted the one thing that had been buggering her for the past few weeks. 

"Is Fuji back?"

Akashi grinned. 

"I found him and my father had no qualms in restoring his status."

Chiharu breathed a sigh of relief. She had to thank Fuji for everything. He was her constant support and she couldn't help but feel guilty when she had heard he'd been fired.

She turned back to face Akashi, a grin stitched on her face. She didn't want him to realise the bugging concern she had over this issue.

"So, you ready for the practice match against Tatsuya tomorrow? He's actually really good," she praised, resting her chin on her palm. 

Memories from America swarmed back into her head.

Akashi twitched.

"I am absolute. I will win," he muttered, eyes flashing golden.


Hey guys!

Well I ended up making Himuro Akashi's rival because I mean you can't hate the guy and I really wanted to write about Akashi getting jealous soo... XDD

Also I know Yosen actually plays in the Winter Cup Preliminaries but I mean I wanted to show Chiharu and Himuro meeting except they can't really do that since they live in totally different regions so this was the first solution that popped in my mind.

Anyway thanks so much for reading and as always please vote, comment and share! :)


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