Truth or Dare[WattyAwards2011...

By XxIcyxX

2.3M 27.6K 4.8K

**I AM SLOWLY EDITING THIS!!!** WARNING: This is in no way a fairy tale. Kylie's been living life as simply a... More

Copyright Statement/Warning
Truth or Dare: Prologue/Teaser
Truth or Dare: Chapter 1
Truth or Dare: Chapter 2
Truth or Dare: Chapter 3
Truth or Dare: Chapter 4
Truth or Dare: Chapter 5
Truth or Dare: Chapter 6
Truth or Dare: Chapter 7
Truth or Dare: Chapter 8
Truth or Dare: Chapter 9
Truth or Dare: Chapter 10
Truth or Dare: Chapter 11
Truth or Dare: Chapter 12
Truth or Dare: Chapter 13
Truth or Dare: Chapter 14
Truth or Dare: Chapter 15
Truth or Dare: Chapter 16
Truth or Dare: Chapter 17
Truth or Dare: Quick Author's Note
Truth or Dare: Chapter 18
Truth or Dare: Chapter 19
Truth or Dare: Chapter 20
Truth or Dare: Chapter 21
Truth or Dare: Chapter 22
Truth or Dare: Chapter 23
Truth or Dare: A Quick Spin-off of Chapter 23
Truth or Dare: Chapter 24
Truth or Dare: Chapter 25
Truth or Dare: Chapter 26
Truth or Dare: Chapter 27
Truth or Dare: Chapter 28
Truth or Dare: Chapter 29
Truth or Dare: Chapter 30
Truth or Dare: Chapter 31
Truth or Dare: Chapter 32
Truth or Dare: Chapter 33
Truth or Dare: Chapter 34
Truth or Dare: Chapter 35
Truth or Dare: Chapter 36
Truth or Dare: Chapter 37
Truth or Dare: Chapter 38
Truth or Dare: Chapter 39
Truth or Dare: Chapter 40
Truth or Dare: Chapter 41
Truth or Dare: Chapter 42
Truth or Dare: Chapter 43
Truth or Dare: Chapter 44
Truth or Dare: Epilogue
Dedications (and all that cheesy stuff)
Want me to read your books?!

Truth or Dare: Blake's POV (Chapter 44)

34.4K 329 36
By XxIcyxX

A/N: I've gotten a lot of requests to write a chapter from Blake's POV so here it is!  Enjoy!

<-- Don't forget to vote!  Comment!  Fan!  Add to library!  Spread!  And what not!  ALSO, I AM A FINALIST IN THE WATTY AWARDS 2011 So it'd be amazing if you could scroll up and vote for me in the Watty Award section under Humor/Undiscovered.  Thanks!!

By the way, this is also my first time writing some sort of "romantic" scene in a boys POV and seeing how I'm not a boy, I hope I didn't make this unrealistic... ENJOY!


Blake’s POV (Chapter 44)

I watched in amusement as Chez dashed around the place, trying to get everything cleaned up before everyone else came over.  Purposely, I laid comfortably on the couch, pretending to be in a completely relaxed state.  My mind drifted off slightly to what today was suppose to be.  Some American holiday I suppose.  Shifting slightly, I felt a slight grin creep onto my face as soon as I realized who was also going to be coming.  An almost nervous flutter settled within my stomach as I wondered how exactly tonight would go.  Especially with what I had planned.  

In truth, I had no idea whether or not she liked me.  I mean, sure, she told me plenty of times how much fun it was hanging out, but it’s not like anything ever happened.  Letting out a sigh, I racked my brain to come up with something else to think about-- anything but tonight.  

“Blake,”  Chez seethed, walking by me and shooting me a dirty look.

“Yes?”  I chirped innocently.

“Get up and do something!”  she groaned, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me off of the couch. 

“Ethan isn’t doing anything!”  I complained back, refusing to budge a muscle.  She opened her mouth as if to say something but then shut it again.  “Alright,”  I said, pretending to agree, “his mouth may be doing something with that girl.  What’s her name?  Anna?  Amy?  An--”

She stepped back slightly, cocking her head to the side in disapproval, and ignored my last comment.  “Come on, cousin.”

“Aren’t I suppose to be a guest here anyways?”  I said suddenly.

“Yes…”  she eyed me warily.

“Then I’m not suppose to do anything.”  I smirked winningly at her, seeing her roll her eyes in exasperation.

“Stop it.”

“Stop what?”

“I can’t clean all this by myself,”  she half yelled, waving her hands around and gesturing around the nearly spotless room.  

I raised an eyebrow at her.  “You’re right.  It seems you missed a spot,”  I said teasingly, pointing to a microscopic dot on the coffee table in front of me.  She shot me a glare before slumping next to me on the couch.  

“You’re hopeless,”  she declared openly.

“Now that’s a first,”  I said offended.

She stared at me for a long while before letting out a loud sigh.  “So something is on your mind.  I can tell.”

I blinked at her before responding, “What?”

“When you get that sort of blank expression like your mind isn’t here, I know something is up.” 

“I don’t know what your talking about,”  I denied.

“Alright,”  she said in a tone that definitely did not signal the end of this conversation, “what’s up with you and Kylie?”

I froze slightly before forcing a slight smirk onto my face.  “You mean shortie?”

“No, I mean Kylie,”  she said, rolling her eyes.

“What about shortie?”  I persisted.

“You know.”


“Well,”  Chez said, awkwardly shifting closer to me and dropping her voice.  “I think you guys would be cute together.”

I felt myself flush slightly before pasting a lopsided grin on my face.  “Yea?  Well truthfully, I’d look good with anybody.”  She punched me in the arm, slightly, causing me to bit back a slight wince of pain while staring at her in grudging admiration.  This girl could hit.  “I was only stating the obvious,”  I said innocently.

“Drop the act and agree with me.”

“Agree with you on what?”

“You are hopeless!”  she cried in exasperation for the second time that day.  I flinched back slightly, feeling the words form at the edge of my tongue but refused to be pushed out.

“I don’t know,”  I mumbled slightly, feeling myself grow serious for once.

“What do you mean?”

“I just don’t think she feels the same way.”  An overwhelming feeling of exhaustion overcame me as I buried my face into my hands.  

“I’m sure she does,”  Chez said sympathetically, hugging me tightly.

“How do you know?”

“Hey, we’re best friends.  I know everything about her.”

“So she’s told you?”  I said hopefully, meeting her blue eyes.

She shifted slightly with a sheepish grin on her face.  “Not exactly.”

“Thanks for getting my hopes up,”  I said sarcastically.

“What happened to your ego?” 

“I’m still looking for it.”  I said wryly, wondering what was going on.  Gritting my teeth in determination, I tried to gather up all the confidence I had before, trying to figure out what caused them all to scatter.  It wasn’t as so much as I was scared of seeing her, but more so I was scared of rejection.

“Don’t worry,”  she said optimistically, hugging me again.

I relaxed slightly.  Right when I was about to respond, she suddenly shot straight up, her eyes wide on the clock.  “They’re here!”

I stared at her in puzzlement.  “The doorbell hasn’t even--”

A loud ringing sound cut me off mid-sentence and she shot me a smirk.  “See.”

“How did you…”  I drifted off in wonderment.

“Just go get changed,”  she called back after me, heading towards the front.

“What?  I can’t wear this,”  I called after her, teasingly, gesturing towards my boxers.

“You might blind someone!”  Chez yelled without even turning around.

“With my amazingly, sexily, god-like good looks?”  I chuckled, ignoring the demanding noise that emitted from Chez.  Finally pulling myself away from the comfort of the couch, I walked up the stairs, my mind spinning from what I had planned to do.  Deep breaths, I thought to myself.  Deep--


Startled, I looked up from my daze only to realize I nearly bumped into-- Anna?  Amy?  What’s her face and Ethan.  Ethan shot me a dirty look which I returned with a slight grin.  “What’s up younger cousin?  And um…”  Tilting my head slightly, I tried to come up with a reasonable name for the girl.  She definitely did not look like an Anna or an Amy.  “You,”  I finished lamely.

“Nothing,”  she giggled, her eyes drifting more downwards than up.

“My face is up here.”  I rolled my eyes, seeing Ethan tense up slightly.

“Come on, Jill,”  Ethan said stiffly, grabbing her by the hand.  She turned slightly to look at him before looking back at me.

The name finally clicked in my mind and I smiled a bit sheepishly at Ethan.  “Jill.  Got it.”

“Got what?”  she asked in confusion, flipping her brown hair slightly to the point to which it almost smacked me in the face.

“Got-- yea forget it.”

“Okay.”  she chirped.

“Right, well if you excuse me, I got to put some clothes on over this,”  I smirked, motioning towards my body.  “Ethan’s staring a bit too much and it makes me slightly uncomfortable.”

Jill let out a loud gasp before turning on her heels to look at Ethan with utter disapproval lining her face.  “You’re gay?”

Ethan blinked slightly at her before bursting into a realm of denial filled with curses intended towards me.  I let out a slight laugh, before pushing past him and walking to my room.  Right as I was about to close the door, Ethan stepped out in front of me, his face lined with anger.  “Oh hey,”  I said casually, leaning on the wall behind me, wondering where his girl went, “I would let you watch me change but…”

“Really?”  Jill suddenly popped up from behind him.

I inwardly groaned, looking at his overenthusiastic date, already calculating how long this relationship was going to last-- five days max.  “Not you Jill.”

“Oh,”  she said in disappointment much to Ethan’s dismay.

“Jill,”  Ethan said with a slight edge to his voice.  “Go downstairs please?”

“Alright,”  she said happily, turning on her heels and walking away.

“Nice girl you got there,”  I said.

“What’s wrong with you?”  Ethan said with an annoyed look on his face.

“Nothing?”  I stared at him blankly.

“You’re so--ugh!”  he said in frustration.

“I’m so ugh?”  I cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

“Just-- never mind.” 

“Is this about Jill?”  I shifted slightly, feeling a bit guilty.  “I couldn’t remember her name.  Not my fault.”

“No it’s not that.”  Ethan sighed, leaning against the frame of the doorway.  “Just forget it,”  he said tersely.

“If you want me to stay away from Jill, I will,”  I said automatically.  “It’s not like I purposely bumped into her like this.”

“Right, I have a question anyways.”

I stared at him surprise.  “What’s up?”

“Jill-- I mean-- well do you think she’s somewhat of a…”

“Flirt?”  I finished gently.

“Yea,”  he said uncomfortably.

“You want honest?”

“Give me it.”

“Yea,”  I nodded slowly, “you could tell right from the start.”

“Right,”  he said, a slight panged expression fleetingly passed his face but disappeared without a trace.  “I’ll see you downstairs later then.  And stay away from her, alright?”

I let out an awkward chuckle, wondering what that was about.  “Don’t worry.  I don’t sink that low.”

“Yea right,”  he said sarcastically, reverting back to his old self.

“Leave kid.  Unless you want to see me strip.  Then by all means, come on in.”

Ethan made a disgusted face before turning around and walking away.  With a satisfied smile, I shut the door tightly, locking it incase Jill gets ‘lost’ and faced my closet with the grim determination of picking out something nice.

Finally settling on dark jeans and a plaid shirt, I quickly peered into the mirror before heading out the door.  My mind ran swiftly with things I was going to say, but instead of calming me down, that just got me more nervous.  In the end, I settled with just thinking about nothing but having a good time.  As I burst out the front door, my eyes flitted around until it settled upon a single, short, Asian girl standing off to the side.  I grinned slightly, realizing that she was completely alone.

“Kylie!”  I called out, walking towards her direction.  Startled, she turned around, a smile flitting onto her face.  “I made some BBQ salad just for you, but I ate it all,”  I made up suddenly, warming up to her already.  “Sorry.”

“Wow, thank you,”  she said sarcastically, making a disgusted face, “you are so considerate.”

“I know,”  I smirked before peering around the lawn for an empty space for just the two of us to sit.  My eyes finally settled upon an empty space in the grass and I motioned us over.  “Come on, let’s go.  They’re about to set off the fireworks.” 

As if on cue, a sudden loud pop filled the air along with the smell of smoke as a bright red briefly filled the night sky before disappearing all together.  Soon enough, colors after colors shot up one after another.  Turning slightly to peer at Kylie who ended up sitting a distance away, I watched wryly as her dog jumped in panic into her arms.

“Dog problems?”   I chuckled slightly, walking up to her.

“She’s scared,”  she murmured in amusement more to herself than anyone else.  I watched warmly as she hugged Snowy closer to herself.  Suddenly, silence filled the air.  Confused, I looked around until I saw Dustin and Chris both standing up with purposeful looks in their eyes.

“Hey,”  Dustin said, waving half heartedly with his other hand holding something behind his back.  “We have a little something for you guys.”

I raised an eyebrow and was just about to remark when Aiden interrupted.  “A gift?”  he asked in amusement, leaning closer to Chez who was snuggled up against him.  

“Something along those lines,”  Chris grinned back before setting down the object.  Dustin went over and lit it up and suddenly bright purple light filled the smoky night sky.  When it finally had stopped, I glanced over at Kylie, who to my surprise rose up.

“Where are you going?”  I asked.

“Snowy,”  she quickly explained, “she’s been digging her nails into my skin for the past few minutes.  I need to get her home before she has a mini-heart attack or something.” 

“Let me try holding her,”  I said, grabbing Snowy out of her arms before she could say another word.  True to her word, Snowy gripped my arms tightly and I could feel each little claw penetrating my skin.  Biting back a slight yelp of pain, I grinned at her, winningly.  “See, she isn’t that bad.”

She started grumpily at me as if trying to come up with an excuse.  “That’s because there are no fireworks.”

“Or noises,”  I added in, feeling Snowy slightly lessen up her death grip.

“True, although--”

“Sh…”  I interrupted, hearing everything behind me fall silent.  Turning around, I saw that everyone had shushed up.  Kylie, ever so curious, crept a little bit closer.  I held slightly back, feeling that she would tell me what happened anyways.

“Ever, will you go out with me?”  Dustin asked, his voice ringing clear through the silence of the night.  I stared blankly at him before breaking out into a grin.

“Yes,”  Ever said happily.  Feeling a slight pang of envy, I watched the both of them before feeling a slight tug on my hand.

Looking down, I saw Kylie‘s intertwined with mine.  She smiled broadly up at me with enthusiasm layered within her voice.  “Did  you see that?  Did you?”    

“Yea?  Dustin asked Ever,”  I said nonchalantly.

“Wasn’t it cute?”  she demanded.

Ignoring her comment, I looked down at her in wonderment, trying to guess how she could be suddenly so happy.  “You suddenly look a whole lot happier than before,”  I commented.

“Yea?”  she asked, fumbling with the lock before finally prying the door open.

“Yea,”  I confirmed.

“I don’t know.”  she turned back to me, her head tilting slightly to the side in a pondering stance.  “It’s cute to see two people like that.  And I always had a digging suspicion that they liked each other anyways.  Why else would Ever let go of…”  she suddenly drifted off uncomfortably as if trying to form the words.  I patiently waited until she finally gathered the courage to say them.  “Let go of your cousin so easily.  There would have been someone else to help her pull away because her character just isn’t like the type to give up so easily.”  She finished, looking slightly uncomfortable.

“You seem to be able to judge people quite easily,”  I said lightly, trying to bring back up her mood.

“Not really.”  She shrugged slightly.

“What do I seem like to you?”  I questioned teasingly.

She stared at me for a long time, her brown eyes meeting mine.  “A stereotypical jerk.”

“That…was…deep…”  I said dramatically, holding my hands to my heart.

“I know,”  Kylie grinned widely.  “Anyway, want to put Snowy back?”  She gestured towards the Bichon in my arms.  I stared down at her, then back up at Kylie, my mind racing a mild per minute.  Every bit of me tensed up as I wondered whether now would be a good time.  Now or never, I thought to myself feeling slightly rushed.  Puzzled by my lack of response, she was just about to turn away when I suddenly placed a hand on her arm.

“Wait, one more thing.  How about we play a game?”  I asked quickly.

“A game?”  she repeated, looking at me incredulously.

“Yea,”  I laughed, feeling myself lightening up again, “a game.  Ever heard of one?”

“No,”  she deadpanned, “must be something only found in England.”

I grinned slightly at her, “Must be.”

“Alright,”  she crossed my arms, looking up at me in curiousity, “what game?”

“It’s a pretty common game and I’m sure you’ve heard of it.”  I dragged on, racking my brain and constantly berating myself for not knowing what I was doing.  I mean, I knew I was going to ask her out but definitely not like this.  Feeling slightly embarrassed, I turned back towards her.

“What is it?”  she asked, raising an eyebrow.  “Monopoly?”

“Close.”  I said, furrowing my eyebrows to come up with something.

“Tic-Tac-Toe?”  she guessed sarcastically.

“Yes!”  I said with enthusiasm.  “How’d you guess?”

“Are you serious?” she asked, with an expression that nearly caused me to drop my façade.

“Of course I am,”  I said with indignation.  At that moment, a game finally popped into my head and I briefly wondered whether it be a good idea.

Before I had time to think, she responded.  “Re--”

“Not,”  I interrupted. 

“Thought so,”  she let out an annoyed huff, “what game then?  Enlighten me.”

“Truth or dare,”  I said broadly. 

“Oh,”  she half smiled at my choice.  “Alright, I’m guessing you are going first?”

“Yup, so Kylie Verita, truth or dare?”

Mentally, I begged her to pick truth.  I mean, dare would be alright but truth would go much more smoothly.  Eyeing her indecisive look, I shifted from foot to foot, slightly impatient.

“Truth,”  she finally said causing a burst of happiness to rise within me.

“So answer truthfully to the next question?”  I said carefully.

“I’ll try,”  she hesitated.

“Hey Kylie?”  I prepared myself.


Taking a deep breath, I looked into her eyes, trying to read her but finding I was unable to.  Without a second thought, I burst out with a longing question.  “Will you go out with me?”

She stared at me for several long moments, and I felt a sudden sinking feeling.  Maybe it was too early.  Nervously, I ran a hand through my hair, trying to come up with some sort of cheesy thing to say-- or a joke to add to the end of that.  But nothing came to mind.  Slightly shifting, I wished that I hadn’t asked the question at all considering how long it was taking for her to respond.

Finally, she opened her mouth with something that I didn‘t expect.  “Yea, I‘d love too.”

I felt my nervous smile break into a genuine one.  Setting Snowy down, I sweeped her up in a tight hug, grinning wildly to myself.  Breathing in her scent, I finally felt a relieving feeling as if everything was going to be okay.  Maybe this move wouldn‘t be so hard.  Painfully, I brushed away memories of my old friend, instead focusing on this new girl in front of me.  Well, relatively new girl.  “You’re so--”

Before I could finish, a loud pop startled both of us, making us jump apart laughing.  Snowy gave a loud bark of terror and jumped into her arms causing me to laugh even harder.

“I guess that’s the signal for us to put her back into her room,”  I chuckled, petting her.  A sudden warm feeling filled me from the inside as I tried to calm her down.

“I guess you’re right,”  she nodded, blushing violently.  

“Get use to it.”  I smirked, unable to hold it back. 

“Ha,”  she scoffed before turning on her heels and walking away.  Grinning broadly, I watched her walk away, my mind whirring with what just happened.  Excitement bubbled within my entire body as I replayed the moment over and over again.  

When she finally came back, we both, as if synchronized, walked outside into the yard in silence.  “Let’s stay here for a while,”  I said breaking the quiet air, turning to face her slightly.  She nodded dreamily before taking a seat.  I took a seat next to her in the grass, looking up at the starry sky.

“It’s beautiful,”  she said, her eyes drifting over to the brightness of the full moon.

“So are you,”  I mumbled slightly, turning to face her.  She avoiding my gaze out of embarrassment and I was just about to reach out and hug her when I remembered what I had heard about her not being able to date.  Worried, I sat up straight, suddenly, and looked at her in panic.  “Where are your parents?”  I asked hastily.

“I think,”  she said a bit sleepily, letting out a huge yawn, “they are over at your house with Chez and Ethan’s parents.  In the house.”  She waved her hands as if it were no big deal.  My heart rate slowed down a bit as I took in what she said.

“You think?”  I asked.

“I know,”  she said confidently.

We sat for several long minutes with just listening to the occasional distinct pop and then silence.  Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulder and turning slightly, I saw Kylie lying wearily on me.  Smiling slightly, I pulled her in tighter, feeling as if I were the luckiest person in the world.  


I hope you enjoyed that!! Any other spin-off or POV's you want to hear from... or any chapter suggestions?  LEAVE A COMMENT AND TELL ME HOW MY GUY POV WENT!!!

~♥~Also, vote for me in the Watty Awards 2011-- please?!  Go to the top where it says "Watty Awards".  Click "Humor" on the side.  Scroll down until you see "Undiscovered Gems" and click "Truth or Dare". ~~

I'll lve you forever! (ha, see what I did there with the heart)


♥♥Happy Holidays♥♥ :D  What are you doing this winter break?  Me?  I be studying T-T Does that sound stupid?  I would rant on what happened yesterday (making it one of the crappiest days of my life) but I'm sure you don't want to hear my life story.  Let's just say it involved a not-so-up-to-Asian-standards PSAT score.  So I'll be taking a break from writing...maybe.  Anyway, enough about me.  Tell me about YOU!  How are you spending your Winter Break and what do you wish for for whichever holiday you celebrate?


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