
By NightWing707

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**Completed** **In the Process of Editing** In a world where music is against the law, Creak, a young musicia... More

Minstrel Man
Chapter #1 ~ Creak
Chapter #2 ~ Creak
Chapter #3 ~ Creak
Chapter #4 ~ Creak/Riptide
Chapter #5 ~ Creak/Riptide
Chapter #6 ~ Queen Isabelle
Chapter #7 ~ Stans
Chapter #8 ~ Eva
Chapter #10 ~ Creak
Chapter #11 ~ Riptide
Chapter #12 ~ Creak
Chapter #13 ~ Creak
Chapter #14 ~ Creak
Chapter #15 ~ Stans
Chapter #16 ~ King Florence
Chapter #17 ~ Creak
Chapter #18 ~ Eva
Chapter #19 ~ Riptide
Chapter #20 ~ Creak
Chapter #21 ~ Creak
Chapter #22 ~ Creak
Chapter #23 ~ Queen Isabelle
Chapter #24 ~ Riptide
Chapter #25 ~ Creak
Chapter #26 ~ Riptide
Chapter #27~ Stans
Chapter #28 ~ Riptide
Chapter #29 ~ Creak/Riptide/Stans
Chapter #30 ~ Creak
Chapter #31 ~ Riptide
Chapter #32 ~ Eva
Chapter #33 ~ Creak/Riptide
Chapter #34 ~ Stans
Chapter #35 ~ King Florence
Chapter #36 ~ Creak
Chapter #37 ~ Creak
Author's Note

Chapter #9 ~ Creak

15 5 0
By NightWing707

Creak stumbled and fell over yet another log. "That would make five in the past hour." Gorgos laughed at her. "Walk much!"

Rolling her eyes, Creak picked the dead leaves out of her hair. "Apparently not." She mumbled back trying her best not to get angry.
It had been a frustrating week since her flee from Riverfall. After the first three days she had suddenly found herself without any food.
Having left most of what Valen had given her behind for her brother, Creak had forced herself to eat as little as possible. Her rationing had worked well enough, making her one meal worth of food last her three days. But it wasn't enough for the week she had been traveling.

Without food she continued to run out of energy. She had stumbled around the woods for days. Her brain was in a fog and her stomach was constantly cramped. It was exhausting. Every fall sent pain shooting through her. Every step was slow and heavy.

It hurt! It all hurt! Her brother was gone. She was on her own with only Gorgos to keep her company. Angel had even abandoned her! She had been around for the first five days of nonstop walking, constantly telling Creak how beautiful the scenery was. How lucky they were to get the chance to travel, even if it was while on the run from knights. Then on the morning of day six when Creak had struggled to get up and continue on there was no positive motivation. Angel had left and with her so had Creak's idea of making it out of the forest alive.

Gorgos wasn't very helpful. Constantly laughing at her. Telling her that soon she would die. At some point on the sixth day, when Creak had fallen and couldn't find the strength to get up Gorgos had said something. Something that forced Creak to her feet. Laughing, always laughing, Gorgos had spoken to her. "Once you're dead I'll be free. Finally free to roam the land and create havoc!'

Hearing those words had brought Creak a new resolve. She couldn't die. She couldn't let Gorgos ruin anyone else's life. Gorgos was a part of her and she refused to ever let her out into the world. She would fight to stay alive. Gorgos could not be allowed to roam free.

So she had rose to her feet and she had walked. And walked. And walked. Until the seventh day. She had fallen. Again and again. Gorgos had laughed at her and decided to keep a count every hour. The forest seemed to go on forever and with every step Creak found herself on the ground yet again.

"You're not going to make it!" Gorgos spat gleefully. "The only village around is at least five miles away."

Creak groaned and pushed herself to her feet. The thought of another five miles made her sick. She grabbed her canteen for a quick drink only find it empty. Unlike the last three times she had drank all her water there was no river in sight. No way to refill it. 'I can't die.' She thought to herself. It was a thought that often came to her mind after deciding to leave Riverfall. 'I won't let myself die.'

Then she smelled it. A beautiful, delicious aroma was blown by the wind. She could pick out the smell of burning wood. 'A camp fire! Maybe whoever it is has food and water!'

Gorgos didn't respond to her hopeful thought, clearly disappointed at the fact that Creak might actually live.

Following the scent, Creak stumbled as fast as her legs would allow. She fell twice, but refused to let that discourage her.

Bursting through a thick, icy bush she tripped over her own feet and face planted in an open field.

There in the middle of the grassy plane melting the thin layer of snow on the ground, was a roaring campfire. Over the fire, roasting on a spit was the biggest boar she had ever seen. Her hunger took control of her and her caution was thrown to the frigid wind.

Creak was lucky there appeared to be no one around as she ripped off a piece of meat. She knew she was stealing, but she was on the verge of starving to death. It was either become a criminal or die and since she was already wanted for treason what difference would stealing make.
Ripping off huge chunks of the tender meat, Creak devoured it so fast she didn't have time to savor the taste. Glancing around the camp she found a full canteen of water.

Snatching it up off the ground, her fingers shook as she unscrewed the cap. Bringing the drink to her lips, she chugged some down and coughed back a gag.

'It burns!' Creak thought in horror as the liquid warmed her belly.

Gorgos laughed. "Some strong liquor you found there."

Making a sour face, Creak tossed the canteen away in disgust.
'It's disgusting!' She responded. 'I don't understand how people can drink so much of that stuff to get themselves drunk.'

"Clearly I'm not doing my job then." Gorgos lightly said.

Creak frowned at the words, but didn't dwell on them.

At the sound of her stomach growling, Creak went back to the cooking boar. Tearing off another piece, she licked her lips and decided to savor the taste this time. Oh how good it would taste! Sweet and overflowing with flavor!

Creak brought the greasy slab to her lips just as a small dart embedded itself into her neck with a soft thunk. Her eyes widened and her hands when numb, releasing the meat.

'Oh no! They found me! Rip must have found me!' She thought just before her brain stopped working and her limp body fell to the ground in a fit of spasms.

*. *. *.

The ground lurched beneath her sending Creak into the air and slamming her back down on her side. With a grunt of pain she attempted to open her eyes. Her vision was blurry and unfocused making her surroundings unrecognizable.

Closing her eyes, she shivered and curled in on herself. It was so cold! She hated the cold!

"Where am I?" She asked herself aloud.

"I believe we in a ca-" Gorgos started to say only to be abruptly interrupted by a new voice.

"You're in a cage, brass bandit."

"Uh! How rude!" Gorgos screeched in hatred.

Startled by the new presence, Creak's eyes flew open and she scrambled away from the voice. Her vision was still fuzzy and with her back pressed against frosty, metal bars she struggled to see the figure.
He was at the other side of the... cage hidden in the night's shadows. Her blurry vision and the lack of light prevented her from seeing anything more than an outline.

Her teeth clattered together and she rubbed her hands up and down her arms. It was freezing! The cage was open to the night air and Creak had nothing but her thin woolen dress to keep her warm.

"Come here." The figure said. His voice puffing out a fog that shimmered in the moon light that glowed through the cage's bars.
When Creak didn't move, he sighed and crawled towards her.

Hiccupping in fear, Creak pressed herself further into the bars at her back, trying to make herself smaller.

Her vision had slightly cleared up and once out of the shadows she could see the figure. He looked to be about her age, maybe one year older. His hair was a crazy mop of reddish brown curls that tangled around his ears.

Her eyes growing larger, Creak did a retake. His ears were a normal size, but tapered to points. He... he was an elf!

Catching her looking at his ears, a small smile broke his face making him look friendly.

"First time meeting an elf?" He asked flicking the end of his pointed ear.
Creak let herself relax. He wouldn't hurt her. "No actually. This would be my second time... though you don't really look like the last elf I met."
The young elf cocked his head to the side. "Really? How so?"

Creak felt a blush creep up her neck. It didn't feel right talking about Bane. She couldn't just go around telling people an elf had talked to her in her dreams and healed her from fatal wounds given to her by a bunch of gangster wannabes. She would sound even crazier than she looked!
Not wanting to continue with the current subject, she did her best to change it. "You called me 'brass bandit'. Why?"

The sudden change didn't faze her new elven friend.
"Oh, that? Well... you were caught stealing."

Creak looked down shamefully. "I was starving. I don't normally make a habit of taking things without permission."

He winked at her, his brown eyes shining with humor. "Don't worry, thief. Your secret's safe with me."

Creak crossed her arms and glared icily at him.

Putting up his hands in defense, he laughed. "Hey, don't give me that look..." He waved his hands in frustration. "What's your name?"

Looking at him through narrowed eyes, she answered. "Creak... you can call me Creak."

He gave her a funny look before nodding. "Okay... Creak. I'm Vern."

He held his hand out. Creak looked at him long and hard before creeping away from the bars to shake it.

"Nice to meet you beautiful." He said bringing her hand to his lips. Kissing her fingertips, he drew away from her with a smirk.

An angry blush crept up Creak's face and her glare returned. His words brought her back to that night in the alley. The Carsons surrounding her, that scarecrow of a man giving her suggestive looks. The memory unsettled her.

"Would you please not be that kind of man." She hissed in disgust.

Now it was Vern's turn to blush. Red crawled across his cheeks and a sudden bashful look settled over his face. His eyes shone with sincerity as he nodded his head respectfully.

"As you wish, brass bandit."

Letting her sneer slip away, Creak ran a hand through her hair. "Why do you keep calling me that? And don't say it's because I was caught stealing. That only explains the 'bandit' part. I want to know why it's 'brass bandit' and not just 'bandit'."

Vern waved his hand at an imaginary fly as if waving off her question like it wasn't the most unimportant thing in the world.
"It doesn't matter."

Creak looked at him intensely. "It most certainly does matter. Why brass?"

Crossing his arms, Vern shook his head in disbelief. "If you really must know it's because you stink."

Creak boiled with annoyance. "No really? I've been struggling to stay alive, but just give me a second to freshen up for you."

Vern smirked. "I wasn't making fun of you. You asked me why I called you brass bandit and my answer is because you smell like brass."

Creak frowned. "How so?"

Vern shrugged like it didn't really matter. "Elves have sensitive noses. It's faint, but you still carry a metallic scent."

"Okay? That's just weird." Creak muttered bashfully.

"And the pointed ears aren't?" Vern laughed with a smile.

"Yeah. I see your point." Creak smiled back.

A sudden gust of frosty wind blew through the wagon, sending Creak into a fit of shivers. The conversation with Vern had almost made her forget how cold it was. Shaking uncontrollably she asked. "Where are they t-taking us?"

Vern squinted at her in concern. "Are you okay?"

Creak nodded, her teeth chattering. "J-Just a bit c-cold. I-I'll be f-fine."

Raising his eyebrows, Vern gave her a look. "Sure you will."

Quicker than she could react, he launched himself across the space between them. Wrapping strong arms around her, Vern pulled her against him. He was so warm and she was freezing, but she didn't let herself snuggle closer.

Pushing herself away from him, Creak huffed. "Let go of me."

"Oh no you don't." Vern held her tighter. "If you get sick the slave traders will likely throw you out. And in this cold? You wouldn't last two days."

"Are you kidding me? I would at least make it a week!" Creak insisted.

She was trying to make light of the situation, but Vern's words sent chills down her back. Slave traders? So now she wasn't only a wanted criminal, but a slave too. Honestly? Could her life get any worse?

A cold chuckle filled her head. "You've probably jinxed it now!" Creak could feel the smirk from Gorgos.

"That's just great." She groaned.

Vern frowned down at her. "What?"

Letting herself sink into his embrace, Creak looked up. "You said slave traders. I have a feeling I'll be sold as a companion."

Vern grimaced as if he had been hit. "I'm sorry."

Creak wrapped her arms around herself. "Me too."

"Hey, don't worry." He insisted, gentle tilting her chin until they were eye to eye. "I don't plan on becoming a slave, so once I've freed myself I promise to free you too."

Creak tried not to let her hopeless feeling show.

"Whatever you say Prince Charming." She joked.

His eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "So long as you're the damsel in distress."

Creak rolled her eyes.

"I don't like him." Gorgos hissed.

'You wouldn't.' Creak thought back, a sense of warmth and security overcoming her.

"He'll break your heart." Her demon spat.

Creak sighed in annoyance. 'Who said I was giving him my heart?'

"Whatever you say Prince Charming." Gorgos mocked in disgust. "Don't let yourself get distracted from our biggest priority."

"Don't worry," Creak muttered half asleep. "I know what I need to do."

Vern's chest vibrated as he let out a soft chuckle. Rubbing warmth into her back, he signed against her. "I'm sure you do, brass bandit. I'm sure you do."

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