How can i live this way?

By BeautifulDisaster121

24.2K 932 142

this is a twilight fanfic that follows the life of Chloe Cullen the twin sister of Nessie Cullen and Daughter... More

How can i live this way?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 3

1.4K 50 5
By BeautifulDisaster121

Emmet’s pov

I was kind of scared when she turned around to face me. I mean the only time she has to speak to me alone is when I’m yelled at but that’s another story

“I’m not in trouble am I? Because I have no idea what I have done” hey I still gotta ask if I have done something wrong

Her face broke out into a smile

“I have decided to adopt” I nodded “are you okay with that?” she asked

“Of course” I yelled wrapping her up in a hug and spinning her around the kitchen

“When do we go pick em up and sign the papers?” I asked

“She is already asleep on our sofa and the papers you need to sign are on the coffee table back in the living room

I nodded

I didn’t see another child besides Chloe asleep on the sofa

“What’s the kids name then?” I asked.

“It’s Chloe you potato” she said giggling

“Oh I’m a potato now?” I asked slightly amused by what she called me

“Better than meat head” she pointed out

Yes it was better than meant head. Edward used to call it me when I was training to get me angry so I would fight better

“Ha ha ha you’re so funny” I replied picking up the adoption forms and sitting next to Rosalie so I could fill them out

Time to do a load of signing papers. I hate writing, it takes too long.

-------------------------Chloe pov--------------------------------------

I opened my eyes to see eyes on me

“What’s your problem people?” I snapped. I’m not a person to talk to after a nap apparently

“You look like you are now fourteen” Ros- I mean mom said astonished

“Yeah, you guys know I age fast” I said as if it was the most obvious thing

“Yes we know that but Nessie look as if she is ten maybe eleven” Emm- do I call him dad now? Well Dad said

“Oh” I said

I didn’t know what to say. It could just be one of those things like a growth spurt? I think that’s what it is called anyway

“Well if it isn’t affecting her than it’s something we don’t need to worry about” Aunt Alice said sitting in the arm chair opposite us

I turned to Seth who was just looking at me “I look only two years younger now” I said smiling, but then I turned to mom “Can I start going out to places?” I asked

“Only if you hunt first” she said

“Can I go hunting now?” I asked excitedly

“That’s my girl” Dad said with a proud look in his eye

“Daddy will you take me?” I asked giving him the puppy dog look

“Yes, now come on then. Now or never right” he said grinning like a maniac

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to my feet

“I must look so damn hot right now, bed hair, crinkled clothes, one sock?” I said the last one as a question because I seriously had no idea where my other sock had gone

“Well no one is going to see you now are they” Dad said rolling his eyes at me

“LETS GO SLOMO” I yelled racing past him and out the door

I could feel him catching up to me but I pushed myself to go faster and jump the lake. I landed on the other side miles from where dad was. I grinned and climbed down the half broken tree I actually landed in

“Alright now, Chloe, I want you to try on your own, see if you’re a natural predator” I nodded feeling the adrenaline start

I sniffed the air deeply and caught onto a scent, I raced towards the finish to see my prize, and there it stood the biggest bear I had ever seen (that’s because I have never seen a bear though)

I heard chuckling behind me and I knew it was dad thinking I couldn’t take the bear down. But I will show him.

I stood in front of it trying to grab its attention which worked if you stand in front of it waving your arms in the air screaming noodle hair at it. It turned around for some reason allowing me to jump on its back and snap its neck easily. I quickly drained it dry and looked at dad who had his mouth hanging open

“Dad you’re going to attract flies” I teased him “I am gonna go home so see you in a bit” I said standing on my tip toes and kissed his cheek

I ran all the way home and right into Seth’s Lap “Heyya” I said smiling

He smiled back and closed his arms around me, I leaned into him and played with our intertwined fingers

“Seth let us up a sec I need to go pee” I said attempting to get up. But he pulled me back

“Nope” he said flashing he gorgeous smile at me

“Pretty please” I said

“Hmm...................Let me” he said finding this amusing

“Pretty please with I will buy you and ice cream on top” I begged needing to pee even more

“No can do Little Miss” he said settling back into the sofa finding this all to amusing

“Seth please or I will pee on your lap” I threatened

“You gotta go that bad?” he asked surprised in which I just nodded to

I could hear Alice laughing behind me. She probably saw what I was going to do when I had the time

“Chloe you can’t do that because he has a bike not a car” Alice said stifling her giggles

Damn, I was gonna paint his car pink with sequins and girly stuff for not letting me go pee which I must say is hard to do when you’re about a day old

I quickly ran to the toilet and did my business, I looked in the mirror and saw I looked a mess but luckily didn’t have mush blood on my clothes or any round my face that would have been embarrassing

I ran to my room Alice had showed me while I had been waiting for Bella and Edward to get back. I saw the clothes in the closet which had been left open and I raided it for a nice pair of white ripped jeans, Black top with writing on saying ‘I Bite so beware’ and a pair of black ankle boots. i grabbed my brush of my dressing table and brushed through my hair. I smiled at the girl in the mirror thinking she looked so pretty. I ran down the stairs and once again ended in Seth’s embrace but this time there was more people in the room

Bella, Edward, Nessie, Jacob, Dad and Jasper had arrived

Mom and Alice where talking quietly at the door away from everyone although we could all hear what was being said if we were nosy little buggers

 Bella didn’t take any notice of my arrival which I was grateful for but Nessie saw me straight away and pulled me into a hug

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages” she said letting me go

“Well I have slept, Hunted, Peed and got changed since I last saw you” I said smiling and snuggling into Seth’s side as he put an arm around me

But then she realised something “why do you look older than me?” she asked

I just shrugged because I didn’t know either

“Well that isn’t fair, I should look older because I am older” she said stubbornly

“Ness, it don’t matter because I will stop aging when I look sixteen which should be tomorrow and when you stop we will look the same age again” I said making it sound as if it was no big deal

“Yeah I suppose” she said sighing and sitting on Jacobs lap, she only looked eleven maybe twelve now

I looked at the clock and it was like six thirty. Time flies when you’re sleeping most of the day away.

The guys stayed until it was eight and Mom had told them we needed sleep because she was taking me out and Bella made and excuse of going shopping with Alice. I kissed Seth on the cheek and told him I would see him as soon as possible which made him smile

“I will take you to the beach one day to meet my pack properly. I promise they are all cute a cuddly when you get to know them” he promised before he ran off into the woods. Maybe I was just over reacting thinking they are big scary people who can turn into a giant dog the size of a horse.

I wish he didn’t have to go but Mom would have chucked him out. And she did threaten them with that

“Night mom, night dad, night everyone else” I said kind of sleepily

There was a chorus of ‘good nights’, ‘night’ and ‘Nessie off to bed’ which I laughed at slightly under my breath

I reached my room and changed into a belly top and shorts pining my hair up in a high pony

I lay down and I put my head phones in. Jason Derulo talk dirty to me was on first and I fell asleep half way through the song


I was running through the woods that surrounded the house. I must have been lost as I couldn’t find my way back to safety

I was running near a main road as I could hear cars zooming past or was it my imagination?

The tree’s leaves rustled as I flew past them trying to get as far away as possible to the thing or things chasing me

I could feel them closing in on me

I was trapped

No way to escape

I turned around to see what I was running from when I fell. I must have fallen over a rock or tree root. It was too late to get up; the things chasing me had closed in.

They started clawing at my clothes and skin laughing while they inflicted me pain that was so unbearable it felt as if the scratches where burning.

But in those few moments when my eyes where open and I screamed for someone or anyone to help me, I knew the faces of my attacker.

And that scared me more than anything


alright I hoped you enjoyed this chapter

sorry for the poor cliff hanger there

but comment, vote, fan

Chloe xx

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