How To Love..... (Niall Horan...

By OneDirectionMINDLESS

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Maya King Hates Life, Boys, And LOVE.... After Her Mother Died Things Go Downhill For Her Family, But Will Ma... More

The Love Of My Life..... (Niall Horan Love Story)
And Here We Meet.
The Hospital
Maybe Everything Is Gonna Be Okay...
All boys are the same.
There's Always A Second Chance.
Life is good..
The Kiss..(;
Morning !
Ready Or Not Hear I Go
Reservation For 10 Please ...
Remember ..
Lets Move On ... Or Not.
Im Free ... Or Not.
How to Love
Nice To Meet You, My Name Is Andrew Cunningham
Something's Wrong ...

Your Dirty Little Secret.

47 1 0
By OneDirectionMINDLESS

HEYYYY GUYSSS !!! So I Hope You Read The Last Chapter !! Is It Good? Did You Like It? I HOPPPEEEEE SOOOOO, So I Made A Huge Mistake... Remember in Chapter 13 or 14 I think.. When I Said Maya Broke Her Phone && Then In Last Chapter She Was Texting Renee SOWWWIEEEE I FORGOT :( :( :( Lol, But Yea It was Meant To Be That she has two phones and just activated this one. Lol Sorry Guys, But Enjoy This !!

*******************************************Maya's POV******************************************************

The girls and I were having so much fun. After we ordered the pizza and danced to music and just hung out doing girl things like each others hair and nails, we noticed the time. It was a quarter to 6 and the boys radio interview started at 7:30 so we all realized that we had to start getting ready.

I decided to text Niall to see if everything was good ...

TEXT TO Nialler <3 From Maya.

Me: Hey Babe, I was just seeing if everything is good. The girls and I are getting ready, I haven't seen you in like 5 whole hours, I miss your face already :( Lol cant wait to see you babe, and good luck on your radio interview, I will be back stage cheering you on !

-Your Annoying, Yet AMAZING Girlfriend, M.

I sent the text to him, hoping the last part would make him smile a little. I was about to put my phone away when it beeped.

TEXT FROM Nialler <3 To Maya.

Nialler: HEY SWEETNESS <3 Everything is great now ! And good, tell the girls I said dont mess with you or I will hurt them lol ! I miss you too baby, and MAYA LOL ITS JUST AN INTERVIEW !! With a host and a stage lol, not a radio show okayyy !! So look your best, if thats even possible you ALWAYS look beautiful lol I will see you soon love <3

-Your Pain In The Ass, But CHARMING Boyfriend N.

I blushed as I read the text message. Something about that boy always made me feel all tingly inside ... I dont know... Was I falling hard for him?

"MAYA !!!" My thoughts were inturrputed as four girls came barging into my room.

"OH MY GOSH GUYS !! You almost scared me half to death !" They giggled a little.

"Well, since all of us came in our Pj's we forgot to bring dressy clothes so we have nothing to wear ... we were wondering if you had anything we could borrow.." Eleanor explained.

I looked at all of there hopful faces and busted out laughing.

"Of course of course guys, go ahead you can go shopping in my closet"


We were set. All of us looked beautiful.

Danny had on long black skinny slacks with a roomy white blouse and black wedges and her hair was all straight.

Eleanor had on a short red skirt to show off her beautiful long legs, with a simple tan blouse and a red cardigan on and some pumps. Her hair was wavy with her bangs swooped to the side.

Renee had on a black dress with a skinny red belt and some Red bottoms and her hair was in tight wanded up curls, thanks to Danielle.

Perrie was wearing a simple skirt with a little flair and a tank top with a grey cardigan over it. Her hair was completly straight with one braid running down the side of it. She looked beautiful.

Finally I had on a simple blue dress that stopped just below my knees. I wore little heels with a throw over my shoulders my hair was done up by Perrie into a tight bun with loose yet tight curls in front of my face.

I had to say we outdid ourselves. We all looked like supermodels.

It was around 7:15 when we left. The venue was only about five minutes away so we hopped into the limo and went on with our way.

****************************************Renee's POV **************************************************

As we got into the limo somthing didn't feel right. I felt .. like someone was watching me. I couldnt help but shake this feeling. The girls were talking about the boys and silly things they do with each other. I tried to stay engaged with the conversation but I just couldnt, suddenly my phone beeped.

My heart sank in when I pulled my phone out, I knew who it was, I knew this was the feeling I was dreading.


Andrew: Oooo, you look beautiful tonight hun, your friends do too <3 where you going without me?

I couldnt believe my eyes, my heart sank in just a little more. How did he know where I was or who I was with? I didn't understand ... he had to be making it up .. He was miles away from me .. at college, I know he didn't come back...

He couldnt have ... Right?

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called.

"Ren?" I broke my trance.

"Uh, yea?" I said trying to play it off when I noticed all eyes on me.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" El stated.

"Oh, Im sorry ... I just think ... Uh ... Umm , That Im getting my period that's all" I lied as the girls started to smile.

It seemed as though they believed , me so I smiled along with them. "Yea sorry about that"

They all laughed but Maya didnt seem to find anything funny. She just looked at me ... but it wasnt just any look ..

**************************************MAYA'S POV********************************************************

Something was going on with Renee, no one else knew but I did. Shes my best friend, I know her.

She had everyone fooled with that stupid period lie, but I saw right through it. She was lying ...

But about what?

I tried to rack my brain for clues then it struck me. Everytime her phone beeped it seemed as though her heart would stop for just one minute. I thought about all the times ..

I thought back to the first night everyone stayed at my house, after she stormed into my room looking for something.

It had to be her phone because when she found it the look on her face showed worry and regret ... but what about?

I then thought back to the night we played hide and seek ... Harry was yelling at her, I only heard the ending but from what I understood someone was texting her and Harry didnt like it ..

Then earlier today when Ren came over her phone rang and her face went pale. She had to leave the room to answer the call ... which never happened.

Then there was now, when her phone beeped.

Was someone bullying her? I couldn't understand what the hell was going on with her.

It couldnt be a bully because she would tell me about that ... And even if it was a bully, why would Harry yell at her for that? It made no sense ..

Then i remembered. Earlier when we started to become bestfriends she told me about a boy ... Her boyfriend .. Andrew I think was his name.

She told me that he was in college, and that she didn't want to be with him ... But then why would she stay with him?

She probably broke up with him .. but he didn't want to end things so thats why he constantly texts her. That had to be it...

Thats why Harry was mad ...

But why wouldn't she tell me... I was going to get to the bottom of this, no matter what got in my way, I was going to find out what the hell was scaring the hell out of this girl.

About a minute later we approached the venue.

As all of us got out of the limo I pulled Ren to the side.

"Renee, what the hell is up" I whispered to her.

"What are you talking about ?" She asked confused.

"Theres something wrong with you, I know it !" I got louder.

"No, im fine ... I promise Maya if there was anything I would tell you first. you know that" she explained.

"But-" I started but was inturrptted.

"But what, everything is perfect" She genuienly smiled and gently walked past me through the doors of the Alan Carr studio.


Everything was going great, me and the girls were sitting back stage having a great time laughing at Alan Carr he was halirious, the boys were having such an amazing time I was so relaxed in that moment.

Things were actually going perfect and Renee actually looked happy.

"Okay boys now lets get serious.." Alan said as everyone was calming down. "Is anyone in the group single"

All the boys looked around, no hands went up and there was a huge gasp throughout the auidence.

'Well well well ... I think you boys have some explaining to do" he laughed, "lets start with Zayn shall we?"

"Well, as you all know, Im in love ... Me and Perrie have been together for a while and I really love her .." He stood up. "Everybody can you please give it up for my beautiful girlfriend Perrie Edwards !"

Everyone cheered and clapped as Perrie got up and left us back stage.

She walked onto the stage and looked beautiful alongside Zayn.

"You two are beautiful together, what about you Louis?"

"Everyone knows about my little pumpkin pie, El can you come out?" He stood up as she walked onto the stage and everyone clapped for her.

"Liam?" Alan asked.

"Do I even need too? Everybody you know her .. the love of my life .. Danny where are you?" She strutted out on the stage and jumped into Liam's arms, they were an absoutly amazing couple.

"Oooo, what about you Harold?"

"You guys never met her, but shes my girl ... Everybody clap it up for the Beautiful Renee" He shouted as people cheered from the auidence.

"Last but not least .. Nialler, whose the lucky lady?"

"The Lucky Lady? No, Im the lucky one, I met her at the perfect time and each day I fall more and more for this girl .. Shes beautiful, talented, amazing, ANNOYING, funny and the most down to earth girl I've ever met in my whole entire life ... Everybody .. Please give a round of applause for ... the girl I love, Maya King ..." He stood up, not even waiting for me to enter the stage. He grabbed my hand and led me out as everyone began clapping.

I couldnt believe it. Did he say that he loved me? I must not have heard right. And as everyone continued clapping, including the boys and girls Niall cupped my chin and brought my face closer to his and planted a soft kiss on my lips ...

"I love you so much" He whispered.

"I love you more Nialler" I replied throwing my hands around his neck and giving him a proper kiss, this was A night I would never forget.


"Me and the girls were sitting on the floor just talking when the boys barged into the room.

They had to finish one last question with their interview so we decided to just wait in their dressing room.

I was so happy ... Niall Horan Loved ME ! Out of all the girls in the world, he loved me .. Maya King.

I blushed a little just thinking about it and when he came in I just jumped into his arms.

"Niall !!" He picked me up and spun me around.

"My love !"

After he put me down I just held him for a second.

"I love you so much Niall" I kissed him as everyone in the room clapped.

"I told ya mate !! He loves you" Louis shouted.

I couldn't stop now, my face was full on red.

"And it was obvious that you loved him back. We all knew it .. Appreantly except you and Nialler" Liam laughed.

This night was becoming more and more amazing.

"How about we all go out for a bite to eat" Perrie smiled as she clung to Zayn's arm.

That sounded like a great idea. We all agreed and about 10 minutes later we were all headed for the exit.

************************************RENEES POV*********************************************

We all decided that getting something to eat was a plan. Everything was going great. Harry was happy, I was happy, everyone was happy .. Nothing could ever ruin this.

We were all walking towards the exit when I noticed that my purse wasnt slung around my shoulder.

"Shit" I whispered and everyone turned around.

"What's wrong love?" Harry asked concerned.

"I just forgot my purse, nothing big, you guys go ahead .. I will be out in a minute." I started to head towards the dressing rooms.

"Im comming with you babe." Harry said following behind me.

"Its okay love, I got it" I kissed him on the cheek and hurried to the rooms as everybody made their way towards the car.

I was alone now. It was kind of dark. No ... it was really dark. I began to get scared, maybe Harry should've came with me.

It was kind of chilly, I thought to myself. I wish I had brought my jacket.

When I reached the dressing room, I looked around.

Where the hell was my purse? I needed it, my life was in that thing.

After searching for about ten minutes, I realized that It obviously wasnt in the room, maybe I dropped it somewhere.

I decided to step out into the hallway to look for it.

It wasn't there.

"What the hell" I mumbled.

"Looking for this ... sexy?" A familiar voice filled my ears. I couldn't turn around because I already knew who it was.

"Andrew ..." I slowly turned around.

"Thats my name babe" He smiled ... His smile sent shivers all through my spine.

"Can I have my purse?" I asked quietly, my face a pitiful red.

"Ya know .. For someone whose studying and tired .. You seem pretty busy" He smiled again.

"I-" He cut me off with his laughter.

"Your one son of a bitch ya know" He stepped closer to me while I croucthed down.

"I just came with my friends to see a stupid interview .. Thats all Andrew .."

"Ha, thats all My dear? Your full of shit .." He began to circle me.

"Andrew I-"

His smile drew down on me.

"I was thinking about all the cool relationship stuff we could do together ya know, since im on vacation and stuff .. But you just ruined that ... Now, your going to go by my rules"

His obnixous laughter filled the hall.

"Andrew I wont ever do what you say, never again !!" I shouted proud of my self for fighting back.

The smile of his face faded slowly. His head tilted to one side, and fire arose in his eyes.

He grabbed my arm, making me shriek a little. He looked me in my eyes and with such fury said ..

"You never had a choice, you will listen to me .. Or your friends will find out your dirty little secret."

I froze, right there in his arms..

I was terrified ..

"Show me the way out .. Your coming to my place."



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