Rethinking the Unthinkable (...

By Amandaaapandaa

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Rethinking the Unthinkable ( sequel to DTU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
I was thinking...
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 17

173 5 0
By Amandaaapandaa

Violet's Pov

 We were starring.

At each other.

Eyes locked for what seemed like forever.

Staring into his ocean blue eyes that had specks of grey in them while he stared into my brown orbs.

In silence....until I broke it.

"Are we going to have a staring contest or are you going to tell me who the hell Dawn is?", I questioned throwing my heels off my feet on to the ground hearing them collide into the stone floor, frustrated that I still can't get out of here or by the fact that I can't figure out what Dawn meant by wanting my sister dead in the future.

" Well, if you promise to be good and I take you out of here, into a real room. Would you?", he inquired raising an eye brow and looked at me. I hesitated before nodding my head at him and he smirked.

" Well, follow me.", he said and made his way to the wall allowing it to slide open with a simple touch, I still don't understand that. I followed him down a hallway with torches along the sides, the sound of our footsteps and the cracking of the torches was heard.

" Dawn is my aunt, she is also a hybrid." he stated and I raised an eyebrow even though his back was to me.

" What's a hybrid?", I asked.

" A hybrid is a creature of more than one supernatural being, angel mixed with a demon, human mixed with being an immortal or in my case vampire mixed with a werewolf. It's different with everyone and the powers are enhanced twice as much. That's why we were able to kidnap you so easily, my power is to teleport through solid objects to get to another place, my brother's power is different he has speed and strength plus he is a werewolf he can turn into the full animal it's self.", he said and I let all the information sink in. Right as I was going to say something, we reached a door and Seth opened it causing light to blind my eyes; I squinted trying to make my vision clear, when it did my mouth parted allowing a gasp to escape my lips. In front of me was a beautiful spiral stair case with electricity bolts on the top of the ceiling that was moving, my feet carried me to the steps and I sat on it while looking around putting my elbow on my knee and resting my head on my hand.

" I was in the basement?", I asked and Seth came in front of me.

" It is my house, we don't live in caves the basement has different parts to it, most of it's normal you were in the old part of the house.", he said and I looked at him. I raised an eye brow.

" What do you mean old part?"

" This house has been here for centuries, it belong to my mother back in the early century where people believed in witch craft and mythical creatures even more than now.", he stated and my eyes widen. If it's his mother's and father's then that means.

" Your immortal.", I whispered and he nodded his lips making a tight line. I was about to open my mouth to say something when my hearing caught something that made me stand up quickly. It was screaming.

" Rebecca!", I shouted and looked at Seth who looked at me and then at the door that was wide open.

" Violet don't-".

I didn't hear what he said I was already out the door in vampire speed and across the large space they had into the forest, I started to hear her breathing and she screamed again. I knew I was close but was suddenly tackled to the ground by great force knocking the breathe out of my lungs, I tried to regain my breathe but it suddenly hitched from what was in front of me.

A pool of Blood.

And in that pool was...... 

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