Secrets of The Dragon Riders...

By TheEarthMother

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This is Berk. Its gotten colder as the years have gone by, but we've all grown as a tribe. You see, three y... More

Secrets of the Dragon Riders (A HTTYD Fan-Fic)
Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Berk
Chapter 2 - Friends or Foe?
Chapter 3 - His Sister's Keeper
Chapter 4 - The Haddock Family
Chapter 5 - Mission:Love
Chapter 6 - Seeing Double
Chapter 7 - The Lady of the Lake
Chapter 8 - Walk A Mile In My Shoes
Chapter 9 - The Jorgenson Fury
Chapter 10 - A Million Dreams
Chapter 11 - Seeing the Light
Chapter 12 - Fixer Upper
Chapter 13 - Faces From The Past
Chapter 14 - Vision of the Future
Chapter 15 - The Quest
Chapter 16 - WÓ•lisc
Chapter 17 - The Holy Grail
Chapter 18 - Excalibur
Chapter 19 - One Day, In Time
Chapter 20 - Meet the Family
Chapter 21 - No Matter Where You Are
Q&A (plus Sneak Peek)
Chapter 22 - Mother Like Mine
Chapter 23 - A Pirate's Life For Me
Chapter 25 - Love Is A Complicated Thing
Trick or Treat (BONUS CHAPTER)
Chapter 26 - Valkyries of the North
Chapter 27 - Sherwood
Chapter 28 - The Walking Dead
Chapter 29 - Dance of the Druids
Chapter 30 - Briar and Rose
Chapter 31 - Mordred's Lullaby
Chapter 32 - At Your Command
Chapter 33 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 34 - Merlin
Chapter 35 - Stay Strong
Chapter 36 - A New Life
Chapter 37 - The Test
Chapter 38 - Journey to the Past
Chapter 39 - The Knights of the Round Table
Chapter 40 - War of the Archipelago
Chapter 41 - A Noble Sacrifice
Chapter 42 - A Noble Heart
Chapter 43 - The Once and Future King
Chapter 44 - Once There Were Dragons

Chapter 24 - Rotten to the Core

317 13 81
By TheEarthMother




I named Fishlegs's and the twin's parents because I figured they needed names, instead of them constantly being referred to as Mr and Mrs Ingerman/Thorston. 

- Fabiola and Cord Thorston

- Hannah and Gero Ingerman

So, if you see these names in the chapter (and the coming ones), you know who they are!

Also, here is a map of The Hebrides (the riders will be visiting it). It's an archipelago of 100 islands (give or take) on the West Coast of Scotland. 

Also, the language might be a bit offensive? It's nothing racist but rather derogatory. 

Alright, on with the chapter!




There was mist all around.

I looked down and saw I was wearing a white dress as a strong wind blew.

It had recently rained and I looked around as the mist faded reveal the plaza.

Everyone was in mourning – and I noticed all of the Berkians were present.


She never went to funerals.

I saw the riders were holding bows and arrows and a fire was burning.

And I saw...Hiccup – tears in his eyes.

He was staring at the bow in his hands as his mother placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked at her as a pray was read.

"May Frigga welcome you and lead you through the fields of for your strength in battle to the end. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise and know that you're at peace after days of struggle. For a great Queen has fallen: A warrior. A daughter. A mother. A friend..."

A Queen?

Hiccup raised his bow and flaming arrow and fired it at the ship that was drifting away as the others followed suit, the ship catching on fire as the Berkians sobbed and prayed.

"Where's Mama?" Eira's voice made my heart ache as I heard it.

My beautiful baby girl; she was picked up by her father and I watched as Hiccup broke down, comforting Eira as tears streamed from his face.

"But...I'm alive!" I cried out. "I'm here! I'm alive!" I reached out for my husband and daughter, but then saw the red on my hands.


My blood.

I looked down at my white dress and saw I was covered in blood.

It was all over my abdomen my legs and it centred at the join of my legs.

My eyes flew to the flaming ship and it was scorching.

And there was my body, my hands clasped over my abdomen as I wore the Queen's regalia.

And under the crook of arm, peaceful and still, was a baby – my baby.

It then hit me.

It had happened.

I had died giving birth.


I sat up, panting heavy as Hiccup jumped up next to me.

"Hey..." He grabbed my face and tried to calm me down as my breathing was shaky and erratic. "It was just a dream...just a dream..." He assured me, before I broke down and he pulled me into his chest. was a nightmare.

A nightmare that was going to come true.


I struggled to sleep after waking up again that I got up before the crack of down.

I bathed and took Stormfly for a quick spin as I tried to take the thoughts out of my head.

But it was hopeless.

I had to find a way to change this fate of mine before it did happen.

Hiccup wanted another child and I wanted to give that to him – but I can't do it when I'm knocking on death's door.

I had to find a way to save myself.

By the time I returned to Berk, the villagers were awake and I entered the Great Hall to see Hiccup and Eira were eating breakfast together.

Okay...rephrasing that.

Hiccup was eating.

Eira was making a mess.

I walked over to them, a smile on my face as I greeted my daughter and my husband, sitting next to him.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded, as I cleaned Eira's face and began to feed her.

"I'm okay."

"And last night?" He questioned and I shrugged my shoulders. "'s the third night in a row. Are you sure you're okay?"

I smiled, looking at him. "I'm okay...." I assured him. "It's just...bad thoughts. Everything is going well...we're all happy and I can't help but feel it's Annelise playing tricks on us."

He squeezed my hand and I smiled. "This is real..." He whispered into my ear and I thanked him, before kissing him passionately.

The riders joined us eventually, minus Eret and Heather, as we all enjoyed breakfast.

A pile of broken wood was tossed on the table before us and we jumped, looking up at Eret.

"What is this?" Hiccup asked.

"This..." Eret gestured to the wood pile. "Is what is left of my bed after it broke this morning."

Hiccup and I looked at each other. "How do you break a bed?"

Eret opened his mouth to speak as Snotlout groaned. "How do you think you break a bed?"

A slap came to the back of Snotlout's head, that he fell forward, his face landing in to his bowl of soup.

"It didn't break like that..." Heather stated, after she had snuck up on us. "Skullcrusher decided to join us in bed this morning."

"Let me need another bed?" Hiccup asked as Eret glared at him.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor!"

I pulled a face. " can take a few days for a new bed to be made. You're going to have to sleep on the floor until then."

"And we don't actually have enough wood for you to use..." Fishlegs added.

Eret nodded. "No problem there. We'll go to Caledonia and get some of the strongest wood I've ever come across. It's called Druid wood and that stuff can withstand even five dragons and it's what I used to use as decking for my ship..." He sighed as Heather looked at him, her head titled.

"Did you steal it or buy it?"

He looked at her, pulling a face. "Do you really want to know the answer to that?"

Hiccup was stroking his chin. "If this wood is that good, maybe we could do with some?"

"I'll gladly take you there!" Eret said as I raised my hand suddenly.

"Can you buy the wood instead of stealing it, please?"

Heather looked at her husband who nodded. "Fine..."

"Good! We'll go..." Hiccup stood up. "Fishlegs and Snotlout, you two are coming as well. The rest of you can hold the fort."

"What about me?" Tuffnut cried. "Why do I have to babysit the girls?"

Bread, corn and spoons flew in his direction as Hiccup pulled a face. "Maybe to work on your people skills?"

I stood up with my husband and turned to him. "The sooner you go, the sooner you return." I touched his face. "I'll take care of things while you are gone...I promise."

He kissed me gently, thanking me before he threw back his breakfast, grabbed Snotlout and Fishlegs by the elbows and dragged them out of the Great Hall, their dragons following as well as Eret.

Heather looked at me and sat down as I sighed. "You alright?" She asked and I looked at her and the others, minus Tuffnut who had wandered off.

"No..." I shook my head, looking at my daughter, before turning back to them. "I have a serious problem."

They looked at each other, concerned. "What kind of problem?" Ada asked. They all looked at me and I knew this was it – it was confession time.


After explaining my reoccurring dream/nightmare to the girls, I saw the fear and devastation that filled their faces. They were concerned.

Heather stood at the window of my bedroom, looking out with her arms crossed. Ada and Ruffnut were on the bed, grasping the bedposts and I played with my hands on a rocking chair.

"You need to tell Hiccup..." It was all Heather said, without even looking at me. Ada and Ruffnut agreed with her, nodding their heads and I sighed.

"Not yet..."

"Astrid!" They cried, making me jump. "You can't keep delaying this!" Ada added.

"You told me..." Ruffnut pointed out. "How do you think Hiccup is going to feel when we knew and he didn't?" She gestured to them all and I looked at Heather.

"Astrid..." She came over to me. "I know you are scared, but you have to think about this. This dream can mean that this is going to happen sooner then you expect. Hiccup wants another baby and you are willingly allowing for it to happen, knowing the consequences!"

"I might not die..." I pointed out and Heather groaned. "My mother did say there's a chance."

"A high chance?" Ada added. "You have more of a chance of dying during childbirth than surviving."

"And... your child might not survive either..." Ruffnut continued.

"Look!" I stood up. "I can't tell him yet. I have to find a way to stop this from happening."

"How?" Heather questioned.

"I don't know yet..." I mumbled as they came over to me. "Girls...please don't say anything. I want to try something – anything!" I marched over to the window and looked out towards the library and archives building. "There's got to be something in there..." I mumbled to myself. "Fishlegs has gone with the others so I have a chance to go in there and not draw attention to anything."

"But what if there is nothing there?" Ada asked gently and I shook my head.

"There has to be something..."


After sending Tuffnut on a wild goose chase around the island, the girls and I began tearing the library and archives upside down, trying to find anything that would delay or possibly stop my impending doom.

We had to be quick, to not draw attention to ourselves and also before Tuffnut returned.

Books were piled up and high around us as we flicked through old books and scripts, shuffling papers and unravelling scrolls – something here would help me.

"Why can't you just use your magic?" Ada asked suddenly, frustrated over the amount of work and lack of information.

"There is always a price to pay for using magic for personal gains..." I replied as I flicked through another book. Still nothing.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Ruffnut questioned as she skimmed a scroll as I sighed.

"Anything that can help..." I looked at the pile of literature that was left to go through.

We had gone through quite a lot but still a large amount left.

Heather had been quiet as she read a book. Her eyes went wide as she jumped up from her make-shift throne from the book piles. "I have something!"

The open book was placed on the table before us and I read the title of the page. "Heart's Desire?" I frowned, shaking my head. "No magic...Heather."

"It's not magic!" She replied, before tilting her head. "Well...not fully..." She pointed to the page. "It states a loophole in the whole 'personal gain' rule..." She ran her fingers across a line. "No magic laws state that magic can't be use for personal gain if it is the wish of other people."

"Meaning...if we want it, it can be done!" Ada explained and Heather nodded.

I crossed my arms. "I don't know. What does the solution do?" I gestured to the recipe and she pointed out the words.

"It says it needs to be given by the wishers to the recipient. Whatever the wishers want, will happen. If they want the recipient to die, they will. If they want the recipient to live, they will. It has to be what we want..." Heather gestured to herself and Ada and Ruffnut. "As you are not using the magic bypasses the 'personal gain' rule!"

I had never been more elated before.

I hugged all three of them quickly and they giggled as I thanked them over and over again.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves..." Ada remarked as we pulled away. "We still don't know what the ingredients are and we might need to go on a little scavenger hunt."

We all turned back to the book and made a list. "Fennel, clary sage, marjoram, lavender, yarrow and jasmine..." Ada jotted down the ingredients as we all made mental notes on wher we could find them.

"I know for sure there is clary sage, marjoram and lavender at the medicinal hut..." I replied and they nodded.

"That leaves Fennel, yarrow and jasmine..."

"Jasmine doesn't grow on Berk or anywhere in the north. It grows in the south...furthest I've seen it is the Iberian Peninsula..." Heather explained. "Do you think Trader Johann might have some?"

I nodded. "He has everything, so it's worth a shot..." I shrugged my shoulders. "He should be on the Outcast Isles."

"Fennel and yarrow both grow on Berk..." Ruffnut replied. "I think near to Sif's Springs."

"Okay...Ada and I will go find Johann..." Heather exclaimed. "Mainly because you can't fly without your brother and you have to stay on Berk as Queen..." Heather pointed to both Ruffnut and I, in turn and we both grumbled. "You two find the yarrow and fennel and check for the other ingredients."

We all nodded and dispersed, but Ruffnut stopped us. "We need to clean the library first..."

"Good idea..." Ada stated. After keeping our book to the side, we prepared to return the library back to normal...

Well as normal as possible because of the amount of mess we had made.

Here's praying that Fishlegs didn't murder us.


As midday came, Astrid had the fennel and Ruffnut was searching for the yarrow.

In the medicinal hut, Astrid collected the other ingredients and began preparing the mixture, as Ruffnut returned, adding the yarrow as Ada and Heather returned too, with the jasmine having traded some runes with Trader Johann. 

The sprigs were added to the bubbling cauldron as they mixed it up and waited for the outcome.

"It has to turn a pale yellow..." Heather said, reading from the book as they waited for the colour to change.

Eventually it did, and they peered over the cauldron, it was bubbling – but began to darken.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Ruffnut asked as Astrid frowned. She glanced at the book and shook her head.

"It says it's supposed to stay pale yellow..." She explained. "It has to remain bubbling for a while."

"So...why has it gone black?" Heather asked and they all peered over the cauldron again.

A giant bubble appeared, covering the entire circumference of the cauldron before it exploded.

And everything went dark.


Tuffnut returned to the plaza after being sent out on foot to search for a blue flower with red thorns.

It hit him after he had reached the farthest end of the island – that Berk did not have any blue flowers with red thorns.

Cursing under his breath, he marched straight back to the plaza to give his sister and Adelheid a piece of his mind, heading for the Great Hall.

But they were no-where to be seen.

He walked over to Gobber. "Have you seen the girls?" He questioned but Gobber shook his head, scanning the hall.

"No. Come to think of it, I haven't seen them since Hiccup left!"

Now...Tuffnut was suspicious. He noticed the dragons were still present so they couldn't have left the island.

Which means they were here somewhere – but where?

And what were they up to?


In the medicinal hut, the girls had passed out.

But they slowly awoke...and something had changed in all of them.

"What happened?" Ruffnut groaned as Ada scoffed.

"And we're supposed to know how?" She snapped. "We passed out too!"

Ruffnut frowned, looking at her as she leaned on the table. "I was only asking..."

"Well...don't..." Ada growled as Ruffnut looked at Astrid and Heather.

"Anyone else feel..." Heather's voice had become sultry – deep and seductive. Astrid stood tall, her hands on her tiny waist. "I feel...liberated!" Heather ran her hands up and down her body, caressing herself as Ruffnut laughed.

"I feel...mischievous..."

Ada grumbled. "I feel angry..."

Astrid stood tall. Her lips were pursed as she looked at her reflection in a vase of water. "I feel...powerful." She clasped her hands, looking at her fists. "I don't know what happened...but I like it." She turned to the girls.

"It feels...amazing!" Ruffnut cheered as Ada rolled her eyes.

"Your cheeriness makes me feel sick..." She fake gagged as Ruffnut pouted.

"I can't help it..." Ruffnut tapped her fingers together. "I have a do something...mischievous!"

"If you pull a prank...I will hurt you!" Ada threatened as Ruffnut shrugged her shoulders, skipping out of the hut.

Heather flicked her hair and looked at her appearance. She fixed her clothes, trying to make herself look irresistible. "I need attention..." She said, before facing the girls. "Male attention." She winked at them and left the hut as Ada cracked her knuckles.

"I need to hurt something...or someone..." She cracked her neck, and left the hut too.

Astrid stood tall, her eyes falling on the window's reflection. The shelves filled with bottles, phials and jars behind her, gave an illusion in the reflection as if a large, bejewelled crown sat on Astrid's head.

She put her hands on her hips and smirked. "I need...power."


Ruffnut remained hidden behind some barrels as she waited for a culprit.

She had set up the perfect prank for whoever entered the food store.

And she waited patiently for someone to come over.

"Ruff?" Tuff squinted his eyes, seeing his sister hiding. He walked over to her and was about to speak but she grabbed his arm and pulled him down to hide. "What are"

"Watch!" She grabbed his face and made him look towards the food store. He frowned, seeing nothing.

That was...until Mulch and Bucket appeared, carrying several baskets filled with fish. They were oblivious, heading straight for the food hut and Ruffnut bit her lip to stop her excitement.

As they pushed the doors open, a giant wooden beam, swung down from inside out, knocking Mulch and Bucket off their feet and sending them flying and skidding across the plaza. The fish they had spent the early morning up until midday catching was scattered all over the plaza – the floor and the buildings – as dragons swooped in and helped themselves to an early dinner.

Ruffnut jumped up, cheering and laughing as people looked at her shocked as well as the mess that was left behind.

"Ruff! This isn't funny!" Tuff cried, looking at his sister in shock. "We needed that fish!"

"Just get some more..." She slapped his arm. "Because that..." She gestured to the mess in the plaza. "Was so worth it!"

Tuffnut looked at her and he saw her eyes flash red, before she turned on her heel and skipped away, planning her next prank.

Tuffnut frowned, as he looked at the villagers in the plaza.

What was up with her?

Sven's screams suddenly came from his farm and Tuffnut ran over.

His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open when he saw several sheep on fire and Ada standing in the centre of the farm, firing flaming arrows.

Grabbing a bucket of water, Tuffnut dosed the sheep. "What are you doing?" She snapped, suddenly aiming an arrow at Tuff, who threw his hands up in defence.

"Me? What are you doing?" He cried. "You're setting fire to sheep!"

"I'm hunting..." She replied.

"People hunt wild animals...not domesticated ones!" He fired back as Ada frowned, preparing to release the arrow.

Water was suddenly thrown on her and Tuffnut ducked as the arrow flew past him, piercing a tree.

Ada screamed, turning to Sven who instantly regretted his decision as he threw the wooden bucket behind him. "Are you insane?"

"I'm sorry! I panicked!" He cried as Ada removed another arrow and pointed it at him.

"I am the most accurate archer in all of Albion!" She released an arrow and Sven jumped out of the way as she fired a few more arrows at him.

"Ada, stop it!" Tuff grabbed her and she held an arrow at his neck. Tuff removed his dagger and put it at her neck as she glared at him. He pushed her back and her mouth fell open.

"You dare push me?" She screamed. "Do you know who I am?"

Tuff frowned. "You're Adelheid Stefan...the Chief's sister."

"Exactly! You can't lay a hand on me! I'm a princess!" She scoffed.

"What?" He shook his head. " hate the princess title!"

She laughed. "You don't know me..."

"Uhm...yes...I do..."

Ada threw another arrow at him. Tuffnut kicked up the bucket dropped by Sven and held it up, the arrow piercing the base of it, the point firing straight through and stopping only a few inches from Tuffnut's face. "A few kisses here and there don't mean you know anything about me."

She turned on her heel and left the farm as Tuffnut dropped the bucket.

Sven was looking at him in shock. "You? And her?"

"Not a word..." Tuff didn't look at him as he pointed at him. "To anyone!"

Sven shrugged his shoulders, turning to his sheep. He cried and cooed at them as Tuffnut scratched his head.

What the hell was going on?


Tuffnut walked into the Great Hall and sighed, seeing no-one else was around.

With his own work to do, he sat down at a table and quietly got on with it as Barf and Belch slept near to the large fire.

The doors of the Great Hall opened and shut firmly behind as someone walked over to Tuffnut. Barf and Belch weren't bothered so Tuffnut had no reason to be.

Heather sat opposite him, smiling. "Why are you in here all alone?" She asked, gently as he sighed, not looking at her.

"Because I have thing to do and while Ruffnut and Ada seem to be having identity crises...I figured I had my own crises to deal with..." He gave her a smile, gesturing to the papers before him.

"You just need to relax..." She said, her voice dropping slightly as Tuffnut scoffed, reading a trade log.

"Believe me...I am trying..."

Her finger came to his lips and he frowned, looking down at her hand than glancing at her. "You talk too much..."

"I barely said anything..." He mumbled against her finger and she bit her lip. She climbed onto the table and Tuffnut shuffled backwards, falling from the bench. "What are you doing?" He cried as she jumped down to him, straddling him, but she was surprisingly very strong.

"Having a little fun..." She winked at him and kissed him and Tuffnut yelped, throwing her off of him as he jumped up and ran to the opposite end of the table, his hand raised to push her away if she came to close.

"You're married! To Eret! Do you remember him? The moody, hot-headed, pirate?" He asked and Heather scoffed.

"He has his fun...I have mine..." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her, kissing him again and he pushed her away, leaping to the opposite side of the table.

"No! No! Whatever problems you and Eret are having, I really do not want to get involved! Eret is scary when he's mad...and he's going to be beyond mad when he finds out about this!"

Heather groaned. "Oh...quit your yapping! He'll never know..." She grabbed him again and kissed him, her hands on his face.

As soon as her lips touched his, the doors of the Great Hall opened.

"Tuffnut!" His mother shrieked and he pushed Heather away suddenly.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Tuffnut cried.

"I'll see you tonight..." Heather winked at him and walked away, just as Mrs Thorston, Freda, Valka, Isolde and Gobber walked over.

"Tuffnut Egon Thorston!" Fabiola cried. "I raised you better than to make a move on a married woman!" She slapped her son over the head several times.

"It wasn't me! It was her!"

"Why would she kiss you?" Gobber asked. "She went to Helheim and back to be with why would she kiss her?"

"I have no idea!" Tuffnut sighed. "She's not the only one that is acting...weird."

"What do you mean?" Valka asked.

"Well..." Tuffnut ran a hand through his hair. "Ruffnut pulled a prank on Bucket and Mulch which caused them to lose buckets and baskets full of fish."

"That was Ruffnut?" Gobber crossed his arms and Tuff nodded.

"I was surprised too. I mean, we both use to pull pranks when we were younger but that's all in the past..." He explained. "But it's not just her. Adelheid was on a rampage on Sven's farm."

"Meaning?" Valka pushed for him to continue.

"She was burning wool and target practising and even tried to kill Sven..."

They gasped. "Why?"

"I don't know!" Tuffnut protested. "Something's wrong with them."

"Yes...but what?" Gobber asked just as someone walked into the Great Hall.

They turned to see Astrid. She was pouting and then frowned when she looked at them. "What?" She asked coldly.

"Have you seen Ada? Or Ruffnut? Or even Heather recently?"

Astrid scoffed. "I'm not their babysitter..." She strolled past them to the Chief's table.

Valka, Gobber, Freda, Fabiola and Isolde frowned, following her and Astrid raised her eyebrows. "But you were altogether only a few hours ago?" Tuffnut remarked. "Were they acting differently?"

"Like I said...I'm not their babysitter..." She didn't look at them, instead focusing on the papers she had brought along. Tuffnut looked at them.

"What are you doing?" He asked and she glanced at him.

"None of your business..." She replied, shuffling the papers into one pile.

"Astrid..." He started but she gasped.

"Who gave you permission to refer to me so informally?" She questioned, her hands on her hips.

Tuffnut frowned. "We've always referred to you by your name?"

"Well...not anymore..." She said simply. "You will refer to me as Queen Astrid, your Majesty or your highness..." She counted the suggestions on her hand and Tuffnut frowned.

"But you hate being referred by your title..."

Astrid waved her hand. "Why would I hate being referred to as a Queen?" Tuffnut was about to protest but Astrid gestured for him to stay quiet. "Just...leave..." She pointed to the doors but no-one moved. "Now!"

"The Great Hall is free for all..." Gobber remarked and Astrid laughed.

"The Great Hall is attached to the castle. The castle is the official residence of the Chief and the Queen...thus you are currently trespassing in my home..." She crossed her arms, before Eira's cries echoed through the castle. Astrid groaned, shaking her head, pointing to her mother. "You! Shut that brat up! The rest of you? Get out!"

Hesitating, Isolde ascended the stairs to find her granddaughter as the others left the Great Hall.

"Okay...something is going on..." Tuffnut cried as they stood in the plaza. "Ada's bloodthirsty, Ruff's a trouble-maker, Heather's needy and Astrid is..."

"Power hungry?" Gobber suggested and Tuff nodded.

"Something has happened to them and we need to find out what..." He looked towards the medicinal hut. "They were in there before..."

Valka looked towards it and nodded. "Freda and I will check it out. The rest of you, keep an eye on them."

They agreed as Valka and Freda headed for the hut.






So many laws, rules and regulations.

I needed something...powerful.

I craved power.

I craved the need to take control of everything.

I scanned a few more papers.

Everything required the Chief's approval.

But that shrivelling fish-bone wasn't here.

What was the point in marrying him if I couldn't do anything?

I needed to find a way to take control – of everything!

I continued shuffling through the papers as someone came towards me. "I'm busy!" I snapped, not even looking at them.

"Astrid..." My mother's voice made me frown and I looked at her. Eira was in her arms, her arms outreached for me but I ignored her.


"Honey...are you okay?" Mom asked and I nodded, turning back to the papers.

"I'm fine..." My reply was stern, but I don't care.

"Are you sure?" Mom repeated and I glared at her.

"I said I'm fine...didn't I?" I snapped. Eira became agitated and Mom bounced her on her hip as Eira called for me. I pulled a face of disgust. "Take her away from here."

"Astrid...she's your daughter..." Mom pointed out and I scoffed.

"You take care of her then..." I turned back to the papers as Mom left. Eira started to cry and Mom cooed at her to calm her down and then there was silence as they left the Great Hall.

I searched the papers again and then my eyes fell upon an old Danelaw.

And I had found my key to ultimate power.



Isolde walked out of the Great Hall and headed towards where the others stood in the plaza.

"This is an abomination!" Spitelout cried out as he looked at his house. Isolde pushed through the crowds to see fish guts and animal carcasses were decorating it.

Ruffnut and Ada high-fived each other as Heather stood, gagging slightly – Ada was pouting while Ruff was laughing.

"Why would you do this?" Spitelout looked at them both as Ruff shrugged her shoulders.

"If you ask looks so much better!"

Spitelout was stunned, his mouth fell open. "There are dead animals all over my house! How does it look better?"

Ada scoffed and walked away as Spitelout grabbed her shoulder. She removed an arrow, and pointed it at him and he stepped back, putting his hands up in defence.

"Touch me again and this arrow will pierce your eye!" She threatened as everyone watched in confusion.

"Oh no...Adelheid..." Heather shook her head. "Don't do that..." She grabbed Spitelout's face as Ada dropped the arrow. "He's too handsome for that."

Spitelout stumbled backwards as Freda gasped. "I beg your pardon?" She was ready to fight her as Heather winked at Spitelout.

"You know where I am..." Heather turned on her heel and walked away, followed by Ada and Ruffnut.

"Slut..." Ada grumbled at Heather who pouted, looking at Ada.


"Attempted," Ada corrected her as the three girls smiled slyly and left the plaza.

"What is going on?" Freda cried as the others shook their heads.

"Ruffnut has become Loki's prodigy!" Fabiola stated.

"Ada is a murderer?" Valka remarked.

"And Heather is a...seductress?" Gobber added.

"And Astrid is..."

"A tyrant..." Isolde stepped forward and they all looked at her, Eira asleep in her arms. "Those papers Astrid had? I caught a glimpse of them." She looked at Valka. "They were laws...about the Queen Consort taking power from the chief."

Tuffnut shook his head, stroking his chin. "We need to call the others back."




After trading runes and gold for the logs of the Druid wood, we were now piling them up, bundling them together to make it easier to carry the load back to Berk.

As I pushed another log, I groaned and leaned against the stack, as Toothless came over and nuzzled me. "I need a break..."

"We only have a few more left!" Eret exclaimed as I moaned. I watched as he pushed another log towards another stack but he too was tired and he ended up rolling over the log and ending up on his back. The dragons laughed and Eret raised his hand, still lying on the floor. "Alright...we can take a break."

I sighed and looked up at the sky. "'s married life?" I asked Eret and he laughed.

"No different than before other than I get to call Heather my wife which is probably the best part..." He explained and I smiled, nodding.

"Believe me...I know..." I looked at my wedding ring. "We've been married for almost three years and it still feels surreal..."

"Novelty will wear off eventually..." Snotlout remarked. "Especially...when you start having kids."

I frowned as Fishlegs scoffed. "Since when did you become an expert on marriage?"

"And we already have a kid..." I pointed out. "Her name is Eira, remember?"

Snotlout glanced at me, throwing his dagger into the woods where it stuck before he pulled it out did it again. "But Eira was what you wanted...after two miscarriages. Eira was what you felt you needed to make everything complete and perfect in your little domestic life. As soon as another child comes along, say goodbye to the honeymoon period."

I raised my eyebrows. "Thank you for that summary..."

"He's just jealous..." Eret throw a stick at him.

"Hey!" Snotlout cried. "I have nothing to be jealous about. I'm all for the bachelor life, like Tuffnut."

I frowned at this. "I've been meaning to ask you guys about that..." I started and they looked at me. "I've noticed Ada and Tuffnut are really close. Like...really...close..."

"Like boyfriend-girlfriend close or best-friends close?" Eret questioned and I ran a hand through my hair.

"The former?"

"You think there is something going on between your sister and Tuffnut?" Fishlegs asked and I nodded.

"Is that weird?"

They shook their heads. "Not really. She is your sister."

"And he's one of my closest friends. She has a tendency to wander off so I trusted him to protect her...but I feel like..."

"He breached that trust?" Eret continued but Fishlegs shook his head.

"Tuff is not like that. He's a fool, yes, but he would never breach anyone's trust..." Fishlegs defended the Thorston twin. " made him in charge of Ada. They're going to spend time together and you can't really be upset by that. Tuffnut's loyal and if you tell him to do something...he'll do it."

"I did tell him to protect her with his life..." I stated. 

"Exactly! It's probably nothing..." Fishlegs remarked.

"But if it is something..." Eret added and I looked at him. "How would that make you feel?"

I shrugged my shoulder, trying to find the words, but then noticed Snotlout was awfully quiet and awkwardly carving some scrap wood.

"Why are you so suddenly quiet?" I asked him and he looked at me. His mouth was open to reply but he said, nothing, shaking his head slowly and looking away.

I was a fishbone and could be a bit slow – but I wasn't a fool.

"You know something..." I stood up and he avoided eye contact with me as I crossed my arms. "Snotlout!"

He glanced up at me and then sighed, standing up himself. "I might know something..."

I wanted to answers, but before I could reply, the dragons perched up as a high-pitched squeal closed in on us. "What the..." I replied and noticed a Terrible Terror, flying straight for us.

I flew into Fishlegs's face with such force, he fell backwards off the wood stacks.

"Terror mail!" He grumbled and I walked over, pulling the little dragon off and revealing the message.

Return to Berk, immediately – Tuffnut.

"What is it?" Eret asked as I shook my head.

"Something has happened..." I called for Toothless as the Terrible Terror perched himself on my shoulder. "We need to go"

"What about the wood?" Eret gestured to the piles and logs and I shook my head.

"We'll come back for it. We need to go" I pointed out and they nodded, climbing aboard their dragons as we headed for the sky.

"Did they say what the urgency was?" Snotlout questioned and I shook my head.

"They just said come home."

My mind raced of everything.

Was it Annelise? Dagur? Mordred? Morgana?

I had to pray it was nothing serious.




Ada fired arrows, some on fire, at children and dragons, making them hold different targets from shields to fruit. Her face was decorated with war-paint, but no smile decorated her lips.

Heather was prettying herself up, applying make-up and fixing her hair and clothes to look more like a seductress. She sat on a table, her legs crossed like a lady as she admired continued to glam herself.

Ruffnut was planning her next prank. She pulled ropes and a giant blanket hung above the Great Hall, filled with rubbish. She was going to wait for the Berkians to gather before she cut it and let it all fall.

The doors of the Great Hall open and Tuffnut marched in with the others.

Ruffnut cut the rope and it fell, but Tuffnut was one step ahead and he put his arms out, stopping Gobber and Valka from walking any further as the net of rubbish fell down on them.

Ruffnut groaned. "You ruined it!" She cried as Heather and Ada looked at what was going on.

"Good!" Tuffnut snapped back and the three girls frowned at him.

"Cranky much?" Ada grumbled as Heather bit her lip.

"I can help!" She suggested and Tuffnut shook his head.

"I'm good!" He threw his hands up. "Where is Astrid?"

"Why?" Ruffnut questioned, her arms crossed as she walked over to where Heather and Ada, all three, standing tall.

"Because I said so!"

The girls laughed. "Your requests do not need to be followed! You're no-one special!" Ada chuckled.

"I'll go look for her then..." Tuffnut took one step forward, towards the stairs but the girls removed their weapons and pointed them directly at him.

"Back in line!" Heather threatened and he looked at the elders, who gestured for him to come back.

He reluctantly obeyed. "This is ridiculous!"

"We want to see Astrid! She's the Queen! And we are the people!" Gobber cried. "She has to listen to what we have to say!"

"Fine..." A voice echoed and all eyes fell upon the throne.

There was Astrid.

She wore a body-hugging burgundy dress with black lace on her midriff and a slight train. The royal crown – only used for coronations – was on her head as black beaded earrings hung from her earlobes to her shoulders.

She looked regal, extraordinary and beautiful – it was something the Berkians could agree on.

Astrid stood before the throne, her arms on her hips as she looked at Tuff. "Go on..." She encouraged him. "What is it that you want to tell me?"

"What is going on?" Tuff asked, stepping forward. "You...them." He gestured to the others. "Something has happened and you need to tell us."

Astrid scoffed. "I don't need to tell you anything..." She sat down on the Chief's throne. She leaned to the right, her hands on the arm rests as she crossed her legs. "You have no authority here...but I do."

"We're not here about that!" Gobber cried as he stepped forward. "You can't pass laws that allows children to do dangerous work! That's cruelty!"

"That's reality..." Astrid replied. "Besides, children are grimy and brats. They need to be disciplined and what better way to send them to work!"

"Milking yaks and feeding chicken is different than chopping wood and fishing!" Gobber cried. "You can't treat children like this."

"I can do what I like, when I like!" Astrid cried.

"You can't do this!" Gobber stated.

"Are you arguing with me?" She jumped up. Gobber didn't reply but calmed down at bit.


"Queen Astrid!" She corrected him.

"Whatever!" He waved his hand. "You can't do this! Children need to be children."

Ruffnut laughed. "As soon as children are walking, talking and listening...we would teach them to fight in battle. And when they turn eleven, we use to put them in the Kill Ring. If we cared about children's safety, we wouldn't have done any of that stuff."

"This is ridiculous!" Gobber cried but Astrid raised her hand.

He flew to the floor and everyone gasped.

"Your words bore me!" She cried out.

No-one moved, but stood in shock.

Astrid had used her magic against them.

This was no longer a joke – this was serious.

"Put him in the cells!" She ordered to Ada and she obeyed. She grabbed Gobber, who pulled himself in pain. She pointed an arrow to his neck, his hands up as she led him out of the Great Hall and towards the prison. "Any other objections?" Astrid asked, opening the floor for the Berkains to talk, but no-one spoke. "Exactly as I thought. Get back to work...all of you!" She snapped her fingers and the trained dragons growled at the Berkains, who quickly huddled out of the Great Hall.

The dragons faced Astrid and she smiled at them. "You have permission to fire at them if they slack!"

Stormfly roared into the air and the dragons left the Great Hall. They roared at the Berkians who got to work. Barf and Belch were bewitched and Tuffnut, who was usually on patrols, decided to head to the forge to do Gobber's work. He was followed by Aurora, who growled at him.

The dragons watched the weapon makers, woodcutters, fishermen, fabric makers, potters, bone carvers, bakers, hunters, sailors, shipwrights, teachers, farmers and builders – everyone was working, even the children and the dragons kept everyone in line.

Astrid leaned back in her throne and smiled slyly.

Berk was hers.



Hiccup and others arrived on Berk.

And as he removed his helmet, his mouth was open in shock.

The dragons were...ordering the Viking around?

And they were obeying there every command!

"What in Odin's name is going on?" Hiccup asked casually as the others with him, climbed off of their dragons and studied the island in confusion.

"I have no idea..." Snotlout shook his head. He saw his house, covered in animal carcasses. He saw his mother hurrying toddlers and babies along into the nursery building. Freda caught sight of her son and wanted to speak, but the eyes of a Nadder behind her, made her instead, nudge her head towards the Great Hall.

Snotlout nudged Hiccup and gestured to the Great Hall and he nodded, heading over.

He stopped and turned to see the forge was on fire.

"Put it out!" He cried, but none of the Berkians moved. Instead, Eret and Fishlegs grabbed buckets of water and doused the water out.

"Where's Gobber?" Eret asked, but Hiccup shrugged his shoulders.

Instead, Eluf and Thora came out and growled at them, specifically the Chief.

Hiccup raised his hands, trying to calm them down as Toothless growled back at them, disciplining his kids.

But they were not interested.

They leaped for Hiccup who threw his arms up, but Toothless swiped his tail and knocked them.

Aurora's ungodly screech came from behind and she tackled her mate with fury.

"What is going on?" Hiccup cried as Snotlout ran over, no-one having noticed he had run off.

"The prison is filled with Viking, including Sven, Mulch, Bucket, my dad, Tristan and even Gobber!"

"What did they do?" Eret asked and Hiccup shook his head.

"More importantly, who arrested them?" Hiccup marched into the Great Hall, and light poured in.

And all four of them gasped.

Ada was firing arrow at the Chief portraits, specifically piercing several into Hiccup's. Ruffnut was pouring a green slime down the stairs. She was hoping it would dry clear and people would slip and fall down.

Heather had Tuffnut tied up to a chair, seducing him as he tried to break himself free.

And Astrid was sat on Hiccup's throne – looking as Queenly as ever.

Only there was something sinister about her and the ways she was leaning to one side, her hands on the arm rests as her legs was crossed as she smiled at her husband.

"Welcome home...Chief..." She spoke the word coldly as he marched over to her. Before he could reach the podium, she raised her hand and he stopped. "That's quite close enough."

"Astrid...what is going on?" He asked, demanding answers. "The dragons are treating the Vikings like slaves! The prison cells are overfilled with Vikings! Ada is practising treason! Ruffnut is just trying to injure someone and Heather thinks Tuff is a toy!"

"Somebody please save me..." He pleaded. "Heather, your husband is right there!"

"We have an understanding..." She whispered into Tuffnut's ear and Eret shook his head.

"No, we don't!"

"Oh, shut up, you frolicking foreigner!" She snarled at him. "You can't have a say on what I can and can't do!"

Eret was stunned as Hiccup groaned. "Astrid...what is going on?"

She smiled. "It's quite simple, my dear fishbone..." She said. "I'm taking over Berk."

Hiccup pulled a face as the others screamed, "What?"

"You heard me, you snivelling schlongs!" Astrid snapped back and Snotlout's mouth fell open.

"Did she just call us..."

"Snotlout!" Hiccup said, before her turned back to his wife. "Astrid, this is ridiculous! You can't overtake Berk! Not while I'm here!"

She smiled, standing up and stepping down from the podium, and faced her husband. She stroked his face gently, before grabbing his face. "That, my darling, is where you are wrong." She pushed him away and turned to Heather, Ada and Ruffnut. "You girls! Go get the Berkians here..." They nodded and prepared to head out. "Release the dimwit first..." Astrid remarked and Heather pouted.

"But I wanted to play with him!" She moaned as she hugged Tuffnut protectively.

"Let him go...and you can have one these lovely boys to play with instead!" Astrid gestured to Fishlegs, Snotlout, Eret and Hiccup and Heather nodded. She cut Tuffnut free and kissed him, before leaving the Great Hall.

Tuffnut pulled a face and shuddered as Astrid looked at her husband. "You stay here..." She turned on her heel and headed up the stairs as Hiccup turned to Tuffnut.

"What is going on? I told you to keep an eye on them and I come back to find out my wife is trying overthrow me?" Hiccup cried, quietly, careful t not be too loud so Astrid wouldn't hear them, despite her heading up the stairs.

"I know!" Tuffnut replied. "We've been trying to find out what is going on ourselves! Heather's been trying to seduce everyone. Ruffnut thinks she's Loki and your sister is an attempted murderer!"

Hiccup's mouth was open in shock.

Before he could reply, the doors of the Great Hall opened and all of the Berkians (except for the ones that were in prison). Ada pointed an arrow at the back of them and while the Berkians were delighted to see their Chief back, they knew they couldn't let Astrid know.

"Mom..." Hiccup walked over to her and they hugged. "What's happening?"

"I don't know..." Valka replied as Heather, Ada and Ruffnut walked over to the throne.

Astrid reappeared, papers in her hands and she gestured for Hiccup to come over.

He hesitated and stepped forward. Astrid handed him the papers and he took them, reading over them quickly. He shook his head as Astrid sat down on the throne.

"This doesn't make sense..."

Astrid scoffed. "I thought your simple mind might have some difficulty understanding it..." She sat up straight. "An old Danelaw states that should a bounty be on the Chief's head, in order to protect the safety of all people, he must step down and go into voluntary exile..."

The Berkians gasped, but Astrid raised her hand, and they fell silent.

"This Danelaw has never been applied..." Hiccup pointed out as Astrid shook her head.

"And who comes up with these laws?" Snotlout whsipered to Fishlegs as he gestured for him to remain quiet.

"No other Chief has ever had a bounty on their head before..." She reminded him. "Annelise, Dagur, Morgana, Ari, Vivienne, the list goes on..." She waved her hands. "They each have a vendetta against you...thus putting all Berkians in danger as they are very likely to bring their battle here, which they already have. In order to protect everyone, you have to leave willingly or you will be removed forcefully."

Hiccup shook his head. "You're overthrowing me? My own wife is committing treason against me?"

Astrid nodded. "Call it what you will, but Berk is mine!"

"'s our daughter's..."

"Whose underage and as her mother and Queen Consort, I will rule as regent which means I get all the powers of the Chief and the Queen."

"You can't do this!" Hiccup cried as Astrid and girls laughed.

"Yes, I can...and I already am!" Astrid replied. "You will leave Berk or I will kill you right here on the spot." Her eyes fell on the other riders behind him. "All of you will leave!"

"What did we do?" Snotlout cried as Astrid sighed.

"Your presence alone makes me want to wring your neck in..."

Snotlout grumbled. "Harsh..."

"Can I keep one?" Heather pleaded as Ada rolled her eyes.

"Keep them all! They can keep you pleased and fulfil every weird fetish you have..." Ada pointed to each of the riders. "If you feel like a short guy one day..." She pointed to Snotlout and then moved to Fishlegs. "A fat guy." She moved on to Eret and Tuffnut in turn. "A rugged guy and a freakishly tall guy!" She then pointed to Hiccup. "And the fishbone."

Heather winked at Hiccup who looked away quickly as Astrid shook her head.

"No...they all have to leave!"

"Astrid...please! This is ridiculous!" Hiccup cried. "I'm your husband! You can't do this to me!"

Astrid laughed. "My husband?" She chuckled. "My husband is the reason I'm going to die because of his desire to have another child."

Hiccup frowned, everyone else stunned by this revelation. "Wait...what?"

"I don't have time for this! You need to leave this island, now!"

Hiccup looked at the riders behind him and then at the Berkians. Astrid looked at him and nodded. "Alright...I'll make this easier for you..." She looked at the dragons, who were guarding the Berkians. "You may leave the island with your dragons as well as one other Viking."

"Our dragons?" Fishlegs repeated.

"And any other Viking?" Eret asked and Astrid nodded.

"Only one..."

Hiccup looked at his mother, his mother-in-law and his daughter. He wanted to take all three of them.

"Hurry up and choose! I don't have all day!" Astrid groaned. "I have an island to run."

Hiccup shook his head. "No! I won't choose between my mother and my daughter!"

Astrid's left elbow was on the arm-rest, waving her arm around as she talked. "Take the kid. Your mother abandoned you think of this as karma..." She suggested as Hiccup frowned, his fists clenching together.

"Hiccup..." Valka called to her son, now holding her granddaughter. She walked over to him and handed him her daughter. "Take Eira. I'll be okay..."


"Honey...I'll be fine..." She assured him, touching his face as he took Eira in his arms.

Hiccup looked at his wife as Eira called for her mother.

" girl..." He said simple. "That's not your mother...that's a monster..." He informed her.

Astrid felt her blood boil.

She raised her hand and a forced pulled the little girl from her father's arms. Eira dangled by an invisible force in the air as Hiccup felt his heart-beat palpitate.

"Let her go!" Hiccup cried and Ada fired an arrow at him. His reflexes made him catch the arrow and he threw it back as Heather and Ruffnut pulled out their own weapons and their dragons threatened the Berkians.

"Astrid...please..." Hiccup pleaded. "Please let her go!"

Astrid glared him, before she relaxed her hand.

Eira fell and Hiccup tried to catch her, but it was Toothless that grabbed the little girl.

Hiccup took her in his arms and hugged her as Valka was forced back towards the Berkians by Stormfly.

"Leave...all of you..." Astrid threatened. "Take your dragons and go!"

Snotlout looked at his mother.

Tuffnut looked at his parents, Ada and his twin.

Fishlegs looked at Ruffnut and his parents.

Eret looked at Heather.

Hiccup looked at his mother, his mother-in-law, his sister and his wife.

"Toothless!" Hiccup called and the Night Fury came to him. He climbed on to the dragons back. He held his daughter firmly as he ordered for the Night Fury to head for the sky.

The others followed suit as Astrid leaned back on her throne, looking at the girls who smiled slyly.

"Berk is now mine..." She said simply. "Now send those simpletons back to work and deal with anyone who tries to disobey me in any way you see fit..."

"Excellent..." Ada pointed her bow and arrow at the Berkians who filed out of the Great Hall as Heather and Ruffnut followed suit.

Astrid smiled, proud of herself.

Her husband was gone.

And Berk was finally hers.




I watched Eira sleeping in a crib, leaving her with the Neilina's governess before I descended Donan Castle stairs and arrived in the Great Hall.

Snotlout, Fishlegs, Tuffnut and Eret were waiting with their dragons as well as Hamish and Elinor.

"Eira?" Snotlout asked and I sighed.

"I got her down...finally..." I replied, as I rubbed my temples. "She cried the entire time here."

"Don't blame her..." Eret replied. "Her mother practically threw her off the island..."

"Thanks for that..." I replied quickly and coldly. "I don't understand what is going on."

"What happened?" Fishlegs asked Tuffnut and he sighed, stepping forward.

He told us everything – or atleast what he knew and what he think happened.

"I checked the medicinal hut after they left and saw the place was a an explosion had occurred. There was a book there too...and it was open on a page titled 'Heart's Desire'..."

Elinor gasped and I looked at her. "What?" I questioned and she looked at her husband, before turning back to herself.

"It's a spell..." She stated and I frowned.

"Astrid doesn't practise her magic..." I informed.

"And all magic for personal gain has a price," Fishlegs added.

"Except for that spell. You see, someone with magic can mix up the potion...but it's the wish of others that comes true..." Elinor explained. "Astrid can't use the potion for herself."

"What if she did? What if all of this is because she used the potion instead of giving it to the others?" Snotlout asked.

"Then why would it effect the others?" Eret stated. "Wouldn't it only effect Astrid?"

"More importantly..." Fishlegs started. "What would Astrid want a spell such as 'Heart's Desire'? Whether it was for Astrid or for Ada, Ruffnut or Heather, what did they want it for?"

I sighed. "Maybe...whatever Astrid meant when she said I would be reason she dies..." They all looked at him.

"That could mean anything..." Snotlout said. "I could mean she's pissed that you are the reason that Morgana, Annelise, Dagur, Vivienne and every other person who has a vendetta against you is endangering her life, Eira's life and the Berkians lives."

I looked at him, frowning. "And how long have you waited to say that?" I grumbled and he shrugged his shoulders.

"If that was the case..." Eret brought the focus back. "Why would she resent everyone? Including her own daughter?"

"'s not about any of that..." I shook my head. "It's something about me...directly being her husband that is endangering her."

"But...what?" Fishlegs asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

Eira's cries came from upstairs and I sighed, excusing myself and collecting my daughter.

I dismissed the governess and took Eira into my arms. "Mama..." She sobbed and I nodded, kissing her head.

"I girl...I know..." I bounced her in my arms, calming her down. "I want to know what's going on too."


After Eira refused to sleep, I let her roam around the Great Hall as she played with Neilina and Finlay.

"I need to save my wife and my sister and your sister and your wife..." I gestured to both Eret and Tuffnut in turn. "This isn't them and we need to find a way to break this spell or whatever it is."

"Yeah...but how?" Snotlout was feeding Hookfang as I shrugged my shoulders, running a hand through my hair.

"Well...and I know I'm going to regret even suggesting this..." I stood up. "If all of this began because of magic than why don't we consult a sorceress or sorcerer? They might be able to tell us what is going on and what to do?"

Fishlegs pulled a face as Eira came over to him, handing him a wooden toy brick. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yes...we need to know what is going and we need to save the girls..." I watched as Eira handed wooden bricks to each of us, including me.

I looked at Elinor and Hamish. "We can take care of Eira." I smiled at them as I turned to the others.

"Now...we need a sorceress..."

"I know where we can find one..." Eret stated standing up. "It's here in Caledonia but we have to go to an island in the Hebrides."

"Okay...lead the way!"

I kissed my daughter goodbye as she demanded a hug from the others and they gave her a group hug, making her giggle.

We climbed on out dragons and followed Eret as he led us to...who knows where.




The dragon riders landed on the island.

There was nothing around.

Hiccup climbed off of Toothless as Eret surveyed the area. "Are we in the right place?" Hiccup asked him and he nodded.

"This way..." He gestured North and the riders followed on foot, their dragons tottering along behind them.

They arrived at a cave entrance and they entered, judging the cramped space as the dragons walked behind them.

They reached a dead end and Hiccup groaned. "Well...that worked well...didn't it?"

Eret opened his mouth to reply but someone beat him to it.

"Never judge things before you've experienced them..." A lady's voice echoed in the cave. They all faced the entrance and then faced the dead end and there was a lady. A lady with fiery red hair, green eyes, sun spots and pale skin wearing a red gown.

She looked at Eret and smiled. "Eret!" She dipped her head in greeting and Eret did the same to her.

"Myrna..." He replied.

"How did thing work out for you? Did you end things with that princess?" She asked, waved her hand as a fire started before her.

"Yes...and I appreciate everything that you did for me..." He placed a hand on his chest and Hiccup nodded, clapping his hands and drawing the attention back to the matter at hand.

"This reunion can wait! We need help..." Hiccup looked at Myrna and she nodded. 

"Tell me."

So they did.

Myrna nodded, stroking her chin. Her hands came to her hips as they finished explaining their dilemma. "So...we need to know how to break the spell?"

"That's good...but you also need to know why they cast the spell in the first place..." She remarked and Hiccup looked at the others.

"By accident, right?"

Myrna shook her head. "The spell backfired...but the reality is, is that they were casting a spell of that nature...why?"

"Why?" I asked her and Myrna waved her hand over the fire.

A fuzzy image came into view and when she dropped her hand the fire, returned to its usual size. "Astrid."

"What about her?" Snotlout questioned and Hiccup sighed.

"Does this have to something to do with me being the reason she ends up dead? Is that why she did the spell? She wanted to stop that from happening?" Hiccup asked and Myrna titled her head left and right.

"Yes...and no..." She rubbed her hands together.

"What does she mean, though? I mean is it all of this drama with Morgana and Mordred?"

Myrna sighed and touched his arm. "Remember when Astrid was stabbed with the dagger of the Dark Knight?" Hiccup nodded as Myrna turned back to the fire. She raised her hand over it and the image replayed in the flickering flames. "The dagger was a cursed object from the start, forged by Morgana with the darkest of magic..." Using two hands, Myrna controlled the fire so it showed images of the story she revealed. "The dagger cursed Astrid's parents, Tristan and it only makes sense that it also cursed Astrid."

"What?" Hiccup asked.

"When Astrid was stabbed, a black mass settled in her abdomen. It was originally very small...barely recognisable..." Myrna snapped her fingers an image of Eira appeared. "Eira's birth was difficult, no?"

Hiccup nodded. "That's what she tells me..."

"Well..." Snapping her fingers, another image of Astrid, just after giving birth, appeared. "When your daughter was born, the black mass that was inside Astrid grew. That was the trigger for it to grow and it has grown continuously since. It's one of the reasons why Astrid, despite her unbelievable fertility, hasn't been able to carry another child full term. She has no problem conceiving's actually carrying that child that is the difficult part for her.

"But she's only been pregnant twice since Eira's birth..." Hiccup pointed out.

"Both ended in miscarriage, I presume?" Myrna asked and Hiccup sadly, nodded.

"Wait!" Snotlout cried. "When was this first one?"

Hiccup sighed. "When Eira was around ten months old..."

Snotlout looked stunned. "You two work fast!"

Hiccup looked at Myrna and she saw the sadness in his eyes.

He was going to ask her the fateful question. "Is the black mass the thing that is going to kill her?"

Myrna nodded. " will. Astrid will die a premature death..."

Silence in the cave as Hiccup tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Why is this Hiccup's fault?" Tuffnut asked, raising his hand and they all glared at him, minus Myrna and Hiccup. "I'm only asking..."

"Every time Astrid falls pregnant, the black mass increases in size..." Hiccup looked at Tuffnut. "Two miscarriages mean the mass is doubling in size. If she was to fall pregnant again, it will triple in size..." Hiccup shook his head. "That's what she means when she says I'm the reason she will die. She's going to die doing her duty as Queen – providing heirs for Berk."

"Why can't you snap your fingers and end it?" Fishlegs asked and Myrna shook her head.

"It's not that easy..." She crossed her arms. "Astrid is cursed by the strongest form of Dark Magic. Only the one who conjured the curse or someone with equivalent strength would be able to break the spell..."

Hiccup stared into space as he tried to comprehend everything that was happening.

"Hiccup..." Eret said and he looked at him. "You alright?"

He shook his head. "No..." He looked at the others. "But we have to find a way to help the girls before they destroy Berk."

"How do we do that?" Fishlegs asked as we looked at Myrna.

"These personalities that the girls have are the most extreme versions of their unconscious thoughts or desires..." Myrna explained as Eret frowned.


Myrna looked at Tuffnut. "Your sister is pulling pranks which are endangering life?" Tuffnut nodded. "Your sister misses her childhood. A childhood where she could have fun and she didn't have responsibilities. She pulled pranks often, right?"

"Yes...but our pranks never endangered life..." Tuffnut stated and Hiccup frowned at him. "Rarely endangered life..." Snotlout pulled a face. "Occasionally endangered life..." Fishlegs and Eret raised their eyebrows and looked at him. "Endangerment of life was a common side effect that we didn't consider when we did the pranks."

The others nodded in agreement as Myrna frowned. " harming people was a side effect that wasn't considered, she needs to experience the harm that comes about with the pranks."

"She is harming" Tuffnut pointed out as Myrna sighed.

"But not someone she loves..." Myrna replied. "She has to believe her pranks have caused her to hurt someone she loves..."

"Like our parents?" He stroked his chin as Myrna nodded, before turning to Hiccup.

"I highly doubt your sister has it in her mind to kill people..." Myrna explained. "But before she took on this role as a princess of Berk as your sister, she was a hunter?"

"A bounty hunter?"

"So..." She nodded slowly. "She misses her life of being a hunter. Searching for people...and bringing them to justice. She misses that life..."

"But she never killed anyone!" Hiccup stated. "Or...atleast I don't think she did..."

"But don't forget...this spell has exaggerated the girls' desires..." She pointed out. "None of the girls actually want to do any of the things they are showing – it's merely an exaggeration..." Myrna explained. "Your sister needs to think she has hurt someone really close to her. Someone who she has a strong bond with..."

Snotlout raised his eyebrows. "Aurora..."

Toothless growled and Hiccup put a hand on his head, calming him down. "We don't hurt dragons, Snotlout!"

"She doesn't have to necessarily hurt her..." Snotlout stated. "Ada just needs to think that her actions have resulted in something serious happening to Aurora."

Hiccup looked at Toothless who was still tense at the idea of putting his mate in the firing line. "That could work..."

"But what about Heather? She's not in the mood to kill someone but rather in the mood to sleep with someone..." Eret remarked.

"What is with that?" Fishlegs asked as Eret shrugged his shoulders.

"You can't seriously believe that you are the only person that Heather has been with?" Snotlout stated as Eret shook his head.

"I don't...but I just didn't think my wife was..."

"Promiscuous?" The others replied and Eret pulled a face.

" were you..." Hiccup stated. "And birds of a feather, flock together."

Eret shook his head. "Am I supposed to just let Heather sleep with someone?"

Myrna smiled. "Yes..."

"What?" Eret cried.

"Or...rather make her think she wants to sleep with someone..." Myrna remarked. "She'll realise she doesn't want that. She's happy with what she has and the past is in the past..."

"But...who is going to give themselves to Heather?" Snotlout asked as Eret looked at him.


"Me?" Snotlout cried. "Why me?"

Eret scoffed. "My wife is hot and I'm giving you permission to sleep with her and you're saying no?"

"I value my life..." Snotlout remarked. They continued to argue as Myrna looked at Hiccup again.

"I can't help you with the impending death thing..." She said. "But...your wife resents you. She needs to believe that you are dead. The spell might be tougher to break on it needs to be more believable." She snapped her fingers and a phial of orange liquid appeared in her hands. "Here..." She handed him the phial and Hiccup pushed it back to her.

"We are in the mess because of magic. I don't want to use magic to fix it..." He said and Myrna groaned.

"Your presence here alone is enough for that..." Myrna replied. "Take it..."

"What will it do?" Hiccup asked as he looked at it.

"It will make another you that you can control with your mind. Your wife needs to believe that she has killed let her kill you...but rather let her kill your fake double..." She pointed to the phial and Hiccup nodded.

"Okay..." He looked at the riders. "We go back to Donan, tell Hamish and Elinor what is happening and leave Eira there before we do this..."

They agreed as they thanked Myrna. She grabbed Hiccup's shoulder. "Remember someone with as equal power as the creator of the Dark Dagger can save Astrid. I'm sorry I cannot help you..."

Hiccup nodded, thanking her and leaving the cave with the others.

"Back to Donan we go..."



After informing Hamish and Elinor of their plan, Hiccup and the others returned to Berk, taking the long route towards Thor's beach and then taking refuge in the caves.

"Okay...Fishlegs, you deal with my sister and Aurora. I trust you with the dragons and I know you'll keep Aurora safe. You can take Toothless and Meatlug can help the Berkians discreetly..." Hiccup stated and Fishlegs nodded. " handle your sister and Snotlout, you help Eret with Heather."

"I don't feel comfortable with this!" Snotlout cried. "This is wrong!"

"Why are you suddenly concerned about this? You've flirted with Heather many times..." Eret remarked.

"She's married and I don't go after married women..." Snotlout stated as Tuffnut scoffed.

"You've flirted with Astrid plenty of times and let's not forget the princess of Buchan..."

"Wait...what?" Hiccup questioned as Snotlout shook his head.

"Nothing! Let's do this before I change my mind..." Snotlout stated as they all nodded.

"And you?" Eret asked the Chief and he looked at the phial in his hands.

"I'm going to save my wife..."



I discreetly searched for Aurora. I had to remember I had been exiled from the island so no-one could see me – particularly not Astrid or the girls.

Toothless remained close by as we navigated the island hiding buildings and the shadows.

I arrived at my house, hiding behind it, struggling to find Aurora or even Ada.

The backdoor of the house opened and I jumped as Mom stepped out.

She dropped the bucket in her hands and I gestured for her to remain quiet.

"Fishlegs!" She whispered and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'll explain later...but we're all back..."

"Where are they?" Mom asked and I shook my head.

"They are around. We have a plan to save the girls but I need your help. Have you seen Aurora?"

Mom clacked her teeth together, something she did when she was thinking. "I think I saw Aurora heading for the woods."

"Thanks..." I hugged her. "Don't tell anyone we are here..."

She agreed as I followed Toothless towards the woods.

He picked up the scent of his mate and we stopped at the cove.

There was Aurora, Eluf and Thora.

The younger Night Furies were bathing in the lake as Aurora watched them and Toothless grumbled.

He was heard by Aurora.

She growled, looking at him as Toothless and I descended the slopes and faced them.

It was three Night Furies and Toothless and I.

Eluf and Thora came over to Toothless, sniffing him as he nuzzled his children as I raised my hand at Aurora.

"Alright...girl...come on..." I said calmly as she growled further. Toothless grumbled and whined something as Aurora growled. She looked at Toothless who walked toward her slowly.

Aurora relaxed and moved her face closer to me, her nose touching my palm and she nuzzled her mate.

"Good girl..." I smiled at her, stroking her. "Now...listen girl! We need your help..."


Ada was in the arena.

I watched her from the bunker, having entered from the tunnels as Toothless, Eluf and Thora and I hid in the bunker, watching Ada aggressively fire flaming arrows at targets.

She had also stolen some sheep and while she was not directly piercing them with arrows, she was still firing at them.

She wanted to kill something.

"I know you're here..." She said, not even looking at the bunker. "Come out Fishlegs..."

"Okay...we got this..." I took a deep breath and stepped out of the bunker. Ada was pointing her arrow at me and I put my hands up as Toothless dipped his head as did Eluf and Thora.

"Toothless..." Ada said. "That means...Hiccup is here?" I didn't say anything as Ada scoffed. "That fool never learns! I have to tell the Queen..." She headed towards the entrance.

"No!" I cried, running after her, but she fired her arrow at me. I dodged it, Eluf firing at it as another arrow was pointed at me.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" She threatened as I nodded.

"I apologise..." I said, stepping away. "Hiccup doesn't want Astrid to know."

"Too late. She's going to find out and whatever it is that you fools are up to, she will crush it!" She laughed evilly and I nodded, glancing at Toothless who gave me a single nod.

"I will never tell you..."

"You don't have to..." Ada said. "You'll be dead before then anyway..."

She fired the arrow and Aurora came running, the arrow piercing her.

She fell to the floor and Ada gasped, dropping her arrow and bow as her hands came to her mouth.

"Aurora!" She screamed as the Night Fury lay on the floor. Ada began to cry, looking at Eluf and Thora who were sobbing and Toothless was in shock.

Ada felt to her knees as she sobbed.

And a black smoke left her.

"Ada?" I asked and she looked at me, hugging me tightly.

"What did I do? I hurt my girl!" She was sobbing and I comforted her.

"Actually..." I said, she sniffled and looked at me.


I gestured to Aurora who sat up, smiling.

She was covered in black armour, matching her scales where the arrow was pierced.

"Wait...what?" She was shocked as Aurora nuzzled her gently.

"She was just playing dead..." I assured Ada as she hugged her dragon. I pulled the arrow out as Eluf and Thora hugged their mother.

"I don't understand...what happened?" Ada asked and I looked at her.

"I'll explain everything...but right now...we need to hide..."



"I don't want to do this!" Snotlout cried as Eret waited by the bedroom door, for any signs of Heather arriving.

"How the hell do you think I'm going to feel? I have to hide in here while you seduce my wife!" Eret stated as Snotlout groaned.

"Then you do this!"

"No! It has to be you!" Eret repeated. "Now just sit there on the bed and wait for her and I'll hide behind the changing screen.

He grabbed Snotlout's shoulder and squeezed. "If you really bed my wife, I will skin you alive..."

They heard footsteps approaching the bedroom and Eret dove for the screen as Snotlout acted casual on the bed.

The door opened and Heather's eyes went wide when she saw Snotlout. He acted casually, looking at her and Heather closed the door behind her.

"You're back?" She asked, leaning on the door as Snotlout nodded.


"Why?" Heather questioned. "Do you have a death wish?" She teased, her arms crossed as she approached him. "Does Astrid know you are here?"

"No..." Snotlout shook his head and glanced at the screen quickly. "And I'm hoping you don't say anything?"

Heather smirked and nodded. She touched his face. "A secret?"

He stood up. "Yes..."

Heather stepped back and eyed him up, her hands on her hips. "Why are you here, Jorgenson?"

Snotlout scoffed. "I'm your bedroom? I broke the rules despite being exiled to be here with you and you are doubting me?" He shook his head. "I'm offended."

"What do you want?" Heather asked, stroking his face.

"Whatever you want..." Snotlout teased, fully aware that Eret was behind the changing screen and was probably biting his hand to stop himself from crying out.

Heather's hand slid from Snotlout's face to his shoulder, down to his chest. "I want a man for the night..." She whispered into his ear.

"I can be that man..." He teased back as Heather smirked. She began to pull his armour away and Snotlout started to panic.

In his mind he knew, he sooner he did this, the sooner it would end.

So...he went with it.

He pulled his tunic off as Heather smiled, pulling her own armour and tunic away.

"I have to have an amazing body..." Snotlout complimented as Heather put her hands on her hips.

Behind the screen, Eret did his best to not go completely berserk. He did his best to keep calm even though his wife was seducing another man only a few feet away from him and he could hear everything. 

"I can say the same for you..." Heather remarked as Snotlout nodded.

"Let's just get this over with..." He grabbed her and kissed her and Heather was startled, her eyes closed.

She didn't touch him as Snotlout led Heather to the bed where she fell backwards and he climbed over her, continuing to kiss her.

Heather's mind was elsewhere as she finally touched the man above her as a black smoke left her body.

They kissed passionately as she smiled and he kissed her neck.

And she moaned his name.


"Eret?" Snotlout cried as Eret, from behind the screen frowned.

Heather frowned, her eyes flickering open as she saw...Snotlout Jorgenson above her.

And she screamed.

Snotlout scrambled off the bed and pulled his tunic back on as Heather scrambled backwards, falling to the floor.

"Heather?" Eret came from behind the screen as she looked at him and Snotlout in turn.

"What the fuck?" She screamed, as Eret gestured for her to keep quiet. He grabbed one of his tunics and gave it to her as she pulled it on. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Heather..." Eret was relieved – his wife was back.

"Eret...I swear to Odin that if this is some weird fetish of yours..." She threatened as Snotlout backed to the door.

"No! I!" Eret replied as he turned to Snotlout. "You can't leave! Astrid will kill you!"

Snotlout cursed as Heather looked at them both. "Tell me what is going on!"

Eret and Snotlout looked at each other. "Well..."



My sister needed my help.

But my mind wondered over Ada.

Where was she?

And was she okay?

I snuck in through the back of my house, shaking Ada from my thoughts.

I needed to help Ruffnut.

I scrambled through a window and was greeted with a wooden plank. I threw my hands up as my dad looked down at me.

"Tuffnut?" He cried and I nodded.

"Please don't hurt me..."

He dropped the plank of wood behind him as Mom helped me up. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" She asked as I shook my head.

"There's not time for that right now. I need your help!"

My parents looked at each other. "What do you need, son?"


My parents did as they were told.

They found out where Ruffnut was going to pull the next prank – at our home.

An innocent prank – that was going to backfire horribly.

As I hid behind some barrels at the back of the house as Ruffnut set up the home for the prank, I knew my parents were going to be so angry at the aftermath. I had told them to remove their prized items and put them in the bunker in the training ring.

They didn't even bother arguing.

I waited for Ruffnut to finish off what she was doing, whatever it was that she was doing.

I peered through the window, she had her back to me...and the entire house was covered in ropes.

It was like an obstacle course.

Ruffnut left the house and I waited a few minutes and then scrambled through the door, groaning at the fact I had to them scramble through the ropes to the front door where I peered through the window to see Ruffnut was talking to our parents.

She wasn't even trying to stop them from coming over and as they approached the house, I hid behind the door.

"What in Thor's name?" Mom cried as she saw the ropes, blocking everything. "This is her idea of a prank?"

"Yes...and now we need to get out because your entrance in here is the signal for Barf and Belch!"

My parents nodded and I helped Mom scramble through the ropes to the back of the house and then through the back.

Barf and Belch were sat there waiting and I signalled for them to take action as Mom, Dad and I hid behind a boulder.

And they obeyed.



Ruffnut watched her parents, a smirk on her face.

She was waiting for them to come screaming out of the house, threatening to kill her.

But after a few minutes, there was nothing, making her frown.

She headed towards the house.


The house suddenly exploded and Ruffnut flew backwards.

All the Vikings stopped what they were doing and came over, gasping and screaming for water to be brought over to put the fire out.

And a black smoke left Ruffnut as she slowly sat up, her heart shattering at the fact that her family home had just exploded and her parents were inside.

She struggled to get up, her eyes watering. "Mom! Dad!" She screamed, running towards the fire, but Vikings held her back.

The fire was suddenly put out, a water trough was tossed over the fire by Barf and Belch.

"I have to..." Ruffnut wanted to run back inside but she stopped when she noticed Tuffnut and her parents come out from behind the house. "What?" She gasped and everyone else was confused.

"Ruffnut?" Tuffnut started.

"What's going on? What happened?" Ruff asked as her parents and twin let out a sigh of relief.

"She's back..." They said and the family hugged.

"Where did I go?" Ruffnut asked as Tuffnut ran a hand through his hair.

"It's a long story..."


In the Great Hall, Astrid was aware she was losing control.

She had felt the spell break on Ada, Heather and now, Ruffnut.

Now, she had to hold onto power.

Hiccup snuck into the Great Hall from the back gatehouse and Astrid was aware of his presence.

"No need to hide...Haddock..." She said simply and Hiccup stepped out from the shadows. She turned to him, her hands on her hips. "I thought you might be back..."

"Astrid..." He started and she raised her hand, and he sighed. "My Queen..." He bowed and Astrid smiled smugly. "Please...stop this. Let me help you..."

She laughed. "Help me? I'm going to die because of you. Your desire to have another child because you believe a woman is not capable of ruling?" She gestured to herself. "I am the prime example that anything a man can do; a woman can do better."

"You know that is not true..." He said as Astrid frowned. "I know you and Eira one day will be capable of ruling Berk should either of you be required. Having another child has nothing to do with that. We always planned out our future being surrounded by many children or one child that we would love unconditionally..." Hiccup sighed.

Astrid's mind flashed – to the moment when she planned her future with him.



"Big or small?" Hiccup asked as we lay in bed together. My back was against his bare chest as his arms were around me, his head leaning on my shoulder as my head was turned slightly to him, his nose rubbing against mine every now and again.

Abstaining had failed...yet again.

But Hiccup and I were destined for marriage and family life.

And we were discussing our future.

"I would love small...but seeing as you are the future Chief, I have a feeling it will be big..." She replied as Hiccup kissed her shoulder.

"We can have two celebrations. A large party with all of the chiefs on one day and then a smaller, intimate little party for just us the next day..." He compromised and I smiled, nodding.

"That would be better. As long as we have a wedding..."

" here or get our own place?" He asked and I looked around the room.

"While I adore your father and I know it is tradition for the daughter-in-law to move into the home of her in-laws, your father tends to walk in on things that he would rather not see..." I remarked and Hiccup chuckled.

"Good thing he's not here and is visiting the Bashem-Oiks..."

I looked at him. "Despite your father's lack of understanding when it comes to privacy, I want to live here..."

"We'll move out if it gets too much..." He suggested and I nodded. ""


"Three?" Hiccup said and I looked at him, turning to face him as I perched myself up on my arms.

"You do realise I'm going to be the one that is carrying them?"

"Okay...two..." He was trying to please me and I leaned up and kissed him, stroking his hair.

"We will many as the Gods bless us with. One, two, four, six?" I kissed his nose. "No matter the numbder, we will love them unconditionally..."

He kissed me, his hands coming to my body as he pulled me close.

"Names?" He said, through the kiss and I giggled.

"If it is a girl, she will be called Eira..."

"And if it is a boy, he will be called Emrys!" Hiccup said and I laughed.

"Where did that name come from?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't remember where I heard that name, but it sounds really cool..."

We laughed and kissed, his lips crashing to mine.

We planned our future – a future we were looking much forward too.



Astrid shook her head as Hiccup walked to her. "Astrid...we planned a future. We planned everything!"

"Plans change..." She said, looking away.

"They don't have to..."

She glared at him. "No! I'm going to die because of you! That is something we cannot change!"

"Yes we can..." Hiccup said as Astrid looked at him. "We can change that...but..." He took a deep breath. "You should've told me sooner."

"What?" Astrid asked.

"You should've told me what was happening. You should've told me what was happening and we could've fixed this together...sooner..."

Astrid felt her blood boil. "I beg your pardon?" Hiccup remained tall and confident. "This is my fault? Are you seriously blaming this on me? You were the one that believed that bitch Annelise over me! If you had listened to me instead of her, none of this would've happened and you know it!"

"That's not fair!" Hiccup snapped back. "You could've told me that sooner, but you always leave things too late so that they are almost impossible to fix!" Astrid felt her power surge as she clenched her fists.

"I made mistakes..." She said calmly. "Like when I saved you from the Chief's Curse and when I took the Dark Knight's blade for you. I should've let you die!"

"Then why didn't you?" Hiccup asked loudly. "Why did you save me?"

"Because I loved you!"

Hiccup was getting through to her. He had to continue to make her angry - it was the only way she was going to take her anger out on him with her magic, something he needed her to do. 

"I loved you, that was why I saved you!" She repeated "But everyone makes mistakes, right? I should never have let you live!"

"But you did..." He said and Astrid shook her head. "You let me live...and I'm going to keep you alive."

"I don't need you to do anything for me!" She cried. "I can do things for myself! Being with you, only puts me in danger!" Tears had formed in her eyes and Hiccup knew she was hurting.

"I can help you..."

"No!" Astrid screamed. She waved her hand and tables and chairs, flew to one side of the room. Hiccup jumped as Astrid stared at the wall, in shock.

"Astrid. Let me help you..."

"You can't help me!" She replied, looking down at him.

"Let me try!" Hiccup said and Astrid laughed.

"You can't even save your own are you going to save me?"

Hiccup knew she didn't mean it, but he made her believe that he was furious. 

"Fine! Then you deserve to die! You don't deserve anything or anyone! You deserve to be alone!"

Astrid glared at him. "You don't mean that..."

"You don't know what I mean..."

"You just said you love me?" Astrid said and Hiccup shook his head.

"As did you, but it looks like neither of us mean it..." Hiccup stepped away from her and began walking away.

"No!" She lifted her hand a force began to crush Hiccup's body. "You have no right to say any of that and then to walk away!" She screamed out as she continued to crush his body.

Hiccup tried to plead for his life, but she didn't care. 

Astrid was going to kill Hiccup.

And he knew the spell would break eventually. 

Heather, Snotlout and Eret came running down the stairs as the others came running through the doors.

"No!" Ada screamed as Astrid crushed Hiccup to death.

His lifeless body fell to the floor as the ladies gasped and screamed.

Astrid dropped her hand as she felt her heart shatter.

She had killed her husband.

The father to her daughter.

The Chief of Berk.

The love of her life.

Astrid stepped down from the podium, sobbing slightly as no-one moved or knew what to do.

Other Berkians entered the Great Hall, fear and shock running through them to see the Chief dead on the floor.

"You killed him?" Valka was devastated as Isolde comforted her friend. "You killed my son!"

"I didn't mean to..." Astrid mumbled, shaking her head. "No...this wasn't supposed to happen!"

"You killed the chief!" Valka cried as Astrid collapsed, crying her eyes out. Everyone began to panic as Eret, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut looked at each other, the only ones that knew the truth.

"He did do it, right?" Snotlout asked Eret and Eret shrugged his shoulders.

A black smoke flooded out of Astrid and she looked at the others as Eret let out a sigh of relief.

"Go get him..." He said to Fishlegs and Tuffnut who nodded, leaving the Great Hall.

"If he did it..." Snotlout whispered as Tuffnut elbowed him. 

"I killed him..." Astrid began to hyperventilate. "I killed my husband!"

"" Eret and Snotlout came to her as they tried to calm her down.

"Hiccup is..." Snotlout started, but all eyes fell on Hiccup's body which...disappeared into dust.

"What?" Astrid cried out as touched the dust, it blew suddenly as the door to the Great Hall opened.

Someone approached them.

"Astrid?" Hiccup's voice made Astrid look up and she jumped up, leaping away from him, her hand raised as if she would push him away.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I can explain..."


It was late.

The prisoners had been released and the dragons were back to normal. Valka had gone to Donan to collect Eira while the Thorstons retired to the guest quarters of the castle.

While Hiccup checked on the villagers and the island, the other riders sat gathered around the Great Hall fire as Snotlout, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, Eret and Hiccup explained everything that happened.

"I remember everything..." Ada said. "I remember everything that happened while we under that trance..."

"Why did it happen?" Ruffnut asked.

"Simple..." Heather started. "The spell we backfired..." She looked at Astrid. "We tried to find a loophole, but magic has no loophole." Astrid looked away. "We're so sorry..."

"Don't apologise..." Astrid assured them. "This is no-one's fault but mine."

Ada pulled a face suddenly. "How did you know how to break the trance?" She looked at the guys and they laughed awkwardly.

"We spoke to a sorceress..." Snotlout stated.

" solved magic by consulting magic?" Ruffnut stated and the guys nodded.

"Pretty much!" Fishlegs replied.

"Making me think I had hurt my dragons was cruel..." Ada said to Fishlegs. "Smart...but cruel."

"You think that's bad? I thought I was responsible for the murder of my parents!" Ruffnut stated. "That was cruel..."

They looked at Heather. "How did you break your spell?"

Heather looked at Snotlout and pulled a face. "I..." She wanted to lie as Snotlout scoffed.

"We slept together!"

"What?" They all shrieked as Eret face-palmed and Heather blushed.

"We did not sleep together!"

Snotlout laughed. "We almost did...but then you had to call Eret's voice! You know, that is a turn off when you call out another man's name?"

Heather kicked Snotlout's chair and it fell backwards and he cried out as Heather laughed.

She looked at Eret. "You don't hate me, do you?"

He shook his head, putting his arm around her and kissing her forehead. "You have a past...I have a past and that is what it is...the past. It's not important..."

They kissed as Hiccup entered the Great Hall.

The riders continued talking with each other as Hiccup came to his wife, offering her his hand and she took it as he led her upstairs.

"We know about Astrid..." Fishlegs said as the girls fell silent.

"We were trying to help her..." Ada shrugged her shoulders.

"We know..." Tuffnut assured her. "But Hiccup..."

They looked at each other, sadness between them as Heather leaned her head on her husband's shoulder as he comforted her. Snotlout, Ada and Tuffnut took hands as Fishlegs and Ruffnut took hands as well.

They had to be strong.


In the privacy of their bedroom, Hiccup and Astrid hugged.

"I'm sorry I made you think you killed me..." He comforted her as they pulled away.

"You saved me. It's something I can let slide..." She smiled gently and Hiccup kissed her forehead.

He sighed and took her hands. "I know..." He said simply and Astrid frowned slightly. "About you...and..." His hands came to her stomach and Astrid stepped away.

"There's nothing to say..." She said, looking away.

" should've told me..." He said as she shook her head. "I had every right to know!"

"I didn't want to worry you. I thought I could fix it myself..."

"Yeah...and look how that turned out..."

Astrid turned to him. "I didn't know this would happen! I would never have done it if that was the case!"

"You should've told me..." He repeated.

"And what would you have done?" She asked. "What can you do that I can't?"

Hiccup shook his head. "I would've tried anything...spoken to anyone!"

"Don't you think I've already done that?" Astrid cried, tears forming in her eyes. "I have tried everything but there is nothing I can do."

Hiccup looked at her. "So...when would you have told me?" He asked and she frowned slightly. "I mean, if I didn't find out through all of this!" He waved his hand casually. "When would you have told me that you were dying?" His words were slow, the pain in his voice showing. "When you died after giving birth to the child we wanted? Or rather, the child I wanted and you just went along with it, knowing what the consequences were!"

"I wanted to keep you happy!"

"How can you possibly think I'll be happy Astrid if you're not here with me?" He replied and Astrid looked away. "You are my world. How can you think I can go on with life without you in it?"

Astrid sighed, her breath shaky. "'re going to have to learn..." Her voice cracked. "I'm dying Hiccup and there is nothing you nor I or anyone can do..."

"No..." Hiccup took her face in his hands. "No...I will help you."

"What if you can't?" Astrid asked. "I've tried."

"But let me try..." He said and Astrid shook her head.

"No..." She stepped away. "We have to be ready for whatever comes next..." She said and he shook his head. "I'm dying Hiccup and while I know you want to make things right and fix things...there is nothing that can be done." She turned to him. He was upset and in denial and Astrid walked to him, touching his face. "There is nothing we can do. Please...please...leave me be. Let me live what is left of my life as your wife and Eira's mother..."

Her forehead touched his and he touched her hands. "I want to...but..." He moved away from her and Astrid felt her heart shatter. "I can't do this..."


His mouth opened to speak, but no words came out. He didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry..."

He left the room abruptly and Astrid collapsed, tears streaming down her face as she tried to nurse her broken heart.

Hiccup was on Toothless as they flew away – neither knew where they were going.

He needed space and time.

He couldn't accept it;

Astrid, the love of his life, was dying.

And there was nothing he could do. 


Hi everyone!!!!

So, what do you all think???

I know, I am late despite what I said. 

But...moving on...

I LOVED WRITING THIS CHAPTER!!! <- Despite the ending.  

It was so fun to play around with the girls and their dark personalities!

The chapter was so long originally. I had to cut so much of it down so it does seem fast paced, but I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless.  

So...the chapter was going to end very differently, but I prefer it this way. I let somebody else read the original ending and told them what the other ending was that I had in mind and they preferred this ending better. In the end, I did too. 

The original ending would've ended with the effects of the spell accelerating Astrid's demise i.e. she wouldn't have had to fall pregnant or give birth to have died, but would end up dying anyway in a few years. 

We now know that when Astrid was stabbed with the dagger of the Dark Knight, a black mass filled her abdomen and that is what it will evidently kill her and any children she might later have. It has grown as the years have gone by, hence why Eira survived but the liklihood of Astrid or any further children surviving is less as revealed by the fact that Astrid miscarried another child when Eira was only 10 months old. They will search for a cure in the coming chapters - someone will help her...but it won't be till Chapter 38 which is in Part 3!!! 

Here is a glimpse of Astrid's evil queen look;

(Have I ever mentioned how much I love Once Upon A Time?)

Astrid and Hiccup will be estranged in the next chapter - he will be avoiding her and she will be frustrated which prompts her to do (or rather suggest) something radical. 

The next chapter is called; Love is A Complicated Thing. 

Here is a synopsis; 

"With tension still rife between Hiccup and Astrid as their daughter's second birthday approaches, sides are picked and relationships become strained - intimate and friendly. Tensions grow further between the riders when a boat from Snӕland arrives, rendering the return of Turid who wants her husband - Hiccup, and the truth of Fishlegs and Ruffnut's marriage is revealed, putting Hiccup in an even more difficuly position. Hiccup finds himself at war - with himself and his friends which causes his leadership to be tested - he has to find a way to help his friends be happy, forgive them for the lies and secrets and to move on with Astrid. But somethings are easier said than done..."

Okay, obviously many revelations in the next chapter, so I hope you enjoy it! It will also be the Yule Festival. Eira was born a few days after the Yule Festival which is the Winter Solstice. Snoggletog is, of course, the Viking version of Christmas, but it is part of the Yule Festival. However, I will not be having a chapter for Snoggletog as I want to look at other Viking traditions. 

Including the next chapter, there are eight chapters left until the end of part 2. Four of these return to the Arthurian legends (the last four). 

But you have the following to look foward; 

- More kick-ass, girl-power moments!

- Robin Hood and his Merry Men!

- Norns (which are like Muses)

- Zombies, pirates and the infamous Pedro Lombard, Heather and Eret's travel mate!





Reviews for the trailer, RTTE season 6 and Voltron season 6 will be coming in due course. I'm starting a new job soon and I also have my final research paper due in September so I have to start it soon and it also means update times might be limited. The next chapter will come with the review i.e. two separate chapters but updated at the same time. 

So many great things are happening in my life right now as well as starting and completing a research project for September. Once I have done it, I will be done with my masters!!! Whop! Whop!

Okay...I think that is all for now. 

Tell me what your favourite part of this chapter was and I will see you all soon!!!!


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