10 Things I hate About You~ D...

By thedoctorspotato

11.6K 365 102

Y/F/N is beautiful, smart and quite abrasive to most of her fellow teens, meaning that she doesn't attract ma... More

Meet the Characters!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

409 14 3
By thedoctorspotato

        While all of this is going on, Dan is searching for Y/N. He passes the same drunk girl and lucky guy from earlier, and the guy grabs his shirt. "Really. Really! Thank you!" Dan gives him a pat on the shoulder and moves on. He spots Y/N, who is already very drunk, standing with a fresh shot in her hand he walks over to her and tries to remove a shot glass from Y/N's hand. "Hey hey hey! Why don't you let me have this one, huh?" Y/N is fierce in her refusal and pulls the shot away. "No! This one's mine!" She says narrowing her eyes and rushes off. Caspar enters the room, grabbing Dan by the shoulder, distracting him from following Y/N. "My man! How did you get her to do it?" Dan looks confused. "Do what?" "Act like a human." They both turn to see Y/N has climbed up on a table in the next room and is dancing. Caspar is very pleased and rushes to watch. "Yeah! Alright!" Others form a crowd, clapping and cheering her on making sure to capture it all online. Zoe sees her from the balcony and rushes off. Y/N completes her dance by falling off the table luckily Dan caught her. "Are you okay?" He asks sounding really concerned for her. "I'm fine." She tries to wiggle out of his arms but falls back in them. "You're not fine. C'mon." He picks her back up bridal style and walks away from the table and down the hall. Y/N puts her head on his shoulder. "I just need to lie down somewhere." "Uh, uh. You lie down and you'll go to sleep." Y/N giggles and runs her fingers through Dan's hair. "Sleep is good." "Yeah. Not if you have a concussion." A few partygoers stand around as Dan carries her toward a stone bench. As Dan sits Y/N down on the bench, Phil comes up next to him. "Hey, hey. We need to talk." "I'm a little busy right now." "Can you give me a second?" Dan makes sure your comfortable and steps aside with him. "It's off, okay? The whole thing's off." "What're you talking about?" "She never wanted me. She wanted Caspar the whole time." Dan looks impatiently at Phil taking a quick glance at you making sure you are still there then sighs. "Phil...do you like the girl?" "Yeah." "Yeah. And is she worth all this trouble?" "Well, I thought she was. But, you know, I" Dan cuts him off. "Well she is or she isn't. See, first of all, Caspar is not half the man you are. Secondly, don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. Go for it!" Y/N begins to fall off the bench and Dan catches her again. He stands her up warping an arm around her waist and they walk away. "C' mon," Dan mumbles to her and continues walking an oblivious Y/N away from the party. Phil stands there, unsure how to make use of this advice.

       Dan marches Y/N down the street, holding her up. They head up a hill. Y/N rolls her eyes annoyed about being held. "You're so patronizing." "Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed." She pushes his arm off and tries to walk on her own. "I don't think so." She says as she falls down and stands back up again. "Okay..." Dan says raising an eyebrow at her. She turns to Dan swaying a little bit. "Why are you doing this?" "I told you. You may have a concussion." "You don't care if I never wake up." Dan flashes his cheeky smile at her. "Sure, I do." "Why?" They reach a set of two swings under one of these hedge bush things. "Well then, because then I'd have to start taking out girls who actually like me." "Like you could find one." "See that, there? Who needs affection when I have blind hatred?" Y/N rolls her eyes. "Let me sit down for a while." She walks over to the swings and plops down, moving her hands to hang onto the ropes. She sits and looks at him for a moment with a smile. Then falls over backward, just in time to be caught...again. "Jesus on a boat woman." Dan sits on the other swing. "So why'd you let him get to you?" "Who?" "Caspar." "I hate him." "Well, you've chosen the perfect revenge: mainlining tequila." They both laugh. "Well, you know what they say." He stops the swing. "No. What do they say?" He turns to her seeing Y/N is asleep, her head resting against the swing's rope. He's concerned about her falling asleep with a possible concussion. "No no no no! Y/N! C'mon, wake up! Look at me! Listen to me, Y/N. Open your eyes!" He slaps her and she slowly opens her eyes. "Hey. Your eyes have a little speck of different brown in them." He sighs with relief and smiles. They make meaningful eye contact, giving each other soft smiles and she then vomits at his feet.

         Back at the party, kids are hanging out outside. Zoe and Louise are waiting. "I don't know if we should go." Caspar comes up to them. "Hey. A bunch of us are going to Alfie's house. Ready?" "Uh, I have to be home in twenty minutes," Zoe says trying to seem bummed out. Louise eagerly turns to Caspar. "You know, I don't have to be home 'til two." "One more chance Zo." "Oh, man. I can't. Damn." "That's a shame." Louise says doing a fake pout then turns back to Caspar. "Well?" "You wanna go?" "Sure." Zoe gasps. "Louise!" "Hey, you passed." Louise leaves with Caspar. Zoe rolls her eyes. "Bitch." Phil exits the party and stops when he sees Zoe standing alone. "Hey. Have fun tonight?" "Tons." He starts to walk on. "Phil?" He stops. She gives him a helpless smile. "Do you think you could give me a ride home?' He stops, facing away from her looking very unsure about what should he do.

           Dan drives as Y/N sits in the passenger seat. She listens to the radio. "I should do this." "Do what?" "This". She points to the radio. "Start a band?" "No, install car stereos. Yeah, start a band. My father would love that." Dan pulls up to her house and stops the car. "You don't strike me as the type that would ask your father's permission." She turns to look at him. "Oh, so now you think you know me?" "I'm gettin' there" Her voice loses its sarcasm. "The only thing people know about me is that I'm 'scary'."She says making air quotes around the word scary. "Yeah, well, I'm no picnic myself." They both look at each other, sharing a moment of connection. Dan clears his throat trying not to make it awkward. "So what's up with your dad? Is he a pain in the ass?" "No. He just wants me to be someone I'm not." "Who?" "Zoe." "Ah...Zoe. No offense or anything, I mean, I know everyone digs your sister. But, um she doesn't really seem like all that to me." Y/N stares at him with new admiration. "You know, you're not as vile as I thought you were." She leans drunkenly toward him. Their faces grow closer as if they're about to kiss and then Dan pulls away. "Maybe we should do this another time." Y/N stares at him, pissed. Then gets out of the car and stomps off to her house. Dan sighs getting out of the car and leaving the keys on the front porch then starts walking back to the party.

          Zoe and Phil ride in silence. He pulls up in front of her house and finally breaks it. "You never wanted to go sailing with me, did you?" "Yes, I did." She says lying just to be nice. "No. You didn't." "Well, okay. No. Not actually." Phil looks over at her disappointed. "Well, then that's all you had to say. You always been this selfish?" Zoe opens her mouth to respond but thinks for a few seconds. "Yes." She admitted quietly. "You know, just because you're beautiful, doesn't mean you can treat people like they don't matter. I mean, I really like you. Okay? I defended you when people called you conceited. I helped you when you asked me to. I learned French for you! And then you just blow me off." He scoffs realizing how much he truly did for her. She looks at him for a moment, then grabs his face and gives him a kiss on the lips. He is stunned. She smiles, then gets out of the car without another word. Phil looks as though he's just been told he's inherited a billion dollars as she turns, smiles, and walks away. Phil laughs and bounces in his seat. "And I'm back in the game!"

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