
By WolfieDagger22

145K 4.5K 415

"Everyone comes with scars, but you can love them away, I told you that I wasn't perfect you told me the same... More

Chapter 1: No Strings Attatched
Chapter 2: Welcome To Los Angeles!
Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 4: Truth Or Dare
Chapter 5: The Uninvited Guest.
Chapter 6: Getting Closer
Authors Note to the readers
Chapter 8: As The Days Go By
Chapter 9:Chasing Time
Chapter 10 : Cute
Chapter 11: Date Night
Chapter 12: Date Night pt.2
chapter 13 : Let's wait a While.
Chapter 14: Interviews & Rehearsals!
Wango Tango!/ The Uninvited Guest pt 2.
Chapter 16: She's The One.
Chapter 17: She's The One pt2.
Chapter 18 : Shopping Trip
Who Are you?
Chapter 19 : The Beach
Chapter 21: The Promise
Chapter 22: Meeting Mike & Clara Jauregui
Chapter 23 : Meeting Mike &Clara Jauregui Part 2
Chapter 24: Meeting Mike &Clara Jauregui Pt 3 : The big Reveal
Not an update but please read!!
Chapter 26: Syco Records
Chapter 27: Dance Rehearsals
If you like Lauren Jauregui
Chapter 28: The After show
Chapter 29 : Everything's Eventual
Chapter 30 : No Way
Starting Over
Lauren's Birthday
Chapter 35: Confession
Simple Things
Music & Love
Take Care
Re-Opening Of An Old Wound
Now What?

No Way: Pt 2

2.5K 102 12
By WolfieDagger22

I got back to my hotel suite slamming the door behind me and cursing "That fucking bitch is going to pay I swear! " I yelled as I threw things around. Within 10 minutes the entire hotel room was destroyed I stood in the livingroom observing the damage. I had to get out of there I needed a drink. I hailed a taxi and ordered the driver to take me to the nearest liquor store. Giving him a $100 tip for a $25.50 cab ride but I was in fuck it mode and didn't care. After being dropped off at the hotel, I ordered a pizza and ate a few slices I figured it would be smart to eat something before I literally drank my weight in alcohol.popping open a bottle of Jack Daniels ,I poured the liquid into a shot glass and stared at it I had been clean and sober for 2 years and I knew that if I made this choice to drink I would be defeating the purpose of what I had worked so hard to overcome but I didnt care.. I felt as if Lauren would never come back to me or even reason with me I loved her more than life itself and I'd never hurt her I had to make things right again between us I couldn't loose her not over this especially when I was 100% innocent... I had to talk to her. I walked over to the sink and diguarded all of the liquor I had just bought and threw the empty bottles away.


3 days had passed since the incident and I still hadn't heard from Lauren no text,no call nothing Eventhough all of her things were in the suite that we shared together, she didn't Come back for anything our departure would be in 2 days because the girls had to go into the studio and re-record some vocals for a song Lauren had writen called "No Way" I'd never heard the new song but was invited into the studio with the girls prior to the incident to sit in and critique them. I woke up early around 8:30am and headed down to the elevator to grab the free hot breakfast buffet that the hotel offered to their vip guest's. Opening the double doors to the breakfast area I noticed that the girls were not down yet. Grabbing a plate, I began picking and choosing my items slowly I had gone halfway through the buffet line when I heard laughter familiar laughter and in walked the girls Lauren included. I froze when Lauren's eyes met mine she lowered her head shyly as the girls greeted me "Hey y/n how are u girl?" Normani asked with a huge smile on her face I glanced at Normani and then back at lauren "I'm ok" I replied with my eyes glued to Lauren her head was still down she refused to look at me as she slowly ran her fingers through her hair flipping it to one side. "Well I'd better go my foods getting cold you all enjoy your breakfast" I said to the girls as I nodded and walked away to sit on the far end of the room. Taking my seat alone the girls saw the tension between Lauren and I so they sat with her instead. I quickly ate my breakfast and began to head out the door when I felt someone gently take my arm I turned quickly to see that it was Camila a small smile crossed my face as did hers. "Are you ok? We've been talking to Lauren she's starting to come around but you guys realy need to talk to one another it's been 3 days" Camila said.

"She doesn't Wana talk to me Mila it's obvious if she did then she would have" I said as I turned to walk away my arm was gently grabbed again.

"Trust me, she wants to talk she just doesn't know how to face you or even go about the words...make the first move you'll see don't lose her completley over this" she added before giving me a nod and walking away. I glanced up and met Lauren's eyes Before Turning and walking out the doors.

I didn't want to go back to my room just yet so I decided to walk down to the beach and collect my thoughts digging my toes into the sand I glanced out into the vast area the beautiful turquoise water glistened I'm from the rays of the sun. The sun hit my skin with the warmth and comfort of a hug. I lay back on my beach chair and fell asleep.


I was awaken by the girls laughter once again. They had set up their beach gear directly next to me I opened my eyes and stretched a little still in a daze I searched for lauren who was standing alone staring out into the water while the girls laughter and played in the shallow end Camila sat in the sand making a huge sandcastle while Dinah and Normani took this opportunity to make snap chat videos and take selfish together Ally was walking through the waters edge talking to her boyfriend on the phone about how much she missed him.

Seeing Lauren standing alone broke my heart I was wondering what she was thinking or even more so if I should even talk to her. She looked cold so I stood up and walked over to her taking my Hoodie off and gently placing it around her she jumped a little and quickly turned to face me upon noticing that it was me Lauren quickly began walking away "Lauren please don't walk away from me, Hurting too! I yelled but she only continued walking further away from me.. why was she being like this? Why didn't she understand? Why didn't she know that I'd never hurt her I would of gone this far with her I'd my intentions where to hurt her..

I walked back towards the girls who apparently saw what had jus happened "I can't do this you girls have fun I'm going back home" I said as I walked past them "y/n WAIT!!" I heard Camila plead but I kept walking until I felt a hand grab my shoulder "Camila let me go I can't do this if she refuses to listen or even talk to me what's the fucking point?! What's the point in all of this shit!" I yelled the girls all knew that I had a bad temper so neither of them bothered to comfort me I was inconsolable "I'll see you all back at the house" I said walking away

(In the recording studio narrators point of view)

As the girls were putting their head phones on they began getting ready for their recording vocals for the song "No Way"

Y/N sat in the recording studio on her phone she and Lauren still were not talking and she was beginning to give up yet she wanted to hold on for Lauren.

Producer: "And cue playback!"

(Intro to No way starts with Lauren's lead vocals)

I know you don't want me anymore by the look on your face
They say when it rains it pours, you can tell by my face

Oh and I know, and you know that we've been here before
I think I know how it should end
We got an audience calling us crazy
We ignore those with opinions of hate
We're not like the rest of them, friends with insanity as of lately

Everyone comes with scars but you can love them away
I told you that I wasn't perfect, you told me the same
I think that's why we belong together and unashamed
I told you that I wasn't perfect, no way
Way, way, no way, no way

When I look in your eyes I see through to my soul
I know the core of you is good, you're my tarnished hero

Oh and I know, and you know how our story is told
Only we know what it is

We got an audience calling us crazy
We ignore those with opinions of hate
We ain't like the rest of them, friends with insanity as of lately

Everyone comes with scars but you can love them away
I told you that I wasn't perfect, you told me the same
I think that's why we belong together and unashamed
I told you that I wasn't perfect, no way

Way, way, no way, no way, no way

Narrator: After Lauren finishes her part she has completely broken down she drops her head phones and runs out of the studio crying hysterically y/n gets up and chases after her.


"Lauren wait!! Baby please wait!"   I yell as I try and catch up with her

"Get off of me let me go!" She yelled slapping me in the face I could see the pain in her eyes

"No! I'm not letting you go again! I fucking love you so much Lauren and I swear on my life that I would never do anything to hurt you you've got to believe me! Ever since you came back I've been in love with you you make me so fucking happy you made me forget how I was hurting you made me forget that I just wanted to die many times you fucking saved me! I need you and I love you so much please please don't leave me !" I said dropping to my knees crying I held onto Lauren wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her close to me I felt her hands gently stroke my hair as I stood up and looked her in her eyes we both were crying  she wiped my tears away as I stared into her eyes

"I can't do this without you,can't live without you the thought of you never being in my life kills me... I love you so much Lauren I swear it" I said my voice shaky my breath hitched

"I love you too" Lauren said her voice raspy almost a whisper I leaned forward to kiss her as our lips touched the kiss quickly turned passionate.

Lauren and I made love all night I'd missed her so much and I let her feel it I was madly in love with her from the very moment our eyes met she was all that I had ever wanted and I realized that that night I made a sole promise that it would be just she and I no more secrets between us no more lies just honesty I loved her I loved  her more than any words could ever express..

A/N I hope you all like this chapter... I'll read over it tmrw if it sucks I'll re write it. Also I am drawing a blank with this story please leave comments and help me out tell me what u all want to happen  or what you'd like me to write about this book will be 50 chapters then it will be finished

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