☆ FAN FICTIONS ☆ When Your Dr...

By Me_gestorum

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I'll be writing some utaite fanfic in this books! If you guys have any request don't be shy to tell me! I'll... More

Stargazing (Prologue)
Stargazing [Part 1]
Stargazing [Part 2]
Stargazing [Part 3]
Stargazing [Part 4]
SoraMafu | Sweet [oneshot|yaoi]
Stargazing [Part 5]
Hashiyan x Reader [oneshot]
Sako Tomohisa x Reader [Oneshot]
Un:c x Reader
Mafumafu x Reader [twoshot]
Mafumafu x Reader [twoshot] part 2
Stargazing [Part 7]
Stargazing [part 8]
Stargazing [part 9]
Stargazing [Part 10]
SoraMafu! x Reader..? : oneshot
Kashitaro Ito x Reader
Kashitaro Ito x Reader (part 2)
Aho no Sakata x Reader :3
Aho no Sakata x Reader :3
Aho no Sakata x Reader : another story?
Stargazing : Part 11
Stargazing : Part 12
Hashiyan (Happy B'day) x Reader
Stargazing : [Part 13]
Stargazing : [Part 14]
Stargazing : [Part 15]
Rib x Reader
Mafumafu x Reader
Kradness x Reader
**Soraru x Reader**
Stargazing : [Part 16]
Stargazing : [Part 17]
Stargazing : [Part 18]
Startazing : [Part 19]
Stargazing : [Part 20]
Nqrse x Reader [Part 1] Snow Falls In The Night
Nqrse x Reader [Part 2] Snow Falls In The Night
Luz x Reader
ShounenT x Reader // Second Chance
Stargazing [Part 21]
Stargazing [part 22]
Stargazing [Part 23]
Stargazing [Part 24]
Stargazing [Part 25]
Utaite x Reader [Valentine Special] Prologue
Utaite x Reader [Valentine Special] : Chapter 1
Stargazing [part 26]
Stargazing [Part 27]
Stargazing [Part 28]
Stargazing [Part 29]
Stargazing [Part 30]
Stargazing [Part 31]
Stargazing [Part 32]
Stargazing [Part 33]
Stargazing [part 34]
Stargazing [Part 35]

Stargazing [Part 6]

381 20 13
By Me_gestorum

So, Part 6! Yay!

And btw, I'll call Un:c, Anku through out the story now kay :'v

Enjoy 😊

(Important notice below after the story, please read. Thanks ^^)


Sayonara love...


"Hehe... Ready, set..."

Once again Anku began to count down again, this time Mafu didn't join tho. But something feels off, I don't even know why, something is just weird in Anku's wide grin...


Everyone pulled the stick they decided on, and, the kind is Anku.

"Yay!" Anku said waving the red tip stick all around.

"So, what is your order?" Hashiyan scratch the back of his head.

"My order is, number 2..."

Number two? That's me!

My heart was beating so fast it'll explode anytime! I wonder what kind of command will I get? Gosh, I'm literally sweating here...

"And number 5 kiss!" Anku said grinning.

Whaaaat?!?!?! Wh-who is number 5?!

I look around, panickly, my face must be pale right now. Soon enough I found a pale white Amatsuki, staring at his stick.

"A-amatan, are you number 5?" is what i wanna ask, but I can't seem to ask him...

Amatsuki didn't move an inch until Anku slap him at the back a bit hard.

"Wake up our lucky 5!" Anku said waving Amatsuki's stick all around while Amatsuki is as pale as chalk, still silent beside the enrgetic Anku, sitting across me.

"So, who is our lucky 2?" Anku said, winking at me afterward.

"I-i-it's me..." I said blushing really hard, holding my stick tightly.

"EEEH?!" everyone was so shocked, except for Anku who is grinning and Mafu who is 'sleeping'.

"..." I stayed silent, my head is lowered trying to hide my so red face.

"Come on (y/n)-chan! Just kiss Amachan already!" Anku said holding his laugh.

"Quit playing around, Anku!" hashiyan smacked Anku's head real hard.

"Ouch, I'm sorry... I was just trying to make things a bit fun..." Anku said, pouting a bit.

I stood up, gripping my stick.

"I-I'll do it..." I said, trembling slightly. This is a game, and I need to do it fair and square!

"Wha- are you alright with it?!" Kashi said flustering a bit, surprised by my decission.

"A-re you sure, (y/n)-chan?" Amatsuki asked, his face slightly red.

I smiled, walking across the room toward Amatsuki who is sitting at the farthest chair.

"It's alright, cause I love you."


I kissed him on the cheek. His face was so bright in red, touching his cheek slightly. Everyone's eyes were wide open looking at both me and Amatsuki.

"I love you, Amatsuki!" I said giving my best smile.

Everyone was so surprised. The room is filled with silence. Amatsuki then covered his face, a smile peeking from his finger's gap. He lowered his hand, showing his gentle smile and eyes, soom turned into an apologatic smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry (y/n)-chan, But I already have a girlfriend..."

Eh, what?

"Really Amachan?! Why didn't you tell us anything!" Anku and the other was surprised. I was so shocked and emberassed.

"Ah yeah, since like a few weeks already, really, sorry (y/n)-chan and everyone for not telling you guys beforehand..." Amatsuki rub his head a bit.

"A-ah, it's alright. It's a love as a friend anyway! You don't need to think about it too seriously!" I said, blurting out the most painful lie I ever made...

"Eh really? Haha, sorry then!" Amatsuki starts to laugh. Soon after, he tells his story with his girlfriend to all of us, since we are all curious.

I am interested, but I can hear nothibg but silence. My head is blank, it's so hard to hold my tears. But, I thought, if Amatsuki is happy, then that is enough.

I have to say good bye to my love...

************************************[narrator pov]

Meanwhile, Kashi who is listening to Amatsuki's story, turns to look at you. Staring at your sad, faked smile. His face was so sad looking at you trying so hard holding back your tears...

Amatsuki, on the other hand is so happy to be going out with his girlfriend, laughing and telling his stories.

And you? You were faking the best smile ever,hiding your sorrow from everyone...

Mafumafu on the other just woke up and shocked hearing the news. Cheerfully tease Amatsuki.

Will you be able to say goodbye and smile to your love?


So,that concludes part 6

Wow, guess I might make this into a pretty long one, please look forward to it everyone 😂
And from now on I'll swith the PoV into Narrator's PoV kay xD

I'll make a few oneshots before moving onto part 7.

Thank you for reading, here is a preview for the upcoming parts. 👍😉


Part 7

It's been months after you knew about Amatsuki and his girlfriend. You almost finished CoF's album as well...

Just as you were able to move on from your love, Amatsuki is heading to the altar.

"I think im getting married..."


Part 8

Kashi brough you to a cafe, helping you to calm your mind, suddenly...

"Am I no good for you, (y/n)..."


"I can't help but wanting you!" amatsuki pressed his lips onto yours...

What will your love story ended up in?


So im not good at previews, so,just look forward to it.

Oh, and I'll change the cover for the amatsukixreader with a special cover so it'll be easier! :)

Thank you so much, sorry for typos and grammar mistakes!

Thank you 😊

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