Prophecy of Power. Sequel to...

By Doccubus21

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Sequel to Primal Urges. Can Bo and Lauren deal with the emotional and physical consequences facing them after... More

Prophecy of Power. Chapters 1-10.
Prophecy or Power Chapters 11-20.
Prophecy of Power. Chapters 31-40.
Prophecy of Power. Chapters 41-51. Complete.

Prophecy of Power. Chapters 21-30.

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By Doccubus21

Chapter 21

Bo stood close to Lauren, her body near enough to feel the heat radiating from the blonde, even through her clothes. But it is the succubus that hesitates, uncertainty setting in, that it's too soon and that Lauren may not be ready for this.

"Are you sure we should, Lauren?" Bo asks, even as the doctor reaches towards the brunette caressing her cheek, causing her to lean into the hand and closing her eyes.

"Do you not want to?" Lauren says her brow creasing at Bo's hesitancy. Lauren trails her fingers from the woman's cheek, down her jawline and towards the space between the succubus' breasts. The brunette reaches towards the blondes wandering hand stilling it with her own and moving it a little to the left. She holds Lauren's hand against her pounding heart, that is threatening to burst forth from her chest.

"Do you feel that, you make my heart beat a million miles a minute, Lauren. I ache for you; so much that it hurts. But I saw what dark Bo did to you, and I don't ever want to hurt or frighten you like that ever again."

Lauren leans into Bo, her mouth ghosting over the succubus' parted full lips, "We won't know unless we try."

Bo whimpers at the closeness of the doctors mouth and the rising passion and desire spreading throughout her body. The heat and wanton lust from the blonde assaults the succubus' senses, sparking a new hunger within her that refuses to be denied. With an almost feral growl, Bo, reaches behind the blondes neck pulling Lauren forward those last few inches, mashing their mouths together roughly, causing the doctor to moan before plunging her tongue into Bo's mouth literally taking her breath away. Her hand still on the brunettes heart, slides down to knead roughly at Bo's breast, through the fabric barrier of her skin tight top. A loud clutter of vanity items flying from Lauren's dresser, forces them apart, both gasping for air, eyes blazing with emotion and need.

Lauren can feel the power rising, and realises that Bo will have to feed from her again before the night is done. "I want you out of your clothes, now." Lauren rasps, using her abilities to slide Bo's leather jacket off of her shoulders and onto the floor. The succubus gasps as her top rises up, exposing her flat stomach before continuing to rise up over her heaving breasts. Bo raises her arms as her top magically makes it's way up and off, leaving her standing before Lauren in just her lacy black bra. The button on her skin tight jeans open, followed by the zipper, before finally gliding down her legs. The succubus steps out of the jeans now piled around her ankles and step towards Lauren again, with a look of rapture on her face.

"You totally just undressed me with your eyes, you have no idea how hot that was," Bo says smiling at the intensity in her lovers lust darkened eyes. "Can you undress yourself the same way? I want to watch," she says as she steps away from Lauren and crawls onto the bed, leaning her back against the head board. "Stand at the foot of the bed and strip for me." Bo's voice is low and rough with anticipation. The doctors aura seems to flare to life, growing and growing in brightness and intensity when Lauren uses her powers, making the blonde more and more irresistible with each moment.

"There really isn't that much to take off," Lauren says, looking down at her robe and the cotton pants and tank, peeking out from underneath it. Unable to deny Bo in her request, she undoes the sash holding her robe together and slowly opens both sides of the garment before allowing it to slip off her arms resting at her sides. She raises her arms over her head as she moves the tank top up, inch by inch exposing her flesh to Bo as slowly as she can. The succubus involuntarily leans forward as Lauren's breasts are revealed in all their glory, nipples erect, taunting Bo to take them and tease them with her mouth and hands. Lauren notices the succubus' movement and pushes her back against the headboard with a gentle thud, bringing a cry of surprise from Bo. "I'm not done yet," Lauren chastises playfully. The doctor, pulls at the drawstring of her cotton pants and inches the waistband agonisingly slow, down her hips revealing herself completely to Bo, before allowing the pants to slip uselessly to her ankles. "Stay," the blonde says, enjoying the sense of control as she holds Bo helplessly in place as she climbs onto the bed and crawls slowly towards the now very turned on succubus, who's eyes are blazing with unbridled lust as she takes in every detail of her beloved. Lauren finally releases Bo from her invisible bonds as she straddles her hips resting her ass on the top of the succubus' thighs.

"My God you're beautiful," Bo whispers before pulling Lauren down on top of her and kissing the doctor hungrily, tongues and teeth, clashing for supremacy. Bo feeling the urge to feed, pulls away from the kiss, eliciting a sound of protest from Lauren. The succubus starts attacking the blonde's long delicate neck with kisses and nips before finally taking her journey down toward Lauren's dark swollen nipples. Bo continues to ravage the blondes breasts one with her hand and the other with her mouth, as Lauren writhes on top of the brunette, grinding into her lovers toned thigh, slick with need and desperate for release. Neither of them notice the shaking of the bed and other furniture in the room, both completely lost in the touch, taste, smell and feel of their bodies joining in raw passion and love. The doctors rhythmic pace, becomes erratic and inconsistent as she nears climax. Bo sensing how close the blonde is, pushes her thigh hard against her core, and pulses a healthy dose of desire through her hands into Lauren's body pushing her over the edge as she throws her head back, crying out towards the ceiling as her entire body quakes with her mind blowing orgasm. The bed and several pieces of furniture which had been hovering about a foot off of the floor crash back down to earth, bringing both women out of there lust filled haze to fall spent onto the mattress taking deep breathes and staring at the mess of over turned furniture and debris strewn across the room.

Lauren rolls over towards Bo seeking out the brunette's lips and kisses her thoroughly, wanting to return the pleasure that the succubus had just bestowed upon her. The doctor noticed that Bo had stopped kissing her mouth, moving onto other parts of her body, so that she didn't feed and she was troubled by it. She could feel the build up of energy coursing through her being and knew that she would be racked with pain again, if Bo didn't take it from her. Lauren removes the remaining barriers between her and Bo's voluptuous form, discarding the black bra and panties, to join the rest of the stuff all over the floor. She then starts to map out the succubus' sweat slicked body with her hands and mouth, eliciting a moan of pleasure as she kisses and sucks her way down her smooth taut stomach. She continues making her way towards Bo's hips and inner thighs, placing kisses as she goes; before settling in between the brunettes legs and diving into her already wet and ready centre, probing, licking and gently biting at her engorged button, and pumping several fingers into her, until the succubus tenses and convulses with release around her fingers still buried deep inside, and crying out her lovers name. Lauren kisses her way back up Bo's shaking body, pausing momentarily to give her spectacular breasts some attention before drawing the brunette into another hot breathtaking kiss.

"Bo, I need you to feed, to take away the excess energy," the doctor says, between kisses. Bo groans, with the want of tasting Lauren's essence again. Remembering what Kenzi said about not holding back, she allows herself to feed from the blonde. She spaces the feeding out, only stopping when Lauren's aura is back to just being slightly pink tinged. "I love you, Bo," Lauren says, giving the brunette another kiss before resting her head on Bo's chest.

"I love you too, Lauren, so much," Bo responds, running her fingers idly through her lovers blonde hair. The two women fall asleep tightly wrapped around each other, content and happy in this moment of time, both forgetting about the troubles that await them outside this sanctuary of love and trust.

Chapter 22

It was late morning when Kenzi let herself into Dr. Hot Pants place, with Bo's key. All was silent as she makes her way up the stairs towards the doctors bedroom. "They must of got busy last night, if they are both still in bed," she thinks to herself as she reaches the top, standing outside the door. She leans an ear to the closed door, knocking when she doesn't hear any sexy time sounds coming from behind it.

"Knock knock, you lazy bitches, get your asses outta bed, it's almost noon. Cover yourselves up, I'm coming in, in 3, 2 , 1." Kenzi opens the door with one hand covering her eyes. "Are you up? Tell me when you are covered up, so that I can lower my hand from protecting my sensitive eyes."

Both women stir at the girls intrusion, disentangling arms and legs, before sitting up and covering themselves with a sheet. Bo gives Lauren a sweet kiss on the lips, before focusing her gaze back onto her bestie. "Okay Kenz, we're decent; you can take your hand away," the brunette says, leaning against Lauren's side. The goth removes her hand and swears in Russian when she sees the state of the room and the sex dishevelled ladies giving her sleepy satisfied grins.

"Jeez guys, it looks like a hurricane swept through here," she says, motioning to the mess. Lauren looks around the room grimacing a little, at the mess she had made last night. She hadn't realised just how swept up and out of control she had allowed herself to get, everything seems to fall away when she is with Bo.

"Lauren are you okay?" the succubus asks, seeing the doctor frown.

"I'm going to need to find something to stabilise this power Bo. I can't have you on hand twenty four hours a day, to siphon off the excess energy. It's effecting my work and could be potentially dangerous to everyone around me."

"Oh." Is the only reply from the brunette as she once again feels responsible for the doctors current condition. Though she also feels a little guilty for being happy that because of what has happened to Lauren, she may have been able to be with just her and nobody else.

Kenzi sensing that it's going to be a while before Bo, is going to be ready to head to the Dal, says, "I'm going to see what you have in your fridge, Doc, don't take too long; half the day is over already." She heads out, giving both women a concerned glance before she does.

"What's going on Bo? You seem disappointed or something, that I want to stop or at least control what is happening to me. Don't get me wrong I love the closeness I feel when you feed from me, but it is not realistic to leave it as it is. It's painful when it builds up and you can't put your life on hold to be able to come to me whenever I need the pressure released." Bo looks at the blonde, knowing that she is right and hating herself for being so selfish and not considering the pain and discomfort that this causes the doctor. Lauren watches her girlfriends face and the mixture of emotions that cross her features. "Tell me, what you are thinking, Bo."

The succubus sighs, looking into the blondes warm concerned eyes and reaches out to caress her cheek. "I'm sorry, I can be so selfish sometimes, getting wrapped up in my wants and needs. I didn't even consider the way this would affect your everyday life Lauren, I was just happy at the possibility at being with you, just you..." Lauren closes her eyes, leaning into the hand on her cheek, a smile playing across her lips. "And you are smiling at that..because?" Bo questions, confused by the blondes reaction to her statement.

"You must be the only succubus in the history of the fae that wants a monogamous relationship with a human, and that human is me. How could I not feel infinitely happy and special by that. As much as I would love to not have to share you with anyone else, I doubt that even in my current state, I would be able to sustain you all by myself," the blonde says gently, giving the succubus a gentle kiss. " I love you, Bo, all of you. I would do anything to make things easier for you... We could always, bring others to bed with us, so that it would still be us," the blonde says, keeping her gaze on Bo's dark eyes, to show her that she is serious by the prospect of bringing a third party into their bed. The succubus' eyes widen at the blondes proposition, leaving her completely speechless. "The only condition would be that it would have to be a woman," Lauren says almost shyly. "I do not have any interest in the opposite sex at all. So that would be the only time you would have to feed on your own, I would not ask you to stop feeding from men completely, though I will ask that it isn't Dyson." The doctor waits patiently for Bo to process everything she has just suggested.

"I umm...Wow, how do you always manage to surprise me. I don't know what to say. It would be nice to not have to sneak around or hide that I am feeding from someone else. If I take the treatments you made for me as well, we wouldn't have to do it very often. Are you sure about this Lauren? I don't want you to do something that would make you uncomfortable or end up resenting me. I mean I know our relationship will be anything but normal, because of what I am. I don't want you to be the only one to make sacrifices for it to work, we have to promise that if something is bothering us, we will talk about it. Deal? I have never had a real relationship before this is completely new and I don't want to screw it up."

Lauren smiles at the succubus and kisses her again, this time a little more passionately, causing a moan to escape from the brunette. The bedroom door being open, means that Kenzi hears Bo's moan and not wanting to be stuck here all day, yells up the stairs, "STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW, YOU TWO. BO, WE HAVE SHIT TO DO, PEOPLE TO YELL AT FOR KEEPING STUFF FROM US AND YOUR CRAZY ASS MUM IS STILL LOOSE. SO GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW!"

Lauren pulls back from Bo, laughter escaping her lips at Kenzi's ranting. "Gee Bo, looks like you have two mum's now, the blonde says, finally getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom. Hearing the doctor turn on the shower, Bo gets up quickly, avoiding all of Lauren's belonging that are scattered all over the floor and close the bedroom door. Then heads into the bathroom and closing that door as well.

"Is there room for one more?" Bo asks as she watches the blonde washing her hair.

"I'm sure I can squeeze you in here somewhere," Lauren responds, with a sultry smile and a lick of her lips.

"Plus we are conserving water; doing our bit for the environment," Bo replies, stepping into the stall and joining the blonde under the hot spray.

"Well that all depends on how long we actually stay in here, doesn't it?" the blonde says raising her eyebrows suggestively, before stepping into Bo's arms.

"Hmm.. good point. I'll be quick, I promise," the succubus says, as she begins to kiss Lauren's neck and shoulders.

"Not too quick, I hope. Another twenty minutes won't kill her." The doctor moans as the succubus continues to work her way down her body, kissing all the right places.

A half an hour later, both women emerge from the bedroom freshly showered and dressed and both wearing very satisfied smiles on their lips.

"Your phone has been beeping, Hot Pants," Kenzi says, as she tries to fit her mouth around the largest sandwich, Bo has ever seen. Lauren heads over to the coffee table to her waiting phone and reads the message.

"Do you ever stop eating Kenz? Seriously, is there anything left in Lauren's fridge?" Bo says, shaking her head in disbelief at the amount the small girl can put away in that little body.

"It's okay Bo, I will just ask one of the guards to restock it. Help yourself Kenzi," the doctor says, smiling at the purple haired girl. "I have to go." Bo looks at the blonde, disappointment crossing her features.

"It's Saturday, don't you get the weekends off," she says, pouting a little.

"Usually I do, but I can be called in whenever I am required. There is a special meeting of the elders this afternoon. The Ash has requested that I be there, I will call you later, maybe we could have that date you talked about."

"Okay, sure that sounds good; I'll talk to you later then. Say goodbye Kenzi," Bo says, crossing the room to kiss her girlfriend goodbye.

"Goodbye Kenzi," The goth girl says with a smirk.

"Oh very funny, smart ass," Bo says rolling her eyes. Lauren laughs at the two women as she heads towards the door.

"Bye Hot Pants."

"Bye Kenzi, bye Bo," Lauren says, before heading off towards the compound.

"Come on Bo Bo, we better make tracks, I have a horrible feeling that today is not going to be a good day." The Russian places her plates into the sink, much to Bo's amusement, before heading towards the front door as well. "What," Kenzi asks seeing the look on her friends face.

"'s just you don't put your dishes in the sink at the crack shack," she says smiling at the girl as they head towards Bo's car.

"I thought I would save her the hassle, I mean, you did see the state of the bedroom right, that's gonna take the Doc ages to clean up," Kenzi says with a knowing smile. "You obviously had some quality Doccubus time last night."

"Oh, you have no idea Kenz," Bo responds, grinning from ear to ear.

"And that's exactly the way I like it, Succuface, she replies. "What are you going to say to Trick, Bo Bo," Kenzi asks, face turning serious.

"I don't know Kenz, I just want people to start being honest to me. I'm so sick of all this fae bullshit, I trusted him and he knew who my mother was all along. No more lies Kenzi, I mean it. No more sweet succubus, I'm going to get answers today, whether they like it or not."

"I got your back, Bo Bo, let's do this."

Chapter 23


Lauren had stood quietly in the corner of the huge meeting hall, waiting to be called forward by The Ash. She had sat in this room many times, scouring the books that this room housed in it's floor to ceiling bookcase's. This room held the books that any of the subjects of The Light could access, there were only a handful who new about the hidden access panel in this very room, that housed some of the rarest books about the fae. The doctor had been allowed into that secret room, only a handful of times and under tight security, she really wanted to get access into that room again in order to research the prophecy, but was afraid to ask.

It wasn't that she didn't trust The Ash's motive's, he had been very supportive and lenient towards her for the duration of her servitude so far, being treated quite well for saying that she was a slave. More often than not she felt like she just worked for the fae, not that she was owned by them, but lately she had begun to question her loyalties because of... Bo. She knew that both side's wanted to get Bo to choose a side, she just wasn't sure how far they would push to get her to make that decision. If The Ash had one of the two copies of the prophecy, where was the other and would she be able to find it. The blonde was pulled from her reverie, when she hears The Ash's deep low voice saying her name.

"Dr. Lewis, Have you determined the cause of death, that took Elder Goldthorn's only son, Geldory?" Lauren steps forward noticing that Elder Goldthorn was not present for this summit, he was at his families estate conducting the ritual of mourning. The Elder would not be leaving his estate for ten days, and a day after that, would be the funeral.

"Yes sir, he was killed by a succubus," Lauren informed the seated dignitaries, head bowed. The doctor looked up as a murmuring began to spread amongst these old fae. She heard Bo's name mentioned and looked in the direction of The Ash. The dark skinned fae saw the doctor look toward him, and he raised a hand to settle the Elders sitting in a circle around him.

"It was not the unaligned succubus, her whereabouts have been verified by the detective's handling the case," The Ash say, his voice low but commanding.

"With all due respect Ash, one of those detective's has been romantically involved with this succubus. How do we know he is not just protecting her like he did with that human woman a few weeks ago," One of the more vocal elder fae asks. Lauren tried to keep her face neutral when she thought about Bo and Dyson and how she was still uncertain about Bo's feelings towards the wolf.

The Ash steeple's his fingers placing them to his lips. "I know this Elder Jonas, because she was in my wards residence, following up on a case I asked her to investigate of a very delicate nature. Will you question me like you are questioning one of my most trusted lieutenants?" The Ash gazes at the now uneasy elder, eyes cold, with just a hint of anger permeating the air between them.

"No sir, I apologise, I just want to know who killed, my dear friends, only boy." The wide double doors open, revealing a very attractive young man with a long black leather coat, disrupting the meeting, all eyes turning towards the intruder.

"Who are you and how did you get past the guards," The Ash says, rising from his chair. The man just smiles and opens his jacket, revealing the explosive device strapped to his chest.

"A package from Aoife," the man says calmly. "BOOM."

Lauren sees the timer, 8, 7...the elders are getting out of their chairs in a panic..6, 5...Lauren turns towards The Ash, sweeping her hands in a pushing motion. Using her telekinesis, she pushes The Ash away from the suicide bomber, lifting him into the air and sending him through the window to safety. 4, 3...Lauren turns and begins to run towards the window, sending several of the bookcase's crashing to the floor behind her hoping to use them as a buffer from the blast. 2, 1... Lauren is knocked to the ground by the force of the explosion, she covers her head with her hands as the ceiling collapses, burying the doctor under a pile of rubble.


"Bo Bo, are you sure you want to do this now? I mean maybe Trick had a good reason for keeping the truth from you, I mean your mum is kinda crazy. Shouldn't we try to figure out a way to protect ourselves from her, before doing this." Kenzi and Bo are heading towards the entrance of The Dal, the goth girls is finding it hard to keep up, as her friend gets more and more worked up the closer she gets to the bar.

"Kenz, I am sick of being the last to know everything. I don't need protecting, I just need to be able to trust the people that I fight beside. They had no right keeping this from me, Trick and Dyson, both knew I was searching for my parents and they knew who she was all along. Dyson has been sleeping with me for months and tells me that he cares about me, but has no problems lying straight to my face. And Trick, he has been like a father to me, teaching me about the ways of the fae, and giving his advice trying to guide me through all this bullshit. They wonder why I prefer humans...this is why. You never lie to me Kenzi, I trust you with my life and even Lauren didn't lie to me, even with that thing with Vex, she still told me the truth when I asked her, no matter how much it hurt our relationship to do it. Trick sat there with his sign in book and asked me who my parents were, and when I said to him "well you tell me." He actually could have told me but he chose not to," Bo says passionately, hands clenching into fists at her side.

"Alright Bo, I get it, the fae are big fat liars that have no regard for how secrets can hurt the person they claim to care about. Trick may have his reasons though, so please, try to listen to his explanations before you go off..please," Kenzi pleads hoping to calm the succubus down some.

"And Dyson, what about him?" the brunette asks, the young girl.

"Well now it seems to me that the wolf man doesn't actually answer to The Light fae, half as much as he answers to our bartender, Mr. Tricky Trickster in there. The question is who is Trick, because he certainly isn't just a bar tender? I think Dyson was just following Tricks orders, like a good little dog." Kenzi watches as Bo thinks over what her friend has just theorised.

"Okay Kenzi, I will try to stay calm, but I better get some answers because I am sick and tired of being blind sided," Bo says as she finally grabs the handle and enters the silent establishment.

"We're closed," Trick says, when he hears the front door open, not turning from the book he is reading behind the bar.

"Well you aren't closed to us," the succubus responds her voice hard and clipped. Tricks turns towards Bo and Kenzi, face neutral but his eyes are sad with regret.

Bo is about to give Trick a piece of her mind when she becomes overcome by terror, falling to her knees.

"BO," Kenzi cries out, rushing to the brunette's side and placing a hand on her leather clad shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Bo looks up into the girls concerned pale blue eyes and says in a strained overwhelmed voice, "Lauren."

Chapter 24


The blonde managed to turn her body around in the small enclosed nearly pitch black space. A few tiny little shafts of light had managed to make it's way to where Lauren lay, bruised and battered, but otherwise seemingly fine. The doctor took some deep unsteady breathes, as she looked up at the ceiling beam that was her saviour, it had wedged itself against the wall and one of the heavy antique bookcase's, stopping the progress of the falling ceiling and protecting her in the process.

She felt the shake of the floor and the slight shift of the beam, when another explosion in another part of the compound shook it's foundations. The heavy wooden shaft, creaked and shifted above her threatening to crush her, she put all of her focus on that beam, determined to keep it there. She refused to die like this, just when the doctor had finally found happiness with the most wonderful and loving woman she had ever met. Thinking about Bo brought tears to the blondes eyes. As the tears streaked their way down her dusty cheeks, she silently prayed that The Ash was alive and that he would try to find her. "All I have to do is concentrate on keeping that piece of wood where it is until help comes," she thinks with determination.


"Bo, what are you feeling?" Kenzi asks, starting to freak out as the brunette seems to get paler and paler by the second. The goth girl hears Trick's ancient telephone ring and turns to see the old fae move back away from his position near Bo's side to answer it. She watches the man's face crumble in shock to whatever is being disclosed down the line.

"Kenz, I need you to help me up. I think I'm going to be sick."

Kenzi stands, placing her hands under Bo's arms, and pulling her onto unsteady legs. The succubus stumbles through a door into the restrooms, the young girl following close behind. The brunette makes it to the stall just in time as her stomach convulses painfully and she empties it's contents into the white porcelain bowl. Her friend holds the brunette's long hair as she continues to retch until she sits on the floor, back against the partition, taking large shuddering breathes. "Bo?" Kenzi says, rubbing the succubus gently on her arm, "Are you feeling better now?"

"I can't sense her panic any more, she seems to have calmed down. Some things happened Kenz, can you find out what it is? I just need a minute," Bo says, as she tries to sense whether Lauren is okay or not.

"Okay, I'll be right back. Are you sure you're alright?" The succubus nods in response to the girls question, but is feeling anything but fine.

"Trick, what the hell has just happened?" Kenzi asks, as she approaches the small man as he sits at a table with what appears to be whisky in a glass beside him. "TRICK," she says louder after not getting a response.

"Oh Kenzi, I'm sorry. Um is Bo okay, what happened?"

"Nuh uh mister, I asked you what's happening first, so share." Tricks looks over at the human, sadness in his eyes. "There were several explosions at the compound. A couple of suicide bombers, one in the Elders meeting hall and one in the...lab,"

Kenzi grabs the glass next to Trick and downs it before asking her next question. "Is Lauren okay?"

"I don't know. Dyson is heading here to pick me up. We don't really know much more than where the explosions were, it's complete chaos.

"Kenzi?" Bo says coming out of the bathroom, leaning against the wall.

"We need to go to the compound, Bo, now! Come on, move! I'm driving, give me your keys," The Russian demands, approaching the succubus with purpose.

"What's happened? Tell me!"

"I'll tell you in the car, lets go," she says dragging Bo out of the pub by her arm.


The blonde is having trouble concentrating. She places a hand to her head poking at a tender part of her scalp, her hand comes away bloody. It doesn't seem to be bleeding too profusely as she runs her fingers along the gash which appears to already be healing. Must have a slight concussion, she thinks as her eyelids droop in exhaustion. "Stay awake, Lauren, stay awake. Help will be here soon." She repeats the last part over and over again, like a mantra, willing it to be true.


"Oh my God, what if she's..." Bo couldn't finish, she pushes the feeling of dread aside, refusing to give into her worst nightmare. "Damn it Kenzi, I just wish I could still sense her."

"Lauren's tough Bo, I'm sure she's fine. Have you tried calling her," Kenzi says, trying to keep Bo from dwelling on the terrible thoughts that Lauren may be dead. Bo scrambles for her phone, pushing her speed dial, as she anxiously listens to the ringing, hoping that Lauren will answer and tell her that everything is fine.

Lauren's eyes open, as she feels her phone vibrating in her pocket. The doctor frowns as she grabs at it, she had checked her phone earlier and in didn't have any reception. Her eyes fill with tears when she sees who is calling, "Bo," she rasps into the phone, her throat is sore and dry from breathing in the dust.

"Lauren, thank God, Are you okay?" Bo says, never has she felt as happy as she did right now to hear the doctors voice. Though all the blonde hears are fragments of what Bo says.

" I'm..tired...Bo."

"Lauren hold on please, we are on our way..." Bo starts to panic, the line is really bad, and Lauren sounds exhausted.

"I love..." Bo curses as the line goes dead, cutting her off from Lauren. "Fuck, hurry Kenzi."

The blonde stares at the dead phone, as she fights to stay awake. She hears movement, and bits of dust begin to rain down on her. She knows that there are people above her, trying to remove the debris, to get to her. The noises are getting louder, she covers her face as more dust and small chunks of plaster and stone cascade on and around her face and body. It won't be long now she thinks, as she finally succumbs to her exhaustion, allowing herself to rest her eyes, falling into unconsciousness.

Ten minutes later hands are reaching down, and pulling the unconscious form of Lauren Lewis out of her confinement and onto a waiting gurney. The Ash follows behind the the medical technicians as they wheel her into a private room away from all the other wounded. They proceed to check her vitals and assess any obvious injuries. Confident that the doctor is stable and will wake up when her body recovers from the shock, the medics leave the room. The Ash sits in a chair, keeping a vigil on his ward, his saviour. He motions to one of the guards outside the door.

"Yes Ash,"

"Please bring the unaligned succubus and her pet straight here, when they arrive. Understood."

"Yes sir, I will see to it myself," he says as he rushes out the door.

Chapter 25

"Lauren?" Bo enters the room shoving past the guard, eyes locked on the still, pale blonde, laying in the hospital bed. She halts several steps away from Lauren, when she notice's The Ash sitting in a chair, beside the bed. His face is neutral as he takes in Bo's frantic, worried appearance. The dark skinned fae shifts his eyes to Bo's human, "Close the door please, little human." Kenzi does as the intimidating fae asks, before moving into the room, resting an arm reassuringly on her tense friends shoulder.

"Ash," Bo says in greeting, voice as neutral as she can muster, holding his gaze, daring him to ask her to leave.

"Hello Bo," he replies, with a slight tug at the side of his mouth. He can feel how anxious the succubus is to go to the doctors side, after a few more seconds he motions with his hand indicating that she may approach the bed. Bo wastes no time, rushing to the other side of the bed, across from where The Ash is sitting. She takes Lauren's hand in hers, worried about how cold the blondes hand feels. She begins to rub it between her own hands hoping to warm the icy skin.

"Is she going to be okay? Is there something I can do?" Bo asks the formidable man, who is just staring between Bo and Lauren, his face an emotionless mask.

"I think you have already done plenty to Dr. Lewis, wouldn't you agree," The Ash responds tonelessly. Kenzi places her hand on Bo's back as she reacts the the fae's words.

"And what do you mean by that?" the succubus responds, her hands gripping Lauren's tightly as she tries to keep her rising anger in check.

"What I mean by that, child, is that Lauren seems to have picked up a few new skills to go along with the skill set she already has," He replies, with a slight shift of an eyebrow. When Bo doesn't respond, he continues, looking at his ward with genuine affection crossing his features. "Lauren saved my life today, she lifted me off the ground and threw me through a window to safety, all without laying a finger on me."

The Ash watches as the succubus looks down at the doctor, frowning slightly as she brushes a stray lock of blonde hair, off of Lauren's face. "Also the fact that, as I have been sitting here, I have witnessed a dozen or so little scratches and grazes on the doctors face heal before my very eyes. Interesting that you are being unusually quiet, Bo, you are usually much more...chatty."

Bo looks at The Ash, "What do you want me to say?"

"Lauren is my ward, doctor to my people, she is very important to The Light. She has rallied for you since the very beginning. Her belief in you, is the only reason you are not dead right now. She believes that you are special and that you are important to the well being of the fae. I allowed her to help you, which she thought she was doing without my knowledge. Do you have any idea, the risks she has taken for you?"

"I..." Bo was at a loss for words, she didn't know what this man was trying to do, was he trying to make her angry, or was he trying to get her to admit to something that he would be able to use against her later. She didn't know, so she kept silent.

The dark fae sighs in frustration. "Is her faith in you unfounded, young succubus? Do you know how Dr. Lewis came to be with the light?"

Bo shakes her head before replying softly, "No I don't know the specifics, she's a very private person. It seemed to pain her talking about the past, so I didn't want to push her."

"Listen to everything I have to tell you, before making any decisions. You are not to tell her that you know, understand. Lauren was in the Congo on a research grant, with her girlfriend Nadia." He shook his head, when Bo went to open her mouth to say something, he waited for her to close her mouth resolutely before continuing. "Dr. Lewis came across a sick village and threw herself into finding a cure for the illness sweeping through the population. She realised that the people in the village weren't people at all, but fae. Lauren is a brilliant scientist and doctor, she engineered a cure for a disease that had been killing our kind for centuries. However during this time Nadia also fell ill, but the cure did not work on her, and she fell into a coma. I approached Lauren and offered her all of our resources to find a cure for Nadia, in exchange for her continued service to The Light. She loved Nadia very much, and felt guilty that her work had made her girlfriend sick. So she signed the contract and came back to the compound with us. That was five years ago, over the years, though Lauren never stopped trying to find a cure for Nadia, her feelings for her diminished. Nadia became more of a patient, a puzzle to solve, rather than a sick lover. And then she met you, and any feelings that the doctor had clung to vanished, the closer and more involved she got with you. You see, Dr. Lewis is loyal to a fault, she resisted what she was feeling towards you, but your optimism and charm and your affection towards humans, made her feel something that she thought she would never feel again, hope. She will give you everything she has, to keep you safe. And I am trying to keep her safe from the fae who are stuck in the old ways and refusing to move with the times. I need to know that you are genuine in your feelings and intentions for the doctor. You have a connection with her; I can sense it, which means others will be able to sense it also. Her loyalties are divided now and I need to know that you will protect her from those that would wish her harm, I need to be able to trust you. Nadia's pod was crushed in the explosion in the lab; she did not make it. Lauren will grieve her loss, though I do not know if she will share this with you or not. I needed you to know, so that you will watch over her when I cannot. Think about everything that I have said and come find me in a few days, there are other things I would like to discuss with you. Will you come to me?"

The succubus nods her head in acceptance, as her mind swirls with everything The Ash has told her.

"Okay until then I will bid you farewell," The fae says. As he rises from his seat, he squeezes the doctors hand gently, before exiting the room.

Kenzi grabs a chair and places it next to Bo, before motioning that she should sit down. The goth girl moves across the room taking the chair The Ash had been occupying and moves it closer to the bed before sitting down herself. "Holy shit Bo Bo, that was huge. Are you alright?" Kenzi reaches out and takes Lauren's other hand while she waits for her friend to tell her how she is feeling.

Bo leans closer to the bed resting her elbow's on the firm mattress, still clutching the blondes hand as she brings that hand to her lips and kisses it gently. "I don't know how I feel. I can't be mad at her for wanting to save her comatose girlfriend, can I? I mean at least I know now why she was so reluctant to talk about her past and why it seemed to be so painful to her. I just wish she would have opened up to me and let me in. I love her, what I know now doesn't change that, but I hope that one day she will completely let down her barriers and tell me everything. We all have a past, it's what molds us into the people we are today, I wish she wouldn't hide so much about herself, I want to get to know all of her, the good and the bad."

"You hear that Hot Pants, huh, your girl is completely whipped," Kenzi says conversationally to the sleeping doctor.

"Oh shut up, Kenzi, I am not," Bo responds playfully, not caring at all if she is.

"Hmm." The sound comes from Lauren, causing Bo to get to her feet, and placing a hand on the blondes cheek.

"Lauren, can you hear me."

"Wakey, Wakey, Hot Pants," Kenzi says, also getting to her feet.

Lauren's eyelids flutter a few times before finally opening, she blinks a few more times, before her vision finally clears and she looks up at the two grinning faces looking down at her. "Water," the doctor whispers. Kenzi pours some water into a cup from a small table in the corner of the room. The blonde sips at the water slowly, swirling it around her mouth, before swallowing. "Hmm, thank you."

"Hi," Bo says kissing Lauren gently on the mouth.

"Hi," the doctors says back, "I had the weirdest dream that The Ash was here."

"He was here, Lauren. He told us how you saved his life, but don't worry about that now, just get some rest," Bo says.

"Will you stay with me," Lauren asks, voice still scratchy and raw. Kenzi hands the cup of water back to the blonde so that she can have another drink.

"Of course I'll stay with you; I'm not going anywhere," The succubus replies, giving her another kiss.

"See whipped," Kenzi says with a chuckle. Bo just glares at her friend, but Lauren laughs, causing her to cough. "Oops sorry Doc, I'll try to keep the jokes to a minimum for a while. Get some rest, we will both be here when you wake up." The blonde nods and closes her eyes, it doesn't take long for her to fall into a deep restful sleep.

Chapter 26


The doctors had relented to allow Lauren to go home the next day against their better judgement, but their boss had insisted, so they reluctantly agreed. Bo had sent Kenzi home to get some real sleep, while she had tried to get some of her own on the torture device that had some how managed to be called a chair. The brunette groans in discomfort at the ache she has acquired from said chair, in her neck and lower back. She stretches as she walks beside a quiet, subdued Lauren, as they make their way through the compound towards the doctors living quarters.

Bo notices Lauren visibly flinch when she sees the destruction of the lab. Bo wants to reach out to the blonde, to comfort her, but is now hyper aware of just how much attention the two them seem to attract as they continue their journey though the bustling corridors. They walk together in silence, quiet tears running down the blondes cheeks. The brunette, resists the urge to wrap her arms around Lauren and kissing those tears away. "Hang in there Lauren, we are almost there," Bo says softly, the doctor nods her head slightly, understanding and appreciating Bo's strength for keeping her distance.

The brunette rushes ahead to open the door, holding it open so that Lauren can slip in without stopping. As soon as the door is closed, Bo sweeps Lauren into her arms, as giant painful sobs erupt from the blonde, as she clings desperately to the succubus unable to keep her emotions at bay. Several items fall from their places on shelves and tables crashing to the floor. "Shhh, it's okay. Everything will be okay, I promise," Bo whispers soothingly into the doctor's ear, as she rubs circles on her back, wanting desperately to take her pain away.

After several minutes, Lauren seems to contain her emotions, no longer sobbing uncontrollably, she is now just crying quietly tears still streaming down her face. She pulls back from Bo's strong embrace, looking into her dark concerned eyes. "I'm sorry," she says.

"Shh, there's nothing to be sorry for. You have been though a lot." Bo places her hands to either side of the blondes face and leans in kissing her softly, before stepping away to look into Lauren's sad eyes.

"No, I'm sorry for not telling you about Nadia...I."

"Oh," Bo gasps, eyes widening. "Wait how do you know..."

"The dream I thought I had about The Ash...I realised it wasn't a dream at all. He was talking to you, wasn't he?" Bo nods unable to find her voice at the moment and just waits for the doctor to continue. "I thought it was a dream because it was only his voice, but then I remember you talking to Kenzi later just before I managed to open my eyes and that was when I realised that it wasn't a dream.

"He told me not to speak until he was finished talking, I guess he knows how good I am at jumping to the wrong conclusions," she says self depreciatingly. The blonde smiles a little at the succubus' admission, before hugging her again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Do you mind if we have a shower first?" Lauren says with a raised eyebrow. "I can still feel all the dust and grit all over my skin, it itches."

"Sure, no problem, I can wait. Hang on, did you say we?"

"Yes I said we, are you coming," The blonde smiles at the look that crosses the succubus' features.

"Like I could ever refuse such an offer." Bo grabs Lauren by the back of her neck pulling her forward as she claims the doctors lips in a passionate hungry kiss. The doctor moans into the succubus' mouth as she grabs at her hips pulling her roughly towards her, removing all the distance between them.

Lauren pulls away from the kiss, bringing a cry of protest from the brunette. "Feed Bo, before we go any further. I don't want to risk damaging any more of my furniture." Bo pauses, as the mere thought of tasting the blonde before her, brings her hunger raging to the surface. With a look of ravenous hunger and glowing azure eyes, the succubus claims Lauren's lips again in a frenzied kiss before drinking greedily from the addictive heady life essence. With her head spinning and a needy ache pulsing between her legs, the still blue eyed succubus, takes the heavily breathing blonde by the hand and begins leading her towards the stairs.

"Let's get you out of those clothes," Bo says with a lascivious smile.

Forty minutes later, both women are laying side by side on Lauren's bed, the blondes head resting on Bo's chest. "Do you want to talk about it now?" the brunette asks, running her fingers through Lauren's, still slightly damp blonde hair.

"Nadia is...was my biggest regret and failure. The regret is because if I hadn't talked her into accompanying me to the Congo, she would never have gotten ill in the first place and the failure is because I couldn't find the cure for her. In five years I still hadn't figured out what was wrong with her, I let her down." Bo leaned down and kissed the top of Lauren's head, she could sense that the blonde was crying again, blaming herself.

"I'm sure you didn't have to twist her arm that much to get her to go with you," Bo says softly. "I know that I would follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked me too. Kenzi would have to come too, though."

Lauren laughs a small laugh, "Yes of course she would, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have grown incredibly fond of her, I am so glad that she looks out for you. Kenzi is a great friend to have."

"Should I be worried about you two," Bo says playfully, twirling a piece of blonde hair around her finger.

"Sadly no, Kenzi turned me down cold," Lauren responds, playing along, enjoying the banter.

Bo chuckles, before saying, "the sad thing is, I can actually picture Kenzi saying, hands of the merchandise Hot Pants."

"Well actually that's pretty much what she did say when we slept together, in your bed."

"WHAT! WHEN WAS THIS?" the succubus says in mock outrage.

"It was when you were off getting your bad ass succubus on. Don't worry I told her that she wasn't my type. I like my woman athletic and curvy in all the right places. Our little Kenzi, is way too skinny to peak my interest." Lauren replies, sitting up and turning around so she can admire all of Bo's curves.

"Hmm well that pleases me very much, because I like you way too much to share you with anyone. Hey did I ever tell you that I hallucinated you and Kenzi making out in the lab in front of me, when I was infected by that spider thingy, that you saved us from." Bo says, eyes dancing merrily at the memory. "It was kind of hot actually, in a... the girl I wanna sleep with, is kissing my sister kind of way. Actually it was probably just because I thought you were all kinds of yummy."

"Hmm," Lauren says, as she leans in to give the succubus a kiss. "mmm, you are quite tasty yourself, you know." They just gaze at each other in silence, enjoying the comfort of being with each other, both lost in their on thoughts.

"Lauren?" Bo says, drawing Lauren out of her daydream.


"My mum wasn't just trying to kill, The Ash was she? She wanted to kill you too, why else would she target the lab?" Thinking about what Aoife had done, made Bo angry.

"I think so, yeah. What are you going to do, Bo?" Lauren asks, knowing that sooner or later Bo's crazy mother would try again.

The succubus sighs, "I don't know, can we just forget about it for now? I just want to lay here, with you, for a while longer. Can we do that?" Bo says, with a pleading look.

"I could lay in your arms forever, there is nowhere else I would rather be." Lauren kisses Bo again, before curling herself up against the brunette, allowing all of her tension to just melt away.

Chapter 27

Bo was laying on her side, her head resting on her hand, watching the doctor sleeping. Lauren had had a pretty restless night, the blonde had muttered in her sleep, crying out on occasions, a frown etched on her brow. She was finally still and the succubus couldn't resist leaning into Lauren and kissing her on her exposed shoulder.

Bo finally got up ten minutes later, dressing quickly and heading downstairs. Pulling out her phone, she calls her best friend, hoping the girl is already up.

"Yo, Bo Bo, what's up," Kenzi says, answering on the second ring.

"Hey Kenz, can you swing by and pick me up from Lauren's, I want to head over to the Dal, and have that conversation with Trick."

"Yep, sure, no problem. Are you going to bring Lauren?"

"She's still asleep, I don't really want to wake her; she didn't sleep very well last night. Not that I'm surprised, she's been through so much," Bo responds, her eyes looking towards the direction of Lauren's room.

"Well maybe you should, bring her I mean. Bo, Saskia...I mean Aoife, she got into the compound once, what's to stop her doing it again?" Bo winces at the memory of her mother, stepping on Lauren's throat holding her to the floor.

"You're right, I'll wake her up. See you in 20?" the brunette says, already heading for the stairs.

"Okie dokie, I'll see you two soon. Oh and Bo?"


"No hanky panky with Hot Pants, I don't want to be waiting outside for hours while you guys sex it up," Kenzi says, in a reprimanding tone.

"Jeez Kenzi, I do have some self control, you know." Bo says, reaching Lauren's open bedroom door and getting an eye full of the sleep tousled blonde, who is gazing at her intensely.

"Are you sure about that?" Lauren asks seductively, letting the sheet fall to her waist. Bo licks her lips, as she sweeps her gaze over the blondes exposed flesh.

"Actually Kenzi would you mind making it an hour?" the brunette says breathlessly, as she slips her jacket off, and unbuttons her pants with her spare hand.

Kenzi laughs at her friend before replying, "Okay, I'll kill some robot zombie hookers, but you owe me lunch at the Dal." Lauren is helping Bo out of her clothes, kissing the brunette's exposed skin as she goes.

"," Bo groans, hanging up the phone and dropping it onto the floor with her pants. Bo grabs the doctor by the shoulders pulling her up towards her face, removing Lauren's mouth from where it is kissing and licking her stomach. The succubus claims the blondes lips in a hard passionate kiss. She pulls away leaning her forehead against Lauren's and whispers against her mouth, "we don't have much time, so lay back, I want to get my fill of you before our ride gets here." Lauren captures Bo's mouth again with eager lips and a probing tongue, pulling the succubus down onto the bed with her.

"Together," the blonde rasps breathlessly, as she guides Bo's hand to her already dripping and aching folds, before searching out the succubus' wet and ready core with her own long eager fingers.

Kenzi had been waiting ten minutes and was just about to call her horny friend to tell her to get her hands out of Lauren's hot pants, when she saw them round the corner heading towards the yellow camero. She watches as Bo slips her hand around Lauren's waist, bringing her tight up against her, as they walk the last fifty yards to the car. Kenzi can't help but smile at the happiness that Bo has found in the arms of Lauren. Kenzi slides into the back seat as Bo releases her hold on the doctor, giving her a quick kiss before racing around to the drivers side door.

The three women enter the Dal, together, noticing that it is unusually quiet even though it is the middle of the day. Trick notices them and makes a beeline for Lauren.

"Lauren, I am so glad that you are alright, I heard that you saved The Ash's life. I think you could negotiate the terms of your servitude because of it, he owes you a life debt now," Trick says, hoping this will remove the scowl on Bo's face.

"Thank you Trick. The Ash asked me to accompany Bo when she goes to see him in a few days," the doctor responds, a tinge of hope in her voice.

"Can we have that talk now?" Bo says impatiently. Lauren gives the old fae a sympathetic smile, before he turns towards the still upset succubus.

"Of course, we will go down to the study. Kenzi, Lauren, grab anything you like from the bar."

"No, anything you have to say, they can hear as well," the brunette says resolutely, feeling the need to have them with her for comfort and support.

Trick sighs, "Fine. Come along then." Without another word he heads for the door leading to his living quarters. Kenzi follows closely behind the bartender. Lauren takes Bo's hand giving it a squeeze, not caring who sees at this moment, and leads Bo towards the stairs, following Kenzi's retreating form.

Lauren and Kenzi take their places on either side of Bo, on the antique couch as Trick sits in his armchair across from them. "Tell me everything," Bo demands, her jaw set. "I need to hear it, no matter how hard it will be to hear. Aoife is my mother! I deserve to know, what happened to her to make her this way."

"I let your mother down long before you were born, I failed her. Aoife was of my clan and the fae were constantly at war, we had almost fought ourselves out of existence. I grew weary trying to stop the fighting, so I decided to force peace instead."

"How the hell do you force peace?" the succubus asks. Bo feels Lauren's hand on her thigh and Kenzi's on her back, it's the only thing keeping her calm as she listens to her mentor. His lies had hurt Bo deeply, she found it incredibly difficult looking at him without thinking of the things that could have been avoided if he had told her the truth about who her mother was from the start. None of the stuff with Vex would have happened if she had known about Aoife. She concentrates on her two companion's hands, taking all the strength and comfort that she can as she listens to Trick, pushing the dark feelings aside.

"I am a Blood Sage," he says.

Bo hears Lauren's intake of breathe at his words and hears the barely audible "of course" that leaves her lips. Bo looks towards the blonde with enquiring eyes, "What's a Blood Sage?" the brunette's asks Lauren. Wide brown eyes leave Tricks face and lock onto Bo's.

"A Blood Sage has the power to make things happen. Whatever he writes in his own blood, will come to pass," Lauren answers. Bo looks back at the small man in shock, what is a fae with such power doing running a pub, she thinks.

"That's a nifty little skill you have there, Trickster," Kenzi says, not as surprised as the other two women, as she remembers what the lightning bird had told her about Trick and a book of blood.

"Not as nifty as you would think. With great power comes a price, your mother paid it. Not everyone was happy with the forced peace, some where unable to forgive the events of the past. Your mother led a small rebellion, killing a dark fae clan leader in the process, she was caught. She managed to escape and came to me for help, but I refused, I couldn't risk the war restarting and handed her over to be executed for her crime."

"Well it looks like they didn't do a very good job executing her, because she's up and around, blowing people up and shit," Kenzi says in exasperation.

"It was a long time after that, before I found out that she wasn't dead. She wants me to pay for turning her over, for not sheltering her when she asked.

"But this doesn't make sense, it feels personal. What does she want from me?" Bo says, not sure if he has revealed everything. "Is that everything Trick, there's something else, I know it, are you going to sit there and deny it. I need to talk to her, she deserves the right to be heard. I'm sorry but there is always two sides to a story and I'm afraid I can't just blindly believe everything that you say any more. Because I just don't trust you any more, you are going to need to earn that trust back."

"I'm sorry Bo." He sighs, obviously fighting whether to reveal something else to her that he isn't ready to share.

"Out with it Trick, it can't be worse than everything else you have just told me," the succubus says, pressing him to reveal whatever it is he is holding back.

Tricks sighs again, but is unable to suppress a smile at Bo's tenacity and her desire for hearing the truth. "When I said that Aoife was of my clan, what I really should have said is that... I am Aoife's father, that is why it is so personal, I sacrificed my own daughter to prevent the war from breaking out again.

"Sweet baby Jesus, Kenzi says, rubbing Bo's back as she sits there in silence, shock and disbelief written across her features. Bo felt like her brain might explode as she think about what the small fae has just spoken. If Trick is Aoife's father... wait... that means... "You are my grandfather, Bo says quietly.

"Yes, Bo, and I promise that I will tell you everything about your family. But right now we really need to concentrate on getting you out of the city, before Aoife comes looking for you again."

"No, Trick, I'm not going to hide, I want to talk to her. She is my mother. I think I can help her, I just need to try to get through to her, to hear her side of the story. I think she needs me as much as I need her." Bo looks at Trick her face softening as she looks at her...grandfather. His eyes are gentle as he looks back at her.

"You will be the death of me Bo, I swear you will," he says chuckling at his stubborn headstrong granddaughter.

"I think we all need a drink, wouldn't you agree succuface," Kenzi say standing up from her place on the couch and pulling Bo up. "Come on Hot Pants, Gramps, lets get us a drink." Bo follows the others up the stairs into the main bar, the succubus stops at the top of the stairs as she feels a sensation like she is being watched. The brunette looks towards the darkened entrance of The Dal, and gasps as she sees someone lurking in the shadows. Bo is moving before her brain can even tell her to stop and think.

The succubus comes face to face with her mother, "Mum?"

"Hi sweetie, mummies come to ask Trick for something." Before Bo can say anything else, Aoife strolls into the bar and calls out in a strong clear voice, "Sanctuary, I ask for sanctuary."

Chapter 28

The Dal was so silent you could hear a pin drop. It took Trick several seconds to comprehend what the woman standing just in front of Bo had just spoken.

"Shit, I knew I should have stayed in bed today," says Kenzi, breaking the silence and Tricks stupification.

"Everybody out! Sanctuary has been invoked," Trick announces to the patrons, hoping they understand that it is more for their safety, than for the rules for the rite itself. He cannot pull his gaze from his dangerous daughter, his heart aches with regret and guilt as she stares directly back at him.

After the last of the fae have left the Dal, leaving him with his volatile daughter, his granddaughter and her lover and best friend, he clears his suddenly dry throat unsure on what to do. Lauren is the first to speak, "Bo, perhaps you should lock the front door before anyone else enters." The brunette looks towards the shell shocked bartender awaiting his consent, he nods to her and she immediately moves towards the door bolting it shut.

"So cool under pressure, huh blondie. Now I know, how my well planned attack on the elders and The Ash managed to go tits up," Aoife says, moving her eyes from her father to the doctor. Again she marvels at the blonde's aura, it is so bright even when the doctor isn't sexually aroused. She notices the distinct swirling of chi mixed through it and takes a step closer towards the woman without a conscious thought. Bo seeing the older succubus' intent gaze and forward momentum, steps quickly into her path cutting off her approach and view of Lauren. Aoife blinks rapidly a few times, before looking her daughter in the eye. "My, we are protective of the doctor aren't we."

"Well you did try to blow her up a few days ago, why the hell wouldn't I want to protect her from you?" The younger succubus retorts, with barely contained rage.

The older woman raises her hands in a placatory gesture. "Now hang on a minute missy, that was not my intent. In fact, I gave my lab suicide bomber implicit instructions to make sure your doctor wasn't in the lab, when detonated. How was I to know that she would be at the elders meeting. I mean she's human, how was I supposed to know she was held in such high standing with The Ash. I swear to you, that she was not an intended target. However, she did completely screw up my plans, which is why I have graced you all with my presence and asked for sanctuary. The light will be hunting for me now, so I need my dad to do what he should have done the first time and protect his daughter from those who wish her harm." Aoife smiles slightly at the grimace her words bring to her fathers face. Bo steps back towards the bar, closer to Kenzi and Lauren.

"What would you have me do, Aoife?" Trick says, in a soft none threatening voice.

"Well hopefully, something that doesn't involve a couple of centuries of imprisonment and torture at the hands of a vicious sadistic bastard," She spits back vehemently. "A succubus is too good for execution, didn't you know, such a waste The Dark King thought, he was really quite imaginative and inventive in his tastes and pleasures." They watch as the dark beauty falls off into painful memories from her horrific captivity. "Go get your book of blood, Blood King." Bo looks towards Trick, pleading him with her eyes to comply with her mothers wishes. They all watch as the small man, steps down from behind the bar and heads towards his living quarters. "No tricks, give me your oath...father, that you will protect me and keep my being here a secret."

The blood king looks into his disturbed daughters face. "I give you my blood oath, that I will not trick you, by revealing your presence or endangering your life in anyway," he says, meaning every word. It pained him to see just how far Aoife's torment and torture had affected his once loving and caring daughter's mind. He had an obligation to make up for his past mistake's and to protect his daughter from this mess she was in, he owed her that much. He gives Bo a glance, his eyes telling her to be wary of the woman, even though she is her mother, before heading downstairs towards his study. Bo turns towards Lauren and Kenzi, trying to give them a reassuring smile, even though her stomach is tied up in knots with worry and fear of the unpredictability of the older succubus.

"I'm hungry. I really should have eaten before I got here," she says suddenly, switching into her less stable personality allowing her needs and desires to dictate her actions. Aoife takes another step towards Lauren and her tasty looking energy. Bo again moves forward defensively, sensing her mother's emotional shift and seeing the dangerous glint in her dark eyes. The older succubus raises her eyebrow at her daughters courage and stupidity, "Now Bo, surely your parents brought you up to share with others. I won't kill her I promise. Just a taste."

"Lauren's mine! There's no fucking way I am going to let you get anywhere near her," Bo says through clenched teeth, her jaw set.

Aoife laughs menacingly, "Like you could stop me sweetie, now share with mommie."

"Over my dead body," Bo says, she hears Lauren's intake of breath at her words.

"So dramatic, that is definitely something you got from me." In one fluid motion Aoife reaches towards Bo, hands grabbing at her leather jacket and throwing her across the Dal. The brunette collides with the stone wall stopping her momentum hard, the back of her head slamming into the rock with a load resounding crack.

"Bo!," Kenzi and Lauren yell out together, both looking towards the young succubus' still body lying crumpled on the floor. Lauren turns her face back towards Aoife, rage flushing her face. Before Aoife manages to touch the blonde with her powerful seductive influence she pushes everything she has into her ability and pushes out with her mind into the fast approaching older woman. Aoife lets out a cry as she is pushed with enough force to crack the wooden panelling in the wall that she crashes into, before falling to her hands and knees, trying to regain the breath that has been knocked out of her.

"Kenzi, go check on Bo," Lauren says calmly, eyes still locked on Aoife. The older succubus finally able to breathe properly, looks up at the doctor with slitted eyes, mouth set in a snarl. As she goes to get up, gaze still locked on the blonde, she is again forced down with a small flick with the doctors finger. "Stay," she warns, the unhinged succubus, with a small dangerous smirk of her own.

"SHIT!" she hears Kenzi proclaim, as she kneels beside her best friend.

"Kenzi?" the doctor says, her eyes never leaving her captive.

Kenzi holds her hand up red with blood, that is leaking profusely from Bo's head. "There's a lot of blood coming from her head, Lauren! Tell me what to do!"

"Go downstairs, tell Trick we need something to bind Aoife with. Hurry." Kenzi gets up quickly doing exactly what Lauren instructs her to do, trusting her judgement completely, she races past the doctor and down towards Trick.

"Well, you are not a normal run of the mill human now are you, Lauren?" Aoife enquires curiously, no longer resisting the blonde as she sits with her back leaning against the wall. Lauren doesn't respond to the fae, she just leans a elbow on the bar as she continues to stare at the succubus with her well practised cool and emotionless expression, giving nothing away on how she is actually feeling. On the inside, her mind and heart is screaming at her to run to Bo to take care of the woman she loves. "Please hang on, Bo," she thinks, her composure threatening to slip as each agonising minute passes. Kenzi re-emerges with Trick following closely behind her. He has several books in his hands and two sets of shackles slung over his shoulder. He places the books down, but picks up the smaller one. He starts reading from the small book, the doctor is unfamiliar with the language or the purpose of the incantation. When the small fae, falls silent and steps towards Aoife with confidence and slapping the manacles onto her ankle's and linking the other set of shackles so that they are joined hindering free movement. He then reaches for his daughters wrists and she smiles as she thinks she can use her power to stop Trick from confining her hands...nothing happens. She screams out in rage and spits at her father as he finishes locking up her hands.

"I'm sorry, but until I can free you from the torment in your mind, no one is safe, even you," he says, his eyes pleading for his estranged offspring to understand.

"I am your creation; I am like this because of you. You failed me," She hissed in reply.

"I know, I'm sorry," Trick says again, as he moves away from her hate filled stare, and sits in a nearby chair wearily.

"Can I release my hold on her now, Trick?" Lauren asks restlessly, desperate to tend to Bo's injuries.

"Oh yes, sorry Lauren, go to Bo. I have bound her powers, she's not going anywhere.

The doctor leaps off her stall, crossing the distance between her and the still unconscious Bo in seconds. She rolls the brunette onto her side grimacing at the large pool of blood spread out on the floor around her head. Lauren curses as she feels the huge gash across the back of Bo's scalp and what feels like a cracked skull beneath it. "Shit! Kenzi I need you to help me get her into the storage room, this is going to require her special kind of healing. Trick, what have you got downstairs that I can use to wake her up long enough to feed? Get it for me, before I move her, hurry!" Lauren looks at Bo's pale face as quiet tears roll down the blondes face.

"Hang on, Bo. I can't lose you, don't leave me," Lauren says, placing a gentle kiss to the succubus' forehead.

Chapter 29

Lauren reaches into the inside of Bo's jacket, looking for the succubus' phone.

"What ya doing doc?" Kenzi asks, kneeling down beside the blonde, and handing her a small bottle of grey murky, looking liquid. "Trick says to place two drops onto Bo- Bo's tongue and she will wake up."

"Hmm," Lauren says, pulling the stopper off the bottle, she is accosted with the most disgusting smell, she has ever encountered. "Uhhh, this smells disgusting, did Trick say what it is."

"Nope, but damn, put the lid back on it, Hot Pants, that shit is rank. And what's with the phone," the goth girl questions, nodding towards the phone in Lauren's hand.

"I'm going to call Shani," Lauren replies, finding the sprite's number and pressing the call button. Shani picks up on the third ring. "Hi this is Dr. Lewis, I really need your help, how quickly can you get to the Dal? I don't have time to explain, just that it's Bo and I am not strong enough to heal her on my own." She nods at whatever is being said. "Okay, call this number when you are at the door and Kenzi will let you in. Thanks Shani." The doctor hands the phone to Kenzi, before getting to her feet.

"Okay, can you help me with her." The thief puts Bo's cell into her pocket, before standing up next to the blonde. "Okay, we will just drag her by her arms, she should slide across the floor easily enough.

The two women, slip their hands under Bo's arms and start pulling her across the bar floor into the storage room. "Thanks Kenzi, Shani will be here in about ten minutes, send her straight in." Lauren pulls out the bottle of vile liquid, holding her breathe as she unstoppers it and places two drops into Bo's mouth, that she has just opened with her free hand.

"Okay I'm leaving before I totally vom on my BFF. Man, that shit is nasty. I hope it taste's better than it smells." The Russian say, as she turns and quickly exits the room, closing the door behind her.

Several seconds later Bo bolts upright into a sitting position, dry heaving before saying, "Oh my god, Lauren, what the hell did you give me?" The brunette sticks her tongue out and tries wiping away the taste with the front of her black halter top, giving the blonde a lovely view of the succubus' taut toned stomach. Lauren grabs a bottle of fae wine from a nearby box and opens it quickly, before passing it to the succubus. Bo snatches the bottle from the doctors outstretched hand and upends it sculling the dark burgundy wine, downing half the bottle. The blonde sits herself onto Bo's lap, getting her attention. "Lauren, what's going on? Owww my head is kill..."

The blonde claims the succubus' lips cutting off the rest of her words, drawing out a moan from her instead. Lauren breaks the kiss, ghosting over Bo's lips and breathing hard. She says, "Feed Bo!", before pressing her lips firmly against the brunette's again, plundering her mouth with desperation. Lauren feels the now familiar tug as Bo begins to feed greedily from her abundant life force. The doctor only pulls back, when the edge's of her vision begins to darken, threatening unconsciousness. Unable to hold herself upright, she leans heavily against the panting succubus, her head resting on Bo's shoulder.

"Lauren! Did I take too much?" Bo says worriedly. A small knock on the door, before it opens, has Bo looking away from a depleted doctor into the shining bright eyes of Shani. Bo feeling the pain coming from the back of her head again, reaches up to see what's making the sharp throbbing sensation. Lauren finally able to sit up by herself, slaps Bo's hand away, causing the brunette to flinch and look at her questionably.

"Sorry Bo, but don't touch it. Let me see." The doctor crawls off of the succubus' lap and moves to her side on her knees. Pushing Bo slightly forward so she can examine her skull. "Well the bleedings stopped but it feels like your skulls is still fractured."

"And that's where I come in, right," Shani says lightly, with a small smile directed at the two women sitting on the floor. The doctor looks up, with a grim smile of her own, as she starts to stand to give the two some privacy. Bo grabs Lauren's wrist halting her progress and bringing her brimming eyes to look into the dark orbs of the succubus.

"Please don't leave me," Bo says, saddened by the pain in the blondes eyes as the tears threaten to fall. Shani watches the lovers in silence, the emotions in the room were stifling, and she could feel the depth of their love and devotion for each other.

"Bo, I know we talked about it, but I don't think I can. Just thinking about other people touching and kissing you, makes my heart clench. I don't think I could bare to watch it, I'm sorry." Lauren says feeling weak and pathetic at not being completely okay with what Bo needs, the woman in her overriding the doctor part of her.

"Oh thank God, because I don't want anyone touching you, but me," Bo replies with a sad smile. "I'm just sorry that I can't do the same." Bo lifts Lauren's hand to her lips kissing it softly. "But I still don't want you to go."

Shani clears her throat, starting to feel like she is intruding on the women seated on the ground in front of her. "Lauren, if you just turn away and close your eyes, I will only have to kiss her once and she can take my chi and then you can take care of the rest. You can just buy me a drink sometime, as a thank you. I honestly think this is the sweetest thing I have ever seen in my long life. A succubus with a conscience and a desire for monogamy," the sprite says, with a genuine smile at Bo, as she watches the brunette blush slightly. Lauren sees Bo blushing and smiles at her lover, before leaning in for a quick kiss.

"Bo we really need to fix the fracture. I'll stay, it's okay." Shani kneels on the other side of the brunette, and waits for Lauren to look away and close her eyes, while she holds onto Bo's hand tightly. The sprite leans in and kisses the succubus. Bo pushes a little power into Shani's arm with her other hand, as she tries to flare up enough desire to spark her hunger to feed. The platinum blonde, deepens the kiss, using her tongue to entice Bo's power to ignite.

Sensing the succubus' difficulty, Lauren runs her other hand up the inside of Bo's thigh. That simple action, is all the brunette needs as, she moans into the sprite's mouth at the doctors familiar intimate touch. Bo's eyes flare to life and she pulls her lips away from Shani's and drinks greedily at her chi for a minute or two, until there is no more pain, just the warmth of the fae's life essence mingling with the potent remnants of Lauren's.

Shani gets up off the floor dusting off the spots on the knees of her black slacks. "I'm going to go sit with Kenzi and the bottle of vodka she is devouring, I'm hoping she might share," the sprite says smiling at Bo and then Lauren, eyes filled with genuine warmth and friendship.

"Thank you," Lauren says, giving the sweet fae a smile in return.

"Yeah thanks Shani, we will definitely invite you out for a few drinks, I would love us to become friends. I mean.. I know Kenzi likes you, she thinks you're... what was the word she used...oh yeah sassy," Bo says, giving her a 100 watt smile.

"I would like that very much. Have fun you two, I'm sure Bo has a slight headache or something," she says, to the blonde doctor with a wink, before exiting the storage room, closing the door behind her.

"How are you feeling Bo?" the doctor asks, as she gets up again to examine Bo's head and marvelling at her now completely reformed skull and scalp. The succubus, grabs Lauren by her hips, moving her back onto her lap. "I think Shani is right I do still have a slight headache," Bo drawls seductively, running her index finger along the blondes jaw, before brushing her thumb across the doctors bottom lip.

"Hmm, well we can't have that now can we," she says, as she leans forward crushing her lips against Bo's with a ferocity that takes the brunette by surprise, coaxing a low groan from her throat as the succubus wraps her arms around the doctor pulling her as close as their bodies would allow...

Chapter 30


"Mind if I join you?" Shani asks, as she approaches the raven haired Russian, seeing her knock back another shot from the half empty bottle of vodka.

"Sure Miss Sprite, pull up a pew," Kenzi responds, words slurring a little as she pats the chair next to her. "Is Bo Bo okay? She was bleeding a lot, I can't believe her own mother would do that. What a bitch!" She looks at Shani's shocked expression, and realises she has already said way to much. Kenzi stops the bottle of vodka mid-motion to filling her glass again and places the bottle down onto the bar, cutting herself off. "Sorry I just condemned you to the Dal, I hope you didn't have any pressing plans for the day or night or week."

The sprite looks over towards the entrance and notices for the first time, that the bar is empty, then she sees the beautiful dark haired woman sitting up against the wall, with her hands and ankles in shackles. And she also notes the way she was staring daggers at the bar tender, Trick. She had come into the Dal a hand full of times over the years, and the small fae had always been pleasant and easy going. Maybe she should spend more time around the fae community, she realises that she had effectively been spending most of the last ten years or so in the forest with her clan, or mingling with humans in the parks and clubs around town. In her long life she had found most fae to be too serious and arrogant for her playful nature and so she sought out humans for company instead. Humans lives were so short compared to the fae and for that reason they tended to make the most out of their lives and were much better company for the Sprite.

"Hello! Earth to Shani," Kenzi says, waving a hand in front of the sprites face. "Is Bo Bo all better or what?"

"Hmm... oh sorry, yes, she's fine, all fixed. Bo just needs Lauren to take care of a residual headache, if you know what I mean."

"Oh right, bow chica wow wow, got it... cool. Hey Trickster, you may want to put some music on, if you don't wanna hear your granddaughter screaming out in passion soon." Kenzi says with a knowing smile. Trick grimaces at the visual as he quickly makes his way to the jukebox and turns it on.

"Speaking from experience huh," Shani laughs, as the goth rolls her eyes skyward.

"Oh you have no idea, plus with the Doc's new powers, there's flying furniture to contend with."

"Flying furniture?" the sprite questions, confusion displayed on her face.

"Shit Kenzi, shut up," she chastises herself, and slaps the palm of her hand to her forehead. "Sorry I'm sure they will fill you in on everything that's been going on, but they aren't my stories to tell."

"That's okay. I know, I'm a new comer to your circle of friends and that it is going to take time to build the foundations of a friendship," Shani responds in understanding.

"Are you for reals girl, damn, you have more than earned your place in our ragtag group of misfits. If it wasn't for you, we may still be trying to track down Dark Bo and we would have lost my little succuface for ever to the darkness. And you threw yourself into that fight and got beaten to a bloody pulp, for a woman you barely know. Bo owes you a lot, we all do. I welcome you into the club with open arms and I'm sure the rest of them would whole heartedly agree with me." With those words Kenzi pulls the sprite into a warm embrace and says, "Welcome to the family."

"Thank you Kenzi, your opinion means a lot."

"And you just earned yourself some extra points for that, Platinum Barbie."

"Platinum Barbie...really. I'm sure you can come up with something better Kenzi," Shani says, eyes glittering with the challenge.

"You're on... prepare to be amazed, I will come up with the most awesome nickname for you ever," the inebriated Russian responds, exited by the challenge and enjoying the playful sprites company immensely. "I'm so glad there is another super fun person in our group, it was exhausting doing it all by myself. Here help me finish this bottle of vodka, Shani, and tell me a little about yourself..."


Bo started tugging impatiently at the buttons on Lauren's sky blue top. "Damn it, I hate the buttons on these shirts, even though you look so fricken sexy in them. But right now all I know is that I want you out of it." Giving up on the buttons for a moment to lean in for another smouldering kiss, she cuts off the doctors response causing her to moan into Bo's mouth instead. The brunette pulls back from the kiss her need rising, she can't seem to get enough of the blonde doctor and wonders for a second if her neediness is something to worry about. The thought is gone almost as soon as it arrives as she looks into the dark desire filled pools of the woman she loves. "Lauren, I want to feel your skin against mine, now," the succubus says impatiently, eyes glowing blue.

"Bo this room.. the floor, isn't exactly clean," Lauren responds with a look of distaste as she glances around the room. Bo is unable to stop the snort of laughter at the blondes words. The doctor and cleanliness went hand in hand and while most of the time, she found the doctors idiosyncrasy's adorable, now was not one of those moments. She had fed and was full of chi, but her sexual needs had not been satisfied yet and she was beginning to unravel with the need for release. The succubus looks around the room for a solution and finds one in the corner. There is a spare table in the corner covered with a sheet, with a few boxes on top.

"On your feet now and undress," Bo demands, practically taking the doctor with her as she rises, gripping the blondes arms firmly.

"Bo?" Lauren says, a little concerned about how aggressive the succubus is being. Bo turns back towards the questioning doctor, seeing the apprehension on the blondes face. "Sorry," Bo says, in a softer tone, trying to control her need and to placate Lauren.

"Tell me what you're feeling Bo."

The succubus lets out a frustrated growl, at her lovers insatiable need to analyse everything and noting that her doctor mode was rising to the surface and her desire hooded eyes were growing into more concerned ones. "I don't know, I'm full of chi, it's just my sexual desire is still raging and all I have to do is look at you these days and it takes every ounce of control not to ravage you on the spot. I've never been in love before, so I don't know if this is normal or not. It could be the bond as well, right? How do you feel when you look at me?" Bo asks, as she sweeps her eyes across Lauren's body before resting on her face, she watches as the blondes aura flares brighter under the succubus' scrutiny. She smirks a little as the doctor answers her because her aura has already given her away, when she checks Bo out from head to toe and back again, she is almost blinded by the almost nuclear explosion that is Lauren's aura.

"I feel the same way, but I don't need sex to live like you do, so that could be why it is harder for you to control. But I don't want you to suffer unnecessarily Bo, maybe I do need to run some tests to see if there is some way to stabilise the bond, so that it doesn't completely overwhelm you."

"Can we talk about it more... umm later, I really want you to take off your clothes now..please," Bo says, smiling her hugest most endearing smile before turning away and heading towards the table in the corner. Bo begins lifting the boxes down, stacking them in the other corner and then removes the sheet revealing the glossy varnished surface of a sturdy antique wood table underneath.

Bo turns back towards Lauren, gesturing at the table with a flourish and notices that Lauren is now standing in just her matching blue, lacy bra and panties, her clothes folded neatly and placed on a crate of wine by the door. Bo swallows and licks her lips as she sweeps her gaze over the doctors exposed body appreciatively, before saying, "Will this do?"

Lauren almost looks like she's stalking Bo, as she crosses the small distance of the room and grabs the brunette by the back of her neck, her hands tangling in her hair and crushing her lips against the succubus' mouth in a mind blowing kiss that brings a whimper from Bo as the last of her self restraint falls away. She grabs Lauren roughly by her hips, picking her up, the blondes legs wrapping themselves around Bo's waist as she turns around and places her backside onto the hard wooden surface.

The doctor tears her lips away from Bo's and rasps in her ear, "I'm not the one that is wearing too much clothing." She then takes the succubus' earlobe between her teeth giving it a tug before releasing it and leaning back away from Bo. "," She pants.

"See, now who's being demanding, it's not just me." Bo quickly removes her clothes, throwing them on top of the boxes, she took off the table. She heads over and retrieves her jacket and hands it to Lauren, who raises a questioning eyebrow. "I want you to lay down, use my jacket as a pillow," she answers. "Wait, lets take these off first," the brunette says, indicating the blondes under garments.

Completely naked, Lauren slides up the table, before laying back onto Bo's soft leather jacket. The blonde moves her head to the side breathing in the succubus' scent from the jacket as she waits for Bo to climb up onto the table to join her.

"God Lauren, you take my breathe away," Bo whispers, her eyes filling with a burning intensity that the doctors feels in her heart and between her legs. The succubus is on all fours, her knees on either side of Lauren's hips, while her hands are planted along side her shoulders. Lauren leans up closing the distance between her and Bo, her hands pulling the brunette down as she plunders her mouth in a deep urgent kiss. They both moan as their bodies connect, pressing together perfectly, their hands begin to explore each other. Bo shifts her thigh in between Lauren's legs spreading them apart and pushing against Lauren's already slick core. They begin to move together in a steady rhythm, as they continue to kiss fervently. Bo slips her hand between their writhing bodies and massages and kneads Lauren's breast, before pinching and teasing her hardened nub. She pulses small amounts of her power into her erect nipple, making the doctor buck against the succubus thigh and grabbing her ass to get as much contact as she can. Sensing her lovers closeness too release, Bo begins to grind harder and faster on Lauren's thigh bringing her to the brink of climax. Bo breaks away from the doctors kiss swollen lips, so that she can see Lauren's face. "Lauren, open your eyes, I want you too look at me while you come."

The blonde opens her eyes with effort and looks into, Bo's dark brown orbs.

"Come with me Bo, together," Lauren pants as she edge's closer and closer to being completely unravelled.

"Always Lauren, I love you." Bo says, as she reaches the point of no return and pushes a healthy dose of power from her hands into Lauren, pushing her over the edge making her cry out and buck beneath Bo in climax. With two more quick thrusts, Bo screams out, as her body quakes with her own all encompassing orgasm. They keep their eyes locked on each other, Lauren brown eyes looking into Bo's glowing blue, as their bodies slowly stop twitching and pulsating as they both recover from their intense lovemaking. Bo leans down to kiss Lauren again, but the kiss is less frenzied this time, as she caresses the doctors tongue in a slower more languid fashion, just enjoying the feel of Lauren's mouth on her own. The succubus sighs contently as she shifts her position to lay beside the blonde, and watches as the doctors breathing gets back to normal and a small content smile crosses her lips. "Just so you know, I am never going to get tired of doing that," Bo says with a chuckle, as her body hums in complete contentment.

"Hmm, good, because I am going to want to do that for a long time to come," Lauren responds sleepily. "Though you really know how to wear a girl out, I'm exhausted."

"Then get some sleep, my angel, because we won't be going anywhere for a while," Bo says, as she wraps an arm around the doctor and closes her own tired eyes and falls into a restful sleep.

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